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Old 06-12-2003, 11:53 PM   #11
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Originally posted by Grumpy
Pardon me for dampening the brainstorm, but I think this might be worse than no commercial at all. While dispelling the stereotype of the immoral atheist, it would reinforce the stereotype of the in-your-face jerk atheist.
That could be fixed. Just replace an out loud declaration of atheism with a voice over representing the atheist characters thought after the wallet owner says "God bless you." Something along the lines of "if only she knew I didn't believe in God." Then close with an unseen narrator with a pleasant voice (like in Xianity commercials) with a tagline about how atheists are out there, unseen, and friendly/good.
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Old 06-12-2003, 11:56 PM   #12
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Originally posted by shome42

Why leave our public image to the media and to stereotypes? Let's get our image out there on our terms. Let's get some commericals, ads or something.

This cannot be a problem of money. There are enough atheists in America who want to and would fund projects like this. Is this a problem of organization?
There are some tv shows which are pro-atheism, some subtly and some more not-so subtly. I have been preaching for some time that we, as the freethought community, need to support such shows, as the gay community supported Queer as Folk. We need to support satirical shows like South Park, The Simpsons, The Daily Show and others which promote satire and skepticism of religion. Most notably, we need to help encourage Showtime to bring back Penn & Teller: Bullshit! for a second season. There are not two more pro-atheist people in the US than these guys, and there is no show more pro-atheism or pro-skepticism than this show. So, if you're in the US, go to and click on help/contact and ask for them to renew Bullshit (even if you didn't care for their shows on environmental hysteria or second hand smoke ).

THOUGHTfully Yours,
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Old 06-13-2003, 08:45 AM   #13
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Originally posted by Toto
In Long Beach, there is a long running program called STUN (Superstition, Talking Snakes, Unjust Taxes, and Nonsense). My Atheist United newsletter says it is on Charter Cable in Long Beach, Channels 69 or 95, Friday at 8:30.
Thank you! I live in Long Beach, and I have Charter Cable.

PS: I was also going to mention Bullshit, but looks like clark beat me to it. That show is AWESOME!
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Old 06-13-2003, 01:42 PM   #14
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Originally posted by shome42
Yes, Austin has atheist public access T.V. shows also, but as Clark pointed out, public access gets no respect. It's mostly just a freak show.

On my cable station, it's a 6-hour gospel music fest. If we don't make small steps into the community in ways such as this, we remain invisible.

This cannot be a problem of money. There are enough atheists in America who want to and would fund projects like this. Is this a problem of organization?
Sure it's an organizational problem. How many different atheist organizations are there? And WHY? How many atheists refuse to support the endeavors of certain groups? I'm not blind; I know that American Atheists isn't everyone's favorite godless group. I think that's why AA is reaching out to the likes of me, outspoken activists who are already working to promote positive atheism (oh, wait... "secularism..." or "freethought...").

We atheists are way too spread out; maybe one day someone will figure out a way to encourage the various groups to pool their resources and begin a public relations campaign describing atheism and how marginalized we godless feel in an increasingly theocratic society.

I'm sure that AA's 'Atheist Viewpoint TV' could benefit from funding. I also know people who boycotted the GAMOW because it was an AA event. *shrugs* I used to write radio commercials. I'd love for some wealthy godless philanthropist to fund me, so I can write and produce PSAs with ideas like those mentioned above.

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Old 06-13-2003, 03:52 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Sakpo
That could be fixed. Just replace an out loud declaration of atheism with a voice over representing the atheist characters thought after the wallet owner says "God bless you." Something along the lines of "if only she knew I didn't believe in God." Then close with an unseen narrator with a pleasant voice (like in Xianity commercials) with a tagline about how atheists are out there, unseen, and friendly/good.

That might work a bit better, I admit.
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Old 06-16-2003, 11:55 AM   #16
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Originally posted by Sakpo
That could be fixed. Just replace an out loud declaration of atheism with a voice over representing the atheist characters thought after the wallet owner says "God bless you." Something along the lines of "if only she knew I didn't believe in God." Then close with an unseen narrator with a pleasant voice (like in Xianity commercials) with a tagline about how atheists are out there, unseen, and friendly/good.
I like that a lot! Yes, have that be a voice-over, as if we were listening in on the atheists' thoughts. Then have the atheist say out loud, "You have a nice day, now!" ... or some such non-religious return.

