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Old 03-01-2003, 07:08 PM   #161
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Originally posted by Radorth
OK, so atheists do all the same stuff but technically it isn't sin because that is not a term atheists use.
Humans do the same stuff and it isn`t sin because there is no such thing.

Am I catching on to the meaning of "rational" now?


You basically take a pedantic, legalistic, very technical view of things.
How else should we look at things? It`s probably best you don`t answer that.

I guess this thread isn't moderated for even the most gratuitous insults. Too bad.
I daren't complain either. Right Fenton?
I take it that you think I insulted you and that I called you a dickhead? I didn`t.
You listed the following actions/qualities:
make bad choices, hurt people, cover up lies, make up rules you seldom or never follow, waste your life, etc.

In your world the above actions/qualities make a person "sinful",but in the real world they just make you a dickhead. I wasn`t personally insulting you,but if the shoe fits....
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Old 03-01-2003, 07:18 PM   #162
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I wasn`t personally insulting you,but if the shoe fits....
OK, so you basically take a really pedantic, legalistic, very technical view of things.

Like I said Fenton, we can agree to ignore each other and stop doing this stuff, which you invariably start, anytime you want. You did stop for two days once, to shovel snow apparently.

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Old 03-01-2003, 07:29 PM   #163
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Originally posted by Radorth

Like I said Fenton, we can agree to ignore each other and stop doing this stuff, which you invariably start, anytime you want. You did stop for two days once, to shovel snow apparently.
Yeah. I bet you wish I`d stop doing this "stuff". I`m going to ride you for however long you decide to stay here and hassle everyone with your bullshit. I will take breaks from time to time because you have so much damn bullshit that it tires me out. I am human after all.

You`re the one who started it by bringing your dog and pony show into town. Nobody asked you to come here.
I remember when you first got here you said,and I quote "Radorth ain`t going anywhere". Well guess what Raddy. Either am I.
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Old 03-01-2003, 07:35 PM   #164
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-SIN- is a religious concept
So then all the sins listed by Paul in Galatians originated with who? Paul? Moses? Abraham? Jesus? And before that there was no such thing as jealousy, outbursts of rage, adultery, partiality, selfish ambition, incest, lying and the like? Paul is quite explicit about what "sin" is and it seems pretty ubiquitous to me.

I think I'm beginning to grasp the technical view here. I'm just unable to see how one can take such a view and call themselves intellectually honest. Is it possible for "rational" people to be intellectually dishonest and/or disconnected from reality?

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Old 03-01-2003, 07:39 PM   #165
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I will take breaks from time to time because you have so much damn bullshit that it tires me out.
You should see a therapist man. They'll all tell you the same thing- that tire yourself out.

"This guy on the web makes me wear myself out and you know, I'm only human."

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Old 03-01-2003, 07:45 PM   #166
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Originally posted by Radorth
So then all the sins listed by Paul in Galatians originated with who? Moses? Abraham? Jesus? And before that there was no such thing as jealousy, outbursts of rage, adultery, partiality, selfish ambition, incest, lying and the like? Paul is quite explicit about what "sin" is.
Galatians is part of the bible and the bible is a religious book full of religious terminology.
Paul,Moses,Abraham and Jesus are all religious characters in this religious book.
Sin is a religious term used in the above mentioned religious book.

Paul talking about religious terminolgy in a religious book makes it no more real than Captain Kirk talking about gadgets on the Enterprise.

I think I'm beginning to grasp the technical view here.
No you`re not.

I'm just unable to see how one can take such a view and call themselves intellectually honest.
I`m unable to see how you can call yourself intellectual. Nevermind honest.

Is it possible for "rational" people to be intellectually dishonest and/or disconnected from reality?
You tell us. You were the one dancing up a storm the other day telling us how you have the most rational arguments here.
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Old 03-01-2003, 07:47 PM   #167
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Originally posted by Radorth
You should see a therapist man. They'll all tell you the same thing- that tire yourself out.

"This guy on the web makes me wear myself out and you know, I'm only human."

Jokes aren`t very funny if you`re the only one who gets them.
They`re actually not funny at all.

You know,maybe I should go see a therapist and bring you with me. That would be a real hoot and they probably wouldn`t let you go home.

And we wouldn`t be going to a half baked spiritual/Christian clown like your idol M.Scott Peck either.
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Old 03-01-2003, 08:14 PM   #168
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Originally posted by Magus55
Feel free to dispute these probability studies done by doctors...

"Doctor"!? Duane Dish is no more a doctor than I am a king

...and nobel prize winners.
The site draws on quotes from scientists made over 40 years ago, and none of the Nobel laureates are conducting a probability study; they are opining on how difficult it is to conceive of abiogenesis and that we don't know how it occured.

A discussion of the probabilities of abiogenesis and evolution may be found here

If you want to argue from authority, there are many more Nobel prize winners on the side of evolution; 72 of them signed this amicus curiae brief filed on the evolution side of a Louisiana court case.

Life coming about without a divine creator is 100% non disputably impossible by Math.
This fallacious reasoning is called the argument from ignorance It basically asserts that since we cannot explain something, there must be gods. It's irrational because the limits of human knowledge and ability don't prove anything about the existence of other beings. It's also absurd because no matter how improbable one wishes to argue abiogenesis is, the probability of a complex omnipotent god coming into existence under the same assumptions is even smaller.

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Old 03-02-2003, 04:25 AM   #169
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I would also like to add that the sequence of the fossil record proves that Genesis is false. The odds AGAINST the sequence of the evolutionary "tree of life" appearing by chance (or "Flood sorting", or ANY other mechanism suggested by creationists) are vast: much bigger than the number of atoms in the Universe, or any supposed improbability of abiogenesis.
You can dispute the Bible all you want - you can't dispute Math.
So you must abandon the Bible.

I can provide more details if you like, but the Evolution/Creation forum is the proper place for this stuff. Rather than making false assertions about the "failure" of evolution and the "truth" of creationism on other forums, why don't you actually tackle the issue head-on in the appropriate place?

Is it because you know you will lose, as every other creationist has?
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Old 03-02-2003, 06:30 AM   #170
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Originally posted by Radorth
So then all the sins listed by Paul in Galatians originated with who? Paul? Moses? Abraham? Jesus? And before that there was no such thing as jealousy, outbursts of rage, adultery, partiality, selfish ambition, incest, lying and the like? Paul is quite explicit about what "sin" is and it seems pretty ubiquitous to me.

I think I'm beginning to grasp the technical view here. I'm just unable to see how one can take such a view and call themselves intellectually honest. Is it possible for "rational" people to be intellectually dishonest and/or disconnected from reality?

Radorth. It's just a bunch of stories. The Bible isn't true.

What I can't understand is how someone (i.e., you) can consider themselves honest while apparently being unable to accept that atheists dont believe what the Bible has to say about just about everything!
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