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Old 01-20-2002, 11:07 AM   #31
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Originally posted by Michael:

I certainly agree that the standard christian defence is to ignore the specific arguments and divert attention to the motivations of the arguer, as if an arguement is made invalid if stated by someone with an agenda.

Do you know the difference in maragin and butter? When I was an atheist I wasn't content with just any old clap trap one could throw up against religion.
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Old 01-20-2002, 11:10 AM   #32
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Originally posted by turtonm:

The OT is obviously a flat earth work.

<a href="" target="_blank">The Flat-Earth Belief of Bible Writers</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">The Flat-Earth Bible

Just type "bible flat earth" in google and out will pop all the arguments that show the OT is a flat earth doc, and the apologists desperately trying to avoid facing this.

Meta =&gt;^Yea but so what? That's my point. If litteral history isn't the mark of Biblical revelation (and it isn't) then why should litteral sceince be that mark? It's not meant to be a science text book. It's written from the view point of the people in that culture. That was thousnads of years ago, they didn't know about the theory of the cosmos. So what? The Bible is about bestowing Grace not about building rocketts to Mars or doing science in any way. Why does that have to be the mark of truth?

{Edite to fix a couple of long URLs in the quote - Pantera}

[ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: Pantera ]</p>
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Old 01-20-2002, 11:19 AM   #33
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Originally posted by lpetrich:


LOL... oh man is that one sad-ass document. Talk about ripping scriptures out of context, and what is with that rubbish from Revelation and stars falling from the sky? Hint: that was a vision!


First off, the "quoted out of context" defense rings hollow after a while; it's a knee-jerk response without any real content.

MEta =&gt;Not on the net, where atheists usually don't even know what context means, and where they dont' care.

Vision or no vision, comments like that indicate belief in the flatness of the Earth. Another example is comment about the visibility of all the kingdoms of the world from some high mountain. Confining myself to the major Old-World ones (Roman Empire, India, China) reveals that such a mountain would have to be at least 2000 km tall and located in European Russia.

Meta =&gt;So what? It's written by people who lived thousands of years ago. Of course they wrote it from their persective, since they could hardly be expected to write form a persective they did not have. IT's not meant to be science, so who cares?


Standard Christian defences are: "Don't start with your conclusion, and dogmatically try and prove it with scriptures."


Look who's talking. Has there ever been any other style of Bible interpretation?

Meta -&gt;Duh! there are tons of them, study theology!


(the Bible indicating that the Earth is flat...)

Meta =&gt;There aren't any. There are verses that speak of the "four corners of the earth" but that could as well be poetic language. ...


And Jesus Christ could have been pure fiction. Think of that before retorting with implausible could-bes.

Meta -&gt;No, first of all Jesus could not be fiction. It's almost impossible and there is absolutely no reason to think so. Secondly, what is so implausible about poetic langaue in a book which is obviously based upon poetic language. ATheists are so illiterate? The most ignroatn idiots in the world! I have never seen a more ignorant or unleanred group of people even in West Texas!

And why don't you try convincing some fundamentalists that their literalism is just plain wrong?

MEta -&gt;I try that all the time! It's hopeless, that's why I decided to concentrate on you guys. But guess what, I didnt' know when I was well off.

In fact, I must say that I have some respect for strict fundamentalism, because that's a well-defined belief with little room for the common "take what you like and leave what you don't like" style of interpretation.

Meta =&gt;Well that just shows how totally ignorant you are. The liberal position is not "take what you like." That is the height of ignronace to think that and it just shows how you have never read any theology. I'v e lost my patience with you jerks. I've been trying to get you to at least read one damn page of a book for 2 years now and all of you are too thick headed and too in love with your own illiteracy to even bother!

It's well defeined, it's totally well thought out and it covere every single base. I will bebate you on the 1x1 board about it. If you think its so stupid what do you have to lose?
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Old 01-20-2002, 11:22 AM   #34
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Originally posted by John the Atheist:

Just type "bible flat earth" in google and out will pop all the arguments that show the OT is a flat earth doc, and the apologists desperately trying to avoid facing this.

