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Old 09-14-2002, 03:15 PM   #271
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Originally posted by Starboy:

Vander, why do you refer to evolution as Darwinian Philosophy? A philosophy relies on argument to demonstrate validity whereas a science relies on observation and experiment. Why do you think science is a philosophy?

You have partly answered your own question. The problem is found in many disciplines, but is particularly bad with the Darwinists. Much shouting and ridicule is often found to be a substitute for a lack of convincing evidence. Too much is read into the evidence that does exist, and any contradictory evidence is jettisoned immediately. The metaphysical/methodological blinders prevent any serious consideration of special creation, despite the probability.

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Old 09-14-2002, 03:35 PM   #272
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Originally posted by Skeptical:

I cannot know that is or is not the case, and I cannot even really know the source of even my own mind. In theory, the thoughts I'm thinking right now could be the product of some superior intelligence manipulating my neurons at their leisure. They could be manipulating yours. What difference does that make to what I see typed on the screen in front of me? Answer - none.

What's more, I cannot even say _what_ is more probable, I don't have any data to make that determination. I have never experienced God or Satan or aliens, but neither have I directly experienced another mind. They are all, by definition, non-empirical, at least at the current moment.

Sure, you are right, you can't know that you have control of your own mind. But you act like you do, and that is highly justifiable proof. For you to act like you have a mind is no less demonstrable than for you to know that you are touching your fingers to the keyboard! It makes all the difference to ACT as though you are in control of your mind. If you really believed otherwise, then you wouldn't do what you do.

God is non-empirical, just as your mind. You accept your mind, but you don't accept God. Instead you compare him with pixies. Well, perhaps you can see that you are comparing your mind to pixies.

You've never experienced God because you declare how he is to be found. Your demand is that you be able to see him. It isn't enough to see his effects. Instead, it would appear that you insist on special privileges.

Originally posted by Skeptical:

If we spent all our time walking around asking each other to prove that we have minds we'd never finish a single conversation, and in the end we'd still be in the same spot we started.


Again, it doesn't matter, all I can deal with is external actions. I really hope we can move on from this because I honestly find this particular sub-point rather boring.
You know, I find it somewhat boring also. But it is useful. Here we are, having this conversation. You have a mind, I have a mind. They are both "non-empirical". But you and I have sufficient experience in this life to know that our minds are really there. Presently, they are the cause behind the words in this thread, which contain meanings that you and I both intuitively understand. And yet, you are claiming that these understandings (protocol) are of no use to you.

Please be patient. I look forward to your response, both here and in BC & A.



[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: Vanderzyden ]</p>
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Old 09-14-2002, 04:28 PM   #273
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:

You have partly answered your own question. The problem is found in many disciplines, but is particularly bad with the Darwinists. Much shouting and ridicule is often found to be a substitute for a lack of convincing evidence. Too much is read into the evidence that does exist, and any contradictory evidence is jettisoned immediately. The metaphysical/methodological blinders prevent any serious consideration of special creation, despite the probability.

Are you protesting the evidence or the interpretation of the evidence?

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Old 09-14-2002, 05:26 PM   #274
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:

You have partly answered your own question. The problem is found in many disciplines, but is particularly bad with the Darwinists. Much shouting and ridicule is often found to be a substitute for a lack of convincing evidence. Too much is read into the evidence that does exist, and any contradictory evidence is jettisoned immediately. The metaphysical/methodological blinders prevent any serious consideration of special creation, despite the probability.

Sorry, but I tend not to mince words (and I know I've bitched about this thread being in this forum, but I'm going to reply anyway...)

Much shouting and ridicule is often found to be a substitute for a lack of convincing evidence. Too much is read into the evidence that does exist, and any contradictory evidence is jettisoned immediately.
Vanderzyden, why the hell should I read the above sentences and even give them a grain of salt? You apparently didn't even understand meiosis, yet I'm supposed to believe you have some authority to critique the science of biology? Go back under your bridge or else explain to us why scientists are lying when they describe chromosome fusions.

