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Old 07-19-2003, 12:12 PM   #291
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: yguy's counterproductive demand...

Originally posted by yguy
There is nothing posted anywhere on II by me that could properly be interpreted as religious fanaticism...
Well, anti-gay bigotry typically has its roots in religious fanaticism, and I've never known you to offer anything remotely resembling a credible secular argument to support your stance regarding homosexuals, so it's an obvious inference to draw. But you're right; strictly speaking, the first does not imply the second, so I apologize. I should have said "anti-gay bigot" instead of "religious fanatic".
Balderdash. I have no power to make anyone here do or say anything except they give me that power - and I don't want it.
I didn't say (or even imply) that you had the power to force anyone to say anything; I just pointed out that you had called on them to do so, which is (uncontroversially) accurate, and speaks volumes about you.
Tell you what: if you want to endorse NAMBLA to spite me, be my guest - I dare you. Why not, since you evidently believe such an endorsement would be seen by a reasonable person as a condemnation of religious fanaticism rather than an endorsement of pedophilia?
I think I've already made my views on this subject reasonably clear, so any such rhetorical gesture on my part would simply be redundant.
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Old 07-19-2003, 02:08 PM   #292
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Originally posted by yguy
I've made no secret of that. People like you don't exactly dissuade me from that view.
What do you mean by "people like you"?

Would you cite the organizers of the NYC parade as examples of such moral fiber?
Since I don't know their reasoning behind that particular decision, I don't know. Do I personally think that it was a bad decision on their part? Of course.

I haven't heard you say no to NAMBLA yet.
You don't know me IRL, so you don't know what I have or haven't said about NAMBLA.

At least a few of you obviously don't. Otherwise, NAMBLA wouldn't be in that parade.

Every single person in the parade that was not in the NAMBLA entry, including the organizers, could easily find NAMBLA to be as despicable as most everyone in society does and they might still have found a way to march. I don't know why the parade organizers allowed their you?

You need to understand something. Dr. Rick has assured me on another thread that all rights are granted by societal consensus. That means that what we have given, we can take away. Among the rights we can take away is the right to simulate copulation in public - and we should.
Ummm...okay. And what does that have to do with it?

If you did, you wouldn't see me waxing defensive towards heterosexuals who failed to do so, as you have for homosexuals.
How is my requesting to know why waxing defensive?
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Old 07-19-2003, 02:12 PM   #293
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Originally posted by yguy
Actually, I doubt that would do Hedwig or Fr. Andrew much good.
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Old 07-19-2003, 03:11 PM   #294
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Originally posted by Hedwig
What do you mean by "people like you"?
People who bristle with defensive hostility at the idea that the "gay" rights movement should cut NAMBLA loose.

Since I don't know their reasoning behind that particular decision, I don't know. Do I personally think that it was a bad decision on their part? Of course.
There's a verbal step in the right direction. Took you long enough.

Every single person in the parade that was not in the NAMBLA entry, including the organizers, could easily find NAMBLA to be as despicable as most everyone in society does and they might still have found a way to march.
I know that, and that's the problem. Could they have found a way NOT to march?

I don't know why the parade organizers allowed their you?
What difference does it make, unless you see some possible advantage to the "gay" rights movement in their presence?

Ummm...okay. And what does that have to do with it?
Your claim that you have nothing to prove to the straight community is a half-truth at best, since it is by our sufferance that you have the "rights" that you do.

How is my requesting to know why waxing defensive?
Your requesting to know why isn't. Your trying to make me out to be evil for pointing out an obvious problem with the "gay" rights movement is.
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Old 07-19-2003, 03:14 PM   #295
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Default Re: Re: Re: yguy's counterproductive demand...

Originally posted by Treacle Worshipper
Which suspicions would those be? They can't be that gay rights advocates also advocate paedophilia, because you've repudiated that stance. So what are you suspicious of, exactly?
That there are people in the homosexual rights movement who lack the moral courage to distance themselves from pedophilia, thus allowing its proponents to use the movement in parasitic fashion to further its cause.
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Old 07-19-2003, 03:33 PM   #296
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I've never heard of an advocate of pedophilia who did not think homosexual rights are a given.

