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Old 07-29-2003, 07:53 PM   #121
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Originally posted by Rational BAC
I was just an atheist before. I never spoke about religion at all. Never to anyone. So atheist does not relate at all to a loudmouth hate mongering I'm right and I'll argue at the top of my lungs 'till you're dead mentality. You, as an adult, should have enough experience to know where that comes from. If you've ever been someone who was fat, weak, gay, four eyed, sissy, black, atheist, poor, immigrant, or anyone else that is looked down on or put down in society, you'd know exactly where that comes from, and it doesn't have anything to do with atheism.


You keep saying that, but it's not true. You agree that we (atheists and liberal christians) successfully make arguments against fundies. We agree because you use reason to make your arguments and understand ours. You don't recognize the validity of our arguments because you refuse to evaluate them rationally. In both cases, fundies and yourself, it's the same problem. You are defeated through rational arguments regardless of whether you recognize it or not.
Nope--still not working right for some reason. Going to delete this post as an unnecessary waste of bandwidth and nonsensical practice anyway.

WHOOPS--------Tried to delete this post but couldn't for some reason so you are all stuck with it. I can still edit it so will add---

[ quote ]Obviously the problem I am having is not being able to quote just a short passage of a long text without quoting the whole text.[ /quote ] Still can't do that. [/B][/QUOTE]

Try it one more time with more spaces------Nope--Didn't help at all. I give up.

I hope the mods will delete my last 2 posts (or more) as a waste of time---I can't seem to. --Note comes up saying I can't access it to delete.
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Old 07-30-2003, 03:25 PM   #122
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RBAC - just hit the Quote button which is situated in the bottom right-hand corner of every post.

Then delete out the bits that you don't want 'till you are left with the bits that you do want.
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Old 07-31-2003, 07:31 AM   #123
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Thanks AJ

Thought there might be an easier way than that. But I guess not.
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Old 07-31-2003, 10:02 AM   #124
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Originally posted by Rational BAC
Thanks AJ

Thought there might be an easier way than that. But I guess not.
The next time you hit the Quote button take a look at the html tags around it, and you will see how it is done. It really is very easy. If a nob-head like me can do it, anyone can!
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