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Old 08-05-2003, 02:15 AM   #71
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Default A song.........................

Courtesy of David Allen Coe,

He's a gay factory worker from the south,
He takes what you pee out of and puts it in his mouth,
He works all day with a good old smile,
and he carries a large lunch pail
and after work, he's off to the bar,
where he meets his boyfriend Dale
They love the songs, love to dance,
Sometimes without wearing pants,
Come on boys, Let's take a chance,
We'll all change our names to Lance,


He's a gay factory worker from the south,
He'll take what you pee out of and put in his mouth,
With a humph, humph humphity humph (Dale is in his mouth)

I want all gays to teach your children this song, that's if your children or your ex-spouses will talk to you. It really is a cute song, dontcha think? What, this song is offense to your children? Well, please don't inflict your gay agenda on ours. Leave America alone.


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Old 08-05-2003, 02:27 AM   #72
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Originally posted by senor boogie woogie
To all who read this, if gay marriage becomes law, the militant homosexuals will demand more and more
Why is equal rights such a difficult concept for you?

such as classes in school on homosexual sex and behavior
Maybe it will be touched on a little in sex-ed classes, but that is for the schools to decide. If they want to leave homosexuality out of the sex-ed lesson plan, they should be able to.

and teaching to our younger children that homosexuality is a wonderful lifestyle.
There is no "homosexual lifestyle", just as there is no "heterosexual lifestyle".

Not to mention that gays want to teach our young that man is no better than a dirty animal who swings through trees.
Humans are animals. Whether they are refined animals or not is up to debate, especially when people like you are still spreading such blatant lies and allowing your irrational fears to consume youselves.

Guess what, your tax dollars are paying for this shit already.
*Blank stare*

If gay marriage becomes the norm nationwide, your health insurance premiums will skyrocket, because gays tend to have more than one sex partner and tend to spread toxic diseases such as HIV, Syphliss, Gonoreha, and other VD into the population.
Heterosexuals also tend to have more than one partner, and they can transmit the same diseases. Should we ban all sex now?

I have refuted every claim these other people are telling you.
No, you have done nothing like that. The only thing you're doing is embarassing yourself.

They are now reduced to calling me names and saying that I AM MENTALLY ILL.
Well, you do seem to have issues that should be taken care of ASAP.

In the future if this liberalization of morality does not stop, any voice of reason and against this homosexual agenda will be branded criminal, menatlly ill, or worse.
You're speaking out against something that isn't real. This might be a little difficult for you to grasp, but there is no homosexual agenda.

Remember this happened in the Soviet Union, China, and Nazi Germany. PC is killing free speech, and yes, our first amendment rights are in jeoprady.
Yes, Hitler would be very proud of your irrational hatred towards homosexuals. Are you going to make a point any time soon, because this is just the same song as dance we've all heard and easily dismissed.
Old 08-05-2003, 02:33 AM   #73
Ad Astra
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Default Re: A song.........................

Originally posted by senor boogie woogie
Courtesy of David Allen Coe,

He's a gay factory worker from the south,
He takes what you pee out of and puts it in his mouth,
He works all day with a good old smile,
and he carries a large lunch pail
and after work, he's off to the bar,
where he meets his boyfriend Dale
They love the songs, love to dance,
Sometimes without wearing pants,
Come on boys, Let's take a chance,
We'll all change our names to Lance,


He's a gay factory worker from the south,
He'll take what you pee out of and put in his mouth,
With a humph, humph humphity humph (Dale is in his mouth)

I want all gays to teach your children this song, that's if your children or your ex-spouses will talk to you. It really is a cute song, dontcha think? What, this song is offense to your children? Well, please don't inflict your gay agenda on ours. Leave America alone.
Posting song lyrics now, eh? Here's one of my favorite songs:

Imagine -- John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Old 08-05-2003, 02:39 AM   #74
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For all of you to know, I have had gay friends
I pity them.

Homosexuality is a choice. We do choose our sexual identity
*sigh*. No, we don't. You can no more choose your sexuality than you can choose the colour of your eyes. You can choose not to act upon it, but that is an entirely different matter and not what you are saying at all.

