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Old 06-02-2003, 03:57 PM   #71
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Originally posted by Daleth
No, I'm not. Lots of women are not. Lots of women can't have babies. Did you read what I wrote? I'll repeat. I'm the mother of 2 dead babies. I have twice given birth to corpses. I have no living children.
Sorry to hear that. I thought you had children. My mistake.

We should be satisfied with the natural power we have as the bearers of children, you said. So women who can't have children should be satisfied with having no power at all, I take it.
No. I don't have a problem with women being doctors, lawyers, scientists and all that stuff. My comment was meant to apply within the context of a man-woman relationship. Women have a psychological advantage over men because of their inherent weakness for female affection. The man may be physically stronger, but the woman has something he wants, and all too often he ends up slavering after it like a dog or throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get it.
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Old 06-02-2003, 04:12 PM   #72
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Sorry to hear that. I thought you had children. My mistake.
Forgiven. I said that I had no children on blondegoddess's thread about her son, but did not say so here.

A male has the power to make someone else pregnant. A woman does not have that power. It's just a different biological ability. Not a better one or a more powerful one. A man has the ability to reproduce without pain. Gimme some of that, please.

Women have a psychological advantage over men because of their inherent weakness for female affection. The man may be physically stronger, but the woman has something he wants, and all too often he ends up slavering after it like a dog or throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get it.
Do you believe that I do not have an inherent weakness for male affection? Do you think men don't have something I want? Don't you see that some women allow men to beat them and abuse them for years so they'll keep getting what they want? For more women it's more about "affection" (as you put it) than sex (as you intended it, I think) but it's true all the same. The abused woman will often say, "But he loves me!" So both genders desire each other, both physically and emotionally. Individuals in both genders vary in how well they can deal with those weaknesses.

And we're so far off the topic of the OP I can barely remembr what it was.

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Old 06-02-2003, 04:34 PM   #73
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Originally posted by Daleth
Do you believe that I do not have an inherent weakness for male affection? Do you think men don't have something I want? Don't you see that some women allow men to beat them and abuse them for years so they'll keep getting what they want? For more women it's more about "affection" (as you put it) than sex (as you intended it, I think) but it's true all the same. The abused woman will often say, "But he loves me!"
I am aware of this phenomenon, of course. In either case, we are talking about an inordinate need for love from the other person. However, I believe even in this scenario, a woman can in some cases get a feeling of superiority over the man having turned into a beast. She then gets to forgive him, as if she were an angel from heaven - a subtle power trip. It's amazing what people will sacrifice for a fleeting sense of imaginary self-worth.

So both genders desire each other, both physically and emotionally. Individuals in both genders vary in how well they can deal with those weaknesses.
Yes, but believe it or not, this need is something we're supposed to grow out of, I believe. The more we need, the less we love.

And we're so far off the topic of the OP I can barely remembr what it was.
Actually, I don't think we are. The reason there are as many abortions as there are has to do with how men and women relate to each other, IMO.
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Old 06-02-2003, 04:50 PM   #74
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However, I believe even in this scenario, a woman can in some cases get a feeling of superiority over the man having turned into a beast. She then gets to forgive him, as if she were an angel from heaven - a subtle power trip. It's amazing what people will sacrifice for a fleeting sense of imaginary self-worth.
Y'know, I bet that does happen sometimes. But not as often as the man gets off on feeling superior and in control because he can beat someone and treat her like shit and keep her coming back for more.

You're spending a lot of time talking about what makes women powerful, even in the tiniest most pathetic ways. Are we so very threatening? Are you aware of men having a hell of a lot of power, and are just choosing to focus on what you perceive to be women's powers? Are men so much less able to handle their weaknesses?

I don't get it. The sum of your posts here suggests that a male should have authority over a female in marriage because (or is it although?) he's naturally weaker than she is in controlling natural urges. I'm getting the impression that you're scared of us and that's why you want us under your control.

I don't think we're getting at anything about the OP. I think we're getting at what makes you tick, you personally, not men overall. And maybe a bit of what makes me tick as well.

