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Old 10-09-2002, 06:03 PM   #11
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Originally posted by DigitalChicken:
[QB]Where is the connection to eugenics?
You don’t see the connection ? Just quickly, whatever Murray and Herrnstein’s own conclusions, the Bell Curve has been seized by many Eugenics organizations as scientific justification of eugenics (as surely H & M must have anticipated). By denoting the larger attributing factor of genetics over environment, eugenicists conclude that environmental influences over IQ will always be limited.

While the Bell Curve makes little or no comment itself, it is often cited as providing strong reasons to place less economic worth on education as a way to alleviate social IQ change, and a strong reason to halt affirmative action programs since there is unlikely to be any longterm change in the group intelligence of various racial groupings (or as the book redefines it, cognitive ability).

Personally I’m also cool on AA, but for dramatically different reasons. While eugenicists would argue that certain races are “born stupid” or with low cognitive ability and there is little way to ever change this, personally I am simply of the opinion that AA is often counter-productive in demeaning those who genuinely merit higher positions of employment.

Just for starters, check <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Names such as Murray, Lynn and Rushton feature prominently. Similarly, their links to organizations such as the Pioneer Fund are also well known.

BTW, I don’t think that’s quite the meaning of caveat emptor.
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Old 10-09-2002, 07:39 PM   #12
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Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>You can find the standard responses to the stuff you posted here. I have no desire to regurgitate all of it on this board.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong>
In answer to the demonising quote I used, which discredits many of their references, and associates them with the Pioneer Fund, Murray responds :

Never mind that The Bell Curve draws its evidence from more than 1,000 sources. Never mind that among the scholars in Lane's short list are some of the most respected psychologists of our time, and that the "tainted sources" consist overwhelmingly of articles that were published in respected and refereed journals. Never mind that the relationship between the founder of the Pioneer Fund and today's Pioneer Fund is roughly analogous to the relationship between Henry Ford and today's Ford Foundation. The real effect of Lane and Kamin's work will be to focus academic attention on the main substantive issue they discuss relative to our "tainted sources," African IQ.
Now, purely on the subject of the Pioneer Fund, Murray does not distance himself whatsoever, he would seem to say that it is quite different from what its past history would have us believe. In fact his statement is to add credibility to the present work of the Pioneer Fund.

So contrary to Pioneer's own virulent denials of past accusations, Murray would actually seem to acknowledge them.

Let’s clarify. From <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

To conduct or aid in conducting study and research into the problems of heredity and eugenics in the human race generally and such study and such research in respect to animals and plants as may throw light upon heredity in man, and research and study into the problems of human race betterment with special reference to the people of the United States.
It is little wonder then that with such explicit interest in eugenics, the Pioneer Fund has frequently been branded a racist organization & has long been involved with numerous controversies surrounding allegations of eugenics and racism. Certainly the Pioneer-funded studies cited by Murray all support a conclusion that environment plays a significantly lesser role than genetics.

And yet Murray would have us believe it is now “roughly analogous” to the Ford Foundation ? Murray cannot be as innocent as he would have us believe.

Today the Pioneer Fund goes to great lengths to deny numerous racist accusations levelled against its members. No smoke without fire. While they selectively quote supportively from these people, the damning quotes from these same people are every bit as convincing. It is very hard to read these in a favourable context. Very few organizations receive this kind of vilification & I would suggest for good reason.
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Old 10-09-2002, 07:52 PM   #13
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Remembering that much of the material studying the results of education programs in improving cognitive ability was funded by the Pioneer Fund, further on the role of education, from Murray himself …

But just as we predicted, many others are nominating "programs that work" that we mysteriously failed to consider. And I am sure that some of them do work, for goals other than raising IQ. We would be the last to suggest that education cannot be made better, or that the socialization of children cannot be improved. But in The Bell Curve we talk about a particular goal: improving the cognitive functioning of human beings over the long term. On that score, the record remains as Herrnsten and I describe it: yes, it can be done, but at present only in modest amounts for most children, usually temporarily, and inconsistently.
Personally I read this as Murray heavily questioning the value of education in improving cognitive ability within racial groups.

“but at present only in modest amounts for most children, usually temporarily, and inconsistently”

How else would you read it ?

Later he responds to my opening quoted criticism, the Flynn Effect allegedly demonstrating the unreliability of IQ tests.

