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Old 07-27-2003, 11:13 AM   #21
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Default hidden functions in nature

Originally posted by Arken
Oh please. It's only a 'hit' because most teens had 'loud, serious fights' with their father. Try something more specific... like the name of the first guy she kissed or something.
Wait for her comment.

BTW. If some do not know, that there are some hidden functions in nature, not known by physicists, well known by the people in Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Chaldea, (Relation between the character of planets and born beings) then he can certainly explain by known physic, why Mrs. Penny Thornton got some specific data in 1989 from an event in 1997 Maybe Mr. Randy or anyone can prove that this might a hoax, but I wold like to see by proof, why this is/must a hoax. LOL.

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Old 07-27-2003, 01:02 PM   #22
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Somebody else's horoscope was right on! (As a description of me)

Therefore, I was not born in august making me a Leo, but am a capricorn. Therefore my parents lied or are deluded about the date at which I was born.
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Old 07-27-2003, 01:05 PM   #23
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Default Re: hidden functions in nature

Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
BTW. If some do not know, that there are some hidden functions in nature, not known by physicists, well known by the people in Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Chaldea, (Relation between the character of planets and born beings) then he can certainly explain by known physic, why Mrs. Penny Thornton got some specific data in 1989 from an event in 1997 Maybe Mr. Randy or anyone can prove that this might a hoax, but I wold like to see by proof, why this is/must a hoax. LOL.

What information was claimed to be obtained?

What independent verification of it are availible?

How many hundreds of such predictions have been made by this fellow and failed miserably?(I conjecture many, many)
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Old 07-27-2003, 01:29 PM   #24
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Default some comments on astrology

Originally posted by Division By Zero
I read the horoscopes once in a while out of boredom, and they're dead wrong more often than they are kinda-right.

Consider first that no two horoscopes are the same on any given day. If horoscopes have any truth in them, it's kind of odd that the newspaper you read apparently overrides your birth sign.

Secondly, even if every newspaper everywhere made the same predictions, there are only twelve signs in the Zodiac. There are roughly 6 billion people on Earth, so if we divide them up evenly we get 500 million people for each prediction.
Ever heard that next to signs 7+ planets positioned in that signs play a role in astrology? Ever heard, that next to this some other thousand+ elements play a role in astrology? I have interpret about 1200 different independent elements in my software, from which some 50-70 relate to a born being. Your scientific approach on this is not better than trying to divide by zero.

Some of the effects in life can be interpret for example from the position of the planet Saturn in aspekt to other planets, moon or sun. All astrologers in the world agree on the effect of 'boundary' concerning Saturn. Saturn can shield something, but it can also limit the freedom in several areas (p.e. father). 'You are well inside, but you cannot go out', may a sentence related to Saturn.

Why do I write on this?

Well, on you can read a great article by Ahmad (IRIS) about the Astronomy in Babylon and he cites from a Babylonian boundary stone mentioned Saturn (Ninib) as the 'Lord of Boundary':

"Whenever ... any one shall arise and against that field shall raise a claim or cause a claim to be raised, shall say the field is not the gift of the king and shall order a thoughtless man, a fool, a deaf man to approach that inscribed stone and shall throw it into the water, burn it with fire, hide it in a field where it cannot be seen. May the great gods, as many as on this stone by their names are mentioned with an evil curse, that is without escape, curse him. May Anu, Enlil, and Ea in anger look upon him and destroy his life, [and] the children, his seed. May Marduk (Jupiter), the lord of constructions (?), stop up his rivers, and Zarpanitum ( ), the great mistress, spoil his plans. May Ninib (Saturn) and Gula ( ), the lords of the boundary and of this boundary stone, cause a destructive sickness to be in his body, so that, as long as he lives, he may pass dark and bright red blood as water. May Sin (Moon), the eye of heaven and earth, cause leprosy to be in his body, so that in the enclosure of his city he may not lie. May the gods, all of them, as many as are mentioned by their names, not grant him life for a single day."

Some other meanings obout Venus, which was called Astarte, Innana, Ishtar, Dilbat, Ashera, etc. and which do relate to beauty, woman, etc. are also in full agreement to the present meaning of the planet Venus in astrology and there is no disagree in the astrological meaning about Saturn some 3000 years ago and now.

The bias stamp given by religions and high school education concerning astrology is. But no one has cross checked any durty bias. Strange understanding of science.

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Old 07-27-2003, 01:46 PM   #25
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Default Re: Re: hidden functions in nature

Originally posted by ComestibleVenom
What information was claimed to be obtained?
Cite from her book: "In the second dream, which I will recount in the present tense since that is how I recorded it in my diary, I am sitting in a sand dune having a picnic. Diana comes towards me, dressed in white with a black cloak around her. She sits down besides me. I feel awkward and unprepared for her sudden and unannounced arrival. She is telling me about someone who is called Peter, who has been fired because of her. Apparently he is going to France and will be undergoing plastic surgery to conceal his identity. She goes on to talk me about William, and while she does this, she holds up a large figure 3. She then begins to cry, and I comfort her, urging her not to give up on the marriage. She recovers her composure and I take up the topic of Peter, refering to him as a past relationship. "Its's not over. It's very much on, " she says. ...

