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Old 10-02-2002, 08:48 PM   #81
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<a href="" target="_blank">I am a Secular Pagan</a>

I am a Secular Pagan

I am a secular pagan. Nature is my God and Goddess. I worship the natural realm: the trees, the stones, the sun, moon and stars, and all things natural.

I am a secular pagan. I have no need of spells, magic, mysteries or supernatural deities in order to be spiritual; the natural realm is spiritual enough for me.

I meditate in the midst of nature, I connect to the beauty around me and I keep in mind that I am a member, a part, of the natural All.

I am a natural pantheist. I believe the creator and creation are one and the same - Nature.

I regard biological evolution as my sacred Genesis story. Evolution is the way Nature diversifies life and builds elaborate living organisms.

I believe Nature is all there is. I believe Nature is eternal, uncreated, ever changing in quality but unchanging in quantity. I believe Matter is the source of Mind.

I revel in life after birth. None of my concern is what happens before or after life

I desire no mystic initiation. All I desire is to be initiated into the consciousness of natural things.

I am a secular pagan. Nature is my spirituality, my worship, my God and Goddess.
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Old 10-03-2002, 04:17 AM   #82
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Heathen Dawn:

That is awesome.

I'm in the middle of a hectic day and I haven't been checking out Infidels a lot..I just came across this.

May I have your permission to use this (with credit of course) on my secularpaganism yahoo group?

Godless Blessings,
Aquila ka Hecate/Terri
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Old 10-03-2002, 05:16 AM   #83
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Originally posted by Aquila ka Hecate:
May I have your permission to use this (with credit of course) on my secularpaganism yahoo group?
By all means! Just show me later (by PM if you like) where the group is.

Next on my to-do list: a secular pagan Book of Shadows.

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Heathen Dawn ]</p>
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Old 10-03-2002, 05:59 AM   #84
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<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

...and no it's not a joke!

A BOS for secular pagans is a great idea.

I've already butchered enough Gardnerian liturgy for a small book,so maybe I should start making it public also.

(If you can call 3 members on the southern tip of Africa 'public'!)

First up, lighting the prescence lamp, casting the circle and calling quarters!
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Old 10-03-2002, 12:57 PM   #85
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Aquila: is membership in your group limited to South Africans? It sounds interesting.

Heathen Dawn: I found two books that might be interesting to you. They aren't about Wicca but secular spirituality. I hope they might be helpful.

David Cortesi. _Secular Wholeness: A skeptic's paths to a richer life_, Trafford Publishing, 2001. This one was featured on the Secular Web awhile back.

Robert C Solomon. _Spirituality for the Skeptic: the thoughtful love of life_, Oxford University Press, 2002. I found this one while poking around on Amazon.
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Old 10-03-2002, 06:53 PM   #86
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Originally posted by trientalis:
<strong>Heathen Dawn: I found two books that might be interesting to you. They aren't about Wicca but secular spirituality. I hope they might be helpful.</strong>
Another book to add to that list is <a href="" target="_blank">Fellowship of Reason</a> by Martin Cowen. While it does promote a particular nontheistic group, it has things to say about nontheistic spirituality that could be used by nonmembers.

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Eudaimonist ]</p>
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Old 10-03-2002, 11:00 PM   #87
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Membership is so far unrestricted, as I've just got it up-South Africans tend not to spend a huge amount of time online as it costs us through dial-up connections (although I've applied to be a guinea pig in our first adsl connection) feel free to chip in!
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Old 10-04-2002, 12:55 AM   #88
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Originally posted by trientalis:
Heathen Dawn: I found two books that might be interesting to you. They aren't about Wicca but secular spirituality. I hope they might be helpful.

I think Wicca is pretty much a foregone conclusion with me now. Wicca is too magickal, occult, supernatural for my taste, and I can receive a mystic initiation by listening to Nature alone.

David Cortesi. _Secular Wholeness: A skeptic's paths to a richer life_, Trafford Publishing, 2001. This one was featured on the Secular Web awhile back.

Robert C Solomon. _Spirituality for the Skeptic: the thoughtful love of life_, Oxford University Press, 2002. I found this one while poking around on Amazon.</strong>
Available only through the 'Net, or are they in bookstores as well? Sounds good, anyway.

Hey Aquila, do you remember the website called "Secular Spirituality" by an author named Karyn aka Secular Pagan? (see <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> for a link). That was one great website. Pity it's gone. It is a veritable source of inspiration.
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Old 10-04-2002, 01:17 AM   #89
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Ah, the only other secular pagan I could find on the net when I went googling, and indeed she appears to be gone.
In 2000, I was still very much a high preistess, so her prescence would have been wasted on the person I was.
Maybe we can lure her out again?
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Old 10-05-2002, 01:15 PM   #90
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<a href="" target="_blank"></a> is very handy when you need to find a defunct can find archived versions of at:

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