Homosexuals have to educate the young because they want kids to be gay
You carry some strange fantasies around in your head. When I was a kid I knew that I was drawn emotionally and, later, sexually towards other men. How many gay men came to me and educated me in the ways of homosexuality? Not one. I didn't even know another gay person until I was 19. How then did I 'learn' to be gay?

As stated before, being gay is choice
You may be able to choose whether or not to have sex with a man or a woman, but all that proves is that you are bisexual.

For example, the Reverand Mel White had children before leaving his wife for his male lover Gary Nixon. So, we it is safe to assume that Mel liked the company of men for a while, then changed his mind.
No it isn't. You have no idea why Mel White left his wife, or are you omniscient? Many gay people marry in an attempt to conform to the social norm. There are many reasons why they feel the need to do this. Pressure from family, fear of being outed in the workplace, self-loathing, realisation that the world is sadly populated by people like you...I could go on. As time goes by, some of thes emen realise the lie that they are living and do what they can to reclaim their lives in spite of paranoid lunatics like yourself. It is often a desperately sad time for all concerned, but it has nothing to do with your argument that being gay is a 'lifestyle choice'.

QUOTE]Should I go on? No. Homosexuals have no character. Gay people have more than 100 partners in a lifetime, hetrosexauls have 8. Homosexuls have a higher occurance of drug use and alcoholism. Suicides are much higher among homosexuals. [/QUOTE]

To use your own words: This is so stupid it is insane.

I am desperately worried for you. You sound like a deeply disturbed individual who is carrying around an awful lot of hatred and, quite possibly, self-loathing. Please, consider seeking help. And no, I am not trying to be be sarcastic. I really mean it.[
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Old 08-05-2003, 06:58 AM   #75
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Originally posted by scigirl
[B]You just contradicted yourself big time. If gays aren't procreating, than they are not contributing in any way, shape, or fashion to the unmarried mothers and father problem, are they? It's the evil heteros doing that.
dk: I don’t follow… What makes you thin gay/ lesbian/bisexual people don’t father/mother out of wedlock children?
Originally posted by scigirl
Nope. Just because you can use two cool vocab words that start with P in a sentence doesn't make your unfounded opinion true.
dk: This discussion is about proving Christian fundamentalists = homobigot, not words that start with P.
Originally posted by scigirl
If anything - the gays can help fix the situation that the hetero "breeders" have created - by adopting unwanted children from broken hetero homes. And if you would actually read my posts, you would see that several studies clearly show that gays are fit to be parents. If anything - gays probably make better parents, because they really have to want children to get them- fill out paper work, talk to social workers. Heteros, on the other hand, just have to fuck to get kids.
dk: Homosexuals can help, by setting a good example. On a whole the studies have been inconclusive and of questionable quality with a limited scope. In the 1950s the divorce rate and out of wedlock births were under 5%. In the 1960s public schools were the crown jewel of the Great Society. Proponents of fornication, adultery, family planning, and no-fault divorce claimed science proved a sexually open (liberated) culture would produce many benefits. Many people claimed the Freudian model proved sexual repression was the root cause of most personality/sexual/emotional disorders. Today our prisons bulge with deviants, studies show 1/4 college women have been sexually abused. One third of children are raised by unwed mothers, and half the single mothers live at or below the poverty line. The science turned out to be gravely flawed, unreliable and misleading. The social sciences at best have a checkered political history. Their record often degrades science with errors, scandal, political subterfuge, and fraudulently conclusions. While the physical sciences have produced many marvelous technologies the social sciences still struggle for an empirical foothold. While many people put great faith in the social sciences there objectively is supported by a dearth of empirical evidence. On the record, I'd sooner try to swat a house fly with a hammer. Even on the off chance I hit the mark, the collateral damage would eclipse any pretense of a successful outcome. I don’t want to dissolutions you scigirl but the social sciences are akin to a sledge hammer or wrecking ball, good for logistics, building malls and swatting family problems. I haven’t come to this conclusion because I’m a Christian, but because I can read, count, see, hear, smell, feel and taste.
Originally posted by scigirl
What are you talking about? Have you ever actually taken care of AIDS patients? I have. Nobody is happy or proud to have a wasting, deadly disease. Nobody.
dk: I agree, HIV/AIDS is a terrible disease I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy, but that's why I can't understand why so many HIV+ gay men celebrated HAART treatment with anonymous sex, its positively psychopathic.
Originally posted by scigirl
What are you talking about? I could say the same about McDonalds ads. Since you pretend to know so much about death statistics, why don't you read some? What are americans dying more from in this country?
  • Obesity complications
  • Smoking complications
  • Violence
  • Lack of exercise
  • Anal sex
Which one, dk? If you really truly care about the public welfare of Americans, you will stop wasting your time on anal sex (which can be safe if you wear condoms) and address 1-4 above, which are killing way way way more americans. Why don't you go protest McDonalds, or encourage companies to install treadmills? THat would actually help the death rate in this country far more than banning anal sex.
dk: Christianity teaches the necessity of tolerance, hard work, charity and chastity under the heading of virtue. People that acquire virtue in the course of their life learn to overcome obesity, smoking, violence, exercise or anal sex. From a Christian perspective Americans, especially Christian Americans, suffer foolishly and terribly from vices. How do secularists rationalize these self-destructive behaviors?
Originally posted by scigirl
You mean the family values of the current heterosexual population that you just criticized? Those unmarried mothers and fathers? How does gay sex between two men have anything to do with family values, if they aren't participating in creating families?
dk: I mean civilizations, nations, communities, households, families and individuals grow and prosper by solving problems time presents with life affirming solutions. Anal sex is a problem because it spreads and incubates deadly multi-drug resistant microbes in the lower digestive tract, especially in epidemical populations like gay communities. The anal sphincter valve protects the digestive tract from foreign bodies but allows waste to be expelled. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a Christian to understand it’s a bad plan to force objects through the anus, especially a penis. If I were to list all the diseases spread by anal sex it would fill up a book. For all practical purposes I can’t stop anyone from anal sex. Given the epidemiological reality and costs accrued it is ludicrous to institutionalize anal sex in a mock marriage, and it has nothing to do with being a Christian or a homobigot.
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:01 AM   #76
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Originally posted by senor boogie woogie

