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Old 03-12-2010, 08:02 PM   #691
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post

What is senseless is that a MJ would be invented by writers in the second century or later concerning a person who was expected to "return" sometime in the late first century. Why would these post first century writers of the NT suggest to their readers that a failed prophecy occurred?
So, why have you introduced a senseless timeline?

You can do better than that.

It must be that the time of writing by the anonymous writer was within the time zone of the supposed prophecy of the return of Jesus.
So at the time of the writings which were to become the gospels/epistles there was a general expectation for a prophetic return of a HJ? How can this be if no one ever knew about this Jesus before the "anonymous writer(s)" created their fictional accounts?
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Old 03-12-2010, 09:05 PM   #692
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

So, why have you introduced a senseless timeline?

You can do better than that.

It must be that the time of writing by the anonymous writer was within the time zone of the supposed prophecy of the return of Jesus.
So at the time of the writings which were to become the gospels/epistles there was a general expectation for a prophetic return of a HJ? How can this be if no one ever knew about this Jesus before the "anonymous writer(s)" created their fictional accounts?
You just switched on me. You were previously talking about MJ now you are talking about HJ.

You need to concentrate.

Or take notes.

The following is a possible chronology.

1. The Jewish Temple fell and Jerusalem was made desolate at around 70 CE. The Jews are demoralized and scattered.

2. Some time later an apocalyptic character believed that a conflagration is imminent based on Hebrew Scripture and have an anonymous writing with the words of the conflagration supposedly from the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the offspring of the Holy Ghost.

3. The son of God, the offspring of the Holy Ghost, says in the anonymous source that there would be a conflagration unlike there ever was but just believe in him, repent, and you would be saved.

4. People believe the anonymous writing was written by the disciples of the Son of God long before the Fall of the Temple.

4. People believe the anonymous writings contain the words of the Son of God, they repent, and begin to wait for the conflagration and for Jesus to come back to save them in the kingdom of heaven.

5. This is the beginning of the Jesus Christ movement. Jesus will be coming soon for those who believe in him and will live with him in the kingdom of heaven. The message is simple "Repent or Perish".

Now, Joseph Smith started a religion because people believed he copied the words of a God from Golden Plates. It is likely that the Jesus religion was started because people believe in the words of Jesus Christ, the offspring in an anonymous writing.

I hope you realise that the possible chronology does not affect the recorded description of Jesus in Matthew 1.18-20, and Luke 1.34-35. There may be numerous other possibilities on how the MYTH started.

However, the mythological description from antiquity of Jesus, the offspring of the Holy Ghost, cannot be altered.
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:16 PM   #693
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post

So at the time of the writings which were to become the gospels/epistles there was a general expectation for a prophetic return of a HJ? How can this be if no one ever knew about this Jesus before the "anonymous writer(s)" created their fictional accounts?
You just switched on me. You were previously talking about MJ now you are talking about HJ.

You need to concentrate.

Or take notes.

The following is a possible chronology.

1. The Jewish Temple fell and Jerusalem was made desolate at around 70 CE. The Jews are demoralized and scattered.

2. Some time later an apocalyptic character believed that a conflagration is imminent based on Hebrew Scripture and have an anonymous writing with the words of the conflagration supposedly from the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the offspring of the Holy Ghost.

3. The son of God, the offspring of the Holy Ghost, says in the anonymous source that there would be a conflagration unlike there ever was but just believe in him, repent, and you would be saved.

4. People believe the anonymous writing was written by the disciples of the Son of God long before the Fall of the Temple.

4. People believe the anonymous writings contain the words of the Son of God, they repent, and begin to wait for the conflagration and for Jesus to come back to save them in the kingdom of heaven.

5. This is the beginning of the Jesus Christ movement. Jesus will be coming soon for those who believe in him and will live with him in the kingdom of heaven. The message is simple "Repent or Perish".
So this movement began primarily with the Jews in diaspora after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Possibly hellenized jews as well began to believe in this mythical god man. Of course, more orthodox jews may've had a more difficult time believing that their savior was someone who was hung on a tree, i.e, cursed, but Paul convinced them otherwise. How do you explain that non jewish believers began to join this jewish sect and worship the offspring of the holy ghost?
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Old 03-13-2010, 07:54 AM   #694
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
...So this movement began primarily with the Jews in diaspora after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Possibly hellenized jews as well began to believe in this mythical god man. Of course, more orthodox jews may've had a more difficult time believing that their savior was someone who was hung on a tree, i.e, cursed, but Paul convinced them otherwise. How do you explain that non jewish believers began to join this jewish sect and worship the offspring of the holy ghost?
You must know that I did not claim the Jesus movement began primarily with Jews.

