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Old 08-16-2003, 02:47 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2003
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You CAN find the Truth[Pat. Pend.--Ed.] in various scriptures!! They PREDICT science--no--they ARE science!!

He just cannot SEE it because he cannot HEAR!

To find out more . . . send me $74.99. . . .


P.S.: Welcome to the forums!
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Old 08-16-2003, 06:57 PM   #12
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""'''86:6-7.... He is created from a drop emitted - proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs."""""

A muslim could quibble that "drop" of water is processed through the kidneys then sent to the scrotum to combine with other bodily products to form semen.
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Old 08-17-2003, 03:43 AM   #13
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Dear friends,

You have been very kind. thank you very much for your replies, they mean a lot to me.

This post was only about cosmology and yet it become so large so you can see why I could not talk about other sciences.

If you notice, you will see that I did not include even hadith on cosmology which is most authentic part of islamic faith besides the quran.

The fact is these are only some of the quranic verses just to start off the post. There are a whole lot more verses in the quran which talk about the one off destruction of the universe ie the quranic end of this universe. Please go through the end chapters=surahs in the quran. The quran has no concept of on going universal activities like stars exploding and dispersing or imploding and turning into black holes or reforming into new stars and planets all the time. As far as the scriptures are concerned, god created the universe as a one off act and in the end he will destroy it as a one off act and then recreate it as a one off act and that is it.

The idea was to provide the sharp contrast between the two models of the universe ie the scientific and the scriptural, so that one could clearly see that they are two different things. One is real because we have observed it from various perspectives and the other as percieved by the arab tribesman from the arabian desert.

I was thinking to start another thread and call it' the science and the hadith'. Or would it be a good idea to post the related hadith here?

I will be going over the verses about biology as well but it will take some time, so I hope everyone will forgive me for not being able to participate fully on th forum. What I am thinking to do is to provide material for reference so that people could exchnage ideas without having to waste a lot of time in search for related verses or ahaadith=prophetic reports.

Anyway thanks again everyone for your psychological support and all the best.
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Old 08-17-2003, 03:47 AM   #14
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I think you're doing a great job, Mughal!
Old 08-18-2003, 02:34 AM   #15
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Thank you very much dear DMB for your encouragement, that was very nice of you.

Regards and all the best.
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