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Old 03-13-2003, 02:56 PM   #181
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Originally posted by Oxymoron
Er, I think it's more than "popular belief". Historical fact, more like. Are you now saying that there are several Gods?

No. He is the One True God.

Less patronisation, more logical argument would keep things civil. If I'm wrong, you'll be the first to know. If I'm right...
This will be my last response to you unless you can demonstrate some ability or willingness to engage in meaningful argument.

There is, and can only be, one "true" God, i.e., ontologically and governmentally. There are however, many "gods," i.e., objects of worship in this world. The Bible speaks of "the god of this world" referring to Satan's rule in the lives of those who rebel against God.

Since the one true God neither lies nor contradicts himself and has revealed himself and his law through his word, we cannot both be right. Since you claim to have recieved direct revelation from God, it would have to be consistent with his previous revelation, so you'll have to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, that you are a lost sinner deserving of eternal punishment and Jesus is the only true savior.

You'll also have to show me, consistent with his previous revelation, how I'm wrong.

Good luch.
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Old 03-13-2003, 03:05 PM   #182
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Since the one true God neither lies nor contradicts himself and has revealed himself and his law through his word, we cannot both be right. Since you claim to have recieved direct revelation from God, it would have to be consistent with his previous revelation, so you'll have to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, that you are a lost sinner deserving of eternal punishment and Jesus is the only true savior.

You'll also have to show me, consistent with his previous revelation, how I'm wrong.
You have absolutely no basis whatsoever for the assumption that "the one true God neither lies nor contradicts himself and has revealed himself and his law through his word". Therefore I can just as easily declare that this is not true.

Alternatively, I can declare that it IS true, but that the Bible is not God's word.

You're really not trying very hard, Theo. It's simple. You're worshipping the wrong God!

Now prove ME wrong.
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Old 03-13-2003, 03:06 PM   #183
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Originally posted by Jack the Bodiless
I have debated many presuppositionalists. closing the mind is the fundamental characteristic they ALL share.

This view is commonly stated by many Christians. If you dispute it, take it up with them.

Yes, that is what the SCRIPTURE says. But the Bible is baloney. You will not consider this. Your mind is closed.

Not quite. I will not believe that a deity exists unless I see evidence (I fail to see how this places God "under my authority").

But the Biblical God cannot exist, due to many mismatches with reality.

This statement is false. It is a lie you tell yourself, a comforting lie that convinces nobody else.

That is the fiction, yes. But you cannot simply make it true by asserting it.

I know EXACTLY what you are "arguing" about, Theo.

Yes, he does, according to the Bible itself.

Oxymoron's statement is just as valid as your own.

Correct. The check is the presupposition that our senses and reason are reliable. We can then use them to judge if another presupposition is correct. The Bible fails this test.

This entire post is nothing but gratuitous question begging. This last statemtent is, perhaps, the most glaring example. You cannot use you "senses" to test anything since their reliability is only presumed. Of course the Bible fails the test of your worldview which begins by asserting your own intellectual autonomy, i.e., denying the ultimacy of God's word. To paraphrase what you accuse believers of saying, "I don't believe the Bible, becuase I don't believe the Bible."

I have yet to experience any failure of the atheistic worldview of metaphysical naturalism to account for experience.

Well, let me issue a simple challenge. Tell me one thing you know for sure based on your naturalistic worldview.

Why do you keep alluding to a "problem" that does not appear to exist?

Theo, I can give many examples of the failure of the Christian worldview to account for various aspects of the world we experience. Some of them are best dealt with in the E/C forum. Biblical errors and contradictions can be addressed in the BC&A forum.

Why don't you humor me and give me one really BIG one?

My worldview has no such problems. Therefore it is superior to yours.
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Old 03-13-2003, 03:19 PM   #184
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Default Evolution in this genetic researchers' view

Evolution is a complex process that we have known about from its amazing 2 billion year fossil record of stepwise changes. But until recently all we only knew that it definitely occurred but not anything about the mechanisms. In only the past 5 years our knowledge has leapt in quantum bounds. We completed the human genome, identified the genes of some 70 or more diseases, and the genes responsible for various bodily organs. Evolution is not simple natural selection. Real life is far more complex than childish Biblical faerie tales.

The CGAT nucleotide sequences are the basis of the code. The DNA in all multicellular animals undergoes a splitting of the double helix. However when each half realigns in the sperm or egg, it doesn't realign like the entire unihelix of its parent. It is composed of fragments of genes and grouped chromosomal fragments. So that is why you don't necessarily get half of your father's dominant genes. You may get many of his recessives. So recombinations produce changes.