On the far left, I see the idiocy of homosexual marriage.
If you think homosexual marriage is idiotic, then fine, but that doesn't mean it should be made illegal.

I see the idiocy of homobigots like you posting to this board. Does that mean that you should be banned from posting to this board?

You think homosexuals are idiots...that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to get married. You're an idiot...does that mean that you shouldn't be allowed to get married?


For all of you to know, I have had gay friends.
I feel sorry for them to have a "friend" like you.


I had a cousin who died a young death because of HIV and homosexuality.
Correlation does not equal causation. Being homosexual does not cause HIV.

Ice cream intake goes up in the summer. So does drowning incidence. Does that mean eating ice cream will make you drown?


I had a friend when I was a child to whom my mother knew would grow up to be gay, because of her behaviors and attitudes.
And so you now you give evidence supporting the point that homosexuality is not a choice...this child had gay tendencies as a child.


I have been offered homosexual experience in the past also, principally as a boy (about 12) in a YMCA bathroom after swimming with a young man in his 20s in the swimming pool at the Y.
Pedophilia is primarily committed by heterosexual men. The fact that a man offered you an experience does not make that man homosexual.


The truth:'
Claiming something to be the truth, doesn't make it so.


Homosexuality is a choice. We do choose our sexual identity.
Stating that it's a choice doesn't make it so.

You ignored all the scientific evidence that scigirl gave showing you that it's not a choice. And you ignored posts by homosexuals on this board who have flat out told you that they didn't choose to be homosexual. Yet you ignore all this evidence to hang on to your bigotry.


This is when the agendas of GLAAD and GLSEN take hold.
Bullshit. You have people on this board who told you that they knew they were homosexual without having ever heard of GLAAD or GLSEN.


