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Old 07-25-2003, 11:29 AM   #41
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Originally posted by ps418
Premature ejaculating? Interesting. Why do you feel the need to resort to such childish ad hominems against researchers you've never met and whose personal beliefs (and ejaculation habits) you know nothing about? Also, why didn't you bother to read the article before spouting insults against them? There was no "digging in the dirt" involved. The research was based on genetic data only.

Just to bug a swell guy like you, Patrick. Just to get pleasant posts like this from why-don't-you-bother types like you, okay, Sport?. And because I have read the damn research already and wrote it off. Even saw a special on the Science Channel about it. Those boys should have done some dirt digging. In Spain and Portugal there once was a sizable Black and Moor population that interbred with the locals. Hundreds of years later, their genetic contribution is no longer detectable. Only hundreds of years later. These grandiose claim makers need to get a grip, and stop shooting spitwads at time gaps of 70,000 years.

I could post like your post, Patrick. But I would be boring and anal so I post my way. The types of people I like will find it funny, and guys like you will get irritated, post like you just did. What could be better? It's kinda fun. Beats picking fights in the bar. What is about White People they always resort to telling other folks how to post? I'm genuinely curious. Maybe those smart guys can find a gene explaining that.
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Old 07-25-2003, 11:40 AM   #42
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Trolling for flames doesn't have anything to do with skin color.
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Old 07-25-2003, 11:50 AM   #43
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Originally posted by Jimmy Davies
And because I have read the damn research already and wrote it off.
Except that your comment about digging in the dirt makes it obvious that you have not actually "read the damn research."

I could post like your post, Patrick. But I would be boring and anal so I post my way.
Too late, you're already boring. I think that most of the people on this forum find ad hominems and misrepresentations of other people's work to be a boring substitute for legitimate criticism.

I could post like your post, Patrick. But I would be boring and anal so I post my way. The types of people I like will find it funny, and guys like you will get irritated, post like you just did. . . What is about White People they always resort to telling other folks how to post? I'm genuinely curious.
Still not paying attention, I see. I never told you how to post, just asked why you were so quick to resort to childish ad hominems. Now I know -- its because you and the "types of people" you like find it funny. Nice racist generalization on your part, though.

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Old 07-25-2003, 12:02 PM   #44
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Everybody knock it off. This thread is getting a bit too flamey.

And Jimmy...if you've actually got information to back up your claims, presenting that will be much more persuasive than slinging insults. It may be too boring for you, but we like that boring ol' data and stuff 'round here.
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Old 07-25-2003, 12:37 PM   #45
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Originally posted by ps418
Except that your comment about digging in the dirt makes it obvious that you have not actually "read the damn research."

Too late, you're already boring. I think that most of the people on this forum find ad hominems and misrepresentations of other people's work to be a boring substitute for legitimate criticism.

Still not paying attention, I see. I never told you how to post, just asked why you were so quick to resort to childish ad hominems. Now I know -- its because you and the "types of people" you like find it funny. Nice racist generalization on your part, though.

Your combined posts are more unpleasant than the posts you criticized for being unpleasant. But that's okay. You find what people are like when they unwittingly reveal their character when respondiing to provocative posting. What fascinates me are people. They have this idea of what and who they are, and how the world is, and they generally restrict interaction and confuse this with verification of their world view.

I like challenging people like you, Patrick, like to see how you handle problems, what words and tactics you resort to. In the end, though, you still act like a White Person, the fact that, with all your education and intelligence you got no clue what I am talking about, fascinates me more than anything else.

I grew up half of one culture and half of another, it gave me a rare perspective. One thing I notice on these boards is that starchy self-clueless personalites are the common personality shortcoming for Infidels. I am really interested in testing the waters, personality by personality, and however prickly and formidable they turn out to be, determining for my own understanding why this might be. Maybe I won't get anywhere, just piss lots of folks off. Thanks for all the help in that regard, though.
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:01 PM   #46
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The claim that humans were close to extinction is not supported by the evidence. Two thousand does not refer to the global human population at the time, but rather the effective population size. It also only includes those indivuals that were lucky enough to have descendents living now. The actual human population could have been magnitudes greater than this. Not to mention the question of whether 2000 represents a realistic "close to extinction" number. In reality, "close to extinction" is determined by low population numbers and negative growth rates. A group of 2000 is not close to extinction as long as it has positive growth rates. Clearly we didn't go extinct.

The sad thing is that the BBC article is scant on the references to the research, except to refer to unnamed "Stanford and Russian" researchers.
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:05 PM   #47
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Originally posted by Jimmy Davies
[B]Your combined posts are more unpleasant than the posts you criticized for being unpleasant.
I disagree. Your entry into this thread was simply deliberately inflamatory, definitely the more unpleasant of the two in this exchange.

I like challenging people like you,
From the sidelines it reads like you like being provocative for shits and grins. A bit prickish even if you didn't ask me.

I grew up half of one culture and half of another, it gave me a rare perspective.
Aren't you special.

One thing I notice on these boards is that starchy self-clueless personalites are the common personality shortcoming for Infidels.
These shortcomings aren't limited to infidels or "white people" for that matter, especially the self-clueless bit.
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:25 PM   #48
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Hello Jimmy Davies:

The types of people I like will find it funny, and guys like you will get irritated, post like you just did. What could be better? It's kinda fun. Beats picking fights in the bar. What is about White People they always resort to telling other folks how to post? I'm genuinely curious. Maybe those smart guys can find a gene explaining that.
In the end, though, you still act like a White Person, the fact that, with all your education and intelligence you got no clue what I am talking about, fascinates me more than anything else
I am one of those people who find sarcasm and insults to be rather funny (if its done in good taste) but..............

The white people comments were out of line bud. If you said that stuff to me in person I guarantee you I would react in a manner which would end the discussion rather quickly........

So, since I doubt you say such inflammatory things to people when talking to them in person....then why say such things here? They certainly do not add anything to the discussion and are not even funny comments.

Chill on the race crap man.

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Old 07-25-2003, 01:26 PM   #49
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Less talk about who is the bad boy here and who isn't, please. Let's get back on track.
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:40 PM   #50
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Originally posted by pz
Less talk about who is the bad boy here and who isn't, please. Let's get back on track.
Sorry.....I had to say something.........Ill go back to lurking....

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