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Old 10-06-2002, 01:32 PM   #11
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Hello Amos, I need to skip down in your post to begin. You have misinterpreted the symbolism of your quotations, so I'll show you what it really means.

". . . ; whinced at any rate up here, where solidity balanced in midair among the birds, held its breath over a diminishing series of squares with a round hole at the bottom which was nevertheless the top."
The reference here is to the 64 squares of the chessboard, the solidity is the synergy of the 4 factors of chess positions, in order from most transitory to most enduring- Time, Space, Structure, Material. The point is that each position is nonetheless within the parameters of "chessness", proving that there are myriad possible universes which are capable of supporting life of some kind and thus refuting the fine tuning argument.

Let me first state that if God is hiding from us there must be 'two of us' because he is not hiding from all of us.
Actually there are three of us in a trinity but they are ultimately all one, if one of us knows God then all of "we" know God so it isn't possible to conceive of divine revelation among the higher mind, but assert free-will for the lower. Just as the chess player has 18 ways to start the game as white, so does the deity have 18 ways which our higher consciousness recognizes that the deity is in fact an imaginary figment of the ego.

As you may have noticed, some of us recognize God and some of us don’t while others are on fire for God.
Yes, some people recognize God as imaginary, some don't recognize this and become christian, and last are those who lack the mental faculties to decide in which case the fire is the burning away of certainty even as witnessed during gambit play when the position contains such murky complications that centuries of analysis haven't solved it (two knights defense).

The 'two of us' in my argument are our God identity and our human identity (or ego identity) and it is in our human identity wherein we have 'self-worth' as humans (and we will enhance this with power, wealth and beauty whenever we get a chance). This “self worth” is sometimes a problem because it can increase and decrease with age, sex, race and even the value of our currency. Because of these variables we must constantly work on our self worth and this is where the concept pleasure and pain becomes the medium. Since I mentionned "WE," for D-503 it was the Intergral and for Dean Jocelin it was "the Spire."
Actually there are three of us in a classical trinity, though it is really four when time is also integrated. The others are Space, Structure, and Material, corresponding with the three components of both higher mind and lower mind.

Michelangelo made a painting to show this dual nature of ours and it is located on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for the world to see how Catholics view God and our human nature in relation to God. It is called "The Creation of Adam" (?) and clearly shows Adam outside the skull of man to emphasize this division.
Only two were shown because the church can't acknowledge the third which refutes their theology. This is part of why the Holy Ghost is the rarely mentioned "poor cousin" of the trinity.

Even more fundamental is the concept of Time which the church denies with all of it's ability, the concept that the phenomenon of the mind being capable of change instead of static is a hateful truth to them so they do what they can to minimize trinity in favor of duality.

The church tries to convince us that the position is one of inevitable perpetual check, there is no way out and the position has nowhere to go so the meaning of time and change is merely academic (The three components of the trinity being equivalent to a perpetual check which allows only three positions thus making the concepts of time and change academic and enforcing conservativism and opposition to change).

The reality, is that God did not create our human identity because whatever God creates finds existence or we would have no knowledge thereof. Since our ego has no corporeal existence God could not have created it and therefore remains a complex identity of our imagination (the proof of this is that it can vanish in rapture). If this is true the concept evil is not of God and so God has nothing to do with evil nor can God allow evil because God has nothing to do with evil.
God is responsible for evil because all aspect of the position are within the player's power to dictate. The deity cannot claim he didn't see it coming, his attempt is evidence that he is a sore loser and is being beaten at his own game by the mind of man from where he came.

Since our ego is ours, I, we two combined as a going concern,* do have free will and must be held accountable for our actions. However, since we are divided between our ego and God identity can it be said that we do not have a free will but are determined creatures by our persistent but submissive God identity until such time that we become one with God in the Beatific Vision and will henceforth be of singular identity in the I AM. That is the time when we truly have a free will and is also the time that evil is no more nor pain and suffering because our ego will have raptured (or has been crucified). In other words, when the ego raptures that which remains is in heaven.
The crucifixion of the mind is the realization that the gambit line taken was not sound and now the transitory concepts of time and space are giving way to the enduring concepts of structure and material. Yahweh played this gambit to lay claim to the creation of all time and space but now that the end game approaches the pawns he sacrificed are becoming more important, his early advantage was imaginary just as he was imaginary.

