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Old 09-21-2002, 11:19 PM   #51
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Goliath, I once chided Koy for being a perfect example of The Stepongzi Extreme, which is stated Why use a fly swatter when an atom bomb will do? You need not stomp on an argument with hobnail boots, when all it needs is brushing off.
You are correct. That is something that I still need to work on. Tact? what's that?


Anyway, I prefer you in your 'Zen Atheist' mode- the terse and sometimes koan-like replies I have seen you make are more effective than attempting to channel Koy.
Well, thank you. However, I have found that the "Zen Atheist," mode is a double-edged sword when used against theists.

On one hand, the position of weak atheism is virtually untouchable to the arguments of any xian. In fact, the only way to destroy weak atheism is to prove that a god exists (however, I don't think anyone--theist or atheist--will be holding their breath for that). To the theist, battling a weak atheist (verbally, not physically) is like fighting a shadow.

But, on the other hand, theists seem to be very used to battling atheists by attacking beliefs. So, since I hold absolutely no beliefs regarding anything supernatural, they have no method of counter-attack. They then walk away, slightly bewildered, to a battlefield where there are no shadows to fight.

I'll admit it: Virus pushed one of my buttons. I absolutely hate seeing the misuse of mathematics for the purpose of religion. I've apologized several times to Virus. However, Virus has clearly shown that he doesn't care about the fact that I've apologized.

So, Jobar, what should I do? Obviously, apologizing again won't work, since Virus will simply ignore my apology and continue his sarcastic, mocking attacks.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. I'm also tired. *yawn*




(Editud cuz me not had gotteren such gooded grammur)

[ September 22, 2002: Message edited by: Goliath ]</p>
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Old 09-22-2002, 12:50 AM   #52
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If God is silent, that is if God is either undetectable or doing its very best not be detected, then where would the first believers have gotten the idea that there was a God at all? Did God sneeze behind the blind?

(Apply razor at will.)

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Old 09-23-2002, 12:11 PM   #53
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Originally posted by NoDeity:
<strong>If God is silent, that is if God is either undetectable or doing its very best not be detected, then where would the first believers have gotten the idea that there was a God at all? Did God sneeze behind the blind?

(Apply razor at will.)

That's what makes me think God made a mistake, talking while the mike was hot, so to speak. In that case, God wouldn't be omnipresent or omnipotant, which would break most people's idea of what God could be.
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Old 09-23-2002, 05:20 PM   #54
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Originally posted by NeoDeltaI:

That's what makes me think God made a mistake, talking while the mike was hot, so to speak. In that case, God wouldn't be omnipresent or omnipotant, which would break most people's idea of what God could be.</strong>
But what makes you think there was a God to make that mistake? Given what we already know about human pattern seeking tendencies, about dopamine levels affecting paranormal belief, about microseizures in the temporal lobe producing "spiritual" experiences, it seems to me that the more parsimonious explanation is that the human brain itself, not a God or gods or marvelous aliens, is responsible for the origin of god myths.

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Old 09-23-2002, 06:47 PM   #55
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I think what we have here is some kind of personality clash... i can't really put my finger on it. My perception of you is that you can not think outside of mathematics and logic... but I guess that perception is probably false, since its limited only to the few posts you have made to me. I guess you were probably being *overly* logical and mahematical because, as you said, "I pushed your buttons."

Well, you pushed my buttons too, somewhere along the line

Your response to my statement "I hope we can have more intelligent conversation from now on", pushed almost *all* of my buttons at the same time... which is probably a lot of the reason I went back to bickering with you. Also the way you continued to play off my sarcastic remark about the "goddess" of mathematics was really getting on my nerves... but I do believe that's what you intended to do. So I guess it worked

And I think on some level I was almost *enjoying* throwing stupid arguments back and forth, because every time I wanted to stop, it seemed that you would say something to irritate me all the more. I dunno why... sort of like being in a boxing match, i guess. But all said and done, it was a kind of dumb match <img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" />

And yes, I know what poisoning the well is. I figured that as long as you were acting like you had no idea at all why I shouldn't be giving you proof of a mathematics goddess, I could similarly act like I had no idea what *you* really meant by things that *you* said.

