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#221 |
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A very good text dealing with the floral images
and the pollen is available at: <a href="http://www.shroud.com/iannone.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.shroud.com/iannone.pdf</a> |
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#222 |
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Another question is that of the "coin(s) over the
eyes": This is definitely a more speculative area in Shroud research: the authenticity of the Shroud does NOT at all depend on the concept of the coins proving out. In short: 1)A certain Father Filas (he was a Doctor of something or other)noticed "something" on the eyes of the image of the Man of the Shroud. Now others had claimed that there were cirularish objects there too but this Father Filas claimed to see in photos certain letters, potentially from the coins. (I believe this work would be done with enhanced photos). This was around 1981. Filas died in 1985 but his line of inquiry was taken up by a certain Alan Whanger and his wife, Mary. 2)The idea is simple: to keep the eyes closed post mortem some people put objects over the eyes. There is some evidence of that in old Jewish tombs (coins found in tombs and even occasionally in skulls)but it's not entirely clear as in those days (1st Century) there were "secondary burials": after enough time had elapsed the remains (sometimes only bones left)were interred a second time (and presumably the coins were superfluous at this point). 3)Filas consulted (at least one)coin expert (numismatist?)and there was an assertion that the coin could be dated to the time of Tiberius Caesar (29 AD). In fact the 4 letters identified on the alleged "coin" included 2 from the end of the name "Tiberius" and 2 at the beginning of the word "Caesar" (in Greek though). Only problem was: even one of these 4 letters was misspelled: a "C" for a "K". "Impossible" said certain other experts. 4)Then(this may have been after Filas' death) a number of misspelled real Roman coins from that very era started to show up: they had the EXACT SAME MISSPELLING that had been called "impossible". Why the misspelling? These were very small denomination coins (maybe like our pennies or nickels) which were minted locally (the Judea area). Though Latin was the language of the Empire, for practical reasons Greek was used at least as much in the Eastern Meditteranean(it was the lingua franca). Latin didn't use the letter "K" much at all (take a look in a Latin dictionary under "K"). Even when they took a Greek word starting with KAPPA (the Greek k)they usually switched it to a "C" spelling: "Kosmos" became "cosmos" etc. So a more or less bi-lingual person working at the coin mint in the first century would think that the "C" looked alright even though it was a "K" that should be there in Caesar's name.(Anybody who knows 2 alphabets can testify that it CAN get confusing at times: especially if those 2 alphabets share some letters like Greek and Latin do.) 5)I believe some other researchers (or perhaps the Whangers themselves) have spotted a SECOND coin-inscription on or just over the OTHER eye. But you get the general idea. For more info on this there is a nice E-mail exchange between a skeptic named Lombatti and Whanger himself at: <a href="http://www.shroud.com/lombatti.htm" target="_blank">http://www.shroud.com/lombatti.htm</a> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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#223 |
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I realized that in my last response to Jack the Bodiless I misspoke a tad: at the time I said that
Islam didn't allow the graphic depiction of religious figures (ie the painting of the forms of the Prophets, including Jesus AND Muhammed). But afterwards I recognized that the prohibition is much broader than that: Islam forbids the depiction of the human form in ANY RESPECT, whether that human form be a religious or completely secular figure, so the odds of a MUSLIM Shroud forger are infintessimally small..... |
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#224 | |
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Since some lurkers will no doubt not bother to read the URLs I thought I might post here a bit about the scientific findings about the Sudarium of Oviedo (ie the apparent face cloth used in tandem with the Shroud). So here is a bit about the Sudarium:
be copied I deleted the captions accompanying them.(The illustrations ARE very useful though). This is particularly informative as to the fluid from the lungs: this could be the so-called "water" that was seem flowing from the side/chest wound at the Crucifixion. Cheers! |
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#225 |
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I should have mentioned that my last contained
an excerpt from this URL: <a href="http://www.shroud.com/guscin.htm" target="_blank">http://www.shroud.com/guscin.htm</a> Cheers! |
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#226 | |
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And from the same URL, a bit of an introduction
to what the Sudarium is and its history: Quote:
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#227 |
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No one cares anymore. |
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#228 | |||
