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Old 07-30-2003, 09:59 PM   #21
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OK, Koy-before I have to start thinking in another language and lose my thread,I'd like to see if I have something of your theory staright:

An n-dimensional object which is observed from an n-1viewpoint will never be completely apprehend at any given time.

The potato-slicing-through-a-sheet-of-paper analogy seems to work nicely here.

So, if time, for instance, is actually an n(all it 2)-dimensional object which we can only view as an n-1(call it 1)-dimensional object, then for sure we are not getting the whole picture.

What would be the mechanism which allows a view of this object at a different locus to that which is commonly seen?

In other words, if sometimes,rarely perhaps,someone can view a slice of time which has not yet rolled by in our aknowledged continuum, how3 is this acheived?
Some kind of 'bending' or 'folding' through an nth dimension would be my guess, but I'm not sure how this would be accomplished.
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Old 07-31-2003, 12:29 AM   #22
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Default Re: Dealing with“unexplained” experiences

Originally posted by s5o8
How to deal with premonitions, ghosts and the like if you're an atheist ?

I classed this experience as one of those things that is unknown.

I would like to know how you deal with these types of experiences and what they typically are.
that, what you have as experience, is very normal, known by many sensitive people, and it proves your ability to sense in this dimension. There is nothing spooky with it. Most of this sensitive people do not talk about it, and as you can see from the replies here, no one has knowledge about it and what they talk is nonsense. I have given here that, what Mrs. Penny Thornton has recorded in 1989 and publish 1995 in a book, which many thousand people have read prior to an event in 1997, which details Mrs. Thornton has described. And no one has any acknowledgement given to the facts as they are Silence.

It is the inability of many to stand for facts, if they loaded with social bias. But it is of no meaning, if biased people agree on bias belief. Serious science, which could be help to understand such facts in nature is not practice here, it is rejected from a personal point of view regarding a weak character. Stupid.

I have an hairdresser lady (26) and she has noticed, that I'm an astrologer. She has ask for an interpretation of her chart, and because she has Moon conjunction Neptune in the zenith house (10), I have said to her: "What do you work as hair dresser, which such sensitivity in the house of public/profession? You are more an astrologer, that an hairdresser!". And she looks in my eys, and said: "I can interpret the fate of people, but I have fear. I have done this since I was a child, but all time I do this some beings do come and I am fear. Last week, I was knowing my aunt will die. And an the day of her death celebration in the morning I sit on the terrace processing pasta for 30 people, my aunt was sitting next to me, and did say:' Thank you [name], that you process this for me'." And she has given me some information about relatives."

The point is ever ignorance to the part of nature, which is not to determine by the powerclaims of scientists, which are fixed on physical forces.

I think, if science is able to understand, that time is a hoax, beyond physical processes and not to separated from energy, there is a chance to learn, that tunneling effects from QM can allow some bits from a consciousness, that also is not fixed to a process in time.

But my experience is, that it is senseless to discuss this with hard core skeptics. Try start a discussion with people who are familiar with David Bohm and his thoughts. I have never found here people who are able to discuss on the subject of facts, without arguing on the person; the alternative common practice is silence.

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Old 07-31-2003, 01:47 AM   #23
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Originally posted by beth
Last night my husband got me out of bed urgently telling me to come outside. I swear to dog, it looked like two UFO's hovering. They weren't planes and they didn't seem like helicopters, but that was what I concluded, as the mosquitoes were biting and I wanted to go back in. But for a moment, I was like, "Wow! A UFO!" but then I remembered I didn't believe in them.
A few weeks ago I had a similar experience, sitting out in the garden at dusk, when over the roof of the house opposite came 3 UFOs, glowing orange and bobbing and weaving. I just stood there watching them coming closer, dumbfounded and paralysed with surprise.

They got closer and closer, and suddenly...




They resolved into three seagulls with the orange (sodium-light) street-lights reflecting off their white bellies. Did I ever feel foolish
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Old 07-31-2003, 06:07 AM   #24
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Originally posted by Arken
You have a funny idea of 'simpler' you know...
LOL! I was just thinking the same thing.

