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Old 02-06-2002, 09:54 PM   #21
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I suggest to the original poster that (s)he reply more substantively to the responses to his/her posts. As it is, this thread is in danger of being moved downstairs.
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Old 02-07-2002, 04:09 AM   #22
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"AIDS" is such an ambiguous name for a condition that it includes literally hundreds of diseases which are not even "AIDS" before. (This is what the Center for Disease Control said, not me.)

AIDS is a systematic destruction of the body, caused by a variety of factors, including things like viruses, bacteria, parasites, (very common in Africa), malnutrition, drug use, etc. African AIDS and European/American AIDS are completely different animals, with different criteria and testing. Most importantly, different "at risk groups". African AIDS affects everyone equally, no high risk groups, American/European AIDS is primarily inside of groups that use drugs.

(Note: HIV doesn't equal AIDS. Last conference on AIDS showed that people diagnosed with HIV in the mid-80's still show no signs of AIDS outbreak. Even Robert Gallo, famous for his saying of, "Multi-factoral is multi-ignorance", in referrence to the theory that AIDS is caused by a multiple chain of effects rather than just one single source, now admits that there are many factors that cause AIDS that scientific research has yet to identify.)

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) concedes that at least 40,000 AIDS cases were diagnosed on the basis of presumptive criteria-that is, without antibody testing, on the basis of diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma. Conclusion? Nobel Prize winners in retroviruses and biochemistry can't figure out what causes AIDS, and attributing it to one source, (sex, homosexuals, etc.) is just crazy. Despite all doom and gloom predictions, AIDS isn't spreading like wildfire, the World isn't going to end because of it. Let's look at this quote:

"A mysterious epidemic, hitherto unknown, which had struck terror into all hearts by the rapidity of its spread, the ravages it made, and the apparent helplessness of the physicians to cure it."

That's a quote about Syphilis from the 16th century, yet no one now is afraid of it. Interestingly, Pope Alexander VI, two of his cardinals, and Joseph Grünpeck all contracted syphilis, which Joseph wrote was the "wrath of God" visited upon men who were committing immoral sexual acts, (actually having sex). Funny how he and the Pope caught it. Wait a minute, isn't that like current Christian claims that AIDS is the wrath of God on homosexuals?
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Old 02-07-2002, 12:56 PM   #23
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God seems to have spared his Wrath of AIDS from female homosexuals. Unless cervical cancer and alcohol abuse* are the specific punishments for that unnatural inclination.

*<a href="" target="_blank">Studies have shown</a> that lesbians tend to be alcoholics -- but that's possibly because the sample pools were all recruited from gay bars. The <a href="" target="_blank">cancer link</a> is more interesting, because it suggests that bearing children (which, all other things being equal, lesbians are less likely to do) innoculates women against various cancers to a small extent. But the research is not very extensive.
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Old 02-08-2002, 07:23 AM   #24
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Well, the Bible has encoded that fattening recipe for <a href="" target="_blank">Bible Verse Cake</a>.

Most of humanity's worst diseases came from animals, usually livestock. Major outbreaks include measles, tuberculosis, smallpox, and whooping cough (pertussis). Europeans kept livestock and had antibodies, and the Native Americans did not; measles and smallpox germs wiped out a huge number of New World natives.

Animals can still give us rabies with biting, and I can catch colds from my ferrets.

None of this required homosexual acts.
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