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Old 08-04-2003, 03:19 PM   #61
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Originally posted by dk
Hey, you take care of your children and keep them safe. Our parentis loco family courts, public schools, inept day care system, foster care system, unmarried mothers, and estranged fathers already labor in a perpetual state of crisis. Gays can't procreate, so gay marriage, gay divorce, and gay custody can only serve as a further burden.
You just contradicted yourself big time. If gays aren't procreating, than they are not contributing in any way, shape, or fashion to the unmarried mothers and father problem, are they? It's the evil heteros doing that.

To impose gay marriage upon a system teetering precariously on the precipice of collapse betrays reason, conscience and common sense.
Nope. Just because you can use two cool vocab words that start with P in a sentence doesn't make your unfounded opinion true.

If anything - the gays can help fix the situation that the hetero "breeders" have created - by adopting unwanted children from broken hetero homes. And if you would actually read my posts, you would see that several studies clearly show that gays are fit to be parents. If anything - gays probably make better parents, because they really have to want children to get them- fill out paper work, talk to social workers. Heteros, on the other hand, just have to fuck to get kids.

When HIV+ gay men proudly celebrated HAART treatments with a youthful display of anonymous anal sex they betrayed themselves, gay love and humanity.
What are you talking about? Have you ever actually taken care of AIDS patients? I have. Nobody is happy or proud to have a wasting, deadly disease. Nobody.

The Gay Rights Movement has become the poster child of a culture death.
What are you talking about? I could say the same about McDonalds ads. Since you pretend to know so much about death statistics, why don't you read some? What are americans dying more from in this country?

1) Obesity complications
2) Smoking complications
3) Violence
4) Lack of exercise
5) Anal sex

Which one, dk? If you really truly care about the public welfare of Americans, you will stop wasting your time on anal sex (which can be safe if you wear condoms) and address 1-4 above, which are killing way way way more americans. Why don't you go protest McDonalds, or encourage companies to install treadmills? THat would actually help the death rate in this country far more than banning anal sex.
A culture of death that mocks procreation and family values
You mean the family values of the current heterosexual population that you just criticized? Those unmarried mothers and fathers? How does gay sex between two men have anything to do with family values, if they aren't participating in creating families?

with MDR microbes deposited in the lower digestive tract of an epidemical population.
WTF are you talking about?

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Old 08-04-2003, 06:21 PM   #62
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with MDR microbes deposited in the lower digestive tract of an epidemical population.
WTF are you talking about?

Not sure. Something about the use of antibiotics in cattle-fattening, I guess.
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Old 08-04-2003, 09:56 PM   #63
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dk: "Gays can't procreate, so gay marriage, gay divorce, and gay custody can only serve as a further burden."
Nnnnoo. Here's a whimsical story by The Me, named The Serengayti:
Imagine, if you will, a glorious cathedral that is supported by tens of millions of columndebeests. These hardy animals hold heavy things on their backs, like the upper part of the cathedral. For most columndebeests, there is a deadweight young beest in the top of the cathedral; for some, there are two or three; for others, there are zero. Unfortunately for the cathedral and the columndebeest young, adult beests that are of a solid color (90% of the beests have vertical stripes; the stripeless have reproduce less and more slowly than the striped) cannot help bear the weight of the irresponsible beests' extra young.
One day, light dawns on the rule-making beests! If the no-offspring solid-color beests were allowed to support the cathedral and the young, the burden would be lessened for the other beests! What a great and novel idea!
But then power-mad striped beests swayed the rule-making beests to continue with the status quo, solid-color beests be damned. Having 90% of the population support 100% of the children eventually proved too much to bear, and the cathedral collapsed, killing all the young and the beests who had been supporting it.
The solid-color beests reproduced at a much lower rate than the striped ones did, and they built a better, if smaller, society to nurture their young and care for each other. Suddenly, The End.
(If'n you laughed (at the quirks, not the message), that's good. If'n you understand more now, that's good. If'n you did both, that's better.)

"Mocks procreation"? The only thing it mocks is common nonsense, something that is far too prevalent in today's society. Does masturbation mock procreation? What about the making of desks? Or even (if you're male) peeing? And when you get right down to it, what's so special about procreation that should protect it from mockery?