Homosexuals have to educate the young because they want kids to be gay.
More unsupported bullshit. I don't see any homosexuals pushing for "homosexuality education classes" in school. I only see them pushing for equal rights and asking that they not be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation.


There is strength in numbers. You do know that the bullshit that "people are born into a sexual preference" is a lie.

Stating that it's a lie doesn't make it so. You have provided no evidence that it's a choice. Your anecdotes don't even work as evidence. Scigirl, on the other hand, provided you with scientific evidence that it's natural, and that it's not a choice. You will have to examine and refute that evidence. If you aren't willing to do that, you are telling us that the facts don't really matter to will hang on to your bigotry and sick attitudes no matter what.


Let's reveal the truth about Matt for a moment. He was trolling for sex at a cowboy bar at midnight in Wyoming. He thought two neer-do-well guys were cute. he paid for their beer. He followed them out to their truck for anonymous sex. He was killed.
More bullshit. Learn the facts about the case. McKinney and Henderson pretended to be gay to lure Matt, because they wanted to rob him.


they deserved, life in prison. But the liberal Hollywood world wants me to be guilty because Gay Jesus got himself into this fix. I don't feel guilty because Matt put himself in that situation and he knew the consequences.
Ahh, let's blame the victim. Just as people blame women for getting raped because of the way they're dressed. You're sick...absolutely sick.

And you're going to say that "Matt knew the consequences?" Are you saying that he knew he was going to be beaten to death and hung like a scarecrow?


As stated before, being gay is choice:
Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true.


For example, the Reverand Mel White had children before leaving his wife for his male lover Gary Nixon. So, we it is safe to assume that Mel liked the company of men for a while, then changed his mind.
Bad assumption. Because of people like you, gays will often hide their homosexuality and do things like get married so that they will be accepted by society.


The same is true with the Rev. V. Gene Robinson, who is trying to be the Bishop of New Hampshire. He has two children from his former wife. So, we can assume that Rev. Robinson enjoyed fucking his wife enough to make two kids by her, (and no, it is difficult to have sex with a woman just twice and have two kids, it happens, but one has to take into account fertility, menstration, sexual desire and other factors). But smiling Gene leaves his family and chooses homosexuality.
More bullshit. Gene was always homosexual. He suppressed it to try to fit in with society. He suppressed it to avoid the hatred of people like you. Now he no longer is suppressing it.


Look up the website, this website is about children of homosexuals. How are there children of homosexuals, because they were conceived in a hetrosexual relationship, then the father or mother decided to become gay. WHY CAN'T YOU ADMIT THIS FACT! Because you want to be a protected class.
They didn't decide to come gay. They decided to stop hiding their gayness. WHY CAN'T YOU ADMIT THIS FACT! Because you want to justify your bigotry.


demanded equal rights for everyone. Gays have this equal right.
No they don't. They can't get married legally, while you can. That's not equal.


Homosexuals are child molesters.
Man, your post is smelling like bullshit.

You obviously ignored scigirl's post. She pointed you to hard evidence that the majority of child molesters are heterosexual.


This is why the Boy Scouts of America do not want gays within a thousand miles of their organization.
The Boy Scouts don't want gays because the Boy Scouts are a Christian organization, and Christianity considers homosexuality a sin.


Should I go on? No. Homosexuals have no character.
No, YOU have no character. Do you know why? Because you are a bigot. You refuse to face up to scientific evidence that completely refutes your claims. Instead, you hang onto a few anecdotes.

If you truly had character, you would examine the evidence that scigirl gave you, and think your position out more carefully.

The other people on this board have much more character than you.


Gay people have more than 100 partners in a lifetime, hetrosexauls have 8.
More bullshit, with no evidence to back it up.


interrpreted as acceptable actions. The gay knows that what they do is wrong, because the sense of right and wrong is engrained in all people, and we ourselves may follow it or reject it.
Man, your post reeks of bullshit so bad, I'm having a hard time staying around in here.

The sense of right and wrong is not "engrained" in all people.

You believe homosexuality is wrong because you have been TAUGHT that it's wrong.

