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Old 07-01-2002, 03:20 PM   #211
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Me: So? What if there happens to be a particular group of people whose "moral standard" is based on thievery, murder, etcetera? Who would we be to judge them as being "wrong" or "evil"? That's my point - without a God, morality becomes completely subjective.

HRG: On the contrary. It is theist moral systems which are totally subjective.
Hogwash. Besides, I am speaking theoretically, not from the perspective of "Well, which theist system is correct?". That is, beyond the issue of knowing which system is correct or not (and getting into the issue of how this could be known, which I and all true Christians claim is absolutely capable of being done), the only way to have a truly objective moral system is if it is established, "universally", by one "agent" (or single-minded, always united in mind and heart, "agents"). But just answer my above questions, rather than avoiding them and trying to shift the issue, okay?

They single out one specific being and let morality be defined by the opinions of this being. How more subjective can you get?
All levels of subjectivity, since that system, if the Being is determined objectively and correctly, is the correct One. And such a Being would have the innate right to determine what is "moral", everything having its origin in that Being.

An objective moral system is one which is "permutation invariant" - like Kant's Categorical Imperative or the Golden Rule.
"Permutation invariant" - care to define that term, in the context of "objective moral systems", and how the "Golden Rule" would be fit this description, and why an "objective moral system" must be "permutation invariant"?

Me: And, why can't I determine my own morality, if there is no obective morality? Does morality boil down to "might makes right"?

HRG: It does - in theist moral systems.
Baloney, or a lie. But answer the question, at least for once, okee-dokee?

Me: What if the Germans had won the war, had gone on to conquer the entire world, and had slaughtered all who opposed them or who gave an appearance of possibly opposing them (a kind of "Brave New World" scenario, sort of)?

HRG: And what if the actual god turned out to be Huitzilopchtli ? Would human sacrifices be moral ?
If the actual god turned out to be Huitzilopchtli, and the god Huitzilopchtli "sanctioned" human sacrifices, then, yes, they would be "moral". Thank God that God is God, and that there is no possibility of another being God. Now, answer my question, since it is quite possible that Germany could have won the war, and done all I said.

Me: Would that have meant that because the majority of people left on Earth believed it was "moral" to murder Jews, that it was therefore moral to do so?

HRG: Would that mean that because God X believes that it is "moral" to kill all firstborn because of an action which was not under their control, that it was therefore moral to do so ?
Yes, it would, and does. The apparent reason God chose to do so is because He knew that the children would learn (the adoptive parents could not lie, lying being prohibited by God) that Israel had killed all their parents and relatives, and Satan would have stirred them to rebellion, and their souls likely would have been lost for eternity. Therefore, in order to spare them the consequences of their parents' actions (which were beyond their control), and to spare them from in probably all cases certain rebellion against God as they grew, God chose to have them die in their youth, rather than when they were older, and could thus allow them into Heaven, since it is apparently taught or implied in the Bible that children who die before the "age of accountability" (before they consciously know right from wrong) go to Heaven. Now, answer my question, since you have avoided answering ANY of them.

In Christ,

Douglas J. Bender is offline  
Old 07-01-2002, 03:21 PM   #212
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Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:

Well, you didn't think I could just leave this lying out there for all to see without clearing it up, now did you? Do you know how many times I've had burned-out pieces of newspaper land right in the spot where my feet "first touch the Earth"? Do you know how many times I've had pieces of newspaper (burned-out or not) clearly and directly relate to something I had the night before seriously considered? How many times have you, oh non-gullible one, had anything like this happen to you? And what if the newspaper had instead had the headline, "Breaking News: Orphans in Romania Need the Gospel"? Would that have been just "coincidence", or would you concede that that, at least, would be "proof" of a Creator?

In Christ,


[ July 01, 2002: Message edited by: Douglas J. Bender ]</strong>
So Jesus communicates to Douglas in the same manner as a kidnapper writing a ransom note. Or am I missing something? At least we know it's the same god who "comes as a theif in the night."


[ July 01, 2002: Message edited by: Reverend Godless Sodomite ]</p>
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Old 07-01-2002, 03:22 PM   #213
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"Kind" Bud,

Cease calling me a liar, or I will have cause to accuse you of slander. And if you can't read very well, take some lessons before engaging in a discussion forum.