And then there's family values: if the family values you're talking about are of the stereotypical American nuclear family, how is it that they also deserve protection from mockery? This kind of family is actually quite a recent invention, and look what kind of problems we're having. You cited some yourself: inept day care system, estranged fathers, and unmarried mothers (if anyone thinks I've gone off my rocker at the last here, I mean it really in a financial sense, and also the involuntary kind: a child is a substantial -- massive, even -- investment, and a single mother has fewer resources to invest than a married mother).

And lastly, about that famous Homosexual Agenda: I'd bet most people use agenda as a plural neuter gerundive, when it should really be singular feminine. 'Cos, y'know, there's only one thing on it. And that thing rhymes with "zEqual zRights".

*reloading shotgun*
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Old 08-04-2003, 10:21 PM   #64
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A correction, the website with the correct statistics is You have to find the statistics yourself, but they are there. You are free to refute them at your leasure.

I am an American. I live in the People's Republic of China doing business. I am not a Christian. I am married to a Chinese woman, to whom I love very much. I left the USA a good six monthes before the 9-11 disaster in New York City. In the last two years, I have seen many disturbing trends. These trends come from both the far left and the far right. On the right, I see the lessening of rights, the Patriot Act, the illegal invasion of Iraq, the cutting of welfare and help to the neediest of Americans and the giving of corporate welfare. America is entering a period of a great cultural war, that has not been seen since the 1960s. I see the period 2004-2015 or so as a greatly defining time in history of America, as the 1960s. As in the 60s, we have a war (Iraq) which is slowly becoming more unpopular plus radical elements which is trying to define us as a society at large.

On the far left, I see the idiocy of homosexual marriage. For all of you to know, I have had gay friends. Many people that I have met in the past are HIV positive. I had a cousin who died a young death because of HIV and homosexuality. I had a friend when I was a child to whom my mother knew would grow up to be gay, because of her behaviors and attitudes. She had some very early hetero-sexual experiences with another friend who experimented with some gay experiences. I have been offered homosexual experience in the past also, principally as a boy (about 12) in a YMCA bathroom after swimming with a young man in his 20s in the swimming pool at the Y. Fortunately, I was given the option of leaving him, and he did not force me.

The truth:

Homosexuality is a choice. We do choose our sexual identity. Legally, people under the age of 18 do not have the power of choice, but choices of morality, and sexuality come at a young age. When we enter puberty, we become educated about men and women. A small child can become aroused, but does not know where the arousal comes from, except that it feels good to him and her in positive situations. Puberty is the time that choices are made about sexual decisions. This is when the agendas of GLAAD and GLSEN take hold. These groups want and desire to be schools. You know this, because it is acceptence that you desire. Homosexuals have to educate the young because they want kids to be gay. There is strength in numbers. You do know that the bullshit that "people are born into a sexual preference" is a lie.

Matthew Shepard's death has been a godsend to the militant homosexual community. Matt is a "Gay Jesus". He died because he was born gay and he was killed because of it. Martyrdom. Let's reveal the truth about Matt for a moment. He was trolling for sex at a cowboy bar at midnight in Wyoming. He thought two neer-do-well guys were cute. he paid for their beer. He followed them out to their truck for anonymous sex. He was killed. His behavior was riskier than that of a crack addicted prostitute. Matt was addicted. Period. So, Gay Jesus was beaten and crucified on a fencepost. The two thugs that killed him got what they deserved, life in prison. But the liberal Hollywood world wants me to be guilty because Gay Jesus got himself into this fix. I don't feel guilty because Matt put himself in that situation and he knew the consequences.

As stated before, being gay is choice:

For example, the Reverand Mel White had children before leaving his wife for his male lover Gary Nixon. So, we it is safe to assume that Mel liked the company of men for a while, then changed his mind.

The same is true with the Rev. V. Gene Robinson, who is trying to be the Bishop of New Hampshire. He has two children from his former wife. So, we can assume that Rev. Robinson enjoyed fucking his wife enough to make two kids by her, (and no, it is difficult to have sex with a woman just twice and have two kids, it happens, but one has to take into account fertility, menstration, sexual desire and other factors). But smiling Gene leaves his family and chooses homosexuality. I am sure that in the relationship that he is the "butch and not the bitch." (From the movie 'Clerks')

Look up the website, this website is about children of homosexuals. How are there children of homosexuals, because they were conceived in a hetrosexual relationship, then the father or mother decided to become gay. WHY CAN'T YOU ADMIT THIS FACT! Because you want to be a protected class.