But as I said in the bgginning of this post, we just seem to have a personality clash. Or more likely, we don't have *that* big of a persoanlity clash, but we made pretty bad first impressions. As they say, first impressions are everything.

You got a first impression of me judging by my original post, as I did of you because of your reply. But I'm willing to admit that my impression of you is probably wrong in a lot of ways.

Maybe we should just stop discussing *anything* relating to theism, atheism, or anything similar. Perhaps we should talk about food. Do you like Italian food? Hmmmmmm... it would be funny if we got into a large drawn out debate over food

Knowing us, it is more than possible. <img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />


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Old 09-25-2002, 06:45 PM   #56
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i can't really put my finger on it. My perception of you is that you can not think outside of mathematics and logic... but I guess that perception is probably false, since its limited only to the few posts you have made to me.


I guess you were probably being *overly* logical and mahematical because, as you said, "I pushed your buttons."
Partially because of that, and partially because I tend to logically analyze posts that otherwise seem boring and content-free.


Also the way you continued to play off my sarcastic remark about the "goddess" of mathematics was really getting on my nerves...
Again, I apologize for getting on your nerves, that's not what I intended. I saw absolutely nothing humorous whatsoever in your "goddess" comment (and, in fact, I asked what humor there was to be found in it), so I took it at face value.


And I think on some level I was almost *enjoying* throwing stupid arguments back and forth, because every time I wanted to stop, it seemed that you would say something to irritate me all the more.
When did you want to stop? I accepted your apology, I apologized myself.....and then you continued as though nothing had happened.

I'm not completely sure that you ever wanted to stop.


But as I said in the bgginning of this post, we just seem to have a personality clash. Or more likely, we don't have *that* big of a persoanlity clash, but we made pretty bad first impressions. As they say, first impressions are everything.
A distinct possibility. However, I am at something of an impasse. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that I can do to overcome this clash, since the only actual thing that I *can* do is apologize. However, you've shown me time and time again that you care nothing about my apologies.

So, tell me: what should I do to resolve this clash?


You got a first impression of me judging by my original post, as I did of you because of your reply. But I'm willing to admit that my impression of you is probably wrong in a lot of ways.
Thank you. I'm sure my impressions of you are incorrect as well.

Again, apologizing will do no good, so how am I to effectively say "Let's try to start over..."?


Maybe we should just stop discussing *anything* relating to theism, atheism, or anything similar.
Well, since this is the Existence of god(s) forum on the Secular web, I'm not sure that such an omission would leave many viable discussion options.


Perhaps we should talk about food. Do you like Italian food?
Italian is great! I also especially love Chinese and Indian.


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Old 09-26-2002, 08:31 PM   #57
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quote: Well, since this is the Existence of god(s) forum on the Secular web, I'm not sure that such an omission would leave many viable discussion options.

you may have something of a point there

i guess I just mean we should lighten up... take a little recess from debating each other to get a little bit over our initial impressions of each other.

quote: There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that I can do to overcome this clash, since the only actual thing that I *can* do is apologize. However, you've shown me time and time again that you care nothing about my apologies.

was it *that* many times?

in any case, I really am sorry for continuing with something that should have died a while ago. *I* am apologizing now, and I'll leave it to you to do what you will with it. Also note that there was nothing provocative or argumentative in my last post or this one... an indication that I am trying

quote: Italian is great! I also especially love Chinese and Indian.

well, I guess you can't be all that bad then

I *love* Chinese.

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Old 10-05-2002, 10:28 PM   #58
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Sorry for not getting back to this thread sooner.


i guess I just mean we should lighten up... take a little recess from debating each other to get a little bit over our initial impressions of each other.
Fair enough.


in any case, I really am sorry for continuing with something that should have died a while ago. *I* am apologizing now, and I'll leave it to you to do what you will with it.
Apology accepted.


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