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Oh but for the last several pages I have been
working on the lurkers: both current and those who consult the archives at some future date. Now then: a subject which came up was that of bleeding: specifically after death does a corpse immediately cease bleeding due to clotting of blood, or, in some cases, does a corpse continue to lose blood post mortem so that the considerable amount of blood on the Shroud of Turin is compatible with the biological/physical realities? I had the impression that the latter was (again sometimes)the case but, not being the wildly declamatory type, I decided to wait until I had consulted a textbook which at least touched on this topic. I had already determined from a cited source, several pages back on this thread, that the human body can hold up to 10 pints of blood. Therefore even severe trauma which costs the body 4 to 6 pints, say, BEFORE death, would still leave 4 to 6 pints in the body(now lifeless). The only question was: CAN a corpse continue to bleed many minutes and even hours after death? I am pleased to announce I found a more complete source: a text entitled "Forensic Pathology" by Bernard Knight (MD, MRCP, FRCPath, DMJ(Path), Barrister), who is/was a Professor of Forensic Pathology, Wales Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Consultant Forensic Pathologist to the Home Office . The book is published by Oxford University Press New York 1991. Particularly useful is Chapter 13: Complications of injury. Naturally the first section, called "Haemorrhage", deals with both pre-death and postmortem bleeding, since ---surprise!---, post- mortem bleeding CAN occur. From page 308: Quote:
a still-living human being, so this might apply to a still-alive crucifixion victim. In the interests of brevity I will skip further explication of delayed-bleeding situations to present the following: Quote:
a "crown of thorns") can continue bleeding after death. This is, no doubt, why NONE of the forensic pathologists going back several decades who looked at the Shroud of Turin found ANYTHING amiss in the large amount(s) of blood on the Shroud and/or Sudarium of Oviedo: the postmortem bleeding is compatible with the basic facts of forensic pathology. At the very beginning of "Forensic Pathology" there are a couple quotations. One seems pertinent to our little controversy here about the blood: it is from Giovanni Morgagni (1682-1771) who is the "Father of Morbid Anatomy" and states: Quote:
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#229 |
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leonarde, you may continue at will to post what you call evidence, of course, but it is abundantly clear that you do no critical thinking regarding the evidence and, worse, that you have a clear and present bias, which I contend drives your posting.
You are not interested in actually addressing either the evidence you present nor the arguments made. Instead you appear to only desire to persuade through little more than the number of posts, which of course, fools only fools. Have fun with that. |
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#230 | ||||||||||||||||||
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To demonstrate what I'm on about for these mythical "lurkers" you think are still out there, I'll take your last post for a final hurrah and demonstrate precisely what I'm talking about:
How do you propose that the body stopped what amounts to no more than half of a milk container's contents with over 30 arterial holes in it, four of which were constantly being reopened every single time the victim moved, over at least a three hour period, during which the victim was apparently fully conscious and not dying from anything other than blood loss (since he is alleged to have spoken considerably just prior to "giving up the ghost")? Quote:
CAN this same man who has apparently died of blood loss (since asphyxiation and poisoning has been ruled out) retain any significant amount of post-mortem blood after having died from blood loss out of 34 arterial wounds over a three hour period and an additional two hour period still hanging dead like a carcas on a meat hook? Further, CAN a corpse that has been hanging on a crucifix for two hours after dying of blood loss retain any significant amounts of fresh blood in his head and upper body or would all of the body follow gravity down to his feet wounds and legs? Those are the questions you should be seeking answers to, for those are the alleged "givens" established by the stories of Jesus that you and I agreed upon and you have never addressed. Oh, you've dissected bits and pieces, like you're doing here, in order to make nothing more than tenuous links here and there that sort of kind of indirectly establishes doubt, but little else. This is, of course, your job, so well done, but it doesn't work here. Quote:
So what is the relevancy of this information? Nothing. Other than implication. Quote:
Do you remember your own "evidence"? No, you do not, for you offer no critical thinking to your agenda. Quote:
This is why your posts here are entirely without substance and so easily dismissed, yet you keep on thinking that all it will take is volume over substance; quantity over quality. You are, of course, perversely incorrect. Quote:
What's the point? |
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