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Old 12-19-2002, 07:08 AM   #121
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Hi diana.

I lean toward the idea that it's an assumption that was made by the priests, if we're right in our herbal abortion hypothesis.
Why would the assumption be made by the priests? Isn't it being made by the husband in the first place?

There are those who believe there was nothing harmful in the bitter water, but that the curse from God caused the woman's "belly to swell and thigh to fall away" and be infertile only if she'd been unfaithful--whether she was pregnant or not. This viewpoint includes the addendum that if she was pregnant by her husband, and had been faithful, nothing bad would happen to her.
Fair enough. I take the other view.

If you haven't, I suggest you read the links brighid posted in their entirety. The rabbis are in a quandary about this passage, undoubtedly. They're all trying to find a way to interpret it in such a way that it would seem fair in light of ancient Jewish law and other provisions of the Torah and so it'll ring fair, somehow, to modern peoples. So there are all kinds of assumptions they add in. (But this passage is a booger for them; everything they add assume to make it seem fair contradicts something else, and none of it is actually supported by the text.)

Yes, I've taken a look at them, and I do indeed see a lot of problems with their attempts to exegete the passage in question.

Besides, even some of those versions which don' make any explicit reference to the womb, still take care to point out that the woman would become barren if she was found guilty. So they tacitly acknowledge that the "bitter water" had an immediate and long-lasting effect upon the woman's reproductive system, which in turn makes little sense unless we've got a case of abortion on our hands.

I disagree. If God was in charge of the procedure and he is all-powerful and all that jazz, he could easily punish the woman with immediate pain, physical "deformity," and lifetime barrenness without invoking an abortion.
I agree that if God exists, He could have done such a thing. However, He chose to use a different method. I certainly do not see the necessity of divine intervention in this case.

(Unless I miss my guess, this is the inerrantist's typical explanation. It assumes God, of course. My explanation assumes no god is involved and that the priests had cooked up their own way of ferreting out unfaithful women, which, considering the nature of the ordeal, probably only worked if the woman was pregnant. Along those lines, it would be wise for a suspicious hubby to make sure she'd missed a period or two before dragging her to the temple; otherwise, the ordeal was likely to produce nothing.)
Well in order to do that, you'll have to provide documented evidence which proves that this was something that the priests "cooked up" (as opposed to being something that came from Moses, via God.) And even if we leave God out of the equation, you're still left with the fact that the Law - all of it - came from Moses, without any additions by "the priests."

I guess I'm also confused as to why you would blame the priests in the first place, since (a) they had no civil authority (unlike the judges), (b) this ritual doesn't actually do anything for them (i.e., they get nothing out of it), and (c) unlike most Christian denominations, the OT priests of Judaism were simply ministers of the Law; there was no way to advance your status as a priest, and there was no point in attempting to do so.

As a priest, therefore, your role was static, your duties and privileges clearly defined, and your ability to change all of this, totally nil.

Evangelion, if you haven't already, please check your PMs.
Thanks, I've done so.

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: Evangelion ]</p>
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Old 12-19-2002, 07:11 AM   #122
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Terry -


While I know that this BB is international in scope, and that most of the church/state separation issues are cast in a different way in most of the world, I can write only from my own perspective as an american. I didn't see any need to spell out in great detail my motives since they would be transparent to any person familiar with the american christian right.

I have found by reading this thread that the passage in Numbers was much more damaging than I realized to the christian right, but, only of course, with reference to the original Hebrew. And as with most things, it is not so simple as I first thought.

I do not require any further apology from you. I understand your viewpoint, and from that veiwpoint, I can see how you misinterpreted my intentions. The only quibble is that when my (purely) american political stand was explicated by other americans on this board, you chose to continue to argue against them. But that seems irrelevant in the light of the direction the thread has moved. My motives for beginning this thread have become completely irrelevant.
Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation.

Just in passing, perhaps you might be interested in the following comment, which I made on page 2 of this thread...?

Please also bear in mind, however, the fact that not every Christian is a rampant convert-O-matic. (Though I accept that the Australian experience is very different to the American one. Here, you would be hard pressed to find the same sort of militant Christianity which plagues the US.)
I freely acknowledged the cultural differences, and I was hoping to avoid any unnecessary generalisations.

I know that Joseph Smith was particularly fond of rituals, and all kinds of ceremonies have been developed for all kinds of situations in Mormonism, based on the slimmest of biblical authority. There are also sects that practice snake handling, ritualistic child beating, and other weird things based on the authority of the bible.
Yep, these are particular favourites of American Fundies.

Has anyone heard of any sect that uses this ritual in modern days?

Even if it is not clear about what the outcome entails, the ritual and its purpose are clearly enough described.

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: Evangelion ]</p>
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Old 12-19-2002, 07:54 AM   #123
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Hello Butters. I apologise for having taken so long to answer your post, but Christmas is the busiest time of the year where I work, and I'm currently putting in some overtime every night. So if I don't reply for another 3 or 4 days, it's because I don't have enough spare time.

O.K. Evangelion,

I have not made any comment on this thread, haven't bashed any Christians. So I will politly ask a few questions.
No worries.

