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Old 08-06-2003, 04:01 AM   #111
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Default A Hollywood response.


Our country was founded on a sham. Our forefathers were rich slave owning white guys who wanted it their way. So, when I see an American flag, I go, "Oh, my God, you are insulting me." Then you have a gay parade on Christopher Street in New York with naked men and women on a float cheering "We're here, we're queer", that's what makes my heart swell. Not the flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride.

This comes from the actress Janeane Garofalo. The quote comes from her biography from Miss Garofalo is a darling of the homosexual agenda. She encourages the burning of the American flag. She encourages indecency by having naked people in public. Through her words, she is advocating the overthrow of the United States government through her words.

When Isaw this, I was not looking for things to bash gays with, but there it was, in black and white for literally the whole world to see and hear. I do not need to sit here and waste my time telling you about the consequences of homosexual action on your lives, you can easily find this on different websites. I am here as a voice of the majority of not only the American people, but of people worldwide.

Naked men and women burning a flag in public. Naw, not a mental illness. Quite normal!

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Old 08-06-2003, 04:15 AM   #112
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I do not need to sit here and waste my time telling you about the consequences of homosexual action on your lives
Well in that case, perhaps you would like to tell us instead what the consequence of homosexual action has been on your life. How exactly have I, for instance (as a gay man), had a direct influence on the way you live you choose to your life and conduct yourself?
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Old 08-06-2003, 05:40 AM   #113
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Originally posted by Dr Rick
Good God, man! I force objects through one anus or another several times in the course of an average day; do you have even the foggiest idea what that so called "bad plan" has done for my cash flow? In any event, it sure makes a lot more sense than talking out of one.

Don't even get me started on the gunk that resides in and comes out of mouths, penises and vaginas... [/B]
Hey, I'd love to hear about the odd objects you've taken out of people's anus's, though its off track.

Here's an subject that I'd like to hear about from Dr. Rick comments...

UCLA reserachers discover why AIDS virus targets the gut
iClinic - August 23, 2000
UCLA AIDS Institute researchers have solved a piece of the mystery as to why the AIDS virus targets the gut, explaining why unprotected oral and anal sex with an infected partner holds even greater risk than previously believed, reported this week's issue of AIDS.
"We knew from previous research that HIV prefers to stake out its home base in the gut," said Dr Peter Anton, principal investigator and associate professor of digestive diseases. "Now we understand why."

Anton and his colleagues drew blood samples and gut biopsies from eight HIV-negative volunteers. Next, they isolated the immune system's infection-fighting T-cells from the samples and compared the number of co-receptors on the surface of each cell. Their findings suggest that HIV may have an easier time penetrating and replicating itself through the gut than the circulatory system.

"We were amazed to discover that the gut's T-cells possessed 7 times more co-receptors than the blood's T-cells," Anton said. "Because HIV can only infect T-cells that possess a certain combination of co-receptors, the gut literally unlocks the door to the immune system so HIV can sneak in."...
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Old 08-06-2003, 05:43 AM   #114
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Default Re: A Hollywood response.

senor boogie woogie
What the militant gay community wants is special rights,
Things like the special right to not be tortured and beaten to death. To not be abused and discriminated against in daily life. Or like the special right to allow your life partner access to inheritance when you die.

Homosexuals as a whole have better educations,
Ah. So it's the gay jews who will really take over the world.

and thus many can spout out bullshit like SciGirl.
Now that just sounds stupid. You don't object to the data, and you don't object to the relevance of the data. But if it opposes your bigotry, it must be bullshit.

Also, the gay agenda has the blessing and support of the national media,
Yeah, the media must meet late at night to make up their nefarious plans. These involve special medialogical incantations and the regular mailing of checks to gay people.

When Sci-Fi girl bitches about this, she will affirm that homosexuality is a choice.
Other than the fact that it's not a choice, you have a good point there.

Why? Because on average, gays make more money. This is principally because gays do not have children to support
Sure, job seekers are offered more money if they check the 'gay' box. Or at least the 'no children' box.

You are entitled to your opinion - but until you can show valid reasoning, don't expect thinking people to take you seriously.

Btw, when the gay community meets for their annual voting on agenda planks, this Garofalo person wasn't even mentioned. Maybe you should not hold an entire demographic hostage due to the militance of one person. Hmm?
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Old 08-06-2003, 06:12 AM   #115
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Originally posted by senor boogie woogie
Homosexuals in the United States have the same rights as anyone else.
They cannot get married - that's one right they don't have. Would you give up your marriage if the State asked you to?

