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Old 08-04-2003, 02:14 PM   #161
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My horoscope was dead on!

Originally posted by Lobstrosity
Please respond to this:

If that's not what you're doing, please tell us why you haven't given us the exact day and time of this upcoming disaster (if it was possible back in 2001, it's possible now).
Its useless, because there is no earth location to say (time UTC only), and because an quake event seems not compelling in any case. Forget predictions, and forget this relations, if you do not see any significance. I do claim nothing, but the shown results.

Relax on this month and perceive news then.
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Old 08-04-2003, 02:35 PM   #162
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Originally posted by Arken
If you remember, I'm not a skeptic, I'm a liar... at least, that's what you called me earlier in this thread.
Please stop this arguing on a person. I never have called you a liar.
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Old 08-04-2003, 03:43 PM   #163
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My horoscope was dead on!

Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
Quack, quack, quack.
I talk about an algorithm. With an astronomical algorithm one can calculate as well geocentric planetary positions in the past, but also in the future. Believe or not. This is done here. Nothing else. Qualified critique is to prove this algorithm and the data wrong, that show that the index is highest in a 5 minute time interval out of a hole moth, in that the quake has occurred. Same result can be shown for the quake in Kobe, Japan. There is no need to discredit persons, and no need to discredit person with such wrong assertions. Please argue on the matter, if you have any.
Oh good grief, VD, you might have learnt a glimmer of intelligence from that last earthquake thread but apparently not.

You claim your algorithms can calculate planetary positions relevant to earthquakes in the future. We asked you to demonstrate this claim by using these algorithms to predict a future earthquake.

For 2 or 3 days you ducked and weaved, ultimately admitting that astrology cannot predict earthquakes. Then an earthquake hit Turkey, and while the aftershocks are still rumbling, you’re busy showing how your algorithms prove the relations between planetary angles and earthquakes.

I utterly fail to see how this can be interpreted as anything but pathetic charlatanism.

Apparently you have little or no concept of causality. Volker’s “proof” of astrology runs as follows :

P1. As the planets orbit, their relative positions form many angles. Some of these angles can be selected to be within 5 (or more) degrees of the positions 0, 30, 45, 60, 90 …
P2. Earthquakes happen.
C1. Therefore the planetary angles are astrologically linked to earthquakes.

An analogy with Volker’s reasoning :

P1. Polar bears fart on a daily basis.
P2. Earthquakes occur on a daily basis.
C1. Therefore earthquakes only happen when polar bears fart.

Volker’s reasoning is appealing from a Monty Python perspective but he’s in the wrong forum to be appreciated. No doubt painful for someone who seems to have invested so much effort into chasing moonbeams, but that's the price you pay for digging too deep.
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Old 08-04-2003, 04:34 PM   #164
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originally quoted by Volker.Doormann
Correct astrology needs the study of all the thousand+ of possible different symbols by experience and own check of validity inclusive knowledge about all the correct astronomical calculations for each time and location.
I'm assuming this is why you need to verify birth certificates - place of birth, date, and time.
For example, lunachick responded with:
Incidentally, I was born in Bad Aibling, Germany, on the 11th May 1963, at approx 12 noon. Go for it!
Point being - place, date and time of occurance in a must for accuracy.
...but then when you are questioned by Lobstrosity about the exact whereabouts and time of the upcoming "disaster" you respond with:
Its useless, because there is no earth location to say (time UTC only), and because an quake event seems not compelling in any case. Forget predictions, and forget this relations, if you do not see any significance. I do claim nothing, but the shown results.
So what's the deal? You claim that in order for you to do a reading you need the following information verified : PLACE, DATE, and TIME, yet when you are asked about the impending earth disaster, you "claim nothing".
Is it just me, or is there something fishy going on here?
Old 08-04-2003, 10:24 PM   #165
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Originally posted by Relative Newcomer
You claim that in order for you to do a reading you need the following information verified : PLACE, DATE, and TIME, yet when you are asked about the impending earth disaster, you "claim nothing". Is it just me, or is there something fishy going on here?
It's you. You have ignored the facts, that a chart is calculated out of three values (time, latitude and longitude) but an extreme in an 'earthquake index scan' give only one value (time), but no latitude and no longitude of the event. To solve more then one unknown value in general, you need more then one valid equation. For example, to solve three unknown values, you need three independent equations. If you have only two equations, you cannot solve three unknown values. It is no need to talk about fishy; it's simple the rules of math. In detail a chart is defined by a time, and TWO coordinate values of spherical coordinates: Longitude and Latitude of the event. That counts to three unknown values. Scanning the 'earthquake index', and it shows an 'big' extreme, you have one value - the time only. It seems, that it is possible in some cases (from the nature of the relation) to select a number of meridians (~4-8) - that means longitudes -, but not ONE specific longitude. In addition to this, this longitudes must superimposed to known boundaries of the plates, where such quakes only can occour. It lacks on this bitter truth, for that its not possible in general to solve a location, defined by TWO values (Longitude and Latitude), as long as no other two independent values can be found.
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Old 08-04-2003, 11:16 PM   #166
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My horoscope was dead on!

