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Old 04-28-2003, 10:24 PM   #171
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Originally posted by John Page

Seems to me you dreamed something up and put "universal" in front of it. Claiming your knowledge comes from some source I don't have access to is only effective if you can show me what that source is.

Universally Cheers, John
Dear John Page.

You keep dancing around the obvious. Ask questions about the ''philosophy'' involved. Take the 180 degree ''test'', see for yourself how well the 3D thinking stacks up when you start to pull it to pieces. See how the 3D world got into the mess it is in by the way it goes about things. See how the ''opposite'' way, would give a sustainable benefit that would create not destroy.
Why do you think the 3D world has to keep ''inventing the wheel'', because every so often it destroys the knowledge. This process will never allow this world to become a type 1 civilisation, let alone a type 3.
No John, we did not dream this up, it is you and the bulk of the 3D world that is not awake and content with their ''dream'', content in their discontent.

John to access the source, you have to go to your own resources, you have to go ''in''. You have to see that there is another part of you that you can operate with that will give you the answers that you seek, but you won't do this unless you see that there is another way. John, if you can do this, sit down and clear your mind of your perceptions, make it as ''blank'' as you can. Pick up a pen and write whatever comes to your mind, without ''thinking''. Do not judge what comes through, do not lead the writing, let it lead you. There is nothing to fear, it is just you, the other part of you that up to this point you haven't acknowledged.
Give it a go John, it will do you no harm, no one need know, you don't even have to tell us.

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Old 04-28-2003, 10:57 PM   #172
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Default Re: Life's too bloody short, as it is...

Originally posted by Keith Russell

Either you want people to accept your claims without having to experience the same things you have experienced, or you will cease making claims, and start giving us the information we need, in order to discover for ourselves the independently verifiable, non-contradictory evidence that supports your claims.

No rational person will accept arbitrary claims, and--so far--that is all you have made, and you have pretty much stated as much.

Dear Keith Russell.

How far from the truth could you be.
Keith, we want people to experience what we experience, we have put out the method and it is so simple. However, climbing over your own perceptions is not.
See the post to John Page above. The method outlined is the way we started and we perservered with it. Once you have the intent to persue, even though you have no idea where it will lead, the pure intent will take you down a road of discovery if you let it.
Keith, we would not accept arbitary claims, we would investigate ourselves. You are no different to us.
The material we post is the end result of the work we have put into us, to receive clearly. We have had to fight our own battles of self to get to this point, it has not been an ''overnight'' process.
Try the writing exercise.
Try the 180 degree test.
See what you come up with. Don't just take our word for it.


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Old 04-29-2003, 05:35 AM   #173
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Originally posted by malai5
You keep dancing around the obvious.
Me? You!
Originally posted by malai5
Give it a go John, it will do you no harm, no one need know, you don't even have to tell us.
Is this how you sell drugs?

What's to say that I haven't? As a relativist, I scorn those who say they have a suprior view - I have visited the brain states of euphoria driven by the delight of discovery, I have been the kind of person that thinks themselves superior because of the elegance of theories. IMO, what you are exhibiting is a superiority complex founded on the concept that you are receiveing priviledged information.

Having considered many views, including n-dimensional reality (which is interesting but ultimately founded on our organs of perception rather than the reality it perceives), I don't think your philosophy has any substance.

Cheers, John
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Old 04-29-2003, 05:51 AM   #174
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Default Which arbitrary beliefs should I believe?


Why are you not investigating the discoveries of cognitive scientists in the area of consciousness and mind? Why have you not investigated epistemology? It seems as if you dismiss what is actually known about the physical world out of hand merely on the grounds that it conflicts with the quality of inner experience. It is as if the personal private experience is the means and the end. Is it? Would you say that it is more important that personal beliefs accurately reflect the material world to the extent possible, or that it is more important that personal beliefs work for the believer-- in other words that they are pleasing and emotionally satisfying?
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:49 AM   #175
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Originally posted by John Page
Me? You!

Is this how you sell drugs?

What's to say that I haven't? As a relativist, I scorn those who say they have a suprior view - I have visited the brain states of euphoria driven by the delight of discovery, I have been the kind of person that thinks themselves superior because of the elegance of theories. IMO, what you are exhibiting is a superiority complex founded on the concept that you are receiveing priviledged information.

