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Old 12-19-2002, 03:18 PM   #21
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Originally posted by Amos:

Hey Admiral, Catholics are not Christians but at best Christians-in-becoming and once they become Christians they will no longer be Catholic because the religion itself will be like satan to them ("get thee behind me satan)."

May I remind you here that in following the footsteps of Jesus we are to take the inpsired message out of religion and upset the temple just like Jesus did after he had become the celebrated guest at the royal wedding.</strong>
Ow! My brains!
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Old 12-19-2002, 03:51 PM   #22
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Originally posted by The Admiral:
<strong>Oh come now Gorvy, it's not quite as bad as all that.

The Admiral</strong>
The secracy is a real problem plus you must be able to read church Latin which has evolved over the centuries.
Old 12-19-2002, 04:09 PM   #23
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Originally posted by rdalin:

I really enjoy the way christian sects accuse other christian sects of not being real christians. Why should anyone believe that your group - whatever it is - are the Real True Christians and everyone else isn't?</strong>
Did I not just write that Catholics are not Christians and when they become Christians they will no longer be Catholic and like Jesus will create havoc with religion for having misled them?
Old 12-19-2002, 04:18 PM   #24
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Originally posted by The Admiral:

&lt;&lt;So the arrogance you see is just caused by your own ignorance.&gt;&gt;

Hello Admiral, the line I wrote about the history of the Church is true or the gates of hell would prevail against her. The Church is inspired and therefore is crammed with heaven and so how could a mere human mind that cannot comprehend the bible try to figure out the motivations and intricate details of a religion that wrote it.

Sorry if I offended you but arrogance and ignorance seem to be two polar opposites.
Old 12-19-2002, 04:32 PM   #25
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You have not offended me in any way. You have however confused me. I guess I took seriously something that you meant in irony and assumed that you were a Catholic. Mo matter because I consider all religions to be equally in error and based on false premises. Amd by the way, equally pernicious.

The Admiral
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Old 12-19-2002, 04:41 PM   #26
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Edited by The Admiral for redundant ignorance.
The Admiral

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: The Admiral ]</p>
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Old 12-19-2002, 04:49 PM   #27
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&lt;&lt;arrogance and ignorance seem to be two polar opposites&gt;&gt;

I disagree with the above statement. I believe that arrogance and ignorance are complimentary though opposite in degree. The more lofty the altitude of the arrogance the more abysmal the depth of the ignorance.

The Admiral
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Old 12-19-2002, 05:08 PM   #28
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Originally posted by The Admiral:

You have not offended me in any way. You have however confused me. I guess I took seriously something that you meant in irony and assumed that you were a Catholic.
The Admiral</strong>
I am a Catholic but maybe not your idea of a Catholic.
Old 12-19-2002, 07:19 PM   #29
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Originally posted by Buffman:
<strong>Sorry, Admiral.

Martin Luther was a raving lunatic bigot of the worst expression of Roman Catholicism and one of "her" products;
Hello Buffman, nice post but wrong-- as you might have guessed. Luther was a product of Catholicism but not in the true spirit of the Church. Luther was a self proclaimed sola scriptura kind of Christian who was torn between heaven and hell until he died nonetheless. Yes he, too, was from his mothers womb untimely ripped never to mature in the fullness of Christ (he remained immature).

Because of this handicap he wanted to transform the world around him while he should have only transformed himself to see that the reign of God is already in our midst. You can't really blame the Church for this because they gave him a chance to regain his sanity.
Old 12-19-2002, 09:32 PM   #30
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Hi Amos,

Hello Buffman, nice post but wrong-- as you might have guessed.

Do you mean "wrong" from the position of the "Roman" Catholic Church of that day? Or do you mean "wrong" from the standpoint of what Catholicism should be? I attempted to word that post accurately.

Luther was a product of Catholicism but not in the true spirit of the Church. Luther was a self proclaimed sola scriptura kind of Christian who was torn between heaven and hell until he died nonetheless. Yes he, too, was from his mothers womb untimely ripped never to mature in the fullness of Christ (he remained immature).

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

sermons or homilies _ A group of writings which was "especially directed against the Jews" (Parkes, 71). They served to warn Christians of the dangers of associating with the Jewish people and were developed as an absolute condemnation of the Jewish people, religion, and cultural practices. Example: Church Father John Chrysostom _ Adversus Judaeos, eight sermons preached at Antioch in 386-388 (Parkes, 119).

By the second century C.E., both Judaism and Christianity were trying to distinguish each from the other in the eyes of Rome, as both had unique political concerns. Judaism by then had attained legal status in the Roman world as a religion and did not want Christianity, with its loyalty to a King other than Caesar, to be associated with it. The church, now largely Gentile, also wanted to obtain legal status in the eyes of Rome so that it would not be identified with the Jews, who had rebelled against Rome under Bar Kochba. Once it was clear to Rome that Christianity was not a sect of Judaism, Christianity was regarded as an illegal sect and was no longer under the protective umbrella of the legal status of Judaism. With the establishment of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire by Constantine in the fourth century, however, Christianity soon began to enjoy a position of superiority over Judaism which caused serious consequences for Judaism. The new "Christian" empire began to enact such changes as:
· The removal of former religious and governing privileges
· The curtailment of Rabbinical jurisdiction
· Prohibition of missionary work
· Jews were no longer allowed to hold high offices or have military careers (e.g. legislation in 537 C.E. which prohibited local Jewish people from serving on municipal bodies).
Negative theological attitudes began to abound, such as the idea that Jews had lost their right to exist; Jews only exist as a testimony to the truth of Christianity; Jews are suffering justly at the hands of the Gentiles because God is angry with them, etc. Various church councils drew up damaging anti-Jewish legislation such as:
(End extracts)

Luther remained a raving religious lunatic. John Calvin wasn't far behind. I'm not sure which was the bigger religious "fruitcake."

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

(Yes! I understand the implications of having selected that site from which to take those two URLs.)

Because of this handicap he wanted to transform the world around him while he should have only transformed himself to see that the reign of God is already in our midst. You can't really blame the Church for this because they gave him a chance to regain his sanity.

Hmmmmm? I didn't say that he was totally insane when recognizing the perversions of the Roman Catholic hierarchy of his time. I most certainly can blame the Church for its hypocrisy and endemic corruption.

Amos, from what I have read of your posts, which really is very limited, I think you could make a wonderful Jeffersonian Humanist. I bet you are currently attempting to lead your life along the path as outlined in the Jefferson Bible....the philosophies of ethics and morality of Jesus, the mortal prophet, rather than dogma of Jesus as the son of Elohim...Oooops! I guess that should be Jehovah. Obviously we both know that it couldn't possibly be Allah(PBUH).
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