I never made the mental connection...I didn't do that...For about the hundredth time, I never said that...
Just couldn't resist chewing that a bit finer – as train wrecks go that is.
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Old 07-19-2003, 03:46 PM   #297
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Originally posted by yguy In the secular forums especially, I've always encouraged atheists to be unapologetically up front about what they believe, and not to be guilt-tripped into converting to any religion.
Disturbing expressions of hypocritical bigotry can encourage free-thought in rational people by providing a troubling example of the opposite spewed from a mind befuddled by religion.

I have no power to make anyone here do or say anything except they give me that power
The power to repulse decent folk with hate speech should not be underestimated

Tell you what: if you want to endorse NAMBLA to spite me, be my guest - I dare you. Why not, since you evidently believe such an endorsement would be seen by a reasonable person as a condemnation of religious fanaticism rather than an endorsement of pedophilia?
What's truly remarkable in this challenge is the apparent absolute absence of any attempt to understand the opposing POV or respond to it with any logic or reasoning whatsoever. This can only be another attempt at encouraging others to employ free-thought rather than faith and prejudice.
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Old 07-19-2003, 04:39 PM   #298
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Originally posted by Dr Rick
Disturbing expressions of hypocritical bigotry can encourage free-thought in rational people by providing a troubling example of the opposite spewed from a mind befuddled by religion.
I don't have a religion, so you don't know what the hell you're talking about - not that you care. All you're interested in is shoehorning me into your tunnel-visioned perspective.

The power to repulse decent folk with hate speech should not be underestimated
This, of course, is abject self-deceit and projection. What I say makes you angry, but rather than see how dumb it is to get mad at words, you try to make me out to be the angry one.

Keep it up if you like. It won't hurt me.

What's truly remarkable in this challenge is the apparent absolute absence of any attempt to understand the opposing POV or respond to it with any logic or reasoning whatsoever. This can only be another attempt at encouraging others to employ free-thought rather than faith and prejudice.
Ahh, free-thought...such a romantically lofty idea...unfortunately, the minds of people who make excuses for parade organizers who let NAMBLA into the parade are anything but free.
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Old 07-19-2003, 05:13 PM   #299
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Interesting little side note to all of this, I visited the Heritage of Pride website again today and they had the photos up. To view photos there is a drop list you have to click on and select which entry you want to see before continuing. I went through that list entry for entry and I didn't see NAMBLA anywhere. There is a discliamer on the bottom saying that they tried to get everyone but they might have missed a few...but still, I have to wonder if what the reporter saw were NAMBLA people who were on the sidelines or milling about near the parade route but not actually participating.

Just something interesting.
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Old 07-19-2003, 06:23 PM   #300
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Originally posted by yguy
I don't have a religion,...
RRRiiiight....and you don't have prejudice, either; you just happen not to like gays...

Quote: you don't know what the hell you're talking about - not that you care.
Quite a little burst of petulance, there...must have hit a nerve; however, it does no good to get angry at the truth. If one doesn't like himself and what he is, the best course of action is to change for the better.

This, of course, is abject self-deceit and projection. What I say makes you angry, but rather than see how dumb it is to get mad at words, you try to make me out to be the angry one.
"Mad at words"?! Is that anything like distraught over syllables or melancholy about punctuation?

It's not any of these things that induces anger; it's putting them together in a way that conveys hateful ideas that does.

Keep it up if you like. It won't hurt me.
Your temper-tantrums, insults, and name-calling betray your feelings.

Ahh, free-thought...such a romantically lofty idea...
It's really not all that difficult to obtain, and certainly nothing to be so frightened about...

unfortunately, the minds of people who make excuses for parade organizers who let NAMBLA into the parade are anything but free.
...of course, those who have trouble with rational thinking may not find it so easy to abandon their prejudices and fantasies, but it's still worth a try.
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