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Old 10-21-2002, 08:25 AM   #91
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Anyone else notice the irony of accusing an Atheist of playing God?

"I'm sorry, I can't answer that accusation, I don't exist."
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Old 10-21-2002, 08:41 AM   #92
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For a real question, if it can be answered in the midsts of Vander's floundering:

Going back to the original comparison of routing in the fetus to that of a fish's two-chamber mixed oxygenated/de-oxygenated blood, what are the evolutionary routes torwards mammalian hearts?

IOW, how does the development of amphibian and reptile ubilici (sp?) into a mature circulatory system progress?
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Old 10-21-2002, 09:27 AM   #93
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:
<strong>If you are a surgeon, then why didn't you clarify this when I asked first? Anyway, are you attempting to impress, belittle or ridicule me? Nice try. You give me no credit whatsoever for what I have said here, and you have no idea who I am or of what I am capable.</strong>
You are capable of posting nonsense and getting pissy when you make a fool of yourself. You get full credit for your arrogance and ignorance.

Lots of avenues? Surely you don't mean to imply that you may enter anywhere you please. And, you wouldn't be implying that this is would be easy. No, you can't mean that. The thorax is not concrete, but it is very tough. Tell me, what kind of tools do you need to do major thoracic surgery? A li'l ol' scalpel just won't do.</strong>
Why do you persist in posting upon a subject you do not understand? It's just going to make you more pissy when your errors are pointed-out, again.

I have inserted over one-hundred catheters and other devices into the thorax and its vaculature; it is not major surgery, and I have found it to be relatively easy. The only incisions I had to make were very small ones. An intelligent designer shouldn't have too much difficulty with it, either.

Ah, but what must be done when major thoracic surgery is required? Of course, you must SAW the breastbone IN HALF. Certainly you will admit that endoscopy can only go so far.</strong>
I have never used a bonesaw, and an intelligently designed fetal circulation wouldn't require a fetus to use one, either.

Well, I will tell you that I know a little bit about pressure management. If you introduce an additional significant pressurized fluid source into the wrong (i.e. central) location in a pre-designed system, you will adversely affect pump equipment, pipe joints, and structural supports. For the heart-lung vasculature, if the placental discharge was introduced anywhere near the heart, then the heart would need to be redesigned. If placed upstream, then the additional placental pressure would act negatively, drawing the aortic (or pulmonary) valve superiorly. If introduced downstream, additional positive pressure comes to bear on one of the atrioventricular valves. Either of these configurations would cause the AV valves to leak. The valves and their ligaments would also need redesign. Minor adjustments would be required on the aortic and pulmonary valves. Also, the diameters and/or lengths of the arteries and veins would need adjustment, and additional ligaments would be required to handle the new pressure map.</strong>
Absolutely incorrect: the pressure in the fetal circulation is derived from the fetal heart, not from the placenta or the placement of the umbilical vessels. The placenta does not pump blood, so umbilical access in the thorax would not put any additional pressure on the heart or it's valves.

There are no FLAWS in the system. Birth DEFECTS have other causes.</strong>
If there were no flaws, there would be no defects. You don't know much about the fetal circulation, or else you would know that it was not intelligently designed.


[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: rbochnermd ]</p>
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:17 AM   #94
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Originally posted by MrDarwin:
Well, it doesn't seem that Rick had to try very hard; Vanderzyden seems to be more than capable of accomplishing that on his own. And then Vanderzyden still has the temerity to explain at length why he is still more qualified than Rick to expound on this topic.....

...I'll just point out that when it comes to human anatomy and other medical topics, I would suggest that Rick has earned the right to be a wee bit pompous, when he's dealing with somebody like Vanderzyden who hasn't revealed any particular knowledge of the same subject.
You apparently don't realize that you are affirming my position.


[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Vanderzyden ]</p>
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:22 AM   #95
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:

You apparently don't realize that you are affirming my position.


So you were trying to say that you don't know anything about fetal circulatory system? Well, it's nice to know we're all rowing the same direction.
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:26 AM   #96
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Originally posted by Vanderzyden:

You apparently don't realize that you are affirming my position.


[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Vanderzyden ]</strong>
The rest of us don't 'realize' that, either.
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:28 AM   #97
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Vanderzyden, it's nice to see you back. Perhaps you're ready to answer my questions?