If outside interventions are not promising, what about the more general phenomenon we label the "Flynn effect" (after the political scientist James Flynn, who has done the most to bring it to public attention), whereby IQ scores have been rising secularly throughout the world since at least the 1930's? As Thomas Sowell has argued in the American Spectator, the Flynn effect gives reason to conclude that intelligence is malleable after all. Herrnstein and I allude to that possibility without expressing much optimism about it. Moreover, even if the rise in IQ scores could be taken at face value, we would still not know how to intervene so as to manipulate it. In our view (as in Flynn's), it seems likely that most of the increase in IQ scores over time represents something besides gains in cognitive functioning. But what that something is remains unclear, and this issue is still wide open.
Pardon me, but this just about accepts the criticism, but then inexplicably (“something” ?) distances cognitive functioning from IQ, entirely inconsistently.

Also he doesn’t acknowledge that the gap has narrowed even in the short time since the book.

Special note that Herrnstein and Murray are not optimistic toward the possibility of improving IQ scores though environmental means. Their hypothesis is mainly genetic.

No, criticism still very solid AFAIC.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: echidna ]</p>
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Old 10-10-2002, 11:53 AM   #14
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Originally posted by echidna:

You don’t see the connection ? Just quickly, whatever Murray and Herrnstein’s own conclusions, the Bell Curve has been seized by many Eugenics organizations as scientific justification of eugenics (as surely H & M must have anticipated). By denoting the larger attributing factor of genetics over environment, eugenicists conclude that environmental influences over IQ will always be limited. </strong>
If one assumes the Bell Curve is correct and factual then all the Eugenics people have done is commit an "is to ought" fallacy. There is a deep chasm between some idea of racial characterisitcs/IQ on one hand to "lets perform eugenics" on the other.

That is why I say they aren't related.

<strong>BTW, I don’t think that’s quite the meaning of caveat emptor. </strong>
Sure it is.

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Old 10-10-2002, 01:12 PM   #15
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While the charges of racism and bias in the "Bell Curve" are probably warranted, there is no doubt that just as many lies, distortions, and bad science have been marshalled by those with an ideological fear of genetically based differences in intelligence. Plenty of reasonable people with a desire to protect the integrity of the research on intelligence have criticized the clearly ideological work of people like Gould, just as much as H and S.
Pinker's recent book "The Blank Slate" does a good job of talking about the ideological basis for those who unjustifiably deny the existence of general intelligence and its partial genetic basis.

The "Bell Curve" aside, here are the facts about
the current state of intelligence research that are endorsed by the majority of reputable cognitive scientists who work in this field.

1. African Americans consistently score 15 to 20 points lower (almost 1 standard deviation) on several different measures of general intelligence.

2. These differences occur on tests, such as Ravens Matrices, etc., for which there is no theoretical or empirical basis to assume cultural bias.

3. Genetic inheritance accounts for about 50% of the individual variance in scores on these tests.

4. Any factor, such as genetics, that is responsible for individual variance in IQ CANNOT be automatically assumed to be responsible for group level differences.

5. To date, there is no adequate socio-cultural explanation that has been able to account for these group level differences.

6. The only scientifically justifiable position on the source of these group differences is to remain agnostic and neutral until future evidence provides more insight.
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Old 10-10-2002, 05:17 PM   #16
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Originally posted by doubtingt:
<strong>1. African Americans consistently score 15 to 20 points lower (almost 1 standard deviation) on several different measures of general intelligence.</strong>
Actually I’m no longer sure of this. It’s certainly the number which is bandied around, but the Bell Curve was sensationalised for its radical assertions & sensationalisation wins publicity but not necessarily accuracy.

While possibly true shortly prior to the Bell Curve, my reading cites several mentions that the gap has noticeably narrowed in subsequent studies. In part, this is pivotal to many of Herrnstein and Murray’s most controversial assertions.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
<strong>2. These differences occur on tests, such as Ravens Matrices, etc., for which there is no theoretical or empirical basis to assume cultural bias.</strong>
I’m not familiar with Raven’s Matrices, but this site, <a href="," target="_blank">,</a> certainly seems to list :

