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Old 03-22-2003, 01:49 AM   #11
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I feel much the same as you. It's a hobby to me, among other things. For reasons defying comprehension, I continue to enjoy discussions about the EoG. I continue to seek evidence or arguments that aren't common and that I haven't yet encountered, but are persuasive. Like you, I'm convinced, but still open to changing my mind.

This is where theists jump on me and say, "Don't you hear what you just said?"

Well...yes, I do. To rephrase, I'll put it like this: I'm convinced, based upon the evidence and arguments I've thus far been exposed to, but, given new evidence and/or convincing arguments, of course I'm open to changing my mind. This is because I like being right. If I discover at some point that I'm wrong, I will switch sides immediately because I want to be right.

Another thing I glean from discussions such as this is occasionally finding a new angle from which to approach an old argument. I find this exercise endlessly mind-expanding.

Something I like to ask the theists who go through the "Questions to Ask Atheists Who Want to Discuss Religion" checklist is what they do for pleasure. Do they cook? Do they watch professional football and baseball? Do they play chess? Do they train their pets? Build cabinets? Tinker with old cars? How do they spend their free time--and why?

Because they enjoy it. Of course. Duh.

I think what's so mind-boggling to them, possibly because they lead a life of having to study the bible/attend church (while insisting that they do it because they want to--cognitive dissonance, anyone?), is that we sincerely do it for PLEASURE. Moreover, it's clear that we do it for pleasure; we have no other motivation, that I'm aware of. And they can see this. Still, they can't seem to fathom why anyone would slog through something as dry as the bible unless it's at psychological gunpoint.

I'm frequently accused of "trying to find my way back to Christ." This is their explanation, because the fact that I simply do this for pleasure is apparently too awful for them to contemplate. If it isn't, I suspect they would accept my explanation (which I've made ad nauseum). Instead, my explanations are ignored, and they occasionally mention that I'm obviously on the board to find my way back to JHC.

They seem to ask the question only to confirm what they've already decided the answer is. When my honest answer disagrees with their convictions, they treat me as though I'm a victim of self-delusion.

I suppose if I felt we (atheists) weren't in a minority, or if I didn't feel so much incredulity that more people don't think the way I do, I wouldn't be so engaged in the discussions. But I know we're outnumbered, and skeptical thinking is always under siege, ready to be overwhelmed by pseudoscience, superstition and gullibility at every turn.
And the pendulum swings, eh? Someday, atheists will be in the majority, at which point your spot-on observations of human nature will be confirmed by the millions. When atheists are in the majority, atheism will begin dying, from apathy.

Seems like everything, even belief and conviction, is subject to an evolutionary life-cycle, doesn't it?

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Old 03-23-2003, 12:42 AM   #12
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"""" "The most elaborate game in the world is Magic: The Gathering.

Debating the existance of God is a fair step behind, simply because it's such a repetative endevour - Only so many arguments are used to support the existance of God, most of which are bunk. And so many 'arguments' are just repackaged versions of same ol', same ol'. """""

Let's talk elaborate here. This is elaborate. For 5000 years this game has been in existence. It starts when G-d creates the universe. It involves a villian, HaSatan. A HEro, YESHUA MESSIAH, and a protagonist, Monkind. Magic is NOTHING compared to this. Parting the red sea...turning water to blood, creating plagues of frogs. Curses, Blessings, PLots.

Power of the bad guys.....lies, deception, sorcery
Power of the good guys .....Truth, miracles, prophets

Final battle.....Jerusalem (hmmm...this has been planned for thousands of years. What other group of people has been dispersed, regather, dispersed, regathered...and gathered once again....and still has identy, purpose and calling. NOne other than ISRAEL... the jews.)

What other game has the "winner" published 2,000 years before it's completion.

Magic: Gathering ??????


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Old 03-23-2003, 01:19 AM   #13
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Sorry for the Off-Topic response:
Originally posted by Zadok001
The most elaborate game in the world is Magic: The Gathering.
Want me to "Wrath of God" your pesky, evil "Hypnotic Specters"? Hehehe. Magic is complex because of their pretty complicated timing rules. As a former Level 1 tournament judge, most disputes revolve around the proper timing of effects.

I've quit M:TG when my so-called friend borrowed my Type 1 Keeper deck (for a tournament), and promptly sold it to pay off some of the expenses for his wedding! My moxes, my lotus, my lib of alex, my mana drains, my time walk, time twister, and ancestral recall, and an assortment of beta and unlimited dual lands, all gone! Grrr...


All you've said are the myths concocted by a bunch of ignorant bronze-age goatherders. Why don't you post that in the BC&A forum.
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Old 03-23-2003, 08:37 AM   #14
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Default Re: Things that make you say, "hmmmm"...

Originally posted by Bill Snedden
Essentially, I find debates and arguments around God's existence and nature to be intellectually stimulating, but irrelevant to what I consider life's "larger" questions.

How should I live? How can I find meaning in my life? What goals do I want to set for myself? As I see it, God's existence is simply not relevant to answering these questions.
I agree with you that ethics is properly apatheist.

However, historically, people's position on the God question has had an influence on the type of ethics they have accepted. So, tragically, it's not a mere game. The issue really does impact on people's lives, even if it shouldn't.
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