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Old 09-02-2002, 10:38 AM   #181
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A request for those of you who also post at ARN, in regards to mturner's statement here:

On the other hand, I was banned (and still am banned, even from reading the site!!) from Infidels for no legitimate reason, and with no prior warning. A small, mean, disgusting frame by those tendentious trolls they call moderators over there.
Could someone please post the following informatino over there (I simply do not have the time or desire to register at ARN just to do this!)

Jesse did this a while back, but perhaps we need to correct mturners blatant lies once again (or find jesse's post and bump it up).

A post from pantera, reprinted with his permission:
To explain what actually went on, yes on Infidels we have imposed some additional rules in the political forum (as well as our standard rules and policies) because it has often tended to degenerate into a series of prolonged flame wars with little meaningful debate. Given Mr. Turner's dislike of the alleged tone of the boards one would have thought that he would support such efforts to improve the level of civility, but I suppose there's no pleasing some people. I'm certainly somewhat baffled by his objection that having different moderation policies in different forums is "deceptive".
Anyway, when he turned up on this thread and stated his intention of "ranting" about the Israel/Palestine issue he was told by Daggah (who was then a moderator) to tone it down in compliance with the forum moderation policy. He responded with a rather nasty rant directed at Daggah on that thread, and by starting this one in the complaints forum, where his complaint was dealt with by various administrators - and which gives a pretty good indication of the amount of respect he has for the owners of the boards and their representatives.

Mr. Turner later turned up in this thread complaining about how we had brutally suppressed the Truth by telling him to stop ranting and make his points in a calmer fashion. In accord with our general policy he was told by a moderator to make his complaints in the appropriate forum rather than disrupting ongoing threads with them, and responded with a stream of abuse, which I will not reproduce here as I think that doing so might violate the ARN board rules, and I try to respect the moderation policy of the boards I post on. The edited version is still on Infidels for all to see - you can use your imagination to fill in the blanks.

Posting abusive material is clearly prohibited by the general board rules, and at this point he was sent an Email warning him to refrain from posting that sort of stuff in future. Some time after the Email had been sent he continued with further invective directed at the moderators here. At that point a decision was made to disable his account. Incidentally the word "tone" was never used in any of the Emails he was sent over the issue, so I do not know why he is citing that as the reason he was given for his banning. He was not banned for his tone. He was admonished by a moderator for his tone. He was banned for responding to the moderator by posting abusive material, coupled with his obvious contempt for the moderators of the board and for our forum rules.

Mr. Turner now claims not to have received the warning Email until about 8 hours after it was sent (and if he doubts that it was sent at that time he can check the header). Well, the CCs all seem to have got it promptly, and if his Email server is playing up I regard that as being his problem, not ours. He should have known better than to abuse the staff anyway - such behaviour would get you banned pretty quickly from most boards.

Mr. Turner's substantive posts on the Israel-Palestine issue (both of them) have not been deleted - they are still available for all to see here, including the one with three links which Mr. Turner incorrectly claims has been deleted. It is a shame he didn't stick to arguing his points in that manner rather than ranting about the moderators - had he done so there would have been no need to exclude him, and indeed we would have welcomed some additional positive input to our board.
Someone should also give mturner a brief computer skills lesson. If he wants to read posts here, all he has to do is clear his cookies.

I have WinXP and IE, and to do this, I simply go to "Tools" then "Internet Options" then "Delete Cookies." or - he can simply click on internet infidels forum, and click "log off." OR he can continue to be computer ignorant, and look like a fool. The choice is up to him!

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Old 09-02-2002, 10:43 AM   #182
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Originally posted by scigirl:
<strong>Could someone please post the following informatino over there (I simply do not have the time or desire to register at ARN just to do this!)</strong>
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Old 09-04-2002, 05:38 AM   #183
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Posted by pangloss on this page:
Just finding that out? Thats one of the ARN crowd's claims to fame - they love getting in digs and lambasting someone that they know cannot respond...

That is the only way they can 'win'...
I would like to point out that mturner is "lambasted" on this very page and, due to his
having been banned by this mb, cannot respond. Is
there anyone here that did not know that?
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Old 09-04-2002, 06:04 AM   #184
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Originally posted by leonarde:
<strong>Posted by pangloss on this page:

I would like to point out that mturner is "lambasted" on this very page and, due to his
having been banned by this mb, cannot respond. Is
there anyone here that did not know that?</strong>
The difference, leonarde, is that mturner had his chance -- had loads of 'em -- and blew it. Do a search on his number (2698) in the E/C archives for 3Q & 4Q last year. He had ample opportunity to do all the 'winning' he could. But he didn't 'win': instead, he made quite a good floorcloth.