Originally posted by Vanderzyden:
<strong>Your reply doesn't really address what I said, and it is merely a collection of claims. Care to explain in detail, as I have done?</strong>
Vanderzyden, you have made a couple of claims of your own. Since you have apparently studied both fetal and adult circulatory systems in great detail--to the extent that you apparently know more about them than a medical doctor--and were able to spot flaws in my design so quickly, you shouldn't have any trouble telling me why they are flaws. Because I'm just not seeing them. I'm still waiting for you to address my questions:

Originally posted by Vanderzyden:
<strong>Also, with this configuration, how will you accomplish the management of fluid pressure, before and after the baby is born? In particular, how will you prevent the higher pressure of the umbilical flow from inflating the lungs? </strong>
Can you tell me why blood coming from the placenta is under "higher pressure"? Higher than what? Precisely where and how is this pressure being generated?

Originally posted by Vanderzyden:
<strong>And, despite my explicit mention of it, you have not avoided the mixing of oxygenated and deoxgenated blood, which still occurs in many places in your "redesigned" system.
Could you please point out in precisely which "many places" this mixing would occur?

And you still haven't answered my question about childbirth and doctors. Will you and your wife depend on this system running smoothly and optimally--dare I say flawlessly--when the time comes, or will you have a doctor on hand, just in case?

[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: MrDarwin ]</p>
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:45 AM   #98
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Originally posted by rbochnermd:<strong>
Why do you persist in posting upon a subject you do not understand? It's just going to make you more pissy when your errors are pointed-out, again.
I'm not upset, not at all. Would you brow-beat me into submission, or would you educate me? Show me how my basic understanding is flawed, doctor!

Originally posted by rbochnermd:<strong>
I have inserted over one-hundred catheters and other devices into the thorax and its vaculature; it is not major surgery, and I have found it to be relatively easy. The only incisions I had to make were very small ones. An intelligent designer shouldn't have too much difficulty with it, either.
Yes, I expect that it is easy. So why do you continue your attempts to impress us? More to the main point, I would say that you patently ignore what I said about major surgery. Endoscopy has it limitations. Can you perform a simple heart bypass with endoscopy. How about a double, or a triple? If you bring the umbilicus up to the thorax, you have a complete redesign job on your hands. So far, you have failed to address my concerns regarding pressure management.

Originally posted by rbochnermd:<strong>
Absolutely incorrect: the pressure in the fetal circulation is derived from the fetal heart, not from the placenta or the placement of the umbilical vessels. The placenta does not pump blood, so umbilical access in the thorax would not put any additional pressure on the heart or it's valves.
Permit me to answer in your terse manner: False. The mother's blood pressure is indeed a factor in umbilical inflow pressure. The mother's and infant's blood pressure are somewhat correlated, as evidence by conditions such as preeclampsia. Anyway, it really doesn't matter. Most of my concerns are still valid, with or without additional umbilical pressure.

Originally posted by rbochnermd:<strong>
If there were no flaws, there would be no defects. You don't know much about the fetal circulation, or else you would know that it was not intelligently designed.
This is how you conclude? I suspected as much. Here's what I see:

In order to maintain your position, you are apparently unwilling to distinguish between design flaw and externally imposed defects. If I introduce a corrosive agent into a system that wasn't designed to handle it, then resulting problems are operational defects, induced by out-of-specification usage.

Such denial permits you to cling to your assertion that life systems weren't intelligently designed. In this way, you reassure yourself that you will be held accountable to no one, especially a so-called "Creator". It would seem however, that you stand on shifting sand.


[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Vanderzyden ]</p>
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Old 10-21-2002, 12:30 PM   #99
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Such denial permits you to cling to your assertion that life systems weren't intelligently designed. In this way, you reassure yourself that you will be held accountable to no one, especially a so-called "Creator".
The second sentence doesn't follow from the first.
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Old 10-21-2002, 12:52 PM   #100
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Such denial permits you to cling to your assertion that life systems weren't intelligently designed. In this way, you reassure yourself that you will be held accountable to no one, especially a so-called "Creator". It would seem however, that you stand on shifting sand.
Okay. If you are going to assert that this is the real reason why a certain poster DOES NOT accept intelligent design, then I am going to provide an explanation of why you DO accept intelligent design: You are a brainwashed member of a religious cult called Christianity. You have been convinced that the most important thing you could ever do with your life is to maintain your religious beliefs no matter what anyone tells you or what the "facts" of the world are. To this end you will deny, disassemble, manipulate, twist, mangle, destroy or simply ignore any information that threatens your cherished beliefs. All this information is obviously part of some sort of satanic conspiracy after all, so who cares? You feel that if you successfully maintain your religious beliefs, that you will ultimately inherit eternal bliss for your efforts. Wow! What a great prize! This is what really motivates you. Your frenzied gyrations, spastic contortions and desperate denials on these boards are simply manifestations of your religious delusions.

Isn't it fun to suggest ulterior motivations for people's claims, rather than deal with actual claims themselves?

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