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Old 08-01-2002, 09:47 AM   #101
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I sense you are just as judgemental as you claim I am. Somehow it bothers you that I think your sexual behavior is immoral. Now, mind you, this is a forum and We are discussing the question "Does Christianity promote gay and lesbian bigotry?"
I did not walk up to you on the street and say "I think you are in sin." I do not do things like that and I see how people would find that offensive. I do not offer unsolicited advice to smokers or to people who live together out of wedlock either. I have found myself in the awkward position of being expected to congradulate people for knocking up their girlfriend, however.
Now as far as my choosing to talk about gays as opposed to lesbians, I did not mean to offend you by leaving you out in my moral condemnation. But as a man I guess the issue of how to relate to gay men is more of an issue for me. And contrary to what Scigirl says I have had several gays try to get in my pants. It happened to me all the time when I lived in California as a young infantry soldier stationed in Monterey Ca. I was once offered 500 dollars cash to sleep with someone.
I actually hitchhiked across the state once and was only picked up by Gays. I was hit upon by two of my commanding officers and approached several times on the beach by gay men. It even caused me to question my masculinity. Balding and fatter, I don't have the problem today. But the experience did cause me to consider that It would be a lot easier to score with Guys than it was with girls. No woman ever offered me 500 dollars. Though some female officers did flirt with me, they were no where near as aggressive.
At the time I was not a Christian, but I was presented with several choices to engage in homosexuality but turned them down. It was a matter of identity to me. I did not wish to think of myself that way. How much beer do you think 500 bucks could buy?
I now have a spiritual belief that that behavior is immoral.
I somehow sense, that you seem to think that I am a bigot just by this very fact. Wheather I shared my belief with anyone or not. You feel oppressed by it.
Why is that?
I cite Scigirls definition that there can be no oppression without the prior permission of the oppressed? Why do you allow my belief to oppress you so?
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Old 08-01-2002, 09:55 AM   #102
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Queen of Swords:
Anthropologist Richard Leakey once told a joke about a statement by another anthropologist that among primates, human females were the only ones who were sexually receptive at all times.
He said this statement must have either been made by an old man with a very poor memory or an inexperienced young man in for a big surprise!
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Old 08-01-2002, 10:13 AM   #103
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
I sense you are just as judgemental as you claim I am.</strong>
But she's not the one claiming to have an all powerful, all loving GOD living inside her. You are. Show me where you've turned the other cheek, Mr. Christian, and quit arguing.

My Star Destroyer can blow up your Enterprise. Take that!
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Old 08-01-2002, 10:26 AM   #104
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Red face

Originally posted by FreeToThink:
<strong>But she's not the one claiming to have an all powerful, all loving GOD living inside her. You are. Show me where you've turned the other cheek, Mr. Christian, and quit arguing.

My Star Destroyer can blow up your Enterprise. Take that!</strong>
Quit arguing...erhm....isn't this a debate?
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Old 08-01-2002, 10:30 AM   #105
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
<strong>Queen of Swords:

&lt;snip anthropology anecdote&gt;</strong>

How does this answer my question?

You claim that guys want to have sex just because they are guys. So, do women want to have sex just because they are women, or do they not want to have sex because they are women (according to you)?

[ August 01, 2002: Message edited by: QueenofSwords ]</p>
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Old 08-01-2002, 10:44 AM   #106
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
<strong>Quit arguing...erhm....isn't this a debate?</strong>
You're catching on.

Where's the humility? Where's the grace? Your Jesus told you that in as much as you did it unto the least of these you did it unto him. Why have you repeatedly ignored the people here who have told you of the unconscionable pain your religion has caused them simply because of who they love? You haven't stopped to eat with the tax collecter, you're too busy drumming up support to have him thrown in jail.