Then to make it worse, there are internal rearrangements that occur in the sequences due to "carpenter genes" called transposons that make somewhat random changes. Then some of the genes do not simply reduplicate but in error repeat the sequence several times or 60 times. It is much like you holding your finger too long on the "e" of the keyboard and typing "eeeeeeeeeee". This replication series may do one of several things. It may have no noticeable effect if it just produces an excess of some protein not critical. Or it might produce an altered protein that kills the neuron (Huntingtons Disease). It may prove non-viable and result in a stillborn. Rarely it produces a protein or part of a structure that changes it in such a way as to give the animal an advantage. For example, the code for a reptile scale may alter to produce a branching fractal structure that we know as a feather. If the new change is beneficial, the line of creatures bearing it will survive. The old root species may also survive as a separate species or die out if climate or conditions have changed to its disadvantage. Other mechanisms known to affect evolution are viral and bacterial intrusions.

How do we know? We know because we still have these in our very own DNA. They are silent for the most part. And in the past they may have triggered a change in the code that led to a few successes that soon became a majority.

We have identified old genes that we still carry but are usually silent. One terrible one is the one that once coded for an arthropod exoskeleton (shell). That was in a remote ancestor of the Cambrian Period with an exoskelton like crabs and bugs. One of its offspring mutated to develop a notochord (like a cartilaginous backbone but not bone). Some of them failed to develop a shell. The greater flexibility without the need to moult the shell made these guys successful and later led to amphioxus and to fish, and to us. But the exoskelton gene still can be found but other genes suppress its manifestation. In the rare instances where this gene manifests the unfortunate baby grows a shell and dies as a result.

Evolution is a phenomenon that occurred basically from frequent mutations of which a small few are more successful, especially in changed environments. The biomolecular mechanisms that allow these mutations is much more complex than we thought 10 years ago.

The real challenge for us now is how to use our knowledge in trying to eliminate diseases. Ethical issues include the genetic manipulation to produce superior athletes, scientists, musicians, artists, etc. Is it ethical for us to genetically engineer our grandchildren?

I realise that this is a long posting but the mechanisms of evolution are so very complex that I attended a weeklong seminar 7 hours per day intensively outlining those processes. And believe me, it takes a super attention span and fabulous memory storage to just absorb this information. That is why it is put on CD's. Your brain can't store the data. We are all fortunate to be alive at this time of great discovery of our own origins and our kinship with the rest of the Animal Kingdom.

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Old 03-13-2003, 03:26 PM   #185
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Correct. The check is the presupposition that our senses and reason are reliable. We can then use them to judge if another presupposition is correct. The Bible fails this test.

This entire post is nothing but gratuitous question begging. This last statemtent is, perhaps, the most glaring example. You cannot use you "senses" to test anything since their reliability is only presumed.
And this is precisely why Christian presuppositionalists are insane. Their worldview contradicts perceived reality. Therefore they deny perceived reality: they retreat into self-delusion.

Note, also, their hypocrisy. They CANNOT know what the Bible says about ANYTHING, without FIRST presuming that they are READING it correctly.

Presumption of the accuracy of our senses and reason is the PRIME AXIOM: the assumption that MUST be made. We recognize this. You borrow this from OUR worldview, base YOUR worldview upon it (loosely), then deny that you have done so.
Of course the Bible fails the test of your worldview which begins by asserting your own intellectual autonomy, i.e., denying the ultimacy of God's word. To paraphrase what you accuse believers of saying, "I don't believe the Bible, becuase I don't believe the Bible."
I don't believe the Bible, because it contradicts itself and because it contradicts observed reality.
I have yet to experience any failure of the atheistic worldview of metaphysical naturalism to account for experience.

Well, let me issue a simple challenge. Tell me one thing you know for sure based on your naturalistic worldview.
NEITHER of us can know with absolute certainty that our senses are reliable.

However, I know at least as certainly as you know the Bible that grass is green, the sky is blue etc. And my worldview tells me WHY my senses are reliable (they evolved as survival aids).
Theo, I can give many examples of the failure of the Christian worldview to account for various aspects of the world we experience. Some of them are best dealt with in the E/C forum. Biblical errors and contradictions can be addressed in the BC&A forum.

Why don't you humor me and give me one really BIG one?
The sequence of the fossil record (and the correlation with DNA data etc), which proves that the Genesis creation account is false. I know this as surely as you know anything written in the Bible (which is, after all, just a book: maybe your copy was printed by Satanists?)

But this is the wrong forum to discuss that in detail.