1) Is this passage the word of God?
If you are asking me "Do you believe that this passage is the word of God?", the answer is "Yes, I believe that this passage is the word of God." (See also pages 3 & 4, where I made my position quite clear.)

Did the Jews get this ritual from the mouth of YWYH or not?
If you are asking me "Do you believe that the Jews received this ritual from the mouth of YHVH?", the answer is "Yes, I believe that the Jews received this ritual from the mouth of YHVH." (See also pages 3 & 4, where I made my position quite clear.)

2) If so, why don't we practice this today?
Because if you read the NT, you will find that Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses, and explained why it is no longer binding upon believers.

It can not be morally repugnent, if it was given to us by God.
Not necessarily. It can certainly be morally repugnant - but does this mean that it is necessarily immoral? Well, that's another story entirely.

One man's morality is another man's repugnance.

3) If not, why don't we disregard the entire OT as the writings of Jewish Men?
Because the central elements of Christianity are predicated upon the central elements of Judaism - and these have remained unchanged.

4) Why sould we ask a Jew?
  • The OT was written in Hebrew, by Jews.
  • The OT constitutes the Jewish Scriptures.
  • The Jews are likely to know more about their own language and their own Scriptures, than a non-Hebrew-speaking Christian.
Currently, your question is more or less along the lines of "Why should I ask a Russian about Tegenv's Fathers and Sons?"

While I think that they could have a better interpretation, I have been assured by many Christians that Jews don't understand the OT, after all, they missed the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled to become the Messiah.
Well, that is indeed true of many Christians. Fortunately, however, it is not true of all. Speaking for myself, I have to say that I would never make such a claim.

BTW, if your reason for not going to ask the Jews to explain this passage is "Because the Christians told me that the Jews didn't understand the OT", I would have to seriously question (a) your intellectual integrity, and/or (b) your sanity.
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Old 12-19-2002, 08:01 AM   #124
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Jess -

my point was that your point was that the OP specifically said Christian.

No, I did not say that Terry "specifically said Christian."

I simply gave my impression, and explained why I believe that this impression was an accurate one.
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Old 12-19-2002, 08:17 AM   #125
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I will probably be unable to respond to this thread at any time in the near future. A personal, family, health matter requires most of my attention right now so I am going to have to leave it to the others to continue on with this discussion. I apologize, but my participation is going to be very minimal over the next few weeks, unless things get better shortly.

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Old 12-21-2002, 02:28 PM   #126
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I had the opportunity to discuss these verses from Numbers with a biblical irerrantist not long ago. The results of this were--well--not surprising.

--Well, you need to pray over the matter before you make your decision.

--I am sorry. I don't pray. I am atheist.

--No, you're not! You're just angry about something and are acting out.

--No, I've been a militant atheist for fifteen years. I do not believe in God, or Jesus, or angels or anything else supernatural.

--Is that going to be your stand when you stand before God on Judgment Day?

--I don't believe I'll have to face Judgment Day. Besides, I do not want to have anything at all to do with your God. I always say that I would rather burn in hell eternally than have to spend one second with the demon described as God in the Old Testament.

--Why do you say that?

--Read Numbers 5:11-31.

--I have a Bible right here; let's see what it says. [Reads the passage.] So, what's wrong with that?

--God tells Moses that if a man suspects his wife of adultery, all he has to do is turn her over to the priests who will torture her, make her testify against herself. Make her drink some poison and if she's okay, fine and good, but she could suffer some really bad effects of drinking the stuff, then it proves she's been unfaithful. And none of this abuse is based on any evidence at all. It's just a way to vent the jealousy of the husband, who's held blameless, no matter what happens to the wife. Don't you find that evil?

--Is that all you have? If you're an atheist, why do you worry about what's in the Bible.

--Because there is a big group of people who wants to kill me because I am gay and atheist because what they say is in the Bible. When they come after me, I sure as hell better know what's in that book.

--Is that all you have? When you stand before God, is that all you have to tell him?

--I'm not going to stand before God. When I die it will be all over.

--Well, I am not trying to convince you of anything. But you need to understand that you have to answer for everything you say and do, and I want to know how you are going to justify yourself. Is that all you have when you stand before God?

--Well, there's Ezekiel 23:20. [more exegesis, bellyaching about Christians accepting poorly translated scriptures, more challenging to defend the verse.]

--[smugly smiling] Is that all you have?
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Old 12-21-2002, 05:43 PM   #127
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There was a thread on this over on ChristianForums, and we got a very good article about it written by one of the Orthodox Jews who hangs around there sometimes. Their assertion is the only way it can work is through a pure miracle, and obviously the stuff isn't actually poisonous, that would be horrible.

I am not aware of a recorded case of it "working", so... I think it's interesting that many of the readers here are just *assuming* that of course the stuff is poisonous, because, if you're assuming no supernatural, that's the only way it could happen.
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Old 12-21-2002, 06:20 PM   #128
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Why assume that it works? I assume that it's an herbal abortifacient that only works sometimes, so there is a random element in it that allows room for attributing success to "god" or the nocebo effect (it's more likely to produce the abortion if the woman's emotion state translates to guilty.)
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