fixed spelling

[ August 01, 2002: Message edited by: FreeToThink ]</p>
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Old 08-01-2002, 10:50 AM   #107
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Free to think:
So you really think rather highly of Jesus Christ, eh?
Queen of Swords:
Is all humor lost on you?
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Old 08-01-2002, 11:10 AM   #108
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I sense you are just as judgemental as you claim I am. Somehow it bothers you that I think your [race] is [inferior]. Now, mind you, this is a forum and We are discussing the question "Does [believing Whites are superior] promote [Black] and [Jewish] bigotry?"
I did not walk up to you on the street and say "I think you are [inferior]." I do not do things like that and I see how people would find that offensive. I do not offer unsolicited advice to [Hispanics] or to [Whites] who live together [with Jews]. I have found myself in the awkward position of being expected to congradulate [Whites] for knocking up [Blacks], however.
Now as far as my choosing to talk about [Blacks] as opposed to [Jews], I did not mean to offend you by leaving you out in my moral condemnation. But as a [White] I guess the issue of how to relate to [Blacks] is more of an issue for me. And contrary to what Scigirl says I have had several [Blacks] try to [steal from me]. It happened to me all the time when I lived in California as a young infantry soldier stationed in Monterey Ca. I was once offered [a stolen stereo for] 500 dollars...I actually hitchhiked across the state once and was only [robbed by Blacks]. I was [cheated] by two [Jews] and [felt threatened] several times [by Blacks]. It even caused me to question my [racial superiority]. Balding and [whiter], I don't have the problem today. But the experience did cause me to consider that It would be a lot easier to [trust Whites] than it was [to trust Blacks]. No [White] ever [stole from me]. Though some [White] officers did [menace] me, they were no where near as aggressive.
At the time I was not a [White supremist], but I was presented with several choices to engage in [civil rights protests] but turned them down. It was a matter of identity to me. I did not wish to think of myself that way. How much beer do you think 500 bucks could buy?
I now have a spiritual belief that [some races are inferior]
I somehow sense, that you seem to think that I am a bigot just by this very fact. Wheather I shared my belief with anyone or not. You feel oppressed by it.
Why is that?
I cite Scigirls definition that there can be no oppression without the prior permission of the oppressed? Why do you allow my belief to oppress you so?
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Old 08-01-2002, 11:12 AM   #109
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Love your neighbor as yourself.

Your neighbor is gay.
Your neighbor is straight.
Your neighbor is a liar.
Your neighbor is honest.
Your neighbor is a gossip.
Your neighbor lacks understanding.
Your neighbor is Ted Bundy.
Your neighbor is Mother Teresa.
Your neighbor is a cross-dresser.
Your neighbor is a fashion model.
Your neighbor is a school teacher.
Your neighbor writes porn fantasy novels for a living.
Your neighbor has sex.
Your neighbor is a celibate priest who is actually celibate!
Your neighbor is rich.
Your neighbor is poor.
Your neighbor is smart.
Your neighbor is dumb.
Your neighbor is black.
Your neighbor is a Viking.
Your neighbor is asian.
Your neighbor is latino.
Your neighbor goes to church.
Your neighbor quit going to church in high school.
Your neighbor never finished high school.
Your neighbor has a Ph.D.
Your neighbor has a drug problem.
No, not that drug, the other one.
Your neighbor has an illegal drug problem.
Your neighbor has been trying for years to quit smoking.
Where were you?
Your neighbor has a dog. The dog has cancer.
Your other neighbor has a cat.
Your neighbor's car just got repossessed, and now she can't get to work on time.
Your neighbor is always punctual, and never has a problem paying the bills.
Your neighbor plays really bad violin.
Your neighbor plays football on the front lawn.
Your neighbor can bake a really good apple pie.
Your neighbor has burned water on the stove before.
Your neighbor lost half of his retirement in the stock market this year.
Your neighbor has AIDS. And hemophilia.
Your neighbor just lost 200 lbs on his diet.
Your neighbor's son died in a car crash last night.
Your neighbor needs your help.
Your neighbor is too busy to help you.
Where were you?
Did I mention your neighbor is gay?
Or was he straight?
And what is a neighbor anyway?

One day (yesterday, in fact), Tim Vick was set upon by thugs, was robbed, beaten, and left for dead.

Along came a pastor. The pastor took one look at the bleeding and groaning Tim Vick, looked at his watch, and realized that he was going to be late for the wedding as it was, and left Tim Vick where he was. He didn't even bother to call 911, thinking another would do it soon enough. Besides, he couldn't get blood on his clothes and be expected to perform a wedding could he? And so the pastor went on his way.

Along came the chairman of the board of a well-known charity in the area. The chairman looked at Tim Vick in horror. He thought of all of the legal ramifications of being involved with this case. If the chairman called the police, then he'd have to testify at trial as to how he found the victim, and the association of the charity with any publicity such as this just couldn't be tolerated. The chairman of the board looked around furtively to make sure nobody was looking, and starting walking away very quickly, leaving Tim Vick, bleeding, and groaning on the sidewalk.

Finally, Tim Vick's groans are becoming weaker, and a drag queen comes by. The drag queen stares in shock at all of the people who seem to be avoiding Tim Vick, and pulls out his (her?) cellphone, and dials 911. When the ambulance arrives, the drag queen rides with Tim Vick to the hospital. Eventually, the drag queen makes it clear to the bureaucracy in charge, that he (she?) will be paying all of the medical expenses, and to call him (her?) when Tim Vick wakes up.

Who was the real neighbor?
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Old 08-01-2002, 11:16 AM   #110
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PrincessofPeace, that was beautiful.

GeoTheo, do you understand now?

Drop your rocks and love people.

If even an atheist like me can understand, well...
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