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Old 09-18-2002, 08:59 PM   #1
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Question Acupuncture?

I recently heard that acupuncture can help relieve menstrual cramps. Seeing that I get pretty spectacular ones almost every month, I'm seriously considering investigating this option. There's only one catch: I have a thing about needles. Has anyone out there had acupuncture? I heard that the needles itch a little bit. Is that true?
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Old 09-19-2002, 05:02 AM   #2
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You would do better to ask you doctor for some pain relievers.

Read this before you decide to go.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Old 09-19-2002, 05:15 AM   #3
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I don't know what your feelings or experiences are, but have you thought about asking your doctor to prescribe birth control pills? They can regulate your period - you don't really get more than a "medium" day in terms of bleeding or cramps. So I've been told, anyway; I didn't have severe cramps before I started the Pill, so I couldn't tell you personally if it was effective in that regard.

I'm not trying to rule out or discourage acupuncture (I know nothing about it) but just suggesting a possible alternative...
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Old 09-19-2002, 05:48 AM   #4
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Originally posted by Noise:
<strong>You would do better to ask you doctor for some pain relievers.

Read this before you decide to go.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong>
Quakwatch? That section of the site is the biggest bunch of crap I've had the misfortune to come accross in quite awhile.

Insurance companies should not be required by law to cover acupuncture treatment,
WHAT? Why not? Why do most insurance companies currently offer coverage for this? Because it works for many people...that's why.

Its theory and practice are based on primitive and fanciful concepts of health and disease that bear no relationship to present scientific knowledge
Bullshit rhetoric, and a medical strawman argument if I ever saw one. Have to do better then that.

Licensure of lay acupuncturists should be phased out.
"Licensure" of ANY lay medical practitioner should be phased out...christ.

Research during the past 20 years has not demonstrated that acupuncture is effective against any disease.
Who the hell goes to an acupuncturist to get help with a "disease"?

The device is a needle with a blunt tip that moves freely within a copper handle. When the tip touches the skin, the patient feels a sensation similar to that of an acupuncture needle. At the same time, the visible part of the needle moves inside the handle so it appears to shorten as though penetrating the skin. When the device was tested on volunteers, none suspected that it had not penetrated the skin [10].
You have got to be kidding me...THAT'S how they tried to do a placebo test? You can't feel a REAL acupuncture needle going in you if it's done right so how does this relate in any way?

The conditions claimed to respond to acupuncture include chronic pain (neck and back pain, migraine headaches), acute injury-related pain (strains, muscle and ligament tears), gastrointestinal problems (indigestion, ulcers, constipation, diarrhea), cardiovascular conditions (high and low blood pressure), genitourinary problems (menstrual irregularity, frigidity, impotence), muscle and nerve conditions (paralysis, deafness), and behavioral problems (overeating, drug dependence, smoking).
So...what again exactly was the point of saying that acupuncture doesnt cure disease? Oh was that BS strawman argument again.
It's funny...I've never seen a site shoot itself in the foot like that one just did.

I'm trying not to offer anectodal evidence. But I've known upwards of 25 people who have been to acupuncturists and all of them have had outstanding results. They went for a variety of things, such as back pain, headaches, cramps, smoking problems(worked incredibly well for my mother...stopped smoking in two months, and that was three years ago...hasnt picked one up since)

I myself went for back pain that surgery, pills, chiropractors and the like could not fix. So I think it's pretty safe to say that the type of back pain I felt could not be fixed by a "placebo".

After my very first session I felt better, and it just got better from there. There was no pain involved, or discomfort of any kind. And I didn't have to keep myself on medicine just to not feel the pain.

I would also go in for my caffiene withdrawel headaches which would not go away no matter what I took...thirty seconds after the needles were in...I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep...and yep..headache gone.

Shunning of acupuncture is based on fear and things that people don't understand. Most people hate needles and the idea of getting stuck with them. Even though, in reality you never even feel them. But you do feel the results very quickly.

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Old 09-19-2002, 06:17 AM   #5
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I've had acupuncture before and I loved it. Think of it as getting a massage. It doesn't feel quite as good suring, but it feels a lot better afterwards. Very relaxing, indeed.

I don't know anything about the medical benefits of it, but it relaxes you and relieves stress, which helps out a lot. If your cramps are painful, I think it will help you out.

Don't believe any of the mystical bunk people associate with it; it's just a good way to relax the body and ease your pain.
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Old 09-19-2002, 07:00 AM   #6
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Yay! I'm convinced! Thanks, SirenSpeak and peteyh! Just what I was hoping to hear.

Monkeybot, lots of people have suggested that I go on the pill, but I'd rather not manipulate my hormones in that way. I have some pretty strong philosophical issues that keep me away from the pill, which is why I choose not to go that route. But thanks for the suggestion.

Now then, if I could find the time to meet with an acupuncturist...

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Old 09-19-2002, 07:07 AM   #7
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Great! Let us know how you feel after your first session! My sister just called and I asked her how she remembers her acupuncture therapy for her cramps right before she got pregnant...she says it was the best thing that could have happened for her. Only this was 5 years ago and a lot of insurance companies didn't cover it and she couldnt afford to keep going.

Good luck!
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Old 09-19-2002, 07:51 AM   #8
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So you believe that a magical energy called chi flows through your body, and that blockage of this magical energy causes pain and discomfort, even though there is no empirical evidence to show that such an energy exists.

And that acupuncture removes the blockage of this magical energy in special channels in the body, while there is no empirical evidence that said channels exist.

And that removal of said blockage in said channels can help with all sorts of pains, and addictions.

You know why don't you just pray to Jesus to cure your ailments, you might get the same results.
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Old 09-19-2002, 07:59 AM   #9
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Originally posted by Noise:
<strong>So you believe that a magical energy called chi flows through your body, and that blockage of this magical energy causes pain and discomfort, even though there is no empirical evidence to show that such an energy exists.

And that acupuncture removes the blockage of this magical energy in special channels in the body, while there is no empirical evidence that said channels exist.

And that removal of said blockage in said channels can help with all sorts of pains, and addictions.

You know why don't you just pray to Jesus to cure your ailments, you might get the same results.</strong>
<img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" /> Are you serious? Did you not read my post? Your whole argument is nothing but an unmitigated strawman. Do I have to remind you that not everything you read on the internet is true? Even if it did come from such a reliable source as ""

The whole spritual aspect of it is mainly for the practitioners benefit. It helps them focus and get the job done.

No one really believes that the spirit is what heals or whatever. This is medecine. Get your facts straight.
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Old 09-19-2002, 08:28 AM   #10
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Acupuncture is not medicine any more than any placebo affect can be credited to the person that doled it out.
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