In Christ,

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Old 07-01-2002, 03:26 PM   #214
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Godless Sodomite,


So Jesus communicates to Douglas in the same manner as a kidnapper writing a ransom note. Or am I missing something?
Well, I guess it says something that this is the first or only comparison that comes to your mind. I can think of: " a lover writing a love note"; " an Employer writing a memo"; " a friend leaving a word of encouragement"; etcetera. And, Jesus has communicated to me via dreams, visions, and essentially verbally, as well as through "notes". Honestly and seriously. Though I imagine this pearl will be trampled upon by the denizens here, as the others have been.

In Christ,

Douglas J. Bender is offline  
Old 07-01-2002, 03:32 PM   #215
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Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:
<strong>Godless Sodomite,


Well, I guess it says something that this is the first or only comparison that comes to your mind. I can think of: " a lover writing a love note"; " an Employer writing a memo"; " a friend leaving a word of encouragement"; etcetera. And, Jesus has communicated to me via dreams, visions, and essentially verbally, as well as through "notes". Honestly and seriously. Though I imagine this pearl will be trampled upon by the denizens here, as the others have been.

In Christ,


Friends and lovers rarely, if ever, go about using newspaper clippings to string words together in the form of cryptic notes. Those cut-and-paste jobs are usually regarded as the domain of criminals who are masking their identity.

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Old 07-01-2002, 03:34 PM   #216
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Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:
Cease calling me a liar, or I will have cause to accuse you of slander
I'm shaking in my boots. Liar.

Betcha can't resist replying.
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Old 07-01-2002, 03:36 PM   #217
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Douglas, you're a psychology case and a half.

Why must you make up this apparent "atheist" attitude in order to get your point across?
Excuses are for the weak. You're not weak now are you Douglas?

How does an atheist take on a theists behaviour to get his point across? Oh I know.. god told me Douglas J Bender is a waste of existence. I burned a newspaper to confirm it, and to my surprise it stated that you indeed were a waste of existence. Only proving god's majesty

You have an indentity crises. Seek help.
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Old 07-01-2002, 03:36 PM   #218
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Sorry for jumping in here, but seriously Douglas, you can't attribute much to such an event.
Seriously, yes I can.

If you think about it, events like this must happen all the time. It's statistical probability. I'd be amazed if they didn't happen.
Hooey, I'm afraid. That's quite a bit of faith you've got there in your intuition regarding probabilities. Would you care to do a rigorous probability analysis of your claim, and prove your assertion (I can assure you, those here would expect nothing less of me)?

I'll bet if you asked people around you what the strangest coincidence they'd witnessed was, you'd be surprised at the results.
Probably. So?

Or maybe it was God, I don't know.
Aha!! I've already succeeded in causing you to become a lapsed Atheist. With some time, I'll get you to be a borderline theist, and then the sky's the limit.

But I'd assume that any God would have better things to do than burn newspapers and could probably just pop down and tell you himself, or at least do something a little more conclusive.
Hey, I'd never thought of that. You're right - why should I settle for a stinking burned-out piece of newspaper, when God could have sent a multitude of angels, blowing trumpets? Or at least He could have sent the angel Gabriel to tell me in person. Sheeeesh - what does He think I am, anyway, just some ordinary Christian seeking to serve Him the best I can? (Sarcasm - I'm not implying that I'm anything more than an ordinary Christian seeking to serve God the best I can.)

In Christ,

Douglas J. Bender is offline  
Old 07-01-2002, 03:37 PM   #219
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"Kind" Bud,

You've slandered me. Get your jollies somewhere else.

In Christ,

Douglas J. Bender is offline  
Old 07-01-2002, 03:42 PM   #220
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Godless Sodomite,

Friends and lovers rarely, if ever, go about using newspaper clippings to string words together in the form of cryptic notes. Those cut-and-paste jobs are usually regarded as the domain of criminals who are masking their identity.
Well, I wasn't aware that it was against some kind of rule for friends or lovers to use newspaper clippings to send notes. Guess I'm behind the times. Plus, there was no "cutting and pasting" involved - it was a continuous piece of newspaper, and I've seen notes which consisted of "continuous" segments from a newspaper, if it was particularly relevant. Still, I wasn't aware of that fact regarding criminals - thanks for sharing your expert knowledge and/or experience.

In Christ,

Douglas J. Bender is offline  

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