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Old 08-01-2002, 12:54 PM   #141
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Originally posted by Godless Sodomite:

Whether or not you would consider my marriage legitimate is of no interest to me in the slightest. The only issue that matters is whether or not I have the same rights that you do according to the government; I currently do not.

I despise KKKristianity, yet I can't imagine it would matter to you in the slightest what my opinions on religion are since there are no laws governing your practice of whichever superstitions you care to adopt. On the other hand, I cannot have a legal spouse in this country largely because the christers have decided that it's wrong for them to have a same-sex spouse so it must be wrong for me, too. Keep your hideous religion out of my affairs and I couldn't care less what you or anyone else has to say about my sexual orientation.

Whether my sexuality is a choice or not, it is my choice. Whether or not I enter into a monogamous relationship or a polyamorous one, that, too, is my business. My rights as a citizen are not contingent on whether or not my needs and desires match yours, or whether or not I am a nice person.

The issue of the homophobia and bigotry espoused by the various xian cults has nothing whatsoever to do with bestiality or pedophilia. I can see the difference between you establishing a relationship with a consenting adult woman, and you fucking a sheep. Why does devotion to an executed radical Jewish rabbi from two millennia ago disable you from seeing the same difference about me?

Uh, because you call your self a "Godless sodomite" and use cute words like KKKristianity.
Or, well that's why I don't take you seriously as being objective. It appears you have given a whole lot of consent for my belief in the status of your sexual behavior to oppress you.
I think that is quite telling as to the actual status of your "Godlessness"
You have it written all over you that it really bothers you that a believe that a God you claim not to believe in disaproves of your sexual behavior. It also appears that you did not read any of my posts regarding legislation.
I really truly do not believe homosexuality is equal to heterosexual marriage between a man and a woman in the eyes of God. The fact that you disagree in no way oppresses me. I haven't given you permission. You have.
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Old 08-01-2002, 12:58 PM   #142
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Originally posted by Mageth:
<strong>Let me start by saying that I am not one of these people that subscribes to the notion that all anti-gay bigots are themselves gay.

Whew, after GeoTheo's steamy last post, you might want to reconsider your position.

He seems to have put a lot of, umm, thought into the subject.</strong>
I put a lot of thought into a lot of subjects.
I also apparently have the mental faculties to debate 7 or 8 people at once care to go one on one in a fromal debate on this topic?
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Old 08-01-2002, 01:04 PM   #143
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
Roadkill makes me vomit.
But I would eat it if the only other choice was starving.
Not the same thing though. I'd rather live a life of chastity than have homosexual sex. Frankly, I'd rather lose my penis in a freak car door accident than have homosexual sex.
If you could get past the nausea, there is a part of homosexual sex that you would enjoy:
The orgasm.
I strongly disagree. Do you think you'd enjoy it?
There are several scenarios that can lower peoples inhibitions.
Also, do you do anything to reinforce your feeling of revulsion towards homosexuality? I have observed people that seemed to be doing this.
They would shudder and describe men with big sweaty hairy asses, and shudder some more and say
"How could anyone want to screw that!"
Shuddering and showing revulsion toward homosexuality seemed to be a behavior prone to social conditioning.
Not me. I tend not even to think about homosexuality until I see some manner of homosexual activity. And then I feel nauseous, no matter what the guys look like.
How about the thought of anal sex with a woman?</strong>
Interesting question. That makes me feel ill too - not because of any homosexual connotations, but just... eww! I have never been able to understand why anyone would want to do something so filthy. But again, it's none of my business what people get up to, and I wouldn't think badly of someone that did it.

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Old 08-01-2002, 01:17 PM   #144
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I put a lot of thought into a lot of subjects.
I also apparently have the mental faculties to debate 7 or 8 people at once care to go one on one in a fromal debate on this topic?

After reading your post about enjoying homosexual sex, mens' hairy asses, scenarios for lowering peoples' inhibitions, anal sex, and female impersonators' breasts, I think I'll pass on going "one on one" with you...