There are actually more scriptures that indicate a flat earth, while a couple of scriptures would indicate a globe or sphere. The latter can be found in Job and Psalms. I could dig them up if somebody wanted them. So apologists can have it either way. Just pick the ones that would indicate one way, and hope the readers don't have a good enough memory to remember the other ones stating the opposite.

Another way to corroborate the flat earth is what the early church fathers believed. I could dig up some quotes on them too, if someone wants them.

Meta =&gt;They probably did. If you asked Moses "is the earth flat?" NO doubt he would say it was. So what? Who cares? That has nothing to do with it. That is only a problem if verbal plenary is the only model of revelation, it is not. You are just unable to understand the others becasue verbal plenary is too easy to shoot down and you can't allow yourself the challenge of dealing with anything difficult or sophisticated.

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Old 01-20-2002, 11:23 AM   #35
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Originally posted by Asha'man:
<strong>Ok, so what about this passage:

A very tall tree can only be visible to the whole earth if the earth is flat.</strong>
O brother! It's a vision, get it??? And so what if they did think it was flat, that's just not important.
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Old 01-20-2002, 12:15 PM   #36
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Originally posted by Metacrock:
<strong> I'v e lost my patience with you jerks. I've been trying to get you to at least read one damn page of a book for 2 years now and all of you are too thick headed and too in love with your own illiteracy to even bother!</strong>
Good witness Meta. Jesus and Paul would be

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Old 01-20-2002, 12:22 PM   #37
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Originally posted by Metacrock:

O brother! It's a vision, get it??? And so what if they did think it was flat, that's just not important.</strong>
Of course I get it: it is a vision of a flat earth, with a tall tree.

The original question was: where does the bible text imply a flat earth? What are the standard arguments about this question? We are simply pointing out verses that support the flat earth view, and discussing them.

Maybe you need to take a deep breath and calm down for a sec, Metacrock. You seem to be reading much of this as a personal attack, and it isn't. We all have our own philosophy, and our own reasons for following that philosophy. If you don't think the bible should be read literally, then you and I are in agreement. If you think that parts of the bible have a good and valid message, then we agree on a second point. On the other hand, I suspect that some of the parts that you think are valid are ones I may disagree with. We can discuss those points in appropriate threads, which is the whole point of this forum.
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Old 01-20-2002, 12:55 PM   #38
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Meta =&gt;Same argument. Joshua making the sun stand still is just the same as my professor saying the sun will come out from behind the clouds. ...
Tell that to Martin Luther (metaphorically, of course, since he died over 4 centuries ago). As he notes, Joshua told the Sun to stop moving and not the Earth.

Why would you expect it not to be gencentric? Its not written to be science.
But it's supposed to be Truth, right? This gives me some respect for fundamentalism.

(Michael Turton on Biblical flat-earthism...)

Meta =&gt;^Yea but so what? That's my point. If litteral history isn't the mark of Biblical revelation (and it isn't) then why should litteral sceince be that mark? It's not meant to be a science text book.
Tell that to some fundamentalists some time. If you have the courage, O Metacrock. And if the content of the Bible is basically allegorical and not literal, then there is no good reason to get bent out of shape by the hypothesis that Jesus Christ was a myth -- he could simply have been part of that great allegory.

It's written from the view point of the people in that culture.
In other words, it was dumbed down -- without that dumbing down being explicitly warned about.

That was thousnads of years ago, they didn't know about the theory of the cosmos. So what? The Bible is about bestowing Grace not about building rocketts to Mars or doing science in any way. Why does that have to be the mark of truth?
Tell that to some fundamentalists some time. If you have any courage, O Metacrock.

First off, the "quoted out of context" defense rings hollow after a while; it's a knee-jerk response without any real content.

MEta =&gt;Not on the net, where atheists usually don't even know what context means, and where they dont' care.
Or more likely, don't care for manufactured pseudo-contexts.

... the visibility of all the kingdoms of the world from some high mountain. Confining myself to the major Old-World ones (Roman Empire, India, China) reveals that such a mountain would have to be at least 2000 km tall and located in European Russia.