There is no credible historical source external of the NT and Church writings that can show or demonstrate that Jews of any sort deified a man as a God knowing that he was a man for thirty years and that he was crucified on account of blasphemy.

This is the opinion of Aristides concerning Jews of antiquity.


14. Let us come now, O King, to the history of the Jews also, and see what opinion they have as to God.

The Jews then say that God is one, the Creator of all, and omnipotent; and that it is not right that any other should be worshipped except this God alone.

And herein they appear to approach the truth more than all the nations, especially in that they worship God and not His works....
So, it is extremely unlikely that Jews would have worshiped a man as a God. Aristides declared that, up to the 2nd century, the Jews worshiped one God alone.

The Synoptic Jesus story is simply about belief, repentance and the arrival of the kingdom of heaven which was suppose to come shortly after the Fall of the Temple.

Look at the Jesus story in gMatthew and gMark, there is the tribulation, the Fall of the Temple, and immediately after the tribulation, the return of Jesus.

Matthew 24.29-30

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
So, immediately after the Fall of the Temple, Jesus will be coming back.
This passage gives an indication that it was initially written or originally propagated sometime shortly after the Fall of the Temple.

The inventor of the Jesus story is using the Fall of the Temple as fulfilled prophecy by the very mouth of the son of God to get his apocalyptic message across, very soon the sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall, the heavens will shake. Repent or Perish.

So, what we possibly have is an apocalyptic character in possession of an anonymous writing with the supposed words of the Son of God but believed to be written by the apostles of the Son of God, long before the Fall of the Temple, trying to convince people all over or propagating that some great conflagration is at hand and that the Son of God is coming to earth very soon. So, REPENT or PERISH.

It would appear to me that all that was needed in antiquity was for some-one to claim they had a writing which contained the words of the Son of God in order to appear credible or believed to be a messenger from God.

And Joseph Smith seemed to have done the same. There are millions who believe the words from the "Golden plates" are from a God.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:51 PM   #695
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

It would appear to me that all that was needed in antiquity was for some-one to claim they had a writing which contained the words of the Son of God in order to appear credible or believed to be a messenger from God.

And Joseph Smith seemed to have done the same. There are millions who believe the words from the "Golden plates" are from a God.
True, yet Joseph Smith was a real historical person. Some MJ'ers claim that the the NT is entirely mythological including the Apostles and Paul. Obviously, someone (i.e., a real historical person(s)) had to begin the movement which would become Christianity which has existed for the past two thousand years. But, if there was a MJ then who invented this mythological creature? Robert M. Price writes,
The Historicized Jesus? [p. 260-61]: Traditionally, Christ-Myth theorists have argued that one finds a purely mythic conception of Jesus in the epistles and that the life of Jesus the historical teacher and healer as we read it in the gospels is a later historicization. This may indeed be so, but it is important to recognize the obvious: The gospel story of Jesus is itself apparently mythic from first to last. In the gospels the degree of historicization is actually quite minimal, mainly consisting of the addition of the layer derived from contemporary messiahs and prophets, as outlined above. One does not need to repair to the epistles to find a mythic Jesus. The gospel story itself is already pure legend. What can we say of a supposed historical figure whose life story conforms virtually in every detail to the Mythic Hero Archetype, with nothing, no "secular" or mundane information, left over? As Dundes is careful to point out, it doesn't prove there was no historical Jesus, for it is not implausible that a genuine, historical individual might become so lionized, even so deified, that his life and career would be completely assimilated to the Mythic Hero Archetype. But if that happened, we could no longer be sure there had ever been a real person at the root of the whole thing. The stained glass would have become just too thick to peer through.

Alexander the Great, Caesar Augustus, Cyrus, King Arthur, and others have nearly suffered this fate. What keeps historians from dismissing them as mere myths, like Paul Bunyan, is that there is some residue. We know at least a bit of mundane information about them, perhaps quite a bit, that does not form part of any legend cycle. Or they are so intricately woven into the history of the time that it is impossible to make sense of that history without them. But is this the case with Jesus? I fear it is not. The apparent links with Roman and Herodian figures is too loose, too doubtful for reasons I have already tried to explain. Thus it seems to me that Jesus must be categorized with other legendary founder figures including the Buddha, Krishna, and Lao-tzu. There may have been a real figure there, but there is simply no longer any way of being sure."
I would counter the above bolded (mine) statement by arguing that there was a historical Buddha so why couldn't there be a HJ?
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Old 03-13-2010, 02:38 PM   #696
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

It would appear to me that all that was needed in antiquity was for some-one to claim they had a writing which contained the words of the Son of God in order to appear credible or believed to be a messenger from God.

