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Old 12-23-2002, 08:51 AM   #71
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No, of course I am not arguing that Paul's conversion is non-historical. But the two accounts conflict. One cannot be true.
Since Paul's conversion on the Damascus road is a straight retelling of a primary Dionysian religous story--even lifting dialogue from Euripides play based on this same story (The Bacchae)--surely we can discount this part of Acts based on plagirism.
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Old 12-23-2002, 10:45 AM   #72
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I've never seen SD obfuscate. He's extremely clear and cogent.

Well I'm glad someone liked his style.
It wasn't his style that I was commenting upon. It was the clarity of his arguments, and the dispassionate way that he presented them.

And (since you missed it) there is also the challenge to you to provide examples of SD being obfuscatory. Since you failed to do so, I'll take that as an inability to support your claim against him.

He writes well, and makes his points carefully and with strong support. Sometimes I have to read them twice, because the material he discusses can be complex. But that's not a fault in his presentation of the topic. I have the same issue with Kirby - very good writer, but some of the subject topics take a while to read through.

I have never had any trouble at all with Kirby and greatly respect him as a competent and clear writer.
Tercel, I've watched your posts "develop" over time. In point of fact, the only reason that you respect Kirby is that your electronic mentor, Layman, respects him. But it is imitation of your role model that we see at work here; not your comprehension of Kirby's arguments.

Your inability to follow SD's argument isn't the same as SD being obfuscatory, Tercel.

No, but when I consistently encountered problems and I found others making the same complaints it wasn't difficult to draw the conclusion.
The only "others" who made such complaints were yourself, Nomad and Layman. SD has respect from both sides of the discussion as being an honest, well-balanced individual. You were frustrated by your inability to provide evidence that matched the level of your claims, and by the weakness of several of Layman (and Meier's) arguments for authenticity; i.e., the argument from embarrassment. I was there; Tercel, I watched it transpire.

It wasn't exactly an inability to follow SD's arguments either that was the problem: given a good dictionary, a pen and half an hour I could work out exactly what he was saying even in his worst posts. It was the fact that half the time he didn't actually have an argument when it was deciphered and when he did it had a large presence of basic fallacies and assertions of things that were straightout false in his posts.
That's absolutely ludicrous. SingleDad's speciality was the airtight logical argument; in fact, that was one of his major contributions here - showing everyone how to form such an argument. For you to accuse him of "basic fallacies and assertions" is not only nonsense; it's desperate projection on your part.

My theory is that in any debate the evidence should be provided as clearly, concisely, accurately and fairly as possible by both sides and then reader should then make up their minds based on that.
Agreed, partially. But there are some topics that will never be easily understood or crystal clear to the man in the street. That is why they require some time spent learning the basics of the topic, before the concise and accurate argument can be understood. A person can't just jump into an argument and expect to contribute in a meaningful way, if they haven't done their time in "boot camp", learning the background of the issue.

In addition, there are guidelines about *any* argument that have to be observed and understood: for example, the need to avoid logical fallacies and/or circular arguments. While someone might not care one whit about the actual topic, they might care quite a bit about a particular logical error being trotted out as evidence.

You understand the need for clear arguments. But you fall down on the need for elementary education in the topic at hand, and you skip out as the need for understanding the guidelines for presentation of an argument. That is why people like SD frustrate you: they bring you back to reality, and remind you of the flaws in your position.

(If, as I believe, my interpretation of what the evidence implies is the most rational one in that case, an unbiased reader should come to exactly the same conclusions as me on reading the discussion.
You'll forgive me if I don't give you credit for having the most rational conclusions.

Similarly the opposition should believe the same thing and be happy to agree to the above principle.) SingleDad managed to stick a pole through that wheel by the simple expedient of dressing up outright crap (if I may be so crass, but I really think that's a fair description) so that nobody could understand it.
Crap? I don't think so. Many people understood what SD was saying. The fact that you were unable to follow the discussion is (as I indicated earlier) your personal shortcoming; it was not a flaw in SD's arguments.

(Since no one other than me was going to go to the bother of working it out)
Perhaps no one other than you NEEDED to spend time working it out. Everyone else had already worked it out, and found that it was airtight. The fact that only you seemed to have problems with it, and you are the only one making vague complaints - perhaps that fact should tell you something.

Of course the response from the average reader was "Wow SingleDad I didn't understand a word of what you said, but I'm sure it won the argument!". (Would you like a couple of quotes from the archives to back that up? ) Can you even begin to imagine just how annoying that is!?!
I can imagine it was more annoying for SD and the rest of the debate participants, when they had to spend time going over the material with you.

Multiple times.

