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Old 03-03-2003, 03:27 PM   #11
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Originally posted by Gooch's dad
Old Man,

If the story of Jonah being in a whale for 3 days is supposed to be prophecy, what isn't prophecy in the Old Testament? You get the idea here? It was a story, not a prophecy. Nothing in the book of Jonah says anything about a Messiah dying and rising again in 3 days, does it?
To the spiritually discerned, the meaning was obvious. The OT is full of prophecy. Events which are recorded as history repeat themselves.

Thus, the destruction of the temple by Antiochus Epiphanese circa BC170 repeated itself in AD 70, as Jesus predicted. The story about Jonah repeated itself in respect of Christ himself. Many things in the OT are types (i.e. images or shaddows) of the NT. If you ever believe and investigate the facts in the absence of propaganda, you will discover all these things.

And how do Jews count time differently than we do? I fail to see how Friday evening to Sunday morning, roughly 32 hours, can be seen as 3 days and 3 nights. Its 2 nights, one day, and a bit more. [/B]
As I said "time spread over three days". 3 "day + night"s was just the Jewish way of saying 3 separate days. Because their day started at a different time to ours and so it gets confusing as to whether you are referring to "day light" or a "24 h day".

A "day + night" means a 24 h day. Jesus' time dead extended over 3x24h periods. Hence the expression "on the third day".
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Old 03-03-2003, 05:05 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Gooch's dad

And how do Jews count time differently than we do? I fail to see how Friday evening to Sunday morning, roughly 32 hours, can be seen as 3 days and 3 nights. Its 2 nights, one day, and a bit more.
Because on that particular Sunday evening did not follow the day and therefore evening did not arrive until Monday evening. Easter Sunday is the fulfillment of the seventh day when evening did not follow the day (Gen.2:1) which is confirmed when "the night shall be no more" (Rev.22:5).
Old 03-03-2003, 05:28 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Chrissyfly
when my dad knocks off i inherit a very old, very big, very valuble family bible [/B]
Sorry to disappoint you, but unless your family Bible is one of the earliest printed editions, or a unique edition from the 16th or 17th century or is illustrated by Gustav Dorč or something like that it isn't likely to have much monetary value!
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Old 03-03-2003, 05:33 PM   #14
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Isiah 7:14 deals with Ahaz, a Judaic king, who reluctantly accepts a sign from Yahweh. He is told: "A young woman(Betulah) will conceive a child and call him Immanuel"(God with Us). The prophecies continues: Before the child grows into boyhood, the kingdoms threathening Israel will not suceed. This does not refer to the messiah at all. In the next chapter, a child is born-Marshallhazbaz(I think!) whose name means "ruin and spoil", and this seems to be an alternate name for the same child, who is Isiah's new son. Indeed, Isiah's entire family has names which are "signs" to Judah, as Isiah notes himself, although Judah's ruling class, at this point, is not quite believing and this is seen as a "Conspiracy" and "Stumbling block".(Many of these passages were later used to describe Jewish persucution of the Christians).
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Old 03-03-2003, 05:34 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Old Man
To the spiritually discerned, the meaning was obvious. The OT is full of prophecy. Events which are recorded as history repeat themselves.
Oh, I get it! We have to be...<Church Lady>special</Church Lady>

We're just too stupid to see the emporers new clothes, eh?

Many things in the OT are types (i.e. images or shaddows) of the NT.
The same can be said of many movies made in hollywood. Not because they were prophecies, but because they were copied by the newer writers, just as the NT authors did with the OT.


As I said "time spread over three days". 3 "day + night"s was just the Jewish way of saying 3 separate days. Because their day started at a different time to ours and so it gets confusing as to whether you are referring to "day light" or a "24 h day".
Please provide substantiation for this claim.
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Old 03-03-2003, 05:35 PM   #16
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By some logic, even ET can be said to be a fufillment of prophecy.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:08 AM   #17
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Originally posted by GarColga
Sorry to disappoint you, but unless your family Bible is one of the earliest printed editions, or a unique edition from the 16th or 17th century or is illustrated by Gustav Dorč or something like that it isn't likely to have much monetary value!
in fact im not to sure about it, i do know its been in my family for about 4-5 generations and i do know its not just one book, there is the actual bible and 3 other books
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:57 AM   #18
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Default Re: Re: imaculate conception or mis translation?