A key point in this sort of battle is to erase the negative associations that many have when they hear the "a"-word. After following through some links from the site that ELGS posted, I came across this quote from Madalyn Murray O'Hair on what an atheist is:
'Your petitioners are Atheists and they define their lifestyle as follows. An Atheists loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist thinks that heaven is something for which we should work for now - here on earth- for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, subdue and enjoy it. An Atheist thinks that only in knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment.

"Therefore, he seeks to know himself and his fellow man rather than to 'know' a god. An Atheist knows that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An Atheist knows that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death.

He wants disease conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand and love man. He wants an ethical way of life. He knows that we cannot rely on a god nor channel action into prayer nor hope for an end of troubles in a hereafter. He knows that we are our brothers' keepers in that we are, first, keepers of our lives; that we are responsible persons, that the job is here and the time is now."
I've saved this out to a file I keep which is full of good quotes like this.
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Old 06-16-2003, 10:28 PM   #17
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Sorry, but I can't really go along with this. You can't generalize atheists beyond the disbelief in gods. All that sappy AA stuff is misleading. There are warmongering atheists, there are atheists that enjoy enriching their lives at the expense of others. There are atheists that despair at life, and kill theirselves. And there are plenty of atheists that would just as soon keep the purse.

I would rather see something that shows atheists being content with their lives as opposed to a theist who is in constant stress over going to hell or pleasing their god. Or a commercial trying to say atheists are no more or less moral than anyone else without the sap.

The real public service would be to show that it is ok and beneficial to live life embracing logic and science without theism . I don't think showing atheists going about being good samaritans is really the honest approach.
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Old 06-19-2003, 03:20 PM   #18
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Very interesting idea!

I agree with Buddrow's take, mostly. A PR approach and a sappy morals message isn't what I'd choose to do. We are mixed bunch, regular folk, after all. That whole "we" or "us" group thing is a question to many as well.

For discussion sake, if a major group like AA had the funding (maybe they apply to the government for "faithless" based funding and got it, say!), and was of the mind to take on an outreach campaign using national or regional media, how would the message be chosen? What 'cause' could be addressed that sould have the most benefit for the 'atheist community', if you agree there is such a thing? Just to say "we" implies there is a group with something in common, but does it go beyond the fact that "we" call ourselves atheists and don't believe and do some of the whack things religious people do? Do "we" all feel the threat I feel from what appears to be the lowering of the "Wall"? Then, within that broad topic, which sub headings should be addressed and in what order (schools, faith based funding, and how did TX get away with saying you have to believe to hold office, etcetera)? What about what the rest of the world thinks as we seem to put ourselves out more and more as 'one nation, under god'? What, if anything, unites all Americans who are willing to say they don't have any god beliefs besides that willingness?

As for the broadcasters or print media, obviously, things have changed for them since the '80's. Ad' revenues are more precious today - a pretty safe statement, I think. Does that make them more or less likely to accept a professionally crafted message that actually addresses a concern, but is not offensive to the other 8/10 of their audience and all their other advertisers - potentially?

Someone mentioned earlier about the checks and balances that seem to be working to keep the wall up, implying that it is still working. I think there is a hole in the wall and I perceive, perhaps in light of the current administration, that it is clearly growing larger. Maybe the RR does need to be further exposed for what it really is and what its progress into our nation's government will mean for all Americans of every description. Maybe 'we' are the only ones concerned about it? Maybe we are the only ones who see it. Maybe a big-funded ad' campaign could carefully reveal some of those realities. That isn't going to happen any time soon, however.

It's an important topic. The root of the problem 'we' all have in common (and BTW, I do think a group exists WITH common concerns) is that too many of us, me included, have been quiet, afraid to speak to whatever degree. Do you sense some momentum that was not here before 9/11 toward more involvment on 'our' part? We deserve what we get if we don't speak out for what it is we DO believe, and almost every other cause uses the media (besides the www) to some degree.
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Old 06-19-2003, 03:48 PM   #19
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Ages ago, I started on a campaign of atheist radio commercials which for some reason completely fell apart. (Among other things I produce radio commercials)

Here's the only one which ever was completed. If anyone wants to steal it and use it on your own radio show, please feel free-

There's a donut (empty space for those not in the know) at around 00:40 for about 00:10 for some quick contact info. The full ad is 00:59, commercial radio standard.

Also, I'd be willing to do more of them but I can't really afford to donate my time. If someone has a source of funding to help that would be great.
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Old 06-20-2003, 09:13 AM   #20
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That is pretty good. 'Drop of Reason' might work on some radio stations. Sounds NPRish. Probably difficult to get on ClearChannel stations.
Must think..
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