Bloody brilliant, though... :notworthy
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Old 07-31-2003, 06:38 AM   #25
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Originally posted by Aquila ka Hecate

What would be the mechanism which allows a view of this object at a different locus to that which is commonly seen?

In other words, if sometimes,rarely perhaps,someone can view a slice of time which has not yet rolled by in our aknowledged continuum, how3 is this acheived?
Some kind of 'bending' or 'folding' through an nth dimension would be my guess, but I'm not sure how this would be accomplished.
I'm not either and it's by no means a fully formed hypothesis, just a few speculative thoughts, based mainly upon the notion that humans are, in essence, just "bundles" of energy projecting an image (and thoughts and so on) and that what actually occurs between two people in a room is a tremendous bombardment of photons, electrons, etc., etc.

Picture a special, sound proofed room with a transmitter and radio tuned to the trasmitter in it. If you could see the radiowaves physically eminating from the transmitter, you'd see an undulating blur of waves bouncing every which way; interacting, passing through, rebounding, etc,. etc., yet the radio tuner has no problem picking up the frequency and turning all of that chaos into a coherent (to our ears) sound. Yet, there are "sounds" all over that room, they just can't be discerned in a certain way without a receiver being specially tuned to pick up those omnipresent waves.

Now, just consider the special, sound proof room to be the universe and the transmitter to be billions of humans sending out their "quantum signatures" (their "human waves") and the receiver being a variable of some configuration as yet undetermined that human sensory input devices occasionally "pick up" in brief "flashes" of experience (i.e., ghost sightings or deja vu, or the like).

Or just think of how when you look up at the stars, you're actually looking at the distant past; some billions of years ago, because it's taken that long for the light "waves" to reach us. For all we know and in all probability, many of those stars have blown up millions of years ago and we wouldn't know it. In essence, every time you're looking at the stars, you're looking at "ghosts."

Now, that's from a linear, three/four dimensional view. If the universe is not limited to just these four dimensions (which many theories now prove, at least mathematically), then linearity as we know and experience it may simply be a phenomonon inherent to those dimensions. After all, on a big enough linear timeline, we're all already dead. Simulateneity is a difficult concept to grasp when it comes to our existence, of course, because we're so rooted in a linear psychology, yet we know that linearity is not the manner in which the micro world, at least, exists. If memory serves, the same Berrylium atom was found to exist in two different energy states at the exact same time (or something to that effect) and quantum mechanics clearly does not follow, necessarily, an "a + b + c = d" sense of linearity.

So, just as we need special goggles to see in the infra-red, perhaps we simply don't have the refined physical sensory tools to see the effects of such hypothetical, simultaneous or overlapping (which) dimensional interactions except on certain occasions when the wind is blowing just right, etc., and these experiences are indirect means of proving my theory? I don't know. Neutrinos go through everything and we just recently discovered their existence and the means to "see" them, etc. Perhaps such experiences as deja vu and "ghosts" and the like are the indirect means to prove higher dimensional interaction? Religions are replete with these concepts, so they must come from something for them to be so consistently believed by so many. Operant conditioning and wish fulfillment certainly account for the adherence to the dogma, but I think a lack of understanding of what multi-dimensional existence entails may also account for the persistence of "super"natural claims. After all, we discovered black holes by looking for how they effect other bodies; i.e., indirectly, so perhaps this is what's going on with these kinds of phenomenon?

Again, it's by no means exhaustively researched, merely my armchair speculation based on seemingly logical extensions of current therotical phsyics, but it definitely thumbs its nose at Occam .
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Old 07-31-2003, 06:48 AM   #26
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Just a quick note before I rush off home again...

but it definitely thumbs its nose at Occam .

No, I don't actually believe it does.

After all, I've experienced a 'dimension' in many different ways, all amenable to repeatable experiment.

Plus mathematics tends to confirm the availability of further dimensions.

I have never seen a 'god' and have no reason to make one up for the purposes of explaining stuff like this.
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Old 07-31-2003, 02:08 PM   #27
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Not to mention (but I shall ) that we already do live in a multi-dimensional universe; so far, three (or four) dimensions.

Doesn't anyone else beside me remember those films on "flatland," the two dimensional universe and how inhabitants of such a universe would see three dimensional intersections/overlaps?
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