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Old 09-14-2002, 05:49 PM   #275
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My comment about gravity is in relation to our understanding of the mechanism for gravity. Here's a better explanation from <a href="" target="_blank">talk origins</a>:
These previous points are all evidence of macroevolution alone; the evidence and the conclusion are independent of any specific gradualistic explanatory mechanisms for the origin and evolution of macroevolutionary adaptations and variation. This is why scientists call universal common descent the "fact of evolution." None of the 29 predictions directly address how macroevolution has occurred, how fins were able to develop into limbs, how the leopard got its spots, or how the vertebrate eye evolved; nevertheless, the validity of the macroevolutionary conclusion does not depend on whether Darwinism, Lamarckism (i.e. inheritance of acquired characaters), or something else is the true mechanism of evolutionary change. None of the evidences recounted here assumes that natural selection is true or that it is sufficient for generating adaptations or the differences between species and other taxa. Thus, the macroevolutionary conclusion stands, regardless.

This point has an interesting parallel in physics. Newton's theory of universal gravitation describes a phenomenon of matter, just as macroevolution describes a phenomenon of life. The theory of universal gravitation is also independent of the specific explanatory mechanism for gravity, and in fact Newton never gave a mechanism for gravity. Why does the force between two masses follow the inverse square law and not another law (perhaps an inverse cube law)? It took nearly 300 years before any plausible mechanisms for gravity were proposed (by quantum field theorists). None of these proposed mechanisms currently have any experimental support.Additionally, theories of gravity are strictly dependent upon the concept of mass, and there currently is no empirically supported mechanism for giving mass to matter. Charles Darwin is considered such a great scientific mind because, unlike Newton and Einstein who proposed only descriptive theories, Darwin proposed both a descriptive theory and a plausible mechanism. That mechanism is, of course, heritable variation with natural selection.
My point is that we have more understanding of how evolution works than how gravity works (and thus more evidence on the mechanism of one than the other.) That's my point I guess, hope that clears up the confusion.

As to your points about Einstein's theory - start another thread in Science and Scepticism please if you wish to discuss that issue further.

I only used that particular theory to illustrate the evolution-denier's case. They are anti-evolutionists for reasons other than data, that's my point.

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Old 09-14-2002, 05:53 PM   #276
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just for vanderzyden, some basic evolutionary equations;

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

also, are you planning on adressing the evidence for common ancestry in this thread anytime soon?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

[ September 15, 2002: Message edited by: pz ]</p>
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Old 09-14-2002, 05:57 PM   #277
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Here's an interesting tidbit I came across when searching talkorigins for the word "gravity":

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The heliocentric theory of Copernicus was considered "evil" by the learned theologians of the Church. Less well known is that Newton's theory of gravity was also considered "evil." Some Bible believers vigorously urged that Newton's theory "took from God that direct action on his works so constantly ascribed to him in Scripture and transferred it to material mechanism," and that Newton "substituted gravity for Providence." Galen's idea of the blood circulating in the body was considered "evil."
Hmmm, when will evolution denyers be added to this list and seen just as silly as these guys who denied gravity because it was so "materialistic" and took away explanations from the Church/God? ? ? ?


[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: scigirl ]</p>
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Old 09-14-2002, 06:32 PM   #278
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Originally posted by scigirl:
<strong>Hmmm, when will evolution denyers be added to this list and seen just as silly as these guys who denied gravity because it was so "materialistic" and took away explanations from the Church/God? ? ? ?</strong>
When Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, roughly the same reaction ensued. Lighting was seen as God's punishment and lightning rods were designed, it was said, to abate holy wrath.

One wonders what sort of omnipotence was ascribed to the deity, if a simple steel rod and thick copper wire buried in the earth can negate it, or, in the case of those who preached that AIDS was holy judgement against homosexuality, that a fifty-cent condom could also abate said omnipotent wrath.

Newton himself despised the "materialism" of his theory as it mechanized the solar system and left no need for divine intervention, except perhaps for the occasional nudge to keep the orbits stable. But he was a scientist, so he accepted the universe for what he found it to truly be, instead of what he wanted it to be.

[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: Kevin Dorner ]</p>
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Old 09-14-2002, 06:36 PM   #279
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:
Sure, you are right, you can't know that you have control of your own mind. But you act like you do, and that is highly justifiable proof.</strong>
"Proof" is a very strong word. At most I would say it is reasonable for each of us to believe we are in control of our own minds and reasonable for us to think that others have their own minds. It is in no way proof and it may be an especially weak hypothesis if we start postulating invisible, powerful entities that cannot be detected through any empirical means who have unknown agendas.