Anyway, that's quite enough about SD. That's my opinion and you can disagree with it if you want, but I'm not going to say a word more on the subject.

[ December 23, 2002: Message edited by: Sauron ]</p>
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Old 12-23-2002, 09:13 PM   #73
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Originally posted by Biff the unclean:
<strong>No, of course I am not arguing that Paul's conversion is non-historical. But the two accounts conflict. One cannot be true.
Since Paul's conversion on the Damascus road is a straight retelling of a primary Dionysian religous story--even lifting dialogue from Euripides play based on this same story (The Bacchae)--surely we can discount this part of Acts based on plagirism.</strong>
That would make it a complete fictional construction.

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Old 12-24-2002, 08:48 AM   #74
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Originally posted by Tercel:

If you've ever read any debates involving Layman then you'd know he consistently makes posts with substantial informed clear content relevant to the issue (unlike SingleDad) and keeps any insults/ad hominems to a minimum and well below average on these boards (unlike Koy).

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: Tercel ]</strong>
Thanks for the nice comments Tercel, but I fear you may be wasting your time. Since a good part of this thread has been devoted (by Koy, Sauron, Toto, and Intensity) to attacking me personally, it seems that there is little interest in having a rigorous discussion about the issues at hand (as I feared). It seems that many skeptics are more concerned with painting me or other "apologists" in a bad light, rather than providing substantive posts towards the issue at hand.

So please do not feel obligated to defend my character or posting style against the likes of Toto and Sauron. You are doing a good job responding to attempts at serious discussion with those who at least know something about the issue at hand.
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Old 12-24-2002, 09:27 AM   #75
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That's very ironic, Layman. I have never attacked your character, only your debating technics and your failures of logic (unless you count "lawyerly" as an attack on your character).

While you were quoted as saying:

Originally posted by Layman: Sounds like your analysis is simply subjective, self-serving, uneducated opinion-mongering.
And you pat Tercel on the head for attempting to have a serious discussion, when Tercel admits to not having read a book he is happy to attack, never having even considered the conflicts between Paul and Acts, not knowing that the scholarly consensus is that the author of Acts was not a companion of Paul's. . . What kind of serious discussion can that be?
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Old 12-24-2002, 10:46 AM   #76
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Originally posted by Layman:
Thanks for the nice comments Tercel, but I fear you may be wasting your time. Since a good part of this thread has been devoted (by Koy, Sauron, Toto, and Intensity) to attacking me personally, it seems that there is little interest in having a rigorous discussion about the issues at hand (as I feared).
That was attempted, Layman. But you quickly descended into the behavior that I described, above. The fact that the discussion rat-holed is largely due to your overbearing ego.

Perhaps you'd like to discuss the ossuary again?

There are still some issues you have failed to address, such as the Israeli Geological Society's not-quite-so-airtight localization of the stone to the Jerusalem area. You also seemed to think that the aerospace engineer who examined the box was applying an scientific principle that was invalid for archaeology?

It seems that many skeptics are more concerned with painting me or other "apologists" in a bad light, rather than providing substantive posts towards the issue at hand.

Says the man who posted:
Sounds like your analysis is simply subjective, self-serving, uneducated opinion-mongering.

So please do not feel obligated to defend my character or posting style against the likes of Toto and Sauron. You are doing a good job responding to attempts at serious discussion with those who at least know something about the issue at hand.
Tercel is trying to deconstruct arguments in a book he hasn't even read.

This is what you consider "a good job responding"?
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Old 12-24-2002, 11:14 AM   #77
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That was attempted, Layman. But you quickly descended into the behavior that I described, above. The fact that the discussion rat-holed is largely due to your overbearing ego.
Attempted by whom? By you? Where? I have yet to see you substantively address the topic at issue.

Perhaps you'd like to discuss the ossuary again?
I'm sure I will. As soon as more information, analysis, discussion, etc., comes out of the Academic community.

You also seemed to think that the aerospace engineer who examined the box was applying an scientific principle that was invalid for archaeology?
Yes, I'm going to be initially skeptical of his conclusions since he has no experience in evaluating stone artifacts. If others of more suitable expertise or experience find his arguments worthy of discussion, I look forward to reading their analysis.

Says the man who posted: Sounds like your analysis is simply subjective, self-serving, uneducated opinion-mongering.
Most of us are not nice to each other from time to time. The difference is whether we are interested in real discussion. I am. Koy dropped in to sweep away detailed discussion with a one sentence vague and generalized attack. You dropped in to harass me some more and bait me on the ossuary issue. I've discussed Acts and its historicty, authorship, and dating in more detail than anyone else on these boards. Obviously I am interested in substantive dicussion on these issues. Just as obviously you and Koy are not.