... I escort her out to her car, and when I return, William is seated in the same chair. He is much older {1989 William was 7} and sporting a beard. He says to me. "They don't tell me everything, you know. For a few minutes we lost complete radio contact with them ... " As he was saying this to me, I saw an event from an aerial point of view. Two police motorcycles and a white car streaming ahead, leaving a black car on its own. Two vans approch from either side and prevent the black car from moving forward. [!] The dream ends in chaos and I hear my own voice saying, "Isn't anyone going to do anything ...?"
What independent verification of it are availible?
ISBN 0-671-89186-3 Pocket Book, New York, Printing January 1995.

Press article publish in the IN: " According to witnesses, Paparazzi -- the commercial photographers who constantly followed Diana -- were pursuing the car on motorcycles.

Authorities said seven photographers -- six reported to be French and one Macedonian -- were in custody, and a criminal investigation was under way. Police seized two motorcycles and a motor scooter believed used in the chase."

" Mystery of the white Fiat Uno. Probably the most intriguing eye-witness account was that of Sabine and George D. Their surnames were withheld to save them from media harassment.

In January, they gave a detailed interview to Hello magazine in which they said they saw a Fiat Uno shoot out of the tunnel moments after the crash."
How many hundreds of such predictions have been made by this fellow and failed miserably?(I conjecture many, many)
Irrelevant. Please start arguing with this one. We are speaking about physics - not about statistic.
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Old 07-27-2003, 01:55 PM   #26
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Originally posted by ComestibleVenom
Somebody else's horoscope was right on! (As a description of me)

Therefore, I was not born in august making me a Leo, but am a capricorn. Therefore my parents lied or are deluded about the date at which I was born.
I think there is no reason to take this all in this forum for true, without any evidence from a published birth certificate as .jpg
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Old 07-27-2003, 02:10 PM   #27
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Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
I think there is no reason to take this all in this forum for true, without any evidence from a published birth certificate as .jpg
If you're really going to suspect people of lying about their birthday when their horoscopes don't match their personality, you could always use this site (for US residents only):

Of course, people might not want to give their full name online.

Here's a possible experiment we could do here--people here could give you three or four different possible birthdays, one of which is their real birthday, then you could use your software to come up with personality profiles for each one, without saying which goes with which birthday. The person could pick the profile that matches best, and you could tell them which birthday that profile was for and see if it's correct. Would you be willing to try this?
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Old 07-27-2003, 03:48 PM   #28
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I'll be a guinea pig for this experiment.

Here are three possible birth dates, years and times. I will assume you have not seen my birthdate in my profile before and I have since delted it.

Here are the three:

June 27, 1977 at 2:13 a.m.

October 9, 1974 at 12:49 p.m.

July 14, 1979 at 11:51 p.m.

If a third party wishes, I will be happy to provide my real name for the purposes of looking up my actual birthday at
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Old 07-27-2003, 04:18 PM   #29
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The only horoscopes I read:
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Old 07-27-2003, 07:03 PM   #30
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Come on, this is just the same material used in cold reading....

a demonstration in a classroom of college students. He announced that an astrologer had done readings on each student. He handed each student his or her particular horoscope and asked each one to read their own horoscope privately, and then asked to rate its accuracy on a scale of one to five, five being the best. Almost all the scores were fives and the rest were fours. Then Randi asked the students to pass their horoscopes to the student behind them. After a few seconds the students realized that every horoscope was worded exactly the same.
Astrology uses many of the same methods as cold reading, the "predictions" are all things that almost anyone can find true about themselves.

Who DOESN'T believe that they have, for example, "vast reserves of untapped potential"? Answer: Almost nobody.

I spoke on 'your loud serious fights you had with your father', and you speak about ' I shouted and cried at my parents', and thats - however - a hit.
It is no secret that this is part of the teenage experience in the vast majority of cases. The "rebellious stage".

This applies to me too, and to the vast majority of other readers.

I think, you have missed your father as a real father, you are quick at repartee, but sometime your talking prior to thinking.
I don't understand the first part, but the second part applies to everyone too. Who HASN'T said something that they REALLY regretted afterwards?

This applies to me too, and to the vast majority of other readers.

You do not know fear or danger and you destroy the things, which you love.
"does not know fear of danger" is a bit out there. You are saying that Lunachick is completely fearless?

Not afraid of heights? Snakes? Creepy strangers? NOTHING at all? I doubt it....

As for destroying the things you love bit, everyone does this to some degree or other, if only because they begin to take things for granted.....

This applies to me too, and to the vast majority of other readers.

You are acting in hidden areas
Who doesn't have secrets of some sort?

Everyone has SOMETHING which they can believe that this is referring to

This applies to me too, and to the vast majority of other readers.

you are mad about your inhibitions,
As is everyone else on the planet..... How great could we all be if we were not held back by our own hangups!

you do hide your intentions,
Nope! Never ever ever!

If you have a partner he is a problem to you.
Hahaha! No way man, she has one of those legendary relationships which are smooth as silk at all times.

Has anyone had a 100% problem-free relationship before?

You are fixed in your mind, sometimes you are agressive and of powerful violence.
Everyone is "fixed in their mind" to some degree. Not sure about the second bit, do you think that she is a killer or something?

You love philosophy and culture ...
Come on, can we get some traits which are RARE? There is a good reason why not....

Seriously, cold reading is KNOWN to be technique. You can buy books and learn how to do it.

Tell us something about her which is only true of 1% or less of the species.
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