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Old 04-14-2003, 02:22 AM   #21
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Default Re: yes

Originally posted by chimaira
excuses I for the translation you would have a bond which gives me a good translator?
Perhaps lycos? Have fun!

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Old 04-14-2003, 05:21 AM   #22
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Yusuf Ali's "Holy Qur'an" is probably the most popular English translation amongst Muslims, although Pickthal's is more poetic - it consciously echoes King James language, which I think makes it more powerful and beautiful for English speakers. These are nice cheap paperbacks, good for if you just want to "sample the flavor."

There are also more expensive editions that include the Arabic text and elaborate tafsir (scholarly commentary), considered absolutely essential by serious Muslims. These explain the precise meaning of ambiguous words, Shariah implications of verses, abrogated verses, include relevant ahadith etc. All tafsir depends on the madhab/manhaj (school/method) of the commentator, each is considered orthodox (well, depending on who you talk too!), so there is no one authorative interpretation.

Most of this extra information is useless to the non-believer, and definitely not worth the extra money, but if you see an annotated Qur'an in your library, or a local Islamic cultural center has free/subsidized copies, it's worth taking a look. Qur'ans with tafsir give a much better indication on how pious Muslims approach the Qur'an and how they interpret it than just a bare translation.

If you don't mind reading on the computer screen, has 3 translations side-by-side so you can compare, although again without commentary.
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Old 04-14-2003, 07:53 AM   #23
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in my religion class they said the reason why the Quran must be kept in Arabic is because it is poetically written and the most beautiful writing in the world and when you hear it in Arabic you can feel God's presence in it's beauty.

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Old 04-14-2003, 09:44 AM   #24
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Exclamation Language

Even if the Qur'an does not change, it will still change meaning. Modern arabic is different from the ancient arabic the Qur'an was written in. Think of the difference between modern english and old english.
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Old 04-14-2003, 10:00 AM   #25
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Default Re: Language

Originally posted by RRH
Even if the Qur'an does not change, it will still change meaning. Modern arabic is different from the ancient arabic the Qur'an was written in. Think of the difference between modern english and old english.
No, it's not. The Arabic of the Qur'an and the Arabic of modern books and newspapers is called Literary Arabic, and it is a petrified tongue not spoken by anybody. It's basically unchanged since its first commitment to writing in the 6th century CE. Spoken Arabic, on the other hand, is a living language and has undergone ample change since its first emergence (circa 8th century CE). A better analogy would be between the standard German language (called Schriftsprache) and the spoken German dialects. Or between the Greek literary language of books and newspapers (called katharevusa) and the spoken language (called dhimotiki).
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Old 04-14-2003, 10:57 AM   #26
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Lightbulb Re: Re: Language

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Old 04-14-2003, 08:20 PM   #27
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Originally posted by lpetrich
Conquered people assimilating their conquerors has happened elsewhere -- those Mongols who stayed in China became assimilated into Chinese culture, and the Germanic barbarians who overran the Roman Empire also became assimilated.

And the Kaaba with its Black Stone is likely a pagan holdover that got an Islamic interpretation. The Black Stone itself is likely a meteorite -- and some meteorites have been venerated in sacred objects.

Also, I think that "chimaira" needs to find a better translator -- his/her "translations" look rather Babelfishy.
The Meteorite that is in the Kaaba is no ordinary rock. The Meteorite itself is not the object of veneration. The "Heavenly" rock came down as a place holder for "man-made idols" and thus it is symbolically understood that the Law of G-d will replace the Law of Man. The Kaaba is aligned with the gates of Heavens( guarded by 19 Angels), and Judgement Day will take place in the Arafat Plains of Arabia. However, I personally believe Judgement Day will take Place in Prehistoric Arabia ( Pre-Edenic/ Pre-Adamic Pangea concentrically about Arafat Plains of Arabia). I believe this will take place via "worm hole" for the Universe is expected to implode before Judgement Day.