I have seen websites where the gay rights agenda compares themselves to Martin Luther King Jr. and his struggles with racism in the 1960s. This is so stupid, it is insane. MLK wanted and demanded equal rights for everyone. Gays have this equal right. I have seen enough of them on TV and movies and have worked with quite a few of them in the past. People like Liberace, Michael Geeter, Nathan Lane, Rosie Odonnell, and many other gays never profited from being homosexual, they got where there at because of talent! MLK talked in Washington in 1963, not about not the color of a person's skin, but the content of a man's character. Homosexuality is about CHARACTER, not skin or human development.

Homosexuals are child molesters. This is why the Boy Scouts of America do not want gays within a thousand miles of their organization. This is why the Catholic faith is losing members because of celibacy regulations (unbiblical), and the availability to young children, especially boys,

James Porter-Priest-raped at least 200 boys in a 25 year career.

Arthar Pollard-Defrocked Episcipopal priest, sentenced to life for raping a six year old child.

Rev. Emyr Evans of Glouster, UK who abused over 100 boys between 1952-1981.

Jeffrey Dahmer, who murdered 17 men and boys in a 12 year span.

Robert Stevenson of Las Vegas arrested for the attempted rape of an 8 year old boy. Stevenson is a scout leader.

John Banko, priest in New Jersey, found guilty of sexually abusing and 11 year old boy,

Should I go on? No. Homosexuals have no character. Gay people have more than 100 partners in a lifetime, hetrosexauls have 8. Homosexuls have a higher occurance of drug use and alcoholism. Suicides are much higher among homosexuals. Homosexuals still account for 80 percent of AIDS victims plus an alarming number of syphliss and ghonnerea cases. This is the truth. You know it, I know it, the American people know it.

Gays are preying on a weak nation. Our citizens do not vote, are apathetic and truly don't give a shit. Our culture has been dumbed down due to television and the print media. This is exactly what the powers that be want. look up that explores the truth on your culture.

Homosexuality is unnatural. Sex is between a man and a woman. The homosexual will tell you bullshit that Sunmatra orangatangs have homosexual sex. So, the gay wants to perpetuate that homosexuals are no better than animals in the field. The gay is calling you an animal, which is equivelent of calling a black man a nigger, or a Jew a kike. Humans are different from animals, because we know and understand the difference between right and wrong, even if we do not follow it. Pleasure is a great motivator for wrong actions. Wrong actions should not be interrpreted as acceptable actions. The gay knows that what they do is wrong, because the sense of right and wrong is engrained in all people, and we ourselves may follow it or reject it. Homosexual marriage will lead to pedophilia, andwill lead to polygamy, because gays have more than one partner.

Refute this, you cannot. I will be back.

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Old 08-04-2003, 10:38 PM   #65
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Originally posted by dk
...mocks procreation and family values with MDR microbes deposited in the lower digestive tract of an epidemical population.
scigirl: WTF are you talking about?
never been there:
Not sure. Something about the use of antibiotics in cattle-fattening, I guess.
Maybe he's trying to tell us that his stools don't stink...
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Old 08-04-2003, 11:01 PM   #66
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Thumbs down I don't mean any of this; it's just to illustrate some idiocy...

Originally posted by senor boogie woogie
I am an American. I live in the People's Republic of China doing business. I am not a Christian. I am married to a Chinese woman...For all of you to know, I have had gay friends...Homosexuality is a choice...Homosexuals have no character....Homosexual marriage will lead to pedophilia, and will lead to polygamy, because gays have more than one partner. Refute this, you cannot.
"For all of you to know, I have had Chinese friends. Chinese is a choice. Americans marrying Chinese women will lead to torture, which will lead to socialism. The Chinese have no character.

Refute this, you cannot."
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Old 08-04-2003, 11:02 PM   #67
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Originally posted by senor boogie woogie

Homosexuality is a choice. We do choose our sexual identity.
Do you know any gay people? Let me assure you that not one thinks it is a choice. Even the "ex-gays" admit to struggling with attraction to others of their sex and almost all of them backslide. Homosexuality is simply not a choice. Ex-gays are still gay, just not having sex. Whether or not it is genetic is unknown. But it is not a choice.

It may be a choice to have homosexual sex (though any idiot can see that it's almost impossible to deny one's sexual urges). It most certainly is not a choice to be homo- or heterosexual. Did you choose to be straight?


