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Old 02-18-2003, 02:34 PM   #81
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Originally posted by Aerik Von
It tends to be the idea that atheists tend to be less reactionary and are seen as "afraid" or "timid". Seriously, atheism seems for the MOST part to be about maturity as much as it is about lacking belief.

I know as a young'un of 23 I still act like an idiot on this board sometimes - but I never react like some of the people who slap on. Their belief seems to drive them to conclusions based on childish frustration. Hence the one above.

They are more paranoid than normals would rather they believe. I am typically scared of some of the people who attempt to correct my proffessors in college.
Why did you quote my post?

Which of my conclusions, either in this thread or in general, are based on "childish frustration?"

Are you saying that I am paranoid, and if so, what do you base tis opinion on?

In short, I am having trouble following your reasoning, and if it wouldnt be too much trouble could you post again, with a little more coherence this time.

I particularly dont undestand why you take exception to my post as it is a point by point rebuttal of old man's post.
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Old 02-18-2003, 02:48 PM   #82
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Originally posted by Paddy
I thought this thread had fallen to the abyss of obscurity long ago, so I'm not exactly current. However, a lot of people tend to be looking at the thread title (and not very attentatively I might add; I put the question mark at the end for a reason) and not the content of the OP.

It is the fact that many christian 'thinkers' apply such logic and scrutiny to other major religions, and find them absurd (perhaps to reinforce their own belifs, I don't know), and yet cling to their own religion despite the proliferation of inconsistencies inherent in their belief.
It seems as though they are able to repress any cognitions that may contradict their beliefs, and to continue in ignorance. The fact that many are ardent skeptics towards other religions, and consider them to be patently absurd, yet cling to their own beliefs in spite of similar flaws I find hypocritical or laughable. . .I haven't decided yet (that's right Amie, I am the arbiter of who is hypocritical, laughable, ignorant, or moronic [just thought I'd add that so to save you the hassle of posting ])

Yeah you've made a great point. I would say it is clearly indoctrination. All humans are indoctrinated in their own culture. Most of this happens during childhood. Notice how incredibly gullible children are? How they need to be taught everything from scratch? They believe Santa is just as real as the christian god. My own favorite example is, as a child, when I learned the Chinese eat with chopsticks I was completely flabbergasted, I broke out laughing. I just thought it was so incredibly absurd. Now that I'm a bit older, I don't feel any of that incredulity, and I can sort of see objectively how I was reacting. I was indoctrinated in my own culture, where we eat with forks and knives. Human beings do all sorts of ridiculous things, but the ridiculous things we have been indoctrinated with seem perfectly natural to us. I am not specifically talking about religion here too, I mean all the aspects of culture including how we eat, how we sleep, how we have sex, how we use the bathroom, how we clean ourselves (or not) etc. It's extremely difficult to look objectively at ourselves, but looking outside our culture we get closer to an objective viewpoint. I often wonder 'how would a martian think of this?'
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Old 02-18-2003, 03:08 PM   #83
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Any form of religious extremism is going to screw your mind over. Talk show host Michael Savage said it well about being a religious purist. It messes up your mind and you become repressed. He says it as like a drug addiction.
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Old 02-19-2003, 04:12 AM   #84
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Originally posted by Old Man
OK, but the concept of a parallel universe is no less moronic or irrational than a programmer who presses the RUN command.
It seems to me that the jury is still out on that one. There have been indications (interference patterns generated by a single photon, for example) that such things might be possible. However, wise and learned heads still need adequate time to examine this. I'm prepared to give them that time, before discounting this possibility.

Although I will agree that the whole idea sounds very far fetched. The universe (or perhaps multiverse) is often a lot stranger than anythign we could have thought up.

This was merely to illustrate that there are plenty of possible explanations, before one has to start invoking entities.
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