You cannot have an entire mind if you only will acknowledge two aspects of mind and ignore the third (and ignore time). The problem is that with a full mind the christian cannot be convinced that God exists so it is needed to turn off one third and ignore time (progress and change) to keep this belief.

As I understand it the free will concept presented by the Catholic Church is there to encourage its members to go out on a limb and built Spires and Integrals that later are retrieved to become our riches while in eternity.
No, the duality is enforced to discourage the trinity which would allow the believer to see the truth regarding the non-existence of God. I see that here you mention two examples, Spires and Integrals, instead of three because it has been enforced that you can't allow a full realization because that would be the end of your belief. This is true even though your own concept of divinity is of a trinity (Holy Ghost is downplayed).

* In Zamjatin's "WE" there are four identities as in, "I, we four." They include Eve (I-330) Adam (D-503), Mary (O-90) and Christ (S-4711).
You see now, Zimjatin understood this by recognizing that there are four aspects (three plus time). Adam and Eve are man and woman, structure and material, outlasting Mary who is time which gives birth to Jesus-space (initiative converted to a space advantage) but both of which are becoming clearly outdated now that the game has progressed to the late middle game.

Now that there are only kings and pawns on the board, with perhaps one other piece also, space is basically there for the taking and time is not nearly as relevant as it once was.

This means that now that we are out of the dark ages, we can dispose of superfluous imaginary beings and increase our real progress in the meantime.

I'm surprised you didn't notice this, Amos.

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: Bible Humper ]</p>
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Old 10-06-2002, 01:59 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Keith Russell:
Why is it so difficult to accept that such a person (who has already accepted the contradiction of an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniloving 'God') will somehow be repulsed by the thought that, while our loved ones were 'called home to 'God', we need to nonetheless punish those who caused this senseless tragedy?

Why expect people (who have already embraced irrational ideas) to be rational about their irrationality?
I must admit that I have never understood why people who profess to believe in an omni-god, nevertheless demand justice on this Earth. If you honestly believe that God will judge us all, and that He alone has the right and wisdom to judge, why get upset about anything that happens here? Justice is guaranteed, isn't it?

All omni-theists who seek justice on Earth for anything (even something like the Holocaust) are hypocrites, by definition.

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: Silent Acorns ]</p>
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Old 10-06-2002, 02:58 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Silent Acorns:

I must admit that I have never understood why people who profess to believe in an omni-god, nevertheless demand justice on this Earth. </strong>
You are absolutly right.

Peace on earth would make heaven redundant.
Old 10-06-2002, 03:05 PM   #14
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Hi there Bible Humper, I think you play chess a lot. Maybe too much for you own good.
Old 10-06-2002, 03:42 PM   #15
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Hi there Amos, I think you read Jung a lot. Maybe too much for your own good
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Old 10-09-2002, 05:42 PM   #16
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I'm wary of assuming that I have stumped all of the theists here at II, but if none of you will answer my post, I'm going to feel justified boasting exactly that!

Will nobody refute my argument?
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Old 10-09-2002, 07:20 PM   #17
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Maybe they think that the smithers are too small.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: Amos ]</p>
Old 10-09-2002, 07:22 PM   #18
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When the questions get really tough, the theists tend to bug out for a while. I suspect that it is just because they have no answer, but it often does look like it's in hope that people forget the question was ever posed.
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Old 10-10-2002, 07:26 AM   #19
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Hello K,

When the questions get really tough, the theists tend to bug out for a while. I suspect that it is just because they have no answer, but it often does look like it's in hope that people forget the question was ever posed.
Gotcha, I'll be sure to bring it up as often as it takes in order to get one of them to try, in that case!

Hello Amos,

By saying that "perhaps they think the smithers(smithereens) are too small" it appears that you are saying that, thanks to this thread, the theistic argument has been annihilated!!

[ October 10, 2002: Message edited by: Bible Humper ]</p>
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Old 10-10-2002, 08:34 AM   #20
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Furthermore, how does Free Will explain cancer, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorite strikes and all the other natural evils that don't seem to involve any kind of human choice.

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