For you to act like you have a mind is no less demonstrable than for you to know that you are touching your fingers to the keyboard! It makes all the difference to ACT as though you are in control of your mind. If you really believed otherwise, then you wouldn't do what you do.</strong>
I never said I didn't believe I have control of my mind, I said it was theoretically possible. Quite a difference. I do, in fact, think I have control of my mind but my opinion might change if I truly believed there were all sorts of non-empirical entities with strange powers and unknown agendas hovering over us. As I said before, it's a matter of pragmatics.

God is non-empirical, just as your mind. You accept your mind, but you don't accept God. Instead you compare him with pixies. Well, perhaps you can see that you are comparing your mind to pixies.</strong>
I have _experienced_ my mind, I have not _experienced_ God or Satan or aliens or any other hypothetical non-empirical entities. This is a clear difference. I have not experienced other minds, but I see what can reasonably be assumed to be the actions of other minds. As I have stated several times now, even if I grant you only 2 non-empirical entities, God and Satan, you cannot choose _even between these 2_ which of them might be the cause of particular data. That is a serious problem for anyone who wants to take the idea of non-empirical entities as causes of empirical data seriously.

You've never experienced God because you declare how he is to be found. Your demand is that you be able to see him. It isn't enough to see his effects. Instead, it would appear that you insist on special privileges.</strong>
One, single, clear, unambiguous effect would be acceptable. It would, however, have to be an effect for which not only do we currently not have a natural explanation, but for which no natural explanation is possible. Even under such circumstances we would still have the God vs Satan question I keep alluding to.

You know, I find it somewhat boring also. But it is useful. Here we are, having this conversation. You have a mind, I have a mind. They are both "non-empirical". But you and I have sufficient experience in this life to know that our minds are really there. Presently, they are the cause behind the words in this thread, which contain meanings that you and I both intuitively understand. And yet, you are claiming that these understandings (protocol) are of no use to you.</strong>
Actually, that is _not_ my claim. I think you are reading into what I'm saying what you want to see. The words and exchange are all perfectly empirical, they are of use. Whether or not you have a mind is irrelevant and unknowable by me and therefore _that_ topic is of no use to me. I don't care _what_ the cause of your messages are, nor my own. It doesn't matter. Only your external actions matter, that's what I can deal with.

<strong>Please be patient. I look forward to your response, both here and in BC & A.</strong>
I'm patient, just didn't want my point about God vs Satan to be forgotten. I'll check the BC&A.

[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: Skeptical ]</p>
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Old 09-14-2002, 07:13 PM   #280
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:

For you to act like you have a mind is no less demonstrable than for you to know that you are touching your fingers to the keyboard! It makes all the difference to ACT as though you are in control of your mind. If you really believed otherwise, then you wouldn't do what you do.</strong>
There are so many problems associated with this argument. How would one act if one honestly believed one wasn't in control of one's mind? Wouldn't that "realization" necessarily entail that the entity allegedly controlling one's mind is also allegedly responsible for the belief that one is not in control of one's mind? How does an otherwise-controlled mind develop the ability to believe it is not an otherwise-controlled mind in the first place?

God is non-empirical, just as your mind. You accept your mind, but you don't accept God.</strong>
The mind may not yet be understandable by reductionism, but it can be demonstrably affected. Selective brain damage can affect a significant number of the features often credited to the 'mind.' Just what do you think is the purpose of the brain anyway, if this mind is so capable of operating independently?

You've never experienced God because you declare how he is to be found. Your demand is that you be able to see him. It isn't enough to see his effects. Instead, it would appear that you insist on special privileges.</strong>
God may very well be detectable solely through some "feeling of knowing" but God has conveniently made those feelings often indistinguishable from self-generated delusions or imaginations. Andrea Yates claims she had "feelings of knowing" about God, yet Christians deny the validity of her stories. Clearly, it is judged possible to have false or incorrect "feelings of knowing" about God. Yet, apparently the only way to judge true feelings about God is by personal testimony, which, as we have seen, is not an airtight arbiter of truth, no matter how vehemently the testifier testifies.

You have a mind, I have a mind. They are both "non-empirical".</strong>
You keep repeating this, as if saying the mind is non-mathematical, or doesn't produce numerical data as output is the same as saying it is non-physical. It isn't.
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