Originally posted by malookiemaloo
However the VB is different. In Isaiah 7:14 it states that 'a young girl shall conceive'. Virginity was not the point being made here and it is incorrect to translate the word as virgin.

However my own question is this. The Septuagint (LXX) when translating Isaiah 7:14 clearly DOES say virgin. Why should the LXX say this? Anyone any ideas?

I read this, and I thought it was very revealing. Here is Matthew writing his Gospel, creating christ, christianity, and miracles of God as he goes. He's obviously plagerizing numerous sources. He defines Jesus' birth as fulfilling a poorly translated "prophecy." There it is the miracle of the virgin birth. Only wait a minute, Ooops! There was never a prophesy about a messiah with a virgin mother. So, what does that say about Matthew's virgin birth? What does it say about the validity of Jesus' holy conception?

Malookie, why should the LXX say "virgin." Are you implying something here?
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Old 03-05-2003, 12:17 AM   #19
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Default Re: Re: Re: imaculate conception or mis translation?

Originally posted by brettc
I read this, and I thought it was very revealing. Here is Matthew writing his Gospel, creating christ, christianity, and miracles of God as he goes. He's obviously plagerizing numerous sources. He defines Jesus' birth as fulfilling a poorly translated "prophecy." There it is the miracle of the virgin birth. Only wait a minute, Ooops! There was never a prophesy about a messiah with a virgin mother. So, what does that say about Matthew's virgin birth? What does it say about the validity of Jesus' holy conception?

Malookie, why should the LXX say "virgin." Are you implying something here?
I have no hidden agenda in asking the question re the Hebrew Bible v the LXX. I just wondered why, when the Hebrew Bible does not specifically say virgin, the Greek translation does. Just struck me as strange, that's all.

Whether the VB is true or not is not intrinsically dependent on any prophecy, although a clear prophecy would help the apologetic's case.

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Old 03-05-2003, 01:12 AM   #20
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Default Re: imaculate conception or mis translation?

Originally posted by Chrissyfly
HI im new here be gentle

to the point i have heard before that the idea of mary's imaculate conception is a mis translation in the bible from latin to english
the theory i have heard is that the word that translates to virgin (ie not had sex) from latin is also the same word used to describe a young teenage girl. Have any of you heard of this and if so do you have any infomation/opinions on this?
[ ] Read out - proposed editor's insertions

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(18)This is how the [birth] {appearance} of [Jesus Christ] {the Spirit} came about:

[His mother]
{The daughter of Annas the high priest,} Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph {Caiaphus},

but before they came together, she was [found] {seen} to be {filled} with [child through] the Holy Spirit.

(19)Because Joseph [her husband] was a [righteous man] {Sadducee}, and did not want to expose [her] {himself} to public disgrace, he had in mind to [divorce] {separate from} her quietly.

(20)But after he had [considered] {done} this, the [angel] {Spirit} of [the Lord] {God} appeared to [him] {John} [in a dream] and said,

“[Joseph] {John} son of [David] {Recab}, “Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because
[what is conceived in her is from]
{she is filled with} the Holy Spirit.

[(21)She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”]

(24)[When Joseph woke up, he]
{John} did what the [angel] {Spirit} of [the Lord] {God} had commanded him and took Mary [home] {to Mar Saba} as his wife.

(25)But he had no union with her until
[she gave birth to a son]
{they were married}.

[And he gave him the name Jesus.]

May be John was a type of "Essene" who takes a woman "as a wife" for three years, but refrains from sex until after marriage (War 2.8.12). It is my view that these "Essenes" were the Rechabites who had a tradition of "taking" the daughters of priests, as Zechariah John's father "took" Elizabeth" who was a "daughter of Aaron" (Jud.21).

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