Also, did you see my post here that addressed the one website that you actually gave me? I addressed each and every "statistic" that you alluded to yet didn't even bother to quote yourself. Comments?
What the militant gay community wants is special rights
Please give me an example of a special right that they want. Just one example is enough. Should be easy to do. Just find the web site, click the little http:// button above the posting box, and put the web site in there, and click "ok."

Blacks before 1960 in many parts of our nation could note vote, buy a home, or attend the college of their choice. This has NEVER been denied of homosexuals.
Actually, these things have been denied of gays. Read that link I posted earlier - I posted several documented examples of gay and lesbian discrimination in the courts, hospitals, jobs, and hotels. Prove them wrong.

Homosexuals as a whole have better educations,
Source please? That one web site did not back up this claim, maybe you can. Show me. It should be easy to do, if this is true.

and thus many can spout out bullshit like SciGirl.
If my stuff is bullshit, you should be able to refute it. Show my which statements are bullshit, and back it up. Why has that been so hard for you to do, if I'm so wrong? Also, if you don't understand any of the studies - either how they did the study, or what their results mean - all you have to do is ask. Part of my job as a future doctor is to be an educator to the public about science.
Intellectualism does not equate common sense. Intellectualism just allows the person to make a better argument, even when that argument is incorrect.
Fine and dandy. Show me where my argument is wrong, specifically then. Saying it's wrong is just not good enough - no matter how many times you repeat yourself. Do you know how to use the quote function? Quote me, and show me specifically why I'm wrong. Even better - I challenge you to read just one PubMed abstract that I posted, and show me why THAT is wrong. You know, like "this study isn't good because they did not include a control" or "this study neglected X or Y or Z."

People value educated people, and many Americans have blindly followed this PC nonsense, because it is all smiles
Education is all smilies? Huh? For the record, I have a bachelors degree in molecular and cellular biology, a masters degree in immunology, and i"m currently in medical school. It wasn't all smilies - it was tough fucking work. And there was no PC about it - it was all about being able to read scientific studies and critique them. Good scientific analysis is above all that PC crap. You should learn how to do it.

to them, and since less that half of Americans vote,
You really have a strange opinion about the USA, Senor. First you say that educated Americans are all wrong because you don't agree with them on the gay issue. Then you criticize uneducated americans for being uneducated and lazy. What exactly do you want Americans to be?

must work much harder than our parents did for a similiar quality of life, they don't look at things closely, like they did even in the 1980s.
What does that have to do with anything?

People now are too busy keeping their head above water to rightfully throw up at this proposal.
Right. Or maybe it's because some people actually don't mind if gays have rights.

Also, the gay agenda has the blessing and support of the national media, because the media wants the extra dollars and support of the gay community. Why? Because on average, gays make more money.
Sources please? Why is backing up your claims so damn hard for you?
This is principally because gays do not have children to support
So? Why do you care? And more specifically, why should that be a reason to deny gays rights? I don't plan on having children, and I'll make a bunch of money as a doctor. Are you going to deny me the right to marry? Of course, you don't want gays to have children, so shouldn't you be glad about your above claim?
(except for those who CHOSE homosexuality over their spouses like Bishop Gene Robinson). Those who were "born" gay have no children.
But - you said that people aren't born gay. I already addressed why this might occur - you never refuted any of my points. Is that because I left you speechless about them?

When Sci-Fi girl bitches about this, she will affirm that homosexuality is a choice.
No the way you affirm homosexuality is a choice is to prove that it is a choice[/i]. Nothing I bitch about is going to prove anything.

However, if you actually look at the scientific data that I posted, you will see clearly that there is a genetic component to homosexuality. Do you need me to explain those studies further? If you don't understand something about them, please just ask.

Here's yet another study for you to not understand and ignore. I bolded the parts that I thought were especially telling.
The effects of traditional family values on the coming out process of gay male adolescents.
The development of a gay or lesbian identity (often referred to as the coming out process) has been widely studied in adults; however, few studies have examined the process in gay adolescents. Even among these studies, little research has investigated the effects of race or family values on the coming out process. A small sample of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Eurasian, and Caucasian gay male adolescents participated in this survey study. Coming out was operationalized in three stages: sensitization; awareness with confusion, denial, guilt, and shame; and acceptance. The majority of respondents reported feeling different from other boys as children. The average age of first crush on another boy was 12.7 years; average age for realizing they were gay was 12.5 years. Most respondents reported feeling confused during their first awareness that they were gay. Denial of identity was a coping strategy for about half the sample. Traditional family values played a greater role in predicting coming out experiences than did race. Families were categorized as having high or low traditional values based upon (1) the importance of religion, (2) emphasis on marriage, (3) emphasis on having children, and (4) whether a non-English language was spoken in the home. Families with a strong emphasis on traditional values were perceived as less accepting of homosexuality than were the low traditional families. Those who work with adolescents need to be aware that some will recognize their sexual orientation as gay, lesbian, or bisexual during this time of their lives. These youth need support in the coming out process because they may encounter stigmatization and disapproval not only from the larger society, but also from their families, peers, and sometimes the gay community itself.
So let me summarize the important points for you:
1) Most gay people know they are different, even as children.
2) The average age that gay men, in this study, were first sexually attracted to someone of the same gender, was 12.7 years.

