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Join Date: Apr 2003
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from "Articles for forum" section of the shock-site
/Original is written in Russian/ BIBLE - THE ROTTEN FOUNDATION OF FALSE RELIGIONS Supermind (Cosmic Server) grants its Officers the right to independent creative research, even though it may be a mistake and its result is known beforehand. But it is better that the Radiant Man or a Great Teacher of The Universe tries all this for himself in practice, so that everyone could see and know the results all this leads to. One of such striking examples is the mission of Jesus Christ. It shows in practice one of the mistaken ways of the development of Open Cosmos - "The Way of the Penitent Sinner". (See the glossary of terms for the articles for forum and "Digest" ). Once one of The Great Teachers of The Universe made a suggestion. Its essence was the following: if the penitent sinner (that is strictly involutionary consciousness) has made a firm decision to embark on the way of The Supermind (if he is helped as much as the candidate for the Radiant Man would), then he will never turn off it. Under the condition that his spiritual development is closely monitored by Representatives of Top Hierarchy of The Supermind, i.e. its Avatars. That was the version of "The Way of the Penitent Sinner". To realize this "Penitent Sinner" version, The Great Teacher of Universe, Jesus Christ, sacrificed his life, had brought and demonstrated by his own example how one should act in accordance with the principle "Lord, Your Will is Omnipotent, Yours but not mine! So be it!" That is, that body is nothing but a puppet-marionette, which must be controlled from above to maximize the efficiency of its work, obeying The Second Cosmic System of Control. He showed to the penitent sinners The Way to the Immortality of The Supermind's Omniscience, teaching them in practice to live on a reflected light (to live for others, but not for themselves) with utter non-attachment to the results of their deeds. Jesus Christ was allowed to take any disciples without preliminary check on hardness of their Moral-Ethical Foundations, that is to his own taste.Normally, the Spiritual Teacher is obliged to check his disciples (before making them acquainted with the Supermind's sphere of activities) purity of intent (as well as their Faith and Dedication to Him) until He is fully aware of their moral readiness. This will allow to avoid many troubles on the spiritual plane further on. The repentant sinner, having acquired the knowledge brought by Christ, was obliged to follow only this way, never swerving from the course, - be always and everywhere no less than a Christ, what none of his "disciples" (apostles) and fellow-travellers never did. They were simply unable to understand their Spiritual Teacher - because of their obtuseness and total absence of moral-ethical slogs of their Faith and Dedication to Him. All Christ apostles are just funny and rueful parodies on spiritual disciples. They distorted a teaching of their Teacher, having practically understood nothing due to their stupidity, obtuseness and greed, in any of its forms and manifestations. The key point of the christiniaty says: one must live for others, that is to live on reflected light according to the principle "You'll reap what you sowed", with complete capitulation before the Highest, every second submitting yourself to His rule (without any attachment to the results of your deeds, without the slightest interest in any objects and thoughts constructions in crude or fine forms, especially in the field of psychical powers) As soon as a prostitute Mary Magdalen became fed up with one thing, she sought the other: spiritual prestige. One place is not scabby - the other one is itchy: for any whore prestige is above all - that is her essence and a beginning of the catastrophic fall. Selection of disciples without testing them - in the hope that, having repented, they would never swerve of the Way, - brings nothing but misfortune for them and those around. The one who can go on a spiritual way without imitating somebody or something, but being always a Christ, can develop along the evolution absolutely freely and securely. The symbol of a cross - is a symbol of a body, on which all its wishes are crucified, and a call signal for the workers of the "hot workshop". After receiving it, they commute the penitent sinner to the direction his soul seeks, adding to that spiritual energy, which automatically leads the immature consciousness to build up of its thoughts-and-wishes. That is why persons, who have set forth on the way of evolution, should firmly follow it, for one step aside - and you are in the abyss, overpowered by your negative thoughts-and-wishes. "Man is created in God's own image". That is why like God he will be responsible for everything that is going on in the world! Religious fasting - is not a combined vegetarian gormandize, but, first of all, fasting - Dry Fasting. That is curative and preventive fasting without taking inside water and food, because it is only after at least 7-10 days when negative entities, feeling their ruination under the absence of food, start leaving you. Under the condition that in doing so you also theoretically and practically bring "Peace, Happiness to All!", while being among mundane vanity amidst negative vibrations, generated by people. This is where the consciousnesses, parasitizing on you, are easily finding for themselves kindred agglomerations, where they can go. During carrying out of dry fasting it is allowed only to rinse and wash the mouth, the nose and the whole body to enable more complete cleaning of the organism from excreting toxins, as well as for strengthening the functioning of the skin. In case of carrying out the fasting on only water all your "treasures" will remain with you. Out of all the plays going on the planet now, the mission of Christ (besides verification in practice the falsity of "The Way of the Penitent Sinner" theory) was to show that the wrong religious education preaching racial supremacy of a God's chosen nation carries the seeds of its own death, - because of the rigidity of the construction in percepting the world and due to misundertsanding of the truths picked up from everywhere, but not realized the hard way, through personal experience. For all Moses's books - is just a continuous conglomerate made up of such wisdoms, without their real comprehension, and with an addition of priests' phantasies which turned everything upside-down. For Moses himself had never reached Enlightening. That is why everything that was and is happening with the followers of the Bible and Christianity - is a consequence of the rotten foundation, which brought forth all the existing mischiefs of thermonuclear, ecological and social catastrophes. The Religious Path, short as it is in the Earth conditions, is not an easy, sightseeing tour, and no one has the right to peddle Christ's ideas, and ideas of other religions, without their true understanding. For the true education of a Radiant Man takes numerous expansions and compressions of the Universe. The main mistake of the Islam is that first it is required to ideally slog in oneself the Selflessness of Jesus Christ, and only after that it is possible to build up military-economic disciplines. For personal Happiness of any individuum lies in the Happiness of others, and that means only one thing: one must become the Warrior of Spirit, to be despised and spit on by everybody, to be humiliated and insulted during one's life. It is not for vain that there is a saying: "The more you will open your soul, the more they will spit into it." But for a real fighter it is only a tempering to educate in oneself the Great Impartiality. This is conscious letting through oneself of all the negative and positive vibrations. This is an ability of self-command under the most severe extreme situations. All this qualities are polished only for one reason: that the consciousness which received at its disposal the military sidhies of the Open Cosmos would not use them for selfish interests, but only in case of utmost necessity. But Islam gave rise to Sufism, which gave more Enlightened than Judaism and Christianity together. And that will give it, as to the future victor, some advantage in the fight of polarities for their survival. Therefore, there exist a real timing factor for the best and smartest representatives of Islam to change themselves during the transition of planet's inhabitants to the next loop of evolution. Posted by Vitalij shock-site "Earth - the planet of biorobots" |
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#2 |
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 52
Seems like there is no question about that... Good news! Vitalij shock-site "Earth - the planet of biorobots" |
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