Originally Mecca, housed a small sanctuary built as a Cube by Adam(pbuh) immediately after G-d forgave him and made him his "khalifa" or vicegerent. This Cube was built in the image/replica of the Kaaba that Adam once saw in Heaven. Centuries later it became buried within the sand. Later, the Iraqi Prophet, Abraham (pbuh) and his son, Ishmael (pbuh) resurrected the buried shrine in Mecca through the Guidance of the Holy Spirit ( ArchAngel Gabriel). Prophet Muhammad who is descended from Ishmael, simply restored the Biblical order. Some believe that the Garden of Eden existed in what we presently call Iraq.
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Old 04-15-2003, 01:46 AM   #28
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Whoopee, a Muslim!

ألله أهبل
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Old 04-15-2003, 02:02 AM   #29
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Originally posted by River
The Meteorite that is in the Kaaba is no ordinary rock. The Meteorite itself is not the object of veneration.

There is a long and honorable history of meteorite veneration among the Arabs. In the 3rd century CE the Roman Emperor Elagabalus, son of an Arab sheikh, brought a meteorite into the Senate for his veneration. The Roman pagans were quite shocked.


The "Heavenly" rock came down as a place holder for "man-made idols" and thus it is symbolically understood that the Law of G-d will replace the Law of Man.

The Ka'ba was originally an object of pagan worship, and the whole Hajj to Mecca was a pagan enterprise, complete with pagan rituals such as throwing stones at pillars. When Islam emerged, Muslims had to justify the continuation of those pagan practices by fabricating a mythology linking it to Abraham and Ishmael. Khaleef Omar had this to say about the Ka'ba:

"I know that you are a stone, and you can neither help nor hinder, and had I not seen the Prophet kiss you, I would not kiss you either"


The Kaaba is aligned with the gates of Heavens( guarded by 19 Angels), and Judgement Day will take place in the Arafat Plains of Arabia. However, I personally believe Judgement Day will take Place in Prehistoric Arabia ( Pre-Edenic/ Pre-Adamic Pangea concentrically about Arafat Plains of Arabia). I believe this will take place via "worm hole" for the Universe is expected to implode before Judgement Day.

Ah, Judgement Day, where the gates of mercy will be closed, and those who have not embraced God's religion will be everlastingly punished. So hurry up, hurry up, before it's too late! This is your last chance, the offer is good only until...


Prophet Muhammad who is descended from Ishmael, simply restored the Biblical order.
Oh, I thought it was Joseph Smith who restored the Biblical order by founding the true church of Mormonism? All the time, God's original message to humankind gets corrupted and has to be restored. Houston, we have a problem...
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Old 04-15-2003, 04:25 AM   #30
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Genesis it be dit:"Quand the water of in addition to be exhaust, elle(Agar) throw the child under one of shrub then ella himself sit with variation with distance of a range of arc.Elle say into efet:Que I attend not à.la dead some enfant".Assise with variation it raise the voice and pleura.Dieu hear the voice of boy and of sky the angel of god call Agar.Ne fear nothing, because god have hear the voice of graçon where it est.Lève-toi!Relève the child and hold it by the hand, because I him make a large nation".Dieu him open the eye and grows and lived with the desert ".
It is seen that god made a promise that among the descent of Ismael there will be a great nation.
According to the old Will:"Voici the family of Ismael wire of Abraham, that which gave to Abraham Agar the Egyptian woman maidservant of Sara.Voici the names of wire of Ismael;leurs names according to their:Nebayoth families
ainé of Ismael, Quédar, Adbéel, Mivsam, Mishma, Douma and Massa, Hada, Téma, Yétour, Nafish and Quédma.Ce are them the wire of Ismael and such are their names ".
Certain Christian confessions achieve in this moment of impressive progress while recognizing, for the first time in the history, that Mohamed (saw) goes down from Ismaël by the second wire of this one, Quédar. In the Davis dictionary of the Bible, published in 1980 pennies the auspices of the Christian council of the Education of the Presbytérienne Church in the United States, is carried the following mention under the word "downward Quédar":"Tribu of Ismaël (Genesis, 25:13). The people of Quédar correspond to that of ' Cedraï' mentioned by Pline, and of their tribe was ultimately resulting Mohamed." The International Traditional Encyclopaedia of the Bible quotes the following precise details having for author A.S. Fulton: "Among all the tribes ismaélites, Quédar was certainly one of most important, so that, later on, the name had been suddenly applied to all the savage tribes of the desert. It is via Quédar (in Arabic "Qeidar") that the Moslem genealogists determine the ascent of Mohamed starting from Ismaël." The Smith dictionary of the Bible does not remain in on this side and rapporte:"Quédar (black): second wire of Ismaël (Genesis, 25:13). The line of Mohamed goes up in Abraham via the famous tribe of Qoraïch which resulted from Quédar.Avec the arrival of the prophet of Islam, the Arabs Bedouins were scattered tribes in an immense desert and with which was to tighten between two power, Perse and Byzantine ya also a point which distinguishes the Islamic religion with that chrétienne.est the fact, for example, that into Tunisia and Algérie, their inhabitants - Christians for the majority before the arrival of the Moslems converted with Islam not only because they were thus exempted of Djizya (poll-tax as among Romans), but especially because Islam to undergo their co-religionists of Byzance. They had been Christian "heretics" Donatistes.
This situation reproduced with the 15° century in Balkans among Bogomiles Christians (theological cousins of the Albigensians), and with the Close East with Monophysites, Nestoriens and other Christians whom Islam released from the yoke of the Romain Empire of the East. These people ex-Christians, Islamized, with the return of the Christian domination on their grounds, preferred to remain Moslem.