That's not even 13 years old, and they know they are attracted to the same sex. In most states, 12 year old boys cannot be tried as adults. Why? Because they are considered to not have the capacity to make informed decisions and understand the consequences of their actions.

Yet you want people to believe that they are making this "choice" of homosexuality that is destroying lives, america, apple pie, etc.

Why would so many 12 year old boy "choose" to be gay in a family that doesn't accept gays? Will you please explain that to me?

Refute that study. In fact, refute any study I have quoted. Saying "I don't like what that bitch scigirl says" is not refuting, by the way. Besides, I'm actually quite nice - at least my patients think so.

Oh, and I will be back.

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Old 08-06-2003, 06:47 AM   #116
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Default Re: A Hollywood response.

Originally posted by senor boogie woogie
Wah wah wah boo hoo hoo I dont' like what this one gay actress did so I think all gays are gross wah wah wah
Dr. Kevorkian goes around killing patients and now he's in jail. Therefore I think all doctors are evil, and I don't think they should get married.

Fred Phelps is a Christian who goes around disrupting gay funerals. Therefore all Christians must be the same - and I don't think any of them should be allowed to get married.

Ted Bundy was a sick murderer, therefore all white males must be sick murderers and I don't think any white male should be allowed to marry.

Senor, you keep mentioning the "bad" gays throughout history (or the pedophiles, who aren't fucking gay, but whatever). Why aren't you using this list as examples of gay people?
Sappho (600 B.C.) Greek Poetess
Socrates (470-399 B.C.) Greek Teacher and Philosopher
Plato (427-347 B.C.) Greek Teacher and Philosopher
Alexander The Great (356-323 B.C.) Macedonian King and Military Leader
Wu (140-87 B.C.) Chinese Emperor
Hadrian (76-138 A.D.) Roman Emperor
Richard the Lion Hearted (1157-1199) English King and Crusader
Edward II (1254-1327) English King
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian Renaissance Artist, Teacher, Scientist and Inventor
Michelangelo (1475-1564) Italian Renaissance Artist and Sculptor
Montezuma II (1480-1520) Aztec Emperor
Julius III (1487-1555) Catholic Pope
Ieyasu Tokugawa (1542-1616) Japanese Shogun and founder of the Edo Shogunate
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) British Statesman and Writer
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) English dramatist and poet
Christina (1626-1689) Swedish Queen
Peter the Great (1672-1725) Russian Czar
Frederick the Great (1712-1786) Prussian King and Military Leader
Madame de Stael (1766-1817) French Writer and Intellectual
Lord Byron (1788-1824) British Poet
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) Danish Poet and Writer
Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) Euro-American Writer and Journalist
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) Euro-American Philosopher, Naturalist, and Peace Activist
Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Euro-American Poet
Herman Melville (1819-1891) Euro-American Writer
Chief Crazy Horse (Tashunca witco) (1849-1877) Oglala Sioux Chief
Peter I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Russian Composer
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish Writer and Dramatist
Dame Ethel Smyth (1858-1944) British Composer, Writer, and Activist
Marcel Proust (1871-1922) French Writer
Sergei Diaghileff (1872-1929) Russian Ballet Impresario
Vita Sackville-West (1892-1962) British Writer
Vaslav Nijinsky (1890-1950) Russian Ballet Dancer
Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) British Author and Gay Rights Pioneer
Willa Cather (1873-1947) Euro-American Writer and Critic
Colette (1873-1954) French Writer and Actress
W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) British Writer and Dramatist
Alice B. Toklas (1877-1967) Euro-American Writer; Stein's Domestic Partner
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) Euro-American Writer and Art Collector; Toklas' Domestic Partner
Bessie Smith (1894-1937) African-American Blues Singer and Entertainer
E.M. Forster (1879-1970) British Writer
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) British Writer and Publisher
Ernst Rohm (1887-1933) German Nazi and SA Leader
T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) (1888-1935) British Soldier
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) French Writer and Filmmaker
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) British Economist and Nobel Prize Winner
Cole Porter (1893-1964) Euro-American Composer
Bayard Rustin (1910-87) African-American Civil Rights, Labor Rights, & Peace Activist/Leader
Alan Turing (1912-1954) British Mathematician and Computer Scientist
James Baldwin (1924-1987) African-American Writer and Civil Rights Activist
Truman Capote (1924-1984) Euro-American Author
Tennessee Williams (1914-1983) Euro-American Dramatist
Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) Belgian-American Writer
Federico Garcia Lorca (1894-1936) Spanish Poet and Dramatist
Christopher Isherwood (1904-1986) British Author
W.H. Auden (1907-1973) British Poet and Writer
Harvey Milk (1930-1978) Euro-American Politician
Audre Lorde (1934-1992) African-American Writer and Activist
Billie Jean King (1943 - ) Euro-American Tennis Champion and Activist
Martina Navratilova (1956- ) Czechoslovakian-American Tennis Champion and Activist
Andy Warhol (1930-1987) Euro-American Pop Artist
Frieda Kahlo (1907-1954) Mexican Artist and Activist
Gore Vidal (1925- ) Euro-American Writer
Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993) Russian dancer
Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) British Singer/songwriter/musician
Elton John (1947 - ) British Singer/songwriter/musican
Janis Ian (1951 - ) Euro-American Singer/songwriter/musician
Nathan Lane (1956 - ) Euro-American Actor
Ellen Degeneres (1958 - ) Euro-American Comedian/actor
Melissa Etheridge (1961 - ) Euro-American Singer/songwriter/musician
k. d. lang (1961 - ) Canadian Singer/songwriter
Hmm - could it be that you single out the flamboyant obnoxious gays to illustrate all gays because. .. you are a bigot?