Originally posted by echidna
Volker’s reasoning is appealing from a Monty Python perspective but he’s in the wrong forum to be appreciated.
I think not. You have avoided to give an explanation, why for two independent big earthquake events (India, Kobe), the geometric configuration, which is computed to an index value, is correlated with one 5 minute time interval out of many in one calendar month, in that these quakes have taken place. From statistical math i count for this two independent cases a significance value of ~0.0000001.

Please give an explanation to this significance in this forum and please do not argue on the person. If you like to argue on a person, i assume, that you are wrong in this forum. The math doesn't change, if I give up writing in this forum. BTW. It was not my decision to move this astrology thread into this forum. I have argued here often, that it is the spiritual nature of astrology, which is important to me, as it is known by priests and astrologers for long, and as it is hidden in the bible, where the zodiac was changed into the twelve tribes of Israel. No one must believe, that such personal attacks are posted in a scientific forum, I take easy.
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Old 08-04-2003, 11:25 PM   #167
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Please derive where your significance value of ~0.0000001 comes from.

And please explain why, with such an astounding significance value, prediction is still impossible.
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Old 08-04-2003, 11:52 PM   #168
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Originally posted by echidna
Please derive where your significance value of ~0.0000001 comes from.
There are about 8640 5 minutes intervals in a 30 day month. If there is a coincidence of the event and an extreme maximum value out of 8640 values the chance, that this is random is 1:8640. If there is a second independent coincidence of this in an other month, the chance that this is random is 1/8640 * 1/8640 = 1/74649600 = 1.3*10^-8 = 0.000000013 ~ 0.0000001 and describs the significance value of this two independent events.
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Old 08-05-2003, 12:20 AM   #169
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How exactly does your algorithm decide on 5 minute intervals and a 30 day month ?
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Old 08-05-2003, 03:25 AM   #170
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Originally posted by echidna
How exactly does your algorithm decide on 5 minute intervals and a 30 day month ?
? Exact in time or exact in what? I do run the algorithm from 01.01.2001, 00:00:00 UTC to 01.02.2001, 00:00:00 UTC in steps of 5 minutes. For each of this times the geocentric ecliptic length of ten planets will be calculated then - with an accuracy of < 1 arc minute - and saved on the array pos[1..10]. Each of this steps outputs an index number I, which you can see yourself from the curve plotted on a semi log graph, were the ordinate is log10 scaled. There is no decision made in the algorithm.
for i := 1 to 10 do
for k := 1 to 10 do
alpha := diff(pos[i],pos[k]);
{diff(a,b) computes the angle distance of 2 bodies}
if (k<>i) and (k>i) then
y := 4 * sqr(cos(alpha));
y0 := abs(0-y); { 90° }
y1 := abs(1-y); { 60° + 120° }
y2 := abs(2-y); { 45° + 135° }
y3 := abs(3-y); { 30° + 150° }
y4 := abs(4-y); { 0° + 180° }
z0 := 1/(y0+0.005); {The value of 0.005 limits the peak height}
z1 := 1/(y1+0.005);
z2 := 1/(y2+0.005);
z3 := 1/(y3+0.005);
z4 := 1/(y4+0.005);
I := I + (z0+z1+z2+z3+z4);
Fact is, that the index value corresponding to the time of 03:15:00 UTC is greater then the index value I corresponding to the time of 03:10:00 UTC and/or 03:20:00 UTC, and greater as all other index values I in that month, while the event was at 03:16:41 UTC. on the 26th. The algorithm is loaded with an arbitrary epsilon of 0.005, which limits the peak height, if a single planetary angle distance is precise. This epsilon determines also the width of the peak. From this other values of epsilon will do change the index values, but not the character of the peak function in general.

There was a Mw7.4 quake last May in Bingol, Turkey, on 2003.05.01 00:27 UTC. The geocentric planetary lengths, angle distances were:
Sun 10°14' ta - Jupiter 9°10' le = 88°56' = 90° - 1°04'
Mars 5°23' aq - Moon 4°55' ta = 89°32' = 90° - 0°28'
Sun 10°14' ta - Venus 11°18' = 28°56' = 30° - 1°04'
Sun 10°14' ta - Moon 4°55' ta = 5°19' = 0° + 5°19'
Jupiter 9°10' le - Mars 5°23' aq = 176°23' = 180°- 3°37'
Jupiter 9°10' le - Neptun 13° 07' aq= 176° 03' = 180°- 3°56'
Moon 4°55' ta - Uranus 2°16' pi = 62°39' = 60° + 2°39'
Sun 10°14' ta - Saturn 26° 1' ge = 45°47' = 45° + 0°47'
Mars 5°23' aq - Pluto 19 34'sa = 45°57' = 45° + 0°57'
Jupiter 9°10' le Saturn 26° 1' ge = 43°09' = 45° - 1°51'
Sun 10°14' ta - Neptun 13°07' aq = 85°07' = 90° - 4°53'
Sun 10°14' ta - Mars 5°23' aq = 94°37' ' = 90° + 4°37
Jupiter 9°10' le - Moon 4°55' ta = 94°15' = 90° + 4°15'

From this aligned angle distances one can calc for example some index values for that day:

one can identify a peak at 00:30 AM.

This geometric relations can be found not only in a big number while big earthquake events, but also to sun flares, if one relates this to the heliocentric ecliptically lengths of the planets.
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