Again: my worldview is entirely free of such problems.
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Old 03-13-2003, 03:35 PM   #186
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Originally posted by theophilus
This will be my last response to you unless you can demonstrate some ability or willingness to engage in meaningful argument.
You don't get it yet, do you Theo? There is no "debate" here, because you are assuming what other people on the forum know, as best we can know, to be false. You cannot debate what you will not critically examine. My postings were an ad hoc attempt to get you to consider that assuming an equally absurd but contradictory statement about the world that we share results in some more objective test to establish which one is correct because (as you rightly say) they cannot both be.

...which, I believe, is this:

There is, and can only be, one "true" God, i.e., ontologically and governmentally. There are however, many "gods," i.e., objects of worship in this world. The Bible speaks of "the god of this world" referring to Satan's rule in the lives of those who rebel against God.
But theo, just about every religion insists that their God is the correct one and all the others are blasphemy. You just don't get it, do you? We want to know how you know that your xianity is the one true religion and the bible is the true word of God. What does it have that (say) Islam and the Koran does not?

We want to know why you assume that particular dogma. Because presumably you can pre-assume any of them, to much the same effect.


Since the one true God neither lies nor contradicts himself and has revealed himself and his law through his word, we cannot both be right. Since you claim to have recieved direct revelation from God, it would have to be consistent with his previous revelation, so you'll have to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, that you are a lost sinner deserving of eternal punishment and Jesus is the only true savior.

You'll also have to show me, consistent with his previous revelation, how I'm wrong.

Good luch.
If I were a xian? Hmmm... God considers lying a sin. Clearly, He wants me to know that you are a sinner for continually lying on his behalf and will suffer eternal damnation for it.

Oh, sod it: my God is better than your God. Your God is a fiction. Mine is a small, purple duck-billed platypus who created the universe with her Holy Spur last week, about 3 in the afternoon (just before tea-time). She reveals The Truth to me by telepathic transfer. I pre-assume that this is true, therefore anyone suggesting it is an absurdity is equally as wrong as getting you to question your Jebus myth. She told me that you were talking garbage and that it The Word of God so it must be true.

And don't go getting all "argument ad populum" on me. You are the only person who believes your exact version of xianity, after all.

On a final note: you have been patronising and insulting to people who - just like you - want to argue on their own terms. Instead of warming up your long-dead "assumptions", howz about trying to step outside of your tiny little box and seeing that there are ways of thinking that you just haven't encountered before? Or else, not scatter insults hither and thither; or sulk because you preach religion and dubious philosophy on an atheist forum and no-one agrees with you?
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Old 03-13-2003, 04:11 PM   #187
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Originally posted by Oxymoron
You don't get it yet, do you Theo? There is no "debate" here, because you are assuming what other people on the forum know, as best we can know, to be false. You cannot debate what you will not critically examine. My postings were an ad hoc attempt to get you to consider that assuming an equally absurd but contradictory statement about the world that we share results in some more objective test to establish which one is correct because (as you rightly say) they cannot both be.

Spot on Oxy. Evolution is essentially an observed phenomenon, a fact. The theories are Natural Selections, Punctuated Equilibrium, and Neo-Darwinism, with mechanisms being nucleotide code alterations from about 15 now described mechanisms. Alleles may repeat bursting the code, deletions, translocations, transposons, lytic enzymes separate sequences that are reconnected with an error, viral and bacterial DNA insertions (many of which we still carry.) There are 7 or so other mechanisms of DNA change that are being examined in our lab and others. They show promise in explanations of the FACT of Evolution. Gravity is a fact, the mechanism is explained by the Theory of Gravitation. Too many people do not understand scientific method, critical thinking, and rational analysis.

But theo, just about every religion insists that their God is the correct one and all the others are blasphemy. You just don't get it, do you? We want to know how you know that your xianity is the one true religion and the bible is the true word of God. What does it have that (say) Islam and the Koran does not?

Each "revealed" religion takes a vague, incoherent verse from its scripture and twists it to fit events "proving prophesy". As such, Christianity has no edge on Islam or Judaism, or for that matter Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, Hinduism, Wicca, or Aboriginal Religions. They are equal in that none of them has a single convincing piece of evidence in support of its belief or its God.

We want to know why you assume that particular dogma. Because presumably you can pre-assume any of them, to much the same effect.

I'll presume an answer. I grew up in a small village in Northern Scotland. I got Christianity in school. My mates at school were at least nominally Christian. We were Christian because it was a Christian fish bowl. We had no Hindus, Muslims, Jews, or American Indians. If I has been born on the Lakota Reservation in America I would have early on believed the Lakota religion. I soon rejected Christianity because I read the Bible and read it cover to cover. I couldn't overlook the bad parts. I saw the contradictions and dismissed it as divinely inspired. Eventually I saw the Christian God as impossible. Then I wondered if any Gods were necessary to explain things. I found nothing that required a magical explanation.

