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Old 03-21-2003, 01:28 PM   #71
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Well, this is certainly a furtile thread...

The question that always springs to my mind whenever someone claims they are receiving some sort of transmissional informaton is, why is it limited to just you? Why the need for a conduit that one must merely believe?

Extrapolating your purpose and the evident seriousness with which you take your proselytizing, one could certainly discern a certain state of necessity to this information and therefore to the original "transmission," yes? Implying, in turn, that those who are "trasmitting" have some sort of vested interest in engaging in such a transmission as well, yes?

You say it's just for our edification, in essence; that you're just passing along the transmission; a benign, yet significant message, so why isn't that message passed in the same way to everyone? These "transmittors" have the ability to get their message to you, so is there something unique about your skull cavity or neuronal passages or other such "3D" sensory aparati that the rest of us do not possess?

Or is it an "attitude," as you alluded to earlier; the very convenient conditionals that all seem to pre-emptively address any and all skepticism to your claims, making verification through normal reasoning processes erroneously and unjustifiably "void."

An important, central message regarding our "true" natures, that has apparently been somehow "beamed" or otherwise "imparted" to you in a direct enough manner for comprehension that is, however, not subject to verification and not received by others for confirmation, implying, at least, that a necessary contingency to this information (the "message") is that it be accepted as true based only on the messenger's word that it is true, thereby placing unwarranted importance, not on the message, as it does on the messenger.

Now why would that be? Is there anything particularly dire to this message that only you can receive it? It appears to be a completely benign and helpful message, if true, so why wouldn't it be "beamed" or othewise imparted to all of us in the same manner you received it?

Again, there is the implication that a degree of faith is necessarily involved in the manner you have presented this message, which further implies that there is should be something about this message that is deliberately left cryptic by either yourself or by those who allegedly transmitted it to you to begin with, yet nothing in the message betrays anything of the sort.

You claim that you are just a messenger and that you are just putting it out there, so to speak, for all of us, thereby rather thinly veiling your proselytizing, yet you are the one who actively decided that this was the place you felt compelled to impart your message, so you are, indeed, proselytizing no matter how you seek to marginallize that, which in turn implies that you feel this message is important enough to "put out there," yes?

So, again, why wasn't this message simply imparted directly to all of us in the same manner it was to you?

Or, are you further claiming that it is being transmitted to us, but our "attitude" does not allow us to "hear" it, in which case, how did you receive this message? Were you previously in an "attitude" that would allow you to "hear" this message, and if so, how could you be, presuming as we must that this would have been the first time you heard the message and contained within the message is the admonition of "attitude?"

In other words, how were you already in the right "attitude" to "hear" the message about the details of the "right attitude?" Somehow of your own volition, yes? Since if you were not already in the "right attitude" to be receptive of this message (as, arguably, we are here) then one of two things had to have happened.
  1. By shear accident your thoughts somehow "aligned" properly for you to "pick up" this transmission.
  2. Those transmitting the message somehow externally effected your brainwaves--like tuning a radio--without your conscious knowledge in order to "align" your thoughts and "attitude" properly for the message to be received.

If the former, then what exactly were you thinking--what was your "mindset" if you will--when you just happened upon the transmission?

If the latter, then why haven't these beings done the exact same thing to all of us?

Also, you seem to fail to take into account or answer for the fact that such a message implies an objective reality to this so-called 3D illusion; that these are "universal" truths applicable to all human beings (indeed, presumably, to all forms of conscious thought, human or otherwise). If that is the case, then we all indeed must exist as independent entities in a tangibly objective state from one another, all of which guided and effected by this "message," whether consciously aware of it or not, yes?
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Old 03-21-2003, 09:22 PM   #72
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Default Re: Re: Sorry for the late post.

Originally posted by malai5

However, when information is not ''thought up'' with the ''little'' self subjective mind, but received, as is, ...

But if the "little self" is "trapped" within its own "world" of "3D" "perceptions", how can it differentiate new information that it receives "as is" (via "intuition", I presume) from ideas that it just arbitrarily "thinks up"?


to translate the concept, cross the bridge from the limits of 3D ''little'' self learned perceptions.

But how can a "little self" ever become a "bigger 3D self" if "bigger selves" must use concepts that are so different from those used by "little selves" that they require "translation"? How could the "translation" process ever get started when "bigger selves" and "little selves" have no "language" in common at the outset?
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Old 03-22-2003, 09:21 AM   #73
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Dear Keith Russell.

Sorry to ''chop'' into your post, but you need to know, that we have never read ''Dianetics''. What is it?


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Old 03-22-2003, 10:02 AM   #74
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Dear John Page.

1) This is our's and the Universe's ''concept'', Truth of reality:-


Lets take reality. There in no reality in the hologramatic world. There is a force, which has created your circumstances. The Universal mind is a consciousness that just IS. It is a created consciousness, it is created by the Grand Order of Design, and it knows no other life before it, as it cannot. It surpasses all knowledge. Created consciousness is the life force of every being throughout all the universes. You give birth to reality only when that contact is made via your true selves. The ''being'' which created you.
That ''being'' (true self) is directly linked to the Greater consciousness, which in turn gives you, the ''entity being'', the reality.
What you live, in your hologramatic world, is a created circumstance. It does not give you reality, it gives you the feeling of such. It gives you the illusion of a reality. The most difficult illusions of all illusions, as you struggle with the concept of what gives birth to reality.

