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Old 11-07-2002, 11:30 AM   #21
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Well, we all know that sex is nothing like a pelvic exam. All she did was make me terrified of pelvic exams.

I am realising how off topic this was. It SEEMED on topic when I posted it though. Please carry on about abortion.

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Talulah ]</p>
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:40 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Talulah:
<strong>Well, we all know that sex is nothing like a pelvic exam. All she did was make me terrified of pelvic exams.
Continuation of the side-note, Tal: my first pelvic exam was just as scary. My parents made me go because it had just come out that I was "having sex" (mind the post about Kenya) and my doctor automatically assumed that I was some kind of wanton 14 year old that liked to screw.

Ugh - when Jek went for her first exam, I made sure the doctor was a woman and that I was there to hold her hand.

(PS - it's a speculum)
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Old 11-07-2002, 12:17 PM   #23
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Originally posted by Vesica:
<strong>I have had no exposure to that breed to Pro-Lifers.....Do you have any links??

I would be intrested in exploring those kinds of arguments against abortion.

My comments were based on the more moderate (?) supporters of the pro-life agenda that would like to see abortion legal acknowledged as murder and therefore criminalized....</strong>

<a href="" target="_blank">Here</a> is one site, please make sure to check out their <a href="" target="_blank">heroes</a> page.

Also check out the updated <a href="" target="_blank"> Nuremberg Files</a>. It is kind of a shame they aren't showing it as it used to be - blood dripping off the names of the people they hate, put a red line through them when they are murdered. Wonderful people. Then there is the world-infamous <a href="" target="_blank">Operation Rescue</a>. I haven't kept up with them, but they at least used to be a rather blood-thirsty group.

I think others here can list other sites.

If you want me to find sites like these that clearly state they feel women are second-class citezens, I can't. The phrases used are related to the "special gifts" or "abilities" of each gender, which, of course, places men as the leaders.

Sorry to ruin your day,


Edited because yesterday I couldn't spell engineer, and today I are one.

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: simian ]</p>
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Old 11-07-2002, 12:36 PM   #24
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Originally posted by babelfish:
<strong>I really do wonder what they envision happening if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

You can't turn back the clock. There has been a radical shift in the status of women in the past 30 years. There have been too many advances in the field of medicine in the past 30 years.

So even as we talk about how it used to before abortion was legalized, we have to realize that it wouldn't be the same if they illegalized it now.</strong>
(edited because I posted before typing anything!)

Keep in mind that if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade, all it will mean is that state legislatures will then be free to ban abortions. I suspect that what would then happen is that some states would ban it and in others it would remain legal. Regardless, it would be much more difficult for a woman to obtain an abortion under those circumstances.

As a side note - for those who are upset by the result of Tuesday's election, I urge you to write letters - as I have just done - to your (Democratic)Congressman and Senators. Ask your Congressman to support Nancy Pelosi as the next house minority leader. Ask your senators to do whatever they can to oust Tom Daschle and choose someone who will work towards differentiating the Democrats rather than positioning them as 'Republican Lite.' And while you're at it, urge all of them to get rid of Terry McAuliffe, the DNC chairman, who also bears his share of responsibility for the electoral debacle.

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: rdalin ]</p>
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Old 11-07-2002, 12:48 PM   #25
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Why the pictures?

I remember going to the fair as a kid and looking at those kind of pictures plastered everywhere in exhibits. (Incidently, some of those pictures are so familiar I wonder if they aren't THE same ones) We (my brothers and I) were, of course encouraged by our parents to pick up their pamplets and study those horrible pictures.

I think one of the main ideas behind the pictures is for you to think 'Oh, look how much that cute little baby was hurt.'

All people were once cute babies [depending on if you think babies are cute], even the abortionists, who are so 'evil' now. They are content to strike at the most emotionally vulnerable with that tactic, which is devoid of logic.

I do notice also that they don't show pictures where the baby had obvious defects before the abortion, and all of them are developed a good deal. Where are the black babies? Where are their pictures of children whose parents beat them to death. I bet those pictures are heart rending and we KNOW they were tortured.
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Old 11-07-2002, 12:51 PM   #26
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The vast majority of abortions in the US are carried out in the first trimester. The vast majority of pictures used in pro-life propoganda are of fetuses aborted in the third trimester.
Old 11-07-2002, 12:56 PM   #27
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Originally posted by Synaesthesia:
<strong>It would also be legally permissible to kill an abortionist who is in the process of attempting to murder an innocent human being.</strong>
It's possible. The first case that goes to court will be a circus trying to discern the degree of "eminent danger" that the fetus is in at different points in the 'abortion process.'
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Old 11-07-2002, 01:11 PM   #28
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Approximately half of all abortions (54%) were performed at 8 weeks of gestation, and approximately 88% were performed before 13 weeks. Approximately 16% of abortions were performed at the earliest weeks of gestation

From this site ---&gt;<a href="" target="_blank">JAMA</a>
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Old 11-07-2002, 02:04 PM   #29
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From T's link, just the "end" of the data:

approximately 4% of abortions were obtained at 16–20 weeks, and 1.4% were obtained at 21+ weeks.
[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Jagged Little Pill ]</p>
Old 11-07-2002, 02:13 PM   #30
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It seems like added on top of that that I have read somewhere before that most late abortions take place because of health reasons. I am not sure if that is true. I did however, see in that report where it said that the kids under 15 had the highest percentage of 'late' abortions.
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