I am not a homosexual. I am very attracted to women of the opposite sex. And you know what? I do not think homosexuality is wrong. My "engrained" knowledge says that it's not wrong.


Homosexual marriage will lead to pedophilia, andwill lead to polygamy, because gays have more than one partner.
Fallacy of the slippery slope.

Why don't you go to the Netherlands, where homosexual marriage is legal? You know what? They have a lower rate of AIDS, HIV, crime, teen pregnancy, drug use, etc., than our country. So much for homosexual marriage causing problems in society.


Refute this, you cannot. I will be back.
Your statements have been thoroughly refuted. However, you refuse to read the refutations, or understand them, and keep spewing out the same bullshit. This makes you a hateful bigot.
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:11 AM   #77
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Originally posted by senor boogie woogie
Homosexuality is a choice. We do choose our sexual identity.
Despite any scientific studies, this is obviously wrong. Personally (I am a man), the thought of kissing a man or having sexual relations with a man makes me want to throw up. Seriously, it's revolting to me. I assume it is to you to, based on the way you go on and on about it. Can you choose to be gay? You have no trouble kissing a man? If you can choose to be gay, then you should have absolutely NO aversion to having sex with a man.

Every single homosexual I have ever discussed this with asserts the exact same thing. Homosexuals simply have all the wiring for sexual attraction switched around.
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:12 AM   #78
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Originally posted by dk

Homosexuals can help, by setting a good example. On a whole the studies have been inconclusive and of questionable quality with a limited scope.
Then show us why the studies are inconclusive and questionable quality. Tells us what the problems are with their methods. Tell us why the conclusions are questionable. Tell us what is wrong with the statistics. It's easy to try to sweep everything away with one swipe of your hand. It's much more difficult to actually examine the evidence. So examine it for us, dk. Quit giving us sweeping generalizations, when it's evident to me that you probably haven't even read a fraction the research thats out there.


In the 1950s the divorce rate and out of wedlock births were under 5%. In the 1960s public schools were the crown jewel of the Great Society. Proponents of fornication, adultery, family planning, and no-fault divorce claimed a sexually open (liberated) sexual society would produce many benefits for everyone, especially wives and children. Today one third of children are raised by unwed mothers, and half of single mother live below or around the poverty line. The science turned out to be gravely flawed, unreliable and misleading.
More bullshit. Have you ever heard of the logical fallacy, post hoc, ergo propter hoc?

If a sexually open society is so bad, then why is it that sexually open societies, like Sweden and the Netherlands, have lower rates of AIDS, HIV, drug use, teen pregancy, crime, etc., than we do?


stop anyone from anal sex. Given the epidemiological reality and costs accrued it is ludicrous to institutionalize anal sex in a mock marriage, and it has nothing to do with being a Christian or a homobigot.
It has everything to do with being a Christian and homobigot. The Netherlands has legalized same-sex marriage, and they have lower rates of AIDS and HIV than we do....much lower rates. If that's the ludicrous consequence of legalizing same-sex marriage, then I'm all for being ludicrous.
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:34 AM   #79
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Originally posted by Selsaral
Despite any scientific studies, this is obviously wrong. Personally (I am a man), the thought of kissing a man or having sexual relations with a man makes me want to throw up. Seriously, it's revolting to me. I assume it is to you to, based on the way you go on and on about it. Can you choose to be gay? You have no trouble kissing a man? If you can choose to be gay, then you should have absolutely NO aversion to having sex with a man.

Every single homosexual I have ever discussed this with asserts the exact same thing. Homosexuals simply have all the wiring for sexual attraction switched around.
There's little if any empirical evidence to support nature over nurture. I think its fraudulent to ratoinalize one's opinions on science absent empirical evidence. A clear violation of human rights to impose one's opinions on others with the force of law under the guise of science, in matters where the science is bogus. We have a right to our opinions and the ballot box.
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:40 AM   #80
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Much of Senior Boogie Woogie's sentiments are described in this hate filled christian (I think not!) website.

So much venom. I'll tell you who God hates - BIGOTS!!!
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