With its birth Islam beat the Byzantines everywhere when it attacked territories whose people awaited liberators. The armies of Khalife Omar were accepted everywhere there as liberators. It was not rare to see cases like that of August 20 636 in oppressed Syria, where during a battle between a large Byzantine army organized with the Roman and a much less large Musulmane army, the Byzantines were literally crushed "Twelve thousand Christian Arabs of the Byzantine army of Héraclius I, persecutor of Jews and heretics, passed with weapons and luggage to Islam. Islam carrying Culture, this "Kulturträger" as the Germans say, was not Arab any more in the ethnological direction of the term, so much universalism had posed on him its print. Only the Westerners paisent themselves to treat "primitive" all people from which the way of life is different from that of the "civilized world". What means the expression primitive people when it should not be put between quotation marks? People, which did not get rid yet of their primitive instincts whose worst is individualism, i.e. the instinct of domination which animated the men before they do not start to living in company. All the people of the Earth evolved/moved since their initial state and, getting rid more or less of their individualism, met to live in company. European however grouped in a company so highly developed that it enables him today to put the feet on the moon. But of its primitive individualism not only it makes of it a glory of which it correctly did not get rid.
In conclusion if it is said that Mohamed is a prophète(saw), it is the promise made by God with Agar which was concretized, but sii one says as say the Christians and Jews which he is an impostor, god did not hold his promise towards Agar, with the result that one of the two parts is in the erreur.Peut one to say that god is in the error because he did not hold his promise or it is rather the fault with people of religion who hid the truth with their faithful?.

All that you say is true and now I add that one can find in the new will in Galates 21 - 31:
21 to me, you who want to be under the law, don't you hear Say the law?
22 Bus it is written that Abraham had two wire, one of the woman slave, and one of the free woman.
23 But that of the slave were born according to the flesh, and that of the free woman was born under the terms of the promise.
24 These things are allegorical; because these women are two alliances. One of the Sinai mount, giving birth to for the constraint, it is Agar, -
25 bus Agar, it is the Sinai mount in Arabia, - and it corresponds to current Jerusalem, which is in the constraint with his/her children.
26 But Jerusalem of in top is free, it is our mother;
27 bus it is written: Delighted, sterile, you which do not give birth to! Burst and pushes cries, you which did not test the pains of enfantement! Because the children of forsaken will be more numerous Than the children of that which was married.
28 For you, brothers, like Isaac, you are children of the promise;
29 and just as then that which had been born according to the flesh persecuted that which had been born according to the Spirit, thus in is it still now.
30 But what does the Writing say? Drive out the slave and his son, because the son of the slave will not inherit with the son the free woman.
31 This is why, brothers, we are not children of the slave, but of the free woman.

It is thus quite clear that even passages of this falsified book prove to us that all were not gummed.
One can even realize which parmis "Jews and Christians" are those with which them religious capacities scrambled more the spirit.

as regards the kaaba and the mecque one there is not graand thing to say, separately that Allah say in Coran to dedicate a worship only has him, it is not matter to tergiversate for me owe the obviousness.

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