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Old 07-18-2003, 06:50 PM   #261
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Unhappy ohdearohdearohdear

I know I'm rather late to this thread (haven't been around much), but I feel I ought to say something, as I have been known to debate gay rights with yguy.

I live in Britain. AFAIK there is no organisation here that promotes paedophilia. The age of consent is equal for all at 16.

1) I am bisexual.

2) Paedophilia digusts me.

3) I have seen enough of the effects of paedophilia to know that, even if a tiny minority of children are not harmed by sexual contact with adults, the vast majority are.

4) Persons who can't legally enter into contracts should not be legally considered capable of consenting to sex. If you're not considered competent to buy a house or a car, you aren't competent to consent to sex.

5) Therapists and counsellors should deal with the situation presented to them & not their preconceived opinion of what the situation should be. They should do their utmost to minimise their clients' trauma.

A friend of mine suicided 2 & 1/2 years ago. She was was so fucked up by the sexual abuse she had received from her father, stepfather and elder brother that she kept hearing voices telling her to inflict abuse on her infant son, then one year old. She hanged herself with her shoelaces rather than give in to the voices.

I hope I have sufficiently "distanced myself" from advocates of paedophilia for your taste, yguy. May I suggest you go reduce your chances of prostate cancer. (That's going to get edited, but for once, what the hell.)

<TW - why should we edit it? My father has had to deal with malignant prostate cancer, and he didn't enjoy the process. I think it is very caring of you to be concerned for yguy's health - Michael>

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Old 07-18-2003, 06:59 PM   #262
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Originally posted by Daleth
It suits you, y'know. vaguely obnoxious, bording on rude...
Bordering on rude? Hey - blame the mods for not letting me realize my full potential here.

Seriously, if it bugs you I'll stop. I like it.
Come on Dal - you know it would take a hell of a lot more than that to bug me.

What's the difference, if you were willing to say homosexuality was not immoral?
If you mean that the condonation of homosexuality was tantamount to an endorsement of pedophilia, I never made the mental connection. Pedophilia was as real to me as vampires at that time.

And NAMBLA wasn't the topic of the thread, it was pedophilia in general. It was Fr. Andrew we were supposed to rush to distance ourselves from.
True, but several people here have fallen all over themselves making excuses for these parade organizers since the start of the thread. The parallel is obvious, I should think.
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Old 07-18-2003, 06:59 PM   #263
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Originally posted by yguy
Then I guess that means they should embrace NAMBLA, huh?
False dichotomy

There is no reason to dissociate from NAMBLA beyond pandering to "bigots"?
Interrogative strawman.

Nothing on this thread would allow anyone to rationally conclude that there is an argument here favoring NAMBLA or that there is no reason to disavow the group.

There has also been no rational argument presented by the homophobes that there is any reason for civil rights advocates to pander to those that hate homosexuals.
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Old 07-18-2003, 07:02 PM   #264
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Originally posted by Dr Rick
How in hell can a question be a strawman?
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Old 07-18-2003, 07:11 PM   #265
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Originally posted by yguy
Bordering on rude? Hey - blame the mods for not letting me realize my full potential here.
Yes, we're both pulling our punches quite nicely.

Come on Dal - you know it would take a hell of a lot more than that to bug me.
Which is why I haven't hesistated to keep typing it. I'm easily amused.

If you mean that the condonation of homosexuality was tantamount to an endorsement of pedophilia, I never made the mental connection. Pedophilia was as real to me as vampires at that time.
I thought one didn't need to make a mental connection, just feel it in your gut cause we're all born knowing. Anyway, lucky kid if they weren't any more real to you.

True, but several people here have fallen all over themselves making excuses for these parade organizers since the start of the thread. The parallel is obvious, I should think.
If one of the parade organizers were here, I'd be asking them about it. But I'm not going out of my way to try to figure out why they made a certain choice.
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Old 07-18-2003, 07:14 PM   #266
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Originally posted by yguy
How in hell can a question be a strawman?
It inaccurately restates the refutation in the form of an interrogative; the question implicitly asserts that the argument has been made that "There is no reason to dissociate from NAMBLA beyond pandering to 'bigots'", which is a strawman.

It's analogous to posting "So yguy thinks all muslims are pedophiles?"
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Old 07-18-2003, 07:19 PM   #267
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Originally posted by Dr Rick
Interrogative strawman.
What a pathetic attempt at evasion this is. It's a perfectly legitimate question which anyone not intent on diversion would answer, "Yes, there is a reason for dissociation from NAMBLA other than pandering to 'bigots' ".
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Old 07-18-2003, 08:02 PM   #268
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Talking BOOM!

...and another irony meter explodes.
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Old 07-18-2003, 08:32 PM   #269
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Originally posted by yguy
Of what? That there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia?
No, actually, I was wondering what it would take to convince you that there is no link. You obviously see one if you go so far as to create this thread.

No - but it would show that homosexual activists have sufficient moral fiber to say no to what they know is vile. If they can't say no to NAMBLA, just what CAN they say no to? [/B]
Homosexual activists have plenty of moral fiber on their own.

And, as a member of the queer community, I can say that there are many things that I say "no" to.

Why do you single us out in particular? To give us a chance to distance ourselves? There's no need. We as individuals do that quite well enough on our own without having to distance ourselves from undesirable behavior just for your benefit.

And don't pull the line that we're not doing it for know damn well otherwise. I don't have a damn thing to prove to you. Neither does any other queer person active on these message boards. Neither does the homosexual community at large.

Pedophiles, as has been pointed out to you, are largely heterosexual. I'd be more right starting a thread saying "Attention all heterosexual men" and calling on you to distance yourself from them. But I wouldn't. Because, by and large, I don't see the need.
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Old 07-18-2003, 08:35 PM   #270
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Originally posted by yguy
Then I guess that means they should embrace NAMBLA, huh?
Sweety, it's hardly an either/or situation.
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