If I were a xian? Hmmm... God considers lying a sin. Clearly, He wants me to know that you are a sinner for continually lying on his behalf and will suffer eternal damnation for it.

I don't think he is lying. I think he is sincere. It is just that he has a logic block in the frontal circuits that prevents him from seeing what you and I see clearly in the Bible. You and I have a filtration circuit that processes data. It selects that which is rational for further processing or storage, and it rejects gabberloony. It often examines the gabberloony more intensively and finds error on top of error. But Christians have either a flaw in this gabberloony filter, or override it for emotional needs, or some other experiences (hallucinations for example). "I saw Jesus. And it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. Jesus is Lord."

Oh, sod it: my God is better than your God. Your God is a fiction. Mine is a small, purple duck-billed platypus who created the universe with her Holy Spur last week, about 3 in the afternoon (just before tea-time). She reveals The Truth to me by telepathic transfer. I pre-assume that this is true, therefore anyone suggesting it is an absurdity is equally as wrong as getting you to question your Jebus myth. She told me that you were talking garbage and that it The Word of God so it must be true.

Wrong Oxy. God exists. But God is a complex of neural circuits in the Frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. The complex is there as the substrate in almost all human beings from genetic programming. All it needs are the ambient culture's names for the divinity(s) and beliefs. For others who are reading this, I am saying that god is all in your head.

And don't go getting all "argument ad populum" on me. You are the only person who believes your exact version of xianity, after all.

You can't depend on numbers. Just ask Mr. Al Gore.

On a final note: you have been patronising and insulting to people who - just like you - want to argue on their own terms. Instead of warming up your long-dead "assumptions", howz about trying to step outside of your tiny little box and seeing that there are ways of thinking that you just haven't encountered before? Or else, not scatter insults hither and thither; or sulk because you preach religion and dubious philosophy on an atheist forum and no-one agrees with you?
Christians come here to proselytise, to save our souls. As such it could be considered a kind motive, since they believe we atheists are going to hell for thinking. I don't resent proselytisers because I think their motives are noble if misguided. However, they often begin with a kind and nice approach, but get frustrated at our logical arguments, and some resort to "you will burn in Hell, and I will be up in Heaven laughing."

PS I will repost the excellent Newsweek article if it is OK with the Moderator.
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Old 03-13-2003, 04:19 PM   #188
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Default Religious Circuits in the Brain

May 7, 2001

Religion And The Brain

Newsweek Magazine

Author: Sharon Begley
With Anne Underwood

Edition: U.S. Edition
Section: Science and Technology
Page: 50

One Sunday morning in March, 19 years ago, as Dr. James Austin waited for a train in London, he glanced away from the tracks toward the river Thames. The neurologist--who was spending a sabbatical year in England--saw nothing out of the ordinary: the grimy Underground station, a few dingy buildings, and some pale gray sky. He was thinking, a bit absent-mindedly, about the Zen Buddhist retreat he was headed toward.

And then Austin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment unlike anything he had ever experienced. His sense of individual existence, of separateness from the physical world around him, evaporated like morning mist in a bright dawn. He saw things "as they really are," he recalls. The sense of "I, me, and mine" disappeared. "Time was not present," he says. "I had a sense of eternity. My old yearnings, loathings, fear of death and insinuations of selfhood vanished. I had been graced by a comprehension of the ultimate nature of things."
Continued at:

Religion And The Brain

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Old 03-14-2003, 03:16 AM   #189
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Default Attn: Theophilus

I had (more or less) said to Theo:

Originally posted by Darwin's Terrier
Now. Get into E/C. Or else shut up about stuff of which you are ignorant. [edited by Wyz_sub10]
But it seems he's incapable of taking a hint. Therefore, I have started a thread in E/C in his honour.

The thread is located here. Enjoy!

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Old 03-14-2003, 08:10 AM   #190
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Originally posted by theophilus
Christians, Jews and Moslems all believe in "one" god but, contrary to popular opinion, they do not believe in the "same" one god. Christians believe in the God who exists as an ontological trinity and who became incarnate in the man Jesus Christ and died to save sinners.
Wow, you're cut from the same cloth as those so-called "Christians" that used to burn Jews and Moslems at the stake. I have now come to the conclusion that your mind has deteriorated to the point of insanity from lack of oxygen, after being slammed shut for so long.

By the way, you do know that the trinity concept is NOT biblical at all right? Or have you never read the bible without someone "explaining" it to you?
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