a: Malnutrition and/or undernourishment.
b: Lack of attention and stimulation from one year old.
c: Strict and overprotective child rearing practices.
d: Poor educational facilities.
… as possible reasons for different norms.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
<strong>3. Genetic inheritance accounts for about 50% of the individual variance in scores on these tests.</strong>
Umm, that’s an area of high uncertainty. Twin studies are largely relevant here however the ones used by the Bell Curve are cloudy at best.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
<strong>4. Any factor, such as genetics, that is responsible for individual variance in IQ CANNOT be automatically assumed to be responsible for group level differences. </strong>
Interestingly I gather that black women earn on average around 10% more than white women. So while Murray and Herrnstein use income gaps as evidence for their assertion of a genetic base for IQ, when this is presented, they immediately attribute it to Affirmative Action programs, thereby acknowledging alternative influences, albeit very selectively.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
<strong>5. To date, there is no adequate socio-cultural explanation that has been able to account for these group level differences. </strong>
Well actually the many alternatives include education, nutrition, culture, social attitudes, many of which are overlooked by HM, and those which are studied would appear to have been studied very questionably.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
<strong>6. The only scientifically justifiable position on the source of these group differences is to remain agnostic and neutral until future evidence provides more insight.</strong>
Whew, finally I can agree to an extent. I am not familiar with more recent studies.
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Old 10-10-2002, 05:34 PM   #17
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In a nutshell,

HM : P1. Lower socio-economic demographic groups are associated with lower IQ.
HM : P2. Lower socio-economic demographic groups have much higher fertility than educated higher demographics.
HM : P3. Cognitive function is not attributable to education (or if so only marginally), more so it is genetically hereditary.
C1. Average cognitive function should fall over time.

But but but, average IQ actually rises about 3 points every decade !!!

Murray’s explanation : “increase in IQ scores over time represents something besides gains in cognitive functioning”, ie IQ isn’t cognitive function.

Yeah, right.

As Murray says, “But what that something is remains unclear, and this issue is still wide open.” Well essentially that’s the entire area of debate over his book. So while Murray goes to great lengths to assert confidence in his book, with one sentence he dismisses his most controversial assertions as completely uncertain.
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Old 10-10-2002, 05:43 PM   #18
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Originally posted by echidna:
<strong>But but but, average IQ actually rises about 3 points every decade !!!</strong>
Runners keep breaking world records too, don't they?

Originally posted by echidna:
<strong>As Murray says, “But what that something is remains unclear, and this issue is still wide open.” Well essentially that’s the entire area of debate over his book. So while Murray goes to great lengths to assert confidence in his book, with one sentence he dismisses his most controversial assertions as completely uncertain.</strong>
What assertions are you referring to?
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Old 10-10-2002, 05:48 PM   #19
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Originally posted by DigitalChicken:
<strong>If one assumes the Bell Curve is correct and factual then all the Eugenics people have done is commit an "is to ought" fallacy. There is a deep chasm between some idea of racial characterisitcs/IQ on one hand to "lets perform eugenics" on the other.

That is why I say they aren't related.</strong>
To take an extreme, say nurture counts for nothing and IQ is only attributable to genetics. Essentially education programs, social programs, health programs and so forth all become worthless. Of course HM don’t assert zero, but they do assert that environment counts for factorally lower than is generally considered. Separately they also assert that such programs are only marginally effective.

In doing so, the bettering of mankind is mainly achievable only by genetic improvements to the human race. Lower intelligence DNA would seem to be a liability for starters.

That’s why I say they are related.
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Old 10-10-2002, 06:23 PM   #20
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Originally posted by echidna:

To take an extreme, say nurture counts for nothing and IQ is only attributable to genetics. Essentially education programs, social programs, health programs and so forth all become worthless. Of course HM don’t assert zero, but they do assert that environment counts for factorally lower than is generally considered. Separately they also assert that such programs are only marginally effective.

In doing so, the bettering of mankind is mainly achievable only by genetic improvements to the human race. Lower intelligence DNA would seem to be a liability for starters.

That’s why I say they are related.</strong>
Your assumption is that

1. The goal of educating an individual is to raise their IQ.

2. Having a higher IQ is always "better".

The goal of educating an individual is to help them perform to their highest abilities.

Labeling a higher IQ as inherantly "better" is a slightly bigoted opinion. Perhaps you could clarify this.

Is it so absurd to believe that congnitive ability could have developed at different rates for different groups that inhabited significantly different environments. Especially in the face of different physical characteristics that are obvious. It seems people are way too sensitive about it.
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