Having considered many views, including n-dimensional reality (which is interesting but ultimately founded on our organs of perception rather than the reality it perceives), I don't think your philosophy has any substance.

Cheers, John
Dear John Page.

Hey John, as a relativist we would understand you thinking we have a superior view, it's the way you think, it's the way you perceive. Everything to you has to be relavent to you and what you know. So we are not surprised.
If you see no relavence, you will reject out of hand the information and go down the road of trying to bring it into an area where you can find relavence.
John, you are trying to control the game and that is not about to happen.

Your knowledge in this area is severely limited if you stop at the ''organs'' of perception, as you said. What about N.D.E., gee, no organs operating = no perception, according to you. Well the evidence is massive in this area as to ''consciousness'' existing outside the ''body''. There are many theories to explain this away, but as far as those who have experienced it are concerned, the theories are just that, theories, not the truth.

John, if you have visited the'' brain states of euphoria'' whether natural or chemically, you were definately on the wrong track.
What we experience is controled, pragmatic, rational contact in a conscious state, not even a ''trance''.

John, you are still the kind of person who thinks themself superior because of the elegance of theories, your own.
This is patently obvious because of your avoidence of any serious discussion of the universal material we post. You just want to debate about who is more qualified to present ideas, new ideas, ones that do not fit your understanding of relativistic logic.
We will not go down that slippery slope with you and we won't be dragged into your 3D relativism as it does not befit the maxims of the universal ''logic''. We are poles appart, 180 degrees exactly. We understand your relativistic 3D logic for we were brought up in this world also, but are you willing to bridge the gap as we have and discover the universal way, we think not, for to do so would mean starting again as we did and we believe your ego would not permit this.
Pity really, you obviously have a mind which is capable of making the journey.


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Old 04-29-2003, 11:02 AM   #176
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Default Re: Which arbitrary beliefs should I believe?

Originally posted by wordfailure

Why are you not investigating the discoveries of cognitive scientists in the area of consciousness and mind? Why have you not investigated epistemology? It seems as if you dismiss what is actually known about the physical world out of hand merely on the grounds that it conflicts with the quality of inner experience. It is as if the personal private experience is the means and the end. Is it? Would you say that it is more important that personal beliefs accurately reflect the material world to the extent possible, or that it is more important that personal beliefs work for the believer-- in other words that they are pleasing and emotionally satisfying?
Dear wordfailure.

We have not dismissed out of hand any of what you have said relating to epistemology, it's just that the universal understanding is less limiting and comes with the truth of the matter, not just 3D limited thinking.

The inner way has nothing to do with emotions when dealing with universal entities as they do not recognise emotions as 3D humans do. So we do not find our work emotionally satisfying, in fact, the whole process engenders a detached state which is emotionless. This is nothing about personal beliefs, it is about information, pure and simple. It is not what you would call a ''feel good'' process, it's a job, it's what we do, it's our vocation, it's our life's work. This is the real reason we came to this earth. All of our life up to this time has just been a preparation.


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Old 04-29-2003, 11:44 AM   #177
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Originally posted by malai5
John, you are trying to control the game and that is not about to happen.
Pot calling the kettle black again!!
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Old 04-29-2003, 05:35 PM   #178
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Originally posted by John Page
Pot calling the kettle black again!!
Dear John Page.

You know John, we don't care whether you think this or not. All we are asking is if you want to discuss, come to the DMZ, the middle ground, that is all we ask. You don't know our position, we know yours, 3D Vs 5D/universal. We will not try to convince you of anything, but you won't know where we are at unless you ask a few questions and delve into the universal arena.

So John, we are not trying to control the game. You see this because it is in you to do so, otherwise you would not. You only see, with what you have to see with. You project your perceptions onto us when in truth what you are seeing is a mirror, you seeing you.


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Old 04-29-2003, 07:31 PM   #179
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Originally posted by malai5
You don't know our position, we know yours, 3D Vs 5D/universal.
A. Substantive information would help.
B. You don't know my position
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Old 04-30-2003, 02:56 AM   #180
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Originally posted by malai5
Hey there Malai triad. Are your efforts producing results?

You may have answered this already, please forgive me: Have you examined the "Seth" material yet?
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