Meta =&gt;So what? It's written by people who lived thousands of years ago. Of course they wrote it from their persective, since they could hardly be expected to write form a persective they did not have. IT's not meant to be science, so who cares?
But why should we take such fairy tales seriously as ABSOLUTE, FINAL TRUTH? Metacrock, you and all your fellow "liberal" apologists make fundamentalists look honest.

Standard Christian defences are: "Don't start with your conclusion, and dogmatically try and prove it with scriptures."

Look who's talking. Has there ever been any other style of Bible interpretation?

Meta -&gt;Duh! there are tons of them, study theology!
(the Bible indicating that the Earth is flat...)

Meta =&gt;There aren't any. There are verses that speak of the "four corners of the earth" but that could as well be poetic language. ...

And Jesus Christ could have been pure fiction. Think of that before retorting with implausible could-bes.

Meta -&gt;No, first of all Jesus could not be fiction. It's almost impossible and there is absolutely no reason to think so.
Getting bent out of shape is no argument.

Secondly, what is so implausible about poetic langaue in a book which is obviously based upon poetic language. ATheists are so illiterate? The most ignroatn idiots in the world! I have never seen a more ignorant or unleanred group of people even in West Texas!
However, the Bible-as-poetic-language hypothesis could include the hypothesis that Jesus Christ was pure myth; consider that he fits Lord Raglan's Mythic-Hero profile *very* well.

And why don't you try convincing some fundamentalists that their literalism is just plain wrong?

MEta -&gt;I try that all the time! It's hopeless, that's why I decided to concentrate on you guys. But guess what, I didnt' know when I was well off.
Don't be a coward -- just put up a lot of pages explaining why you think fundamentalism is naive and erroneous, and advertise them in various places.

In fact, I must say that I have some respect for strict fundamentalism, because that's a well-defined belief with little room for the common "take what you like and leave what you don't like" style of interpretation.

Meta =&gt;Well that just shows how totally ignorant you are. The liberal position is not "take what you like." That is the height of ignronace to think that and it just shows how you have never read any theology. I'v e lost my patience with you jerks. I've been trying to get you to at least read one damn page of a book for 2 years now and all of you are too thick headed and too in love with your own illiteracy to even bother!
I've had a hard time telling the difference between much theological argumentation and taking what one likes and leaving what one doesn't like -- and that includes many fundamentalists also, sad to say.

(the Church Fathers believing that the Earth was flat)
Meta =&gt;They probably did. If you asked Moses "is the earth flat?" NO doubt he would say it was. So what? Who cares? That has nothing to do with it. That is only a problem if verbal plenary is the only model of revelation, it is not. You are just unable to understand the others becasue verbal plenary is too easy to shoot down and you can't allow yourself the challenge of dealing with anything difficult or sophisticated.
However, if it is some secret code that requires some sort of key to unlock its true meaning, then that is not the end of our problems. First off, is it really a coded message? And if so, then what is the code and how does one decode it?

And also, if I was the Ruler of thus humongous Universe, I would not send coded messages to isolated people. I'd send clear messages to those in ruling positions.

Consider the way that President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have been handling the India-Pakistan confrontation. They have not been sending cryptic messages to isolated people in out-of-the-way parts of those two nations. Instead, they have been sending clear messages to the leaders of those two countries.

And if I was a god, I'd do the exact same sort of thing, and not act like a whimpering coward.
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Old 01-20-2002, 12:59 PM   #39
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Originally posted by Metacrock:
<strong>Well that just shows how totally ignorant you are. The liberal position is not "take what you like." That is the height of ignronace to think that and it just shows how you have never read any theology. I'v e lost my patience with you jerks. I've been trying to get you to at least read one damn page of a book for 2 years now and all of you are too thick headed and too in love with your own illiteracy to even bother!</strong>
Calm down, Metacrock. If you think someone's idea is stupid, you are intelligent enough to explain why without being abusive.


[ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: Muad'Dib ]</p>
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Old 01-20-2002, 03:18 PM   #40
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Happily. What is it you want to debate?

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