[ August 01, 2002: Message edited by: Mageth ]</p>
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Old 08-01-2002, 01:20 PM   #145
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:

Uh, because you call your self a "Godless sodomite" and use cute words like KKKristianity.
Or, well that's why I don't take you seriously as being objective. It appears you have given a whole lot of consent for my belief in the status of your sexual behavior to oppress you.
I think that is quite telling as to the actual status of your "Godlessness"
You have it written all over you that it really bothers you that a believe that a God you claim not to believe in disapproves of your sexual behavior. It also appears that you did not read any of my posts regarding legislation.
I really truly do not believe homosexuality is equal to heterosexual marriage between a man and a woman in the eyes of God. The fact that you disagree in no way oppresses me. I haven't given you permission. You have.</strong>
This is neither about you taking me seriously nor my consenting to allow you to oppress me. I don't care whether or not you consider gay marriage equal to straight marriage, so there's no love lost there. I always go where I want to go and do what I want to do. I kiss whomever I please, hold hands, etc. You do not oppress me. And that freedom pushes some people, who love to wave their fantasy deities around, to violence. The simple fact is that the law gives you special rights, while it denies me some. Once that's changed, how you and your imaginary friends wish to view me is irrelevant. That it matters at all now is because the laws are written by those whose religion seeks to oppress and repress everyone. That legislators with overtly anti-human xian agendas view themselves as proponents of freedom and equality makes my blood boil--have words lost all meaning?

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Old 08-01-2002, 01:22 PM   #146
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Xtians don't like straight couples living together, either, without benefit of matrimony. That's because they think that you must have a state-sanctioned screwing license before it's a real relationship. The paper document and the appearance is more important than the substance.

The Xtians think that if you are in a hellish, loveless marriage, that that is a better relationship than a committed, loving, healthy heterosexual relationship without that all-important piece of paper.

I have been in the hellish loveless emotionally abusive marriage, and I have also been in the healthy, loving, committed heterosexual relationnship without the state-mandated screwing license.

Would you like to guess which one is much much better, in my experience???? It's not the one the Xtians like, it's the "living in sin".


Any Christian who is bothered by my living with a man I am not married to, I ask you to please finance my boyfriend's divorce from his previous wife, including the ad litem attorney to represent the absent wife. The judge of the court having jurisdiction has ruled that the petitioner must pay for the adlitem attorney to represent the absent wife if she cannot be found. If you feel the need to judge my situation, that also means you have the obligation to help me financially to change my situation so we can get legally married.
The fee for the divorce including both sides' attorneys' fees, due to the absent untraceable spouse, will be between $10,000 and $15,000.00.

Anybody wish to donate to the cause???

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Old 08-01-2002, 01:30 PM   #147
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Preach it, Brother Jerry!

GeoTheo, you "debated" my lighthearted "Whew!" post, but apparently ignored my post that in a way echoes GS's thoughts -

Passively or actively enacting and enforcing oppressive laws to govern the private sex lives of groups of people and based upon religious laws that were written 2000+ years ago to govern what we would now consider to be a barbaric society, and thus denying those people their right to happy, free, consenting relationships with full and equal rights in our society, is wrong.
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Old 08-01-2002, 02:05 PM   #148
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Originally posted by Bree:
<strong>Rick, have I ever told you how much you kick ass?</strong>
Bree, you do mean only the "big, hairy, sweaty" type, right? I like to cuddle and rub the other kind.

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Old 08-01-2002, 02:27 PM   #149
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
I also apparently have the mental faculties to debate 7 or 8 people at once care to go one on one in a fromal debate on this topic?
Hey care to formally debate me on this subject?

Or. . . just answer my questions that I have posed to you several times now, instead of changing the subject?

Thanks scigirl
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Old 08-01-2002, 02:30 PM   #150
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Geo, I think you would have gone farther in convincing people of your lack of bigotry in this subject if you hadn’t come right out of the gate lumping homosexuality with bestiality, necrophilia, and pedophilia. How much credibility would you give someone who equated your relationship with your wife to someone who has sex with a dead underage dog, even if they did it just to make a point!
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