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Old 12-17-2002, 08:44 AM   #71
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YOUR taxes would be a lot higher if we did not bear the burden. And as I have said before, it IS NOT fair for those whose only sin is the odd traffic ticket, which we pay dearly for, to support those who rip off the system. (Yet another patently unfair attribute of "democracy" which will be rectified by the Kingdom of God). I'm not bitter about it. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is to say Christians are getting all these "tax benefits." And it wasn't I who raised the issue either. I should have probably started screaming

"Off topic!!! You're avoiding the issues!!!"

Heh. We can go anywhere the moderators will allow, for all I care. it only gives me more opportunities to point out the weaknesses and oversights in the "secular humanist" world-view.


(Edited to correct double negatives I hope )

[ December 17, 2002: Message edited by: Radorth ]</p>
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Old 12-17-2002, 09:06 AM   #72
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You guys can whine all you want about us nasty Christians "stealing" elections, oppressing minorities, etc, but the pro-choice Colin Powell could run as a Democrat, and win by a landside. The problem IMO is that we are ever forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. (In 92, it was for me, Bill Clinton. In 2000, Bush) But then I don't have a big problem separating politics from religion and I don't think that "80%" of Christians do either. Look at the two dumb greaseballs running for Calif governor. Any self-respecting, thinking Christian would refuse to vote at all in some cases, if character and intelligence count to them.

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Old 12-17-2002, 09:54 AM   #73
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Originally posted by Radorth:
<strong> Yet another patently unfair attribute of "democracy" which will be rectified by the Kingdom of God

I know some of you folks don't have a clue where I'm coming from, which is fine... but please accept that I too, don't have a clue when we debate democratic details with someone who has made the above statement... is it that no one believes him, or what?

Are folks here unable to recognize this virtually identical threat from radical extremists groups inside the U.S., as well as from Bin Laden's warriors for Allah?

I understand the desire to show tolerance for all folks here, and I do try hard, but sooner or later, one must recognize their sworn enemies for what they are.

Like Rad deflects my assertions, call me paranoid if you choose to wait until later, all the while, these constant and literal threats remain on the table.

If someone has a different interpretation of that Rad quote, I would appreciate hearing it.
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Old 12-17-2002, 09:57 AM   #74
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Originally posted by Radorth:

. . . Oh and please tell us how democracy would work in China. In Russia all it did was spread graft and corruption. I don't suppose that's because they have no known moral standards.

My missionary friend tells me that democracy in Kyrdistan (where she works) has only increased the gap between rich and poor. You either drive a Mercedes or an oxcart. The people laugh at democracy. One can only imagine the suffering in China.

More proof of what the founders warned us about, that their Constitution by itself was no guarantee of anything, and it is never more obvious than in atheist-democratic countries, is it?

"Those who will not be ruled by God will be ruled by tyrants."


"Those who will not be ruled by God will be ruled by tyrants" is attributed to William Penn (not one of the founders, and not someone who is associated with the Constitution) but I would like to see some better sources than a few militia web sites before I am convinced even he said it.

Could you please quote "what the founders warned us about?" I mean, other than the dangers of entwining government with religion, which is why they enacted the First Amendment.

Are you trying to say that only Christians can run democracies? Where does that leave Japan? Taiwan? India?

Most of those LA gangbangers were raised in the Catholic Church. Is that not Christian enough for you?

The problems in Russia and Kyrgystan (or do you mean the hypothetical Kurdistan?) have to do with the free market. That's another discussion entirely.
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Old 12-17-2002, 10:04 AM   #75
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And you would indoctrinate them with some vague system of subjective morals called "humanism" but more probably nothing at all. Thats the problem.
Somebody responded “there are no objective morals”. To which you responded.
A widespread belief at II, to be certain, and it rather shows.
See here’s the rub Rad. There really aren’t objective morals, not even in Christianity. Every sect I’ve encountered [And I’ve encountered and been part of quite a few, you could’ve called me a FrankenChristian (mix of Baptist, Presby, Lutheran, Episcopalian, CoC, and quite a bit of Catholic teaching in five years of Catholic school) when I was a believer] picks and chooses the bits from the bible to suit them, usually as a result of their perceived effect on the world. Only the extremists really attempt to follow the Bible as an objective guide; even then severe misinterpretations render biblical rulings subjective to the wills and biases of the interpreters.
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Old 12-17-2002, 10:05 AM   #76
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Originally posted by ybnormal:

I know some of you folks don't have a clue where I'm coming from, which is fine... but please accept that I too, don't have a clue when we debate democratic details with someone who has made the above statement... is it that no one believes him, or what?

Are folks here unable to recognize this virtually identical threat from radical extremists groups inside the U.S., as well as from Bin Laden's warriors for Allah?

. . . .</strong>
It is very hard to take Radical Orthodox Dude seriously. He impresses me as someone who watches the horror show on the late night news in LA and is convinced that society will fall apart if we don't do something drastic, like preach the Gospel to all those teen age gangs in LA who are shooting each other up. But he doesn't have a coherent plan or a consistant philosophy, and he can't even learn to link so you can follow his arguments to their source <img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" /> He and others like him could be fodder for a theocratic dictatorship if things get a lot worse.

But this is the first I've heard him mention this Kingdom of God stuff.
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Old 12-17-2002, 10:08 AM   #77
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(Radoth on Thomas Jefferson not publishing his "Bible"...)

I wonder if Radorth has really read it.

Originally posted by Radorth:
In fact he has Jesus saying it is OK to heal on the Sabbath.</strong>
A violation of a certain one of the Ten Commandments.

[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: lpetrich ]</p>
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Old 12-17-2002, 10:52 AM   #78
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But this is the first I've heard him mention this Kingdom of God stuff.
You`ve obviously not been paying close attention because he`s been slipping in little bits of fire and brimstone shit and nonsense about how Heaven will be since he got here.

Two recent comments that raised my brow were about how he has SEEN Heaven,but has no words to explain it and how he figures he`ll only have to work two hours a day in Heaven since there won`t be any sinful welfare babies there for his tax dollars to support.

Oh yeah,he also told me about how I`ll accept God`s mercy when the time comes.

Theres lots more where that came from,but I don`t have the time nor the patience to go through 800+ posts and dig it up.
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Old 12-17-2002, 10:59 AM   #79
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Radical Orthodox Dude

Ah, thanks Toto. Now I get it. The "orthodox" bit makes sense, but the "radical" part doesn't seem very appropriate. In fact, what's the opposite of radical - tedious?
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Old 12-17-2002, 11:10 AM   #80
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Originally posted by Fenton Mulley:

You`ve obviously not been paying close attention . . .</strong>
&lt;groan&gt; no I have reached my limit on attention to Rad. Perhaps the Radical part of his name has some hidden meaning.
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