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Old 05-30-2002, 04:46 AM   #71
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Originally posted by Gemma Therese:

You could not possibly understand why I believe in God, so why should I waste time telling you? If God opened the heavens, came down, and tap-danced to "Puttin' On The Ritz", I'm sure you would still be an atheist.


Now here's a thought to ponder: If I ask him to do the above mentioned act, do you think he will do it?

I'd probably find this pretty convincing evidence, and surely an all-loving god is going to do whatever it takes to increase the likelihood that I will believe in him.

So tell us, do you think he will come down from the heavens and tap dance to "Puttin' on the Ritz" if we ask him to?

I bet you don't.
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Old 05-30-2002, 05:23 AM   #72
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I have to reluctantly conclude that Gemma Therese cannot answer any of the questions that have been put to her.
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Old 05-30-2002, 05:32 AM   #73
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Originally posted by Gemma Therese:
You could not possibly understand why I believe in God, so why should I waste time telling you? </strong>
Excellent question! Why are you wasting your time here? Do you think you can learn something from us? Do you think you have knowledge to share with us? You are not making good progress either way.

But more to the point, why should we listen to you? We hear from religious fanatics of all stripes on these boards. How do we choose who to listen to? Who has the "truth"? How do we decide? What makes your assertions any better than those of the Mormons, or the Jehovah's Witnesses, or the Jews, or the Muslims? Or the Hindus, for that matter?

Originally posted by Gemma Therese:
<strong> If God opened the heavens, came down, and tap-danced to "Puttin' On The Ritz", I'm sure you would still be an atheist. </strong>
You don't seem to get the fact that most of us do not believe in the Christian concept of God because we simply have no reason to. There are actually many things that would make me believe in God. Tell me, Gemma Therese, do you think God knows what it would take for me to believe in him/her/it? Because, since I have experienced no such thing, I have to conclude that (1) there is no God, (2) God does not want me to believe in him/her/it or (3) God does not care whether I believe or not.

Originally posted by Gemma Therese:
Tell me, Typhon, have you ever been in love? Was it intellectually motivated?</strong>
An excellent question. Gemma Therese, what makes you think that somebody can "choose" to believe in God? No evidence, no belief: it's as simple as that. And before you tell us once again that we just need to believe without any evidence, remind us again why we should be listening to you and not the Muslims or the Hindus?
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:08 AM   #74
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Originally posted by sidewinder:
Ah, spoken like a true religious fanatic. Ever think about converting to Islam and moving to the Middle East, Osama Bin Gemma Therese?
I must second that.

However, make no mistake: Middle East and US both have religious fanatics. It's only that in US, the secular law doesn't allow for physical violence, it allows only for monetary violence, like for example religion being a power institution.
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:11 AM   #75
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Originally posted by Gemma Therese:
Tell me, Typhon, have you ever been in love? Was it intellectually motivated?

In God's Love,

Gemma Therese</strong>
In my case, yes to "...intellectually motivated...", as in like-minded.
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:41 AM   #76
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Maybe GT`s right and there is a god. Something must be responsible for the miracle Gemma hasn`t been moved down to the basement yet.

Sounds like someones been watching a little too much Mother Angelica.
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:43 AM   #77
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No, doggone it "Ignorance IS NOT bliss"! No one ever said it was. The quotation you & everyone else misquote so blandly is :"WHERE ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise." AAHHHHHHRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH! So many blinking non-connectors do this junk flinging-about of junk non-quotations; let's give it a rest for a century or two, along w/ the Hallelujah Chorus. And the Barbull. Abe.
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Old 05-30-2002, 08:13 AM   #78
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Originally posted by sidewinder:

Ah, spoken like a true religious fanatic. Ever think about converting to Islam and moving to the Middle East, Osama Bin Gemma Therese?


Originally posted by Gemma Therese:


That was cruel and malicious. Perhaps you are too young to understand.


I don't see how this is either malicious or cruel and I assure I am not too young to understand.

Osama Bin Laden is merely current evidence of what religiously motivated people are capable of. You are in the same category as this man and that why religion is so aborrent to the non-religious. Once you have convinced yourself that you are doing God's work there can never be a limit to what you will do in his name.
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Old 05-30-2002, 09:43 AM   #79
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Originally posted by sidewinder:

Ah, spoken like a true religious fanatic. Ever think about converting to Islam and moving to the Middle East, Osama Bin Gemma Therese?</strong>
&lt;Mod hat on&gt;That's a bit over the top, IMO. Please try to maintain a respectful tone of discussion, folks.&lt;/Mod hat off&gt;
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Old 05-30-2002, 09:48 AM   #80
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Welcome Volcanen. Very good first post- just for your info, we have members here as young as 12. And several very active ones under 18. So please, feel free to join in with your observations. J.

I'm pretty sure we've got at least one ten year old posting here, too. I remember someone stating that they were 10 and my thinking, "Wow! 10...I'm old!" World's Younegst Atheist maybe?

Anyway, welcome aboard, Volcanen!
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