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Old 08-01-2002, 05:08 PM   #161
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
<strong>...Roadkill makes me vomit.
But I would eat it if the only other choice was starving....</strong>
So, Theo, if you were facing a future with no prospects of a heterosexual relationship, you'd start bonking guys just so you'd get some. Is that what you're saying? I doubt it.

You've asserted that homosexuality is a choice, but you haven't backed this up. I've seen Christians do this before.

The closest you've come is this suggestion that "homosexual sex is better than none" - which is clearly wrong on two counts:

1. For most heterosexual men, the preferences would be
a. Heterosexual sex.
b. Daylight.
c. Celibacy.
d. Daylight.
- Homosexual sex just ain't on the list of options.
2. The implication is that homosexual men are butt-ugly losers who can't get a woman. Again, clearly false.

So, Theo - put your money where your assertion is.

Please explain, in specific terms, how homosexuality is a choice - why it is attractive etc, and in particular why homosexuals choose that orientation over heterosexual relationships.

Your time starts now.
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Old 08-01-2002, 05:09 PM   #162
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Originally posted by Arrowman:
Thing is, people use their religion to reinforce and justify their personal beliefs - whether that is on matters of morals, sexuality, politics, whatever. Why are so many Southern Baptists politically conservative (and very often they will use Scripture to support their views), while Anglican church leaders often espouse views which are eseentially politically "left"? It's the people and the way they use their religion; not the religion itself.
That is a very good point.

So. . .what are we to do, to try and get the religion out of politics, and make laws based on common sense and reason??

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Old 08-01-2002, 05:13 PM   #163
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Dum, de, dummm, de, do, de, dummmm........

[Tapping toes, twiddling thumbs.....]

Still waiting for those True Christian [TM] donations to lift me out of my sinful state!!!

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.......

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Old 08-01-2002, 05:13 PM   #164
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Anyone who claims to love Jesus, yet hates homosexuals is a liar, not a Christian (1 John 4:20-21).
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Old 08-01-2002, 05:19 PM   #165
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Originally posted by scigirl:
<strong>So. . .what are we to do, to try and get the religion out of politics, and make laws based on common sense and reason??
Well, make you the US President and me the Australian PM for a start.

I have no idea.

Consider the political debates on abortion and stem cell research, for example. Many people who are not particularly religious, would have an aversion to these things based on purely personal feelings, and fair enough. But I venture to say that such people would not necessarily campaign strongly to outlaw these activities; the question remains a personal and relatively subjective one.

The problems start when you have a strong religious belief that a 200-cell embryo is a human life, blessed by God or whatever, which must be protected at all costs - and they believe that this is an objective view. Unfortunately our legislators sometimes have difficulty telling the difference.
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Old 08-02-2002, 10:43 AM   #166
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I'm still waiting with baited breath for the acceptance of a formal debate .
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Old 08-02-2002, 04:22 PM   #167
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I'm willing to debate anyone on the topic of homosexuality from a biblical perspective.
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Old 08-02-2002, 04:32 PM   #168
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Would you please tell us what you think "the Biblical perspective" on homosexuality is and what position you would be defending?


Rick, Moderator of the Formal Debates and Discussions forum
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Old 08-02-2002, 04:55 PM   #169
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We could start with why God considers homosexual sex to be a sin.
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Old 08-02-2002, 08:19 PM   #170
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...That's not a start, though; prequisite to discussing "why God considers" anything is a convincing argument or at least a presuppostion that there is such a thing as a god. Then you would have to convincingly argue "what" God considers before you could begin to debate "why."

"Does Christianity promote gay and lesbian bigotry?", on the other hand, requires no a priori theistic arguments or assumptions.

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