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Old 06-02-2003, 06:35 PM   #75
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Originally posted by dk
The claimed was... Poor benefit from legal abortion. The poor are disproportionately black. The inference was there, and its not clear that black people have benefited from abortion, while it is clear there's 35% fewer black people because of legal abortion. If we are to find an alternative to abortion, then the first step is to seperate the myth from the reality. Is abortion a covert attempt to cull poor black people, poor people or help them?
I never claimed that anyone, including black Americans, have benefited or lost because of legal abortion. I simply stated that if abortion were criminalized it would affect the poor more than the wealthy – you are reading meaning into my statements that simply are not there.

Second, why just black? I just checked the 2000 census information and people of Hispanic origin have a lower median income than black Americans do. So if you want to turn this into a racial issue, shouldn't we be concerned with Hispanics as well?
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Old 06-02-2003, 06:42 PM   #76
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Originally posted by Daleth
Y'know, I bet that does happen sometimes. But not as often as the man gets off on feeling superior and in control because he can beat someone and treat her like shit and keep her coming back for more.
See how he's dependant on her for his petty sense of power? That kind of man is woman-centered.

You're spending a lot of time talking about what makes women powerful, even in the tiniest most pathetic ways. Are we so very threatening?
Women are unaware of how much power they have over men. Even if they don't want it, men give it to them through their craven needs. It is our own weakness that threatens us, but we tend to blame women - in that sense you are correct.

Are you aware of men having a hell of a lot of power, and are just choosing to focus on what you perceive to be women's powers?
I think the idea that we have a male dominated society is an illusion when so many men are dominated by women. Bill Clinton was a glaring example.

Are men so much less able to handle their weaknesses?
I'm afraid so, at this time.

I don't get it. The sum of your posts here suggests that a male should have authority over a female in marriage because (or is it although?) he's naturally weaker than she is in controlling natural urges.
No, he should earn that authority by overcoming those weaknesses.

I'm getting the impression that you're scared of us and that's why you want us under your control.
In any M/F relationship, one person tends to gain control. What I want is for that control to be granted freely, rather than one or both parties being tricked or coerced into the deal.

I don't think we're getting at anything about the OP. I think we're getting at what makes you tick, you personally, not men overall.
Or maybe I'm just a little more conscious of what makes me tick than some other men are.
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Old 06-02-2003, 08:25 PM   #77
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See how he's dependant on her for his petty sense of power? That kind of man is woman-centered.
See how your focussing on the tiny pathetic thing you call power on the part of the person bleeding on the floor rather than admitting any power on the part of the male in this situation? His neediness is not equal to her having power... at least not anywhere but in his mind.

I think the idea that we have a male dominated society is an illusion when so many men are dominated by women.
Thank you for explaining your worldview. That really explains a lot about you. I disagree with you, except to the extent that you define your own weakness and vulnerablility.

No, he should earn that authority by overcoming those weaknesses.
Because man is weaker than woman, if man is able to overcome his weakness he has earned authority over woman, right? Do you know how absurd that sounds to normal people?

Or maybe I'm just a little more conscious of what makes me tick than some other men are.
Nevertheless, we're not talking about the OP, which was my point. We're not even talking about men and women. We're talking about yguy and how he's intimidated by and controlled by his own lust for women (which means he takes power away from himself, not the women take power away from him). Now that I'm more aware of what makes you tick, I'm out.

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Old 06-02-2003, 09:07 PM   #78
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Originally posted by Daleth
See how your focussing on the tiny pathetic thing you call power on the part of the person bleeding on the floor rather than admitting any power on the part of the male in this situation? His neediness is not equal to her having power... at least not anywhere but in his mind.
That's all it takes. Which is bigger, the rudder or the ship? Yet the rudder controls the ship, not the other way around.

Because man is weaker than woman, if man is able to overcome his weakness he has earned authority over woman, right?
If he does, the woman will either respect him enough to give him that authority willingly or hate him for taking away her power. In the latter case, she's free to quit the relationship.

Do you know how absurd that sounds to normal people?
Normal people? Like the people on this board who claim there is nothing immoral about necrophilia, or that it doesn't matter whether a fetus is a human life, or that the right to life is granted by societal consensus? Not impressed.

Now that I'm more aware of what makes you tick
You're not. You have merely siezed on an excuse to dismiss the substance of my comments. But it was nice talking with you anyway.
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Old 06-02-2003, 09:22 PM   #79
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Originally posted by yguy
In the latter case, she's free to quit the relationship.
She just did. Sorry honey.

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Old 06-02-2003, 09:28 PM   #80
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You have my best wishes, ma'am.
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