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Old 09-04-2002, 06:12 AM   #185
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I'm NOT arguing the MERITS of the banning of mturner: I'm remarking that, logically speaking,
the only way to avoid "lambasting" someone who
can't defend themselves on this message board is
to avoid lambasting ANYONE (not just mturner) who
was banned from this message board. For the criticisms of mturner, both on this thread and on
others, have continued long (months) after his
banning and MOST of those criticisms have NOTHING
WHATSOEVER to do with the issue(s) that lead to
his banning. That is my one and only point....

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Old 09-04-2002, 06:26 AM   #186
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Nah, leonarde is whining, as usual.

mturner is defending himself plenty over at ARN. One only has to look at the recent thread that the mods had to shut down because of his (their?) incessant whines.

If you want to make an idiot of yourself, leonarde, go back to ARN and do it, willya?


EDIT: If anyone doubts leonarde's ability to whine and bitch incessantly, please have a look at this <a href="" target="_blank">website </a>that leonarde single-handedly took down himself.
This place was originally created to provide a temporary home for displaced ARNies when that board temporarily closed down a few months ago. It would, I had hoped, also be a place where we wouldn't take things so seriously, and could avoid the acrimony and bitterness so often found at ARN and elsewhere. But in recent weeks, it's obvious that this has proven to be a false hope. What's more, when people start bandying the 'L' word about, it ceases to be any fun at all and it's clearly time to stop.

Bar's closed.
pangloss, Jesse, Richiyaado, and I were all aware of this website, and witnessed leonarde being his usual disruptive self. Guess what the 'L' word stands for? The background story here is most interesting, too... [to be continued?]

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Scientiae ]</p>
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Old 09-04-2002, 06:37 AM   #187
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Originally posted by leonarde:
<strong>I'm NOT arguing the MERITS of the banning of mturner: I'm remarking that, logically speaking,
the only way to avoid "lambasting" someone who
can't defend themselves on this message board is
to avoid lambasting ANYONE (not just mturner) who
was banned from this message board. For the criticisms of mturner, both on this thread and on
others, have continued long (months) after his
banning and MOST of those criticisms have NOTHING
WHATSOEVER to do with the issue(s) that lead to
his banning. That is my one and only point....
Of course they have nothing to do with his banning -- that issue is long gone and settled. What's happening now is that mturner, as usual, is loudly demonstrating on ARN that he is a clueless boob who knows nothing about science, yet pretentiously claims that he is better qualified than professional scientists. It is particularly frustrating because nobody can call him on his stark raving idiocy on ARN, so they are trying to do it here.

I'm sympathetic. He's a rat cowering in a protected hidey-hole, so it's kind of nice to see him getting dressed down.

However, I also think you have a point. I don't know that anyone really wants IIDB to be the place one goes to for Primal Scream Therapy when the cozied & coddled lackwits at ARN irritate one beyond restraint. It's a dilemma. You can trust that the IIDB mods are keeping a worried eye on these ARN threads, though.
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Old 09-04-2002, 03:20 PM   #188
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Okay, guys. Lenorade does have a point. I'm am not completely okay with the current way members of II are handling things said at ARN. I suggest we tone back the agressive, bashing style.

Thank you.
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Old 09-04-2002, 04:16 PM   #189
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EDIT: If anyone doubts leonarde's ability to whine and bitch incessantly, please have a look at this website that leonarde single-handedly took down himself.

This place was originally created to provide a temporary home for displaced ARNies when that board temporarily closed down a few months ago. It would, I had hoped, also be a place where we wouldn't take things so seriously, and could avoid the acrimony and bitterness so often found at ARN and elsewhere. But in recent weeks, it's obvious that this has proven to be a false hope. What's more, when people start bandying the 'L' word about, it ceases to be any fun at all and it's clearly time to stop.

Bar's closed.
pangloss, Jesse, Richiyaado, and I were all aware of this website, and witnessed leonarde being his usual disruptive self. Guess what the 'L' word stands for? The background story here is most interesting, too... [to be continued?]
The above makes it sound as though Leonard was solely responsible for the closure of The Gynne Joynte. This is simply not true. For weeks prior to the closure, there were a number of people who contributed to an escalating climate of acrimony and bitterness there, despite repeated requests that folks moderate and curb themselves. Unfortunately, it became clear that these requests were going to be ignored. There were additional factors which led to the decision to shut down which I don't care to revisit, but it's quite unfair to single out any one person for blame.

&lt;edited for spelling&gt;

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Richiyaado ]</p>
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Old 09-04-2002, 07:00 PM   #190
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Hey, guys --

Who gives a hoot about mturner? And why is anybody bothering to post at ARN, or even visit there?

Sheesh. And they say *girls* gossip!
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