If you change your mind and do want to engage in a substantive discussion of the issues, I've started a new thread on an issue that was raised earlier in this thread by Kirby and Toto:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Old 12-24-2002, 11:18 AM   #78
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Originally posted by Toto:
[QB]That's very ironic, Layman. I have never attacked your character, only your debating technics and your failures of logic (unless you count "lawyerly" as an attack on your character).

While you were quoted as saying:
Nothing in my quote was an attack on character as well. Nor do you seem to have any idea what the context of the statement was. Do you?

I've proven my desire and ability to have a serious discussion about Acts and its historicity, authorship, and date. You have too. So why not do that instead of label me as a "follow of William L. Craig" and other such nonsense.

Yes, I've read one book and a couple of articles by Craig. I've read many more books by many more authors, including Meier, Brown, Crossan, Stanton, Witherington, Van Voorst, and a host of other leading scholars.

And you pat Tercel on the head for attempting to have a serious discussion, when Tercel admits to not having read a book he is happy to attack, never having even considered the conflicts between Paul and Acts, not knowing that the scholarly consensus is that the author of Acts was not a companion of Paul's. . . What kind of serious discussion can that be?
Take it up with Tercel. So many of you seem to want to discuss anything but the substantive issues at stake (such as what I think you think about my opinion of Tercel's arguments). If you change your mind, join me in another thread where I have attempted to salvage some real discussion:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

[ December 24, 2002: Message edited by: Layman ]</p>
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Old 12-24-2002, 11:45 AM   #79
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That was attempted, Layman. But you quickly descended into the behavior that I described, above. The fact that the discussion rat-holed is largely due to your overbearing ego.

Attempted by whom? By you? Where? I have yet to see you substantively address the topic at issue.
In my comment to you, I was talking about our previous debates: your claim for a pre-Quirinian census under Herod, the waffling position you took on the ossuary, etc. In both of those discussions, things started out well but then de-railed when your ego got in the way.

As for the current topic (i.e., Luke), I have not explored it yet.

Perhaps you'd like to discuss the ossuary again?

I'm sure I will. As soon as more information, analysis, discussion, etc., comes out of the Academic community.
Actually, the updated IGS statement that clarifies their earlier comments - a statement that I provided several times earlier, BTW - is all that is needed. Your original position was one of relying upon them as the experts in the geological matters of the ossuary. You should now be able to either defend or retract that position, in light of their amplified statement that clarifies the same comments you were staking your argument upon.

You've already taken a position on the appropriateness of the aerospace engineer's involvement and his method of examining the ossuary. Having already stepped out and done that, I don't understand why you think you need to wait for further analysis, and cannot continue that discussion now?

Yes, I'm going to be initially skeptical of his conclusions since he has no experience in evaluating stone artifacts. If others of more suitable expertise or experience find his arguments worthy of discussion, I look forward to reading their analysis.
Ah, yes. Initial cautious skepticism.

But do you have any reason to believe that his principle of examination - normally applied to metallic objects - would be invalid when applied to stone objects?

If not, then it seems that the logical a priori position to take is one of initial cautious credibility. Taking a position of skepticism without any actual supporting justification for caution indicates a unfounded bias towards rejecting the engineer's findings.

2. You failed to address the question of your reliance on the IGS statement.

Says the man who posted: Sounds like your analysis is simply subjective, self-serving, uneducated opinion-mongering.

Most of us are not nice to each other from time to time. The difference is whether we are interested in real discussion. I am.
I think it is more accurate to say that, at *times*, you are interested in real discussion. And sometimes your discussions are quite good.

But as for the desire for serious discussion being a constant character trait of yours - no, it is not. There are also numerous times when you dodge the conversation, preferring to focus on quibbles. And of course, any honest dialogue requires that you admit when you are wrong - an act which is apparently beyond your power. Examples of both available upon request, BTW.

If you change your mind and do want to engage in a substantive discussion of the issues, I've started a new thread on an issue that was raised earlier in this thread by Kirby and Toto:
Perhaps I will drop in.

[ December 24, 2002: Message edited by: Sauron ]</p>
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Old 12-24-2002, 09:07 PM   #80
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Germane to this thread, MacDonald delivered this at the <a href="" target="_blank">2002 Petronian Society Meeting</a>:

Dennis MacDonald, Claremont Graduate University, "Did Luke Know his Stories Were Fictions?"

In fact, there are some very interesting ideas there. Too bad the damn papers aren't on the (@*#&$ web. When will they start putting stuff out there where all of us can read it? It takes two minutes to put a paper on the web!


[ December 24, 2002: Message edited by: Vorkosigan ]</p>
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