And Joseph Smith seemed to have done the same. There are millions who believe the words from the "Golden plates" are from a God.
True, yet Joseph Smith was a real historical person.
Joseph Smith is not worshiped as a God in Mormonism. And the Mormon Bible is not about a son of a God called Joseph Smith who was raised from the dead.

It is the information that was supposedly copied from the "Golden plates" that people believe in or believed were the words of a God and was the fundamental basis for the start of Mormonism.

The biography of Joseph Smith is not at all directly dependent on information supposedly copied from the "Golden Plates", however the biography of Jesus, the Holy Ghost of God, is directly dependent on information found in the Canon.

Originally Posted by arnoldo
Some MJ'ers claim that the the NT is entirely mythological including the Apostles and Paul. Obviously, someone (i.e., a real historical person(s)) had to begin the movement which would become Christianity which has existed for the past two thousand years. But, if there was a MJ then who invented this mythological creature?
If Joseph Smith did not admit that it was he who supposedly copied information from the "invented Golden Plates" then who would have guessed that it was Joseph Smith who wrote the first Mormon Bible from "Golden Plates"?

I can only tell you what has been written about Jesus in antiquity.

It is written that he was the offspring of the Holy Ghost and a Virgin, that he cursed a tree, [it later died ], that he talked to storms [the storms obeyed his commands], that he walked on water,[even with Peter in his arms], that he transfigured [his clothes and face shone like the sun], that he resurrected, and ascended through the clouds.

The Church writers did write that those things were true.

Well, it must be or most likely that they only believed those things were true or wanted people to believe those things were true since the entity described is MYTHOLOGICAL.

There is no actual history for the entity described in the Canon and the History of the Church is filled with bogus information.

It is very difficult to say who ACTUALLY invented the myth.

Originally Posted by arnoldo
I would counter the above bolded (mine) statement by arguing that there was a historical Buddha so why couldn't there be a HJ?
Well, now that you have made your proposal that there may have been an HJ, it is NOW time to produce your evidence from sources of antiquity.

Otherwise, the HJ will be considered a most SENSELESS proposition forrever.
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Old 03-13-2010, 05:15 PM   #697
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Originally Posted by aa5874
Well, now that you have made your proposal that there may have been an HJ, it is NOW time to produce your evidence from sources of antiquity.

Otherwise, the HJ will be considered a most SENSELESS proposition forrever.
Obviously there is a reasonable doubt that a HJ existed from a dogmatic materialistic perspective which disallows the miraculous events documented in the NT. Therefore, no amount of evidence from sources of antiquity can convince such a "Doubting Thomas" of a HJ.
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:23 PM   #698
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874
Well, now that you have made your proposal that there may have been an HJ, it is NOW time to produce your evidence from sources of antiquity.

Otherwise, the HJ will be considered a most SENSELESS proposition forrever.
Obviously there is a reasonable doubt that a HJ existed from a dogmatic materialistic perspective which disallows the miraculous events documented in the NT. Therefore, no amount of evidence from sources of antiquity can convince such a "Doubting Thomas" of a HJ.
Be the materialistic perspective dogmatic or probabilistic, you are not going to convince aa5874 of a historical Jesus one way or another. The mythical Jesus position is something like an ideology to a lot of people, especially aa5874, and ideologies are not easily deterred by evidence of any sort. There is a sector of mythicists who take seriously the proposition that Nazareth did not exist in the first century CE. Do you think that the publication of the recently-uncovered archaeology of Nazareth will change that? To a few, it may. To the loudest and most obnoxious, nope. Of course, they are the ones who promote the idea that archaeology is supreme to understanding history, but, to them, archaeology is not really the point. The point is the maximization of the seeming falsity of religion.
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:55 PM   #699
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874
Well, now that you have made your proposal that there may have been an HJ, it is NOW time to produce your evidence from sources of antiquity.

Otherwise, the HJ will be considered a most SENSELESS proposition forrever.
Obviously there is a reasonable doubt that a HJ existed from a dogmatic materialistic perspective which disallows the miraculous events documented in the NT. Therefore, no amount of evidence from sