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Old 04-27-2003, 12:04 AM   #161
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Firstly, we don't expect you, or anyone to accept our claims. We cannot ''make'' you see what we ''see'', or know, would that we could for your perception of the whole subject of the ''unknown'' would be less mysterious. All that we ask is for a fair hearing and an unbiased view as to the inherent ''logic'' that the information puts forth.

A fair hearing and unbiased view? This being a philosophy forum, perhaps you ought to be considering, for one thing, the postmodern suspicions we are forced to confront that all beliefs and cultural practices have ideological subtexts: We have no access to neutral ground outside the peculiar workings of our brains, which appear to the cognitive scientist to be "us". But we can question from within. It helps if we can recognize, at least provisionally, that it probably is in fact from within. The inherent logic of the information put forth is of little consequence unless you can clear some epistemological hurdles. What justification can you offer for your beliefs? You've been asked this question repeatedly. What is required is justification one step removed from the actual claims. In other words, what general rules for discerning truth have you worked out with which you can distinguish independant reality from the workings of mind? How can you determine the relative merits, for example, of universal consciousness claims and the various claims regarding the god of Abraham? I suspect that you have worked out no such rules, which is why you continue to hold up the "information" in their place.

Any way back to the point of the issue. The point is, that points of view have and will be limited if only relient upon the known. If the world had adopted that view, there would have never been the incentive to look beyond the physically ''seen'' and we know the advances that were brought by the humble microscope in the area of the physical sciences.
This is not a valid argument for the legitimacy of any of the numerous, often conflicting unverifiable claims. By this argument we should believe every claim.

The physical sciences has also been beset with ''humbug'' along with the truth. The area of the ''Metaphysical'' has had more than it's share of the mystical ''mumbo jumbo'' and for this we can point the finger firmly in the direction of the religions, capitalising on the human fear of the ''unknown''.
I see no evidence that the religious are in general less sincere in their beliefs than you or I. In any case, this is not justification or defense.

The area of Metaphysics is no different to the physical sciences in that a measured approach must be adopted to sort the mystique from the real. There are many serious researchers in many august institutions as well as those such as ourselves who use the ''tools'', our abilities in such a way to separate the ''little'' self subjective from the ''bigger'' self objective information.
We understand only too well the traps and pitfalls the subjective delusions of the impure connection provides. This is the major obstruction to overcome. To overcome this, we have changed our lives, our perceptions, of ourselves by stringent examination of ourselves and the constant confrontation of each other to change our conditioning. It's a hard road, as one must become someone that initially is a stranger to you. It gets easier as one goes on for we know that there is no way back. We are changed forever.

The area of Metaphysics is different in that the physical sciences require empirical evidence. This is a significant difference! But the specific methods to "sort the mystique from the real" is on point and would be of great interest to all.

We know, what we are, 5D people in a 3D world. Universally orientated, not 3D oriented.
To do what we do, it has been necessary for us to be and think in alignment with the universal contacts, to be clear channels.
This is not a game for us, it is serious, it is our life and it is REAL, no petty delusion, for we have had to work to get where we are, not just have an all encompassing belief. Belief alone will not get you there, for that will just give one what the bulk of the ''new age'', ''pink bubble'' crowd have, another belief system, another religion, more mystical ''mumbo jumbo''.

Right, I've decided to give you the benefit of doubt on the sincerity and such, but it has no bearing on the claims or their justifiability.

You appear to be both presenting a hard-earned enterpretation of the nature of reality and claiming to be a passive receiver. You also appear to speak of the universal mind at some times, and as communicating with entities of the universal mind at others. Could you clarify these points and also explain the relationship of a universal mind to our definition of the universe as "everything that exists"? Is everything that exists conscious, in your view?
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Old 04-27-2003, 09:12 AM   #162
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Originally posted by John Page
Hi Amos!

Sorry but I don't understand. Are you saying consciousness causes knowledge? How do you know this and how is this caused?

Cheers, John
If consciousness does not cause knowledge it sure is a good beginning and even if we considder conventional data to be knowledge one must be conscious to understand how reason can arrive at that. I would say that consciousness is required to be omniscient and from this same consciousness we must learn to know what it is that we are really conscious of. The nice thing about this is that it makes learning possible with the only limit to our learning being our exposure to that which we seek to know more about.

I think John, this pretty much means that the sky is the limit for us humans who will continue to "do greater things," and that, or such, is the Gospel truth.
Old 04-27-2003, 10:00 AM   #163
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Originally posted by Amos
If consciousness does not cause knowledge it sure is a good beginning and even if we considder conventional data to be knowledge one must be conscious to understand how reason can arrive at that. I would say that consciousness is required to be omniscient and from this same consciousness we must learn to know what it is that we are really conscious of. The nice thing about this is that it makes learning possible with the only limit to our learning being our exposure to that which we seek to know more about.

I think John, this pretty much means that the sky is the limit for us humans who will continue to "do greater things," and that, or such, is the Gospel truth.
No answers to my two direct questions, then?
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Old 04-27-2003, 10:14 AM   #164
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Originally posted by John Page
No answers to my two direct questions, then?
I thought I did. Knowlege is equal to richess as seen from oblivion but is also equal to poverty as seen from omniscience. If consciousness is omniscience knowledge is obtained in some other way because we are either omniscient or we are not. If not we must learn and must have learned what we know or must have learned that which we think we know.
Old 04-27-2003, 10:30 AM   #165
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Originally posted by John Page
Hi Amos!

Sorry but I don't understand. Are you saying consciousness causes knowledge? How do you know this and how is this caused?

Cheers, John
Here are my questions again....
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Old 04-27-2003, 01:56 PM   #166
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Originally posted by John Page
Here are my questions again....
Consciousnes is the cause of knowledge and knowledge can lead to existence as in "the word became flesh." It would be wrong to think that knowledge exists as an entity of its own because there would need to be some form of consciousness to interpret the symbols in such a way that they become like "music in our ears." Yes, knowledge is much like the no-noice made by a falling tree if there is no consciousness to intercept the vibrations.
Old 04-28-2003, 10:58 AM   #167
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Originally posted by John Page
...then, for about the fourth time of asking, please explain the cause and effect involved in you knowing what it is you think you know!!

Without such an explanation there seems little assurance that your claims have any substance and, indeed, your claims are inconsistent with the "universal logic" you have set forth.

Cheers, John
Dear John Page.

The answer to this, we will give on this level.
We put out the information:- Cause.
You understand or not:- Effect.
We source some information about you, personally:- Cause.
You choose to see the truth of it or not:- Effect.
We come from a universal standpoint:- Cause.
You can choose to see it from the 3D, or step outside your fixed position:- Effect.

In each one of these positions is a line, a direction which will give to you a different result.
It's up to you whether you wish to ''see''.
We feel you ask the wrong questions to get the answer you really need. And even if you ask the right questions, will you understand even if you get the answers you need. John, will you ''see'' even if the answer is right in front of you. You will, if you abandon a fixed position, for although the 3D world tries to solidify, fix points of reference, there is in fact a flow to understanding that does not brook inertia.

So John, if you want to paddle around in the shallow waters of doubt as to our truth of ''how'' we know, ''how'' we access, you may as well ask how do you know the water is wet. You will miss the ''bus'', the river will run past you as you focus on the ''bridge'' you try to build to prevent you getting your feet wet.

John, our claims are not only consistant with universal logic, they are made by the source of universal knowledge, our universal contacts, the entities we interact with. Hardly inconsistant we would have thought when it all comes from the ''horses mouth''.


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Old 04-28-2003, 12:13 PM   #168
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Dear wordfailure.

Originally posted by wordfailure

A fair hearing and unbiased view? This being a philosophy forum, perhaps you ought to be considering, for one thing, the postmodern suspicions we are forced to confront that all beliefs and cultural practices have ideological subtexts: We have no access to neutral ground outside the peculiar workings of our brains, which appear to the cognitive scientist to be "us". But we can question from within. It helps if we can recognize, at least provisionally, that it probably is in fact from within. The inherent logic of the information put forth is of little consequence unless you can clear some epistemological hurdles. What justification can you offer for your beliefs? You've been asked this question repeatedly. What is required is justification one step removed from the actual claims. In other words, what general rules for discerning truth have you worked out with which you can distinguish independant reality from the workings of mind? How can you determine the relative merits, for example, of universal consciousness claims and the various claims regarding the god of Abraham? I suspect that you have worked out no such rules, which is why you continue to hold up the "information" in their place.

M5 Based upon the understanding we have gained of universal knowledge and the universal ''view'', we have used the 180 degree stance. This stance is taken by the universe as it is the universe, everything outside this 3D world against it.
Prove it for yourself, apply the reverse position and see how it works. i.e.