Homosexuals are child molesters. This is why the Boy Scouts of America do not want gays within a thousand miles of their organization. This is why the Catholic faith is losing members because of celibacy regulations (unbiblical), and the availability to young children, especially boys,

James Porter-Priest-raped at least 200 boys in a 25 year career.

Arthar Pollard-Defrocked Episcipopal priest, sentenced to life for raping a six year old child.

Rev. Emyr Evans of Glouster, UK who abused over 100 boys between 1952-1981.

others snipped
So some gays are child molesters. Thanks for the news flash. The list of hetero child molesters will be miles longer than the gay list. Without cites, your anecdotal data is worthless. Thispoint has been refuted thoroughly and until you have any SCIENTIFIC evidence gays molest more than straights, shut up about it.

Homosexuality is unnatural. Sex is between a man and a woman. The homosexual will tell you bullshit that Sunmatra orangatangs have homosexual sex. So, the gay wants to perpetuate that homosexuals are no better than animals in the field.
If homosexuality is unnatural, this can mean two things:

1) It is not found in nature. As previously stated, this is simply not true. Pointing this out does not in any way make us equivalent to animals.

2)It is not an innate desire of humans. Again, this is simply not true. Some people have this desire, and it comes from within them. It is natural. It is innate. It is not changeable.

Refute this, you cannot. I will be back.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

All of these points have already been refuted. However, you are too stupid or blinded by hatred to see so. I am sorry for this. Please-re-read the thread until you understand how poorly grounded in fact and rhetoric your position is.
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Old 08-05-2003, 12:42 AM   #68
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Thumbs down

senor boogie woogie,

You are a sick, sick man. One can only hope your blatantly stupid arguments are facetious, because if you're serious, you're a much much graver threat to society than the homosexuals you so despise.

Here are a few gems that made me realise without a doubt that you're not worth engaging in conversation with:

Homosexuals have to educate the young because they want kids to be gay.

Homosexuals are child molesters.

Homosexuals have no character.

Gays are preying on a weak nation.

Homosexual marriage will lead to pedophilia, andwill lead to polygamy, because gays have more than one partner.
Your blind, rabid bigotry demonstrates conclusively why militant anti-gay morons are not worth rational people's time or effort.
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Old 08-05-2003, 12:51 AM   #69
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Originally posted by 99paa
Do you know any gay people? Let me assure you that not one thinks it is a choice. Even the "ex-gays" admit to struggling with attraction to others of their sex and almost all of them backslide. Homosexuality is simply not a choice. Ex-gays are still gay, just not having sex. Whether or not it is genetic is unknown. But it is not a choice.
You really shouldn't get sucked into this foolish argument (which relies on the implicit presupposition that there is a moral problem with homosexual behaviour).

Any defence of homosexuality which depends on it not being a choice is doomed. Do you really want to argue that homosexuals should not be held morally accountable simply because they can't help themselves?

If you believe, as I do, that homosexual behaviour is, in itself, morally neutral, then the issue of choice is completely irrelevant.
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Old 08-05-2003, 01:09 AM   #70
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Who else is sick and misguided and lack the enlightened information on gay marriage?

Pope John Paul II

George W. Bush

Bill Frist, majority leader of the US Senate

A bipartisan group of US Representitives from all over the country who is sponsoring the Defense of Marriage Act.

Who does not want gays near them?
The US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines-Because homosexuals are mentally unfit for military service and are a threat in the field.

Boy Scouts of America-Because case after case has shown that homosexual scoutmasters abuse children for their own gratification.

To all who read this, if gay marriage becomes law, the militant homosexuals will demand more and more, such as classes in school on homosexual sex and behavior, and teaching to our younger children that homosexuality is a wonderful lifestyle. Not to mention that gays want to teach our young that man is no better than a dirty animal who swings through trees. Guess what, your tax dollars are paying for this shit already.

If gay marriage becomes the norm nationwide, your health insurance premiums will skyrocket, because gays tend to have more than one sex partner and tend to spread toxic diseases such as HIV, Syphliss, Gonoreha, and other VD into the population.

I have refuted every claim these other people are telling you. They are now reduced to calling me names and saying that I AM MENTALLY ILL. In the future if this liberalization of morality does not stop, any voice of reason and against this homosexual agenda will be branded criminal, menatlly ill, or worse. Remember this happened in the Soviet Union, China, and Nazi Germany. PC is killing free speech, and yes, our first amendment rights are in jeoprady.

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