edited to add another list:
Jane Addams (1866-1935), U.S. social reformer
Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906), U.S. social reformer
Saint Augustine (354-430), priest, scholar, theologian
Joan Baez (1941- ), U.S. singer
Dorothy Baker (1907-1968), U.S. writer
Sara Josephine Baker (1873-1945), U.S. health reformer
Ann Bancroft (1955- ), U.S. explorer and teacher
Greta Garbo (1905-1990), Swedish actress
Billie Holiday (1915-1959), U.S. singer
Sonya Kovalesky (1850-1891), Russian mathematician
Helen Marot (1865-1940), U.S. labor activist
Margaret Mead (1901-1978), U.S. anthropologist
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Old 08-06-2003, 08:04 AM   #117
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Bigots don't like the "normal" gays (i.e. the ones they can't tell that are gay merely by sight) because it breaks up their idea that all gays are faeries that cross-dress, sleep with a different person every hour, and molest children in the bathroom. People like this just refuse to see the normalcy within the group.
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Old 08-06-2003, 08:07 AM   #118
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Bree, heh, so true.

Makes me wonder - where do gays find the time to destroy the moral fabric of society, if all they are doing is having sex all the time?

Gays and lesbians must have amazing time management skills.
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Old 08-06-2003, 08:10 AM   #119
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Originally posted by scigirl
Makes me wonder - where do gays find the time to destroy the moral fabric of society, if all they are doing is having sex all the time?
Isn't that strange? The fact that all gays and lesbians are doing is having sex with someone they enjoy having sex with is somehow destroying someone else's peace of mind.
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Old 08-06-2003, 08:32 AM   #120
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Default Add to scigirl's gay list

the bluestocking academic woman (oh, cripes I can't fish-up her name!) the author of "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL", who lived a long & happy life w/ her female friend/housepartner in what was probably a "Boston marriage". HAH HAH! See! the folk-wisdom recognised it when they saw it!. Katherine Lee Bates, I'm talking about.
The whole rationale of females's history in human history is that, starting w/ their own anatomical parts and their own physiological processes, and continuing through their enslavement and the social structures (including the Iron Boxes) which have been kept in place to confine them and to de-personalize them or UNperson them(in nearly ALL cultures), women have NEVER HAD WORDS/NAMES to call things by.; and hence , failing NAMES/WORDS, all-that HAS NEVER BEEN ADMITTED TO EXIST. If you think I'm making this up, ask ordinary women to tell you the names they call their parts & processes by. Ask them how those parts & processes work.

Remember the scandal when that SurgeonGeneral M. Elders (or whatever her title was) said publicly that children should be taught and encouraged to masturbate so that they wouldn't have to engage in early & dangerous uninformed sex? She was correct; and the Powers-That-Be kicked her out.

Knowledge is POWER, Baby; and that is why subjects have to be kept IGNORANT and STUPID, to make sure they continue to be GOVERNABLE.
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