Humans look out, when in reality they should look ''in'' to find the answers.
We as humans try to protect our position, when we should be ''open'' to all positions.
We as humans, hide our truth from others when in fact we should open ourselves up to others if we really want to be understood.
We as humans think by doing what others expect we should do to be accepted, will give us acceptence, when in fact we wouldn't have a clue what others truly expect, for they are doing the same thing, playing the same game.
We as humans seek a return for giving, even if it is only a ''thank you'', when in fact giving should be ''string free''.
We as humans make judgements without having the true facts to do so, only assumptions. This we do of others and ourselves. The universal position is the opposite, do not judge.

Forget the god of Abraham, as it is now we are speaking of, 2003. It is time the world crawled out of it's past and saw without the historical ''baggage''.
Do the mental exercise yourself, try it the opposite way and prove what we have for yourself.(end)

This is not a valid argument for the legitimacy of any of the numerous, often conflicting unverifiable claims. By this argument we should believe every claim.

M5. We do not ask you to believe anything, prove the logic, the universal logic, for yourself.(end)

I see no evidence that the religious are in general less sincere in their beliefs than you or I. In any case, this is not justification or defense.

M5 Sincerity of belief has little to do with it. We did not get to our position by belief alone, it had to be logical to us and we had to prove the logic and in the process, change our lives to live by this logic.(end)

The area of Metaphysics is different in that the physical sciences require empirical evidence. This is a significant difference! But the specific methods to "sort the mystique from the real" is on point and would be of great interest to all.

M5 You are just playing with semantics when you use the term ''empirical evidence'', as it is only seen as such when in context. If the term had been applied to Metaphysics when the substantiated, observable, I see it with my very eyes, evidence is put forward. It's just that the Metaphysical does not conform to a material consensus in the known way. But neither do the physical sciences. They only conform to the ''empirical'' because of the artificial parameters that are used. Even the ''relative'' frames of reference are false. How do you measure the speed of a body without the measurement being a relavent measurement only. Not a true measure of it's ''true'' speed. All ''empirical'' evidence, is relavent to something else.
So, empirical really means, subjective, not the objective truth.(end)

Right, I've decided to give you the benefit of doubt on the sincerity and such, but it has no bearing on the claims or their justifiability.

You appear to be both presenting a hard-earned enterpretation of the nature of reality and claiming to be a passive receiver. You also appear to speak of the universal mind at some times, and as communicating with entities of the universal mind at others. Could you clarify these points and also explain the relationship of a universal mind to our definition of the universe as "everything that exists"? Is everything that exists conscious, in your view?
M5 Our sincerity only means something to us as we strive for the truth, as relative as that may be. Truth is like a puzzle, a bit at a time. As you learn more, your ''truth'' expands with it. It's a bit like shifting the ''goal posts''. They are still goal posts, but just in a different position.
We are passive receivers, but we learn from what we receive. If there was inconsistency in what we receive, we would not believe it. However, the very latest material we have received, fits perfectly with some of the earliest of the same subject and takes it that bit further. We have often not remembered the earliest material, but when we go back and check, it just blows us away. It's spot on in context. We couldn't do that as our ''little'' selves.

We do connect with entities, be they our own higher selves, (which are entities in their own right) or other groups of entities. There is a very real difference in the ''feel'' of each different entity we encounter. They all have their own different personalities which come through in the way the information is delivered, tern of phrase, words used etc.

Everything that exists is part of consciousness. It has many forms and roles to play in that consciousness. Not all is consciousness as we would understand. The universal mind is the collective consciousness, the Grand Order of Design. However, the designer, the Gift Of Design is the overseer of that consciousness as well as being part of it.
We are all entities of the universal mind, but the entities we connect to are the ones able to give us the truth that is needed at this time on this earth, to bring the 3D world to a new understanding of what it is, what humans really are apart from their ''physical'' form and the bare bones information as to dimensional worlds and parallel hologramatic ''lives''.(end)


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Old 04-28-2003, 01:40 PM   #169
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Originally posted by malai5
John, our claims are not only consistant with universal logic, they are made by the source of universal knowledge, our universal contacts, the entities we interact with. Hardly inconsistant we would have thought when it all comes from the ''horses mouth''.

Seems to me you dreamed something up and put "universal" in front of it. Claiming your knowledge comes from some source I don't have access to is only effective if you can show me what that source is.

Universally Cheers, John
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Old 04-28-2003, 05:47 PM   #170
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Default Life's too bloody short, as it is...


Either you want people to accept your claims without having to experience the same things you have experienced, or you will cease making claims, and start giving us the information we need, in order to discover for ourselves the independently verifiable, non-contradictory evidence that supports your claims.

No rational person will accept arbitrary claims, and--so far--that is all you have made, and you have pretty much stated as much.

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