To look at this from a 3 dimensional perspective. Imagine ''you'' (the physical) is the creation and the ''being'' (you) is the reality. Look at this the same universally, the ''being'' (true you) is the reality, and the G.O.D. is the created consciousness.
This is so!

2) These institutions have found a determinal brain wave effect when ESP experiments are being enacted. You will have to do a bit of reading though.

3) The information is transfered by the medium of the collective consciousness ''soup'', at the speed of thought, instantanously.

4) Broadcast, is the transfer of ''thoughts'', through the higher self to the true self which is directly linked to the collective consciouness. The true self of the recipient picks this up and then transfers this through the higher self of the recipient, to the 3D self. This all happens in the instant.

5) The proof of our ability to access information for others that is apt and pertinent to them that we could not possibly know. We get our validatons for this, our proofs.

6) Sticky issue this dream thing.

7) Yes, our brain performs it's function as a processor, that is all.

8) You find it hard to accept what we say, this is your perogitive.


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Old 03-22-2003, 10:09 AM   #75
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Dear LadyShea.

We will give you a little exercise to do for yourself.
Sit quietly with pen and paper, clear your mind as best you can.
Ask, in your head to be connected to your higher self and then write down whatever comes into your mind. Do not assume, do not expect anything and do not read what you get till you have finished.
Date and time the exercise and then keep trying till you get something. You just might surprise yourself, for the greatest proof we can offer, is your proof.


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Old 03-22-2003, 10:46 AM   #76
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Dear Koyaanisqatsi.

The exercise we gave to LadyShea, was how we started to receive. It is also what we teach our students. It works not just for us. Its as simple as asking, but you must have no interference from ''little'' self thoughts and no expectations. You align by your intent.
What you initially contact, is your higher self. As you get better at it, you will be put in touch with other entities. Your intent should always be to contact the highest evolved intelligence.

Those that we work with, have proved themselves to us by giving information that was 100% correct, over a 3 year period. We trust who we work with.

The simple fact is, that it is a message and information that we alone can access and yes there is an agenda. That being to prepare the beings of the 3D world for a very different world to come, sooner than you would think. Universal way, is the way of the future of this world. Access to this method of communication and the guidence it brings for the individual will be the norm.

Whether you feel we are proselytizing or not is no concern to us. It is not a movement we are seeking, nor is it a religion. It is the individual that needs to understand that there is another way to see themselves. See the truth of what they really are, as beings. See the truth of what the universe is and how it works.

All beings are individual entities and will be guided by their higher selves. This guidence comes from their objective, real self, their true self. The 3D world is a subjective reality, a created reality, not the true reality.
They will receive their guidence, as you said, whether conscious of it or not.

Remember, we are not important, but the message is.
This is not the only place we have aired the universal material, it has gone out to many arenas, world wide.
The cryptic, as you said nature of the articles is how they come through. We do not change a thing.

If you can, please read all our posts and answers to questions for your better understanding.
Thank you for your incisive post.


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Old 03-22-2003, 10:58 AM   #77
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Dear jpbrooks.

The difference between ''little'' self thoughts and cognitive/objective thought, intuition, is that you do not activly ''think'' the intuition, it just comes to you when you clear the 3D thinking. It is also, the ''thought'' without a thread, again it just comes. After a while, you ''feel'' the diferential.

Translation is only required when there is a metaphore to be dealt with. This is one of the means by which the gap is bridged between the ''little'' self mind and the higher self mind.
So, ''little'' self mind activly ''thinks'', higher self mind, passively receives.


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Old 03-22-2003, 11:27 AM   #78
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The Lady asked for evidence, malai5, not proof and most certainly not homework. Her own experience could be tainted by any number of environmental factors. Shea's higher self might not be exactly what you had in mind, if you catch my drift. After all, she does live in Vegas.

Since it's clear that you have no physical evidence of any kind and that indeed you eschew it as limiting and inferior, you could at least provide some kind of statistical analysis, or possibly even a wee drappie of survey research. I understand that the triumvirate speaks from their true selves in connection with the universal mind, but why not throw us poor 3Ders a bone and get a nice little prospectus together so we can finally know just what exactly you're talking about.
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Old 03-22-2003, 11:35 AM   #79
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Malai...I tried all that new age astralhooey years ago when I hung out with your fellow crystal wavers. Writing stuff down on a piece of paper isn't evidence of anything...but I tried your little experiment to give you the benefit of the doubt and I got...a grocery list. Thank you higher self for the clear message that my family needed milk
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Old 03-22-2003, 07:40 PM   #80
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Hello Lady Shea, this, at least my view, in not new age astral hooey but is that which new age is looking for and therefore new age is still astral hooey. I agree.

Sorry I have no more time now but that was my fist reaction.

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