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Old 09-22-2002, 08:34 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Contra Costa County
Posts: 168
Red face Coming to Your Neighborhood? Statistics Might tell..

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Today I decided to look into the geodemographics of organizations like <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to see if in fact I could note whether they were targeting the less affluent areas of the USA overall and by the results, it certainly appears that way and right in conjunction with approval for Federal Funding of Charitable Organizations. Surely, this is an example of how these organizations work and where they are most effective in finding participants. On Sept. 22 the testimonies of the students with many showing what city and state they are from were and may still be on the site under student testimonials.From the above I was able to key in the cities and states where many of these Kneeldown student participants are from as posted on their site in their testimonials on the first page of them: Antioch, CA, Coulee City,WA,Frederick,MD,Burlington,NJ,Carlsbad,NM,For t Myers,FL,Botkins,OH,Baltimore,MD,Post Falls,ID,Goldendale,WA, Dallas,PA,Dubuque,Iowa,Binghamton,NY,Bend,OR,York, PA,Chillicothe,OH,Klamath Falls,OR,Bonita Springs,FL,Vandalia,OH and Camphill,PA and compared them to the data in 3 areas near me and the National Averages given for comparison. Here are some approximate geodemographic statistics in a few key areas for each cluster of geographies vs. the National Average:
30 Second Kneeldown Approximate Averages:
Household Income: $36,022.95
Percentage College Graduate or better: 23.67%
Culture Index: 115
Averages for my local areas, Lafayette, CA,Alamo, CA,Danville, CA,
Household Income: $99,619
Percentage College Graduate or better:60.69%
Culture Index:153.33
National Averages:
Income: $36,169
Percentage College Graduate or better:20.37
Culture Index:100

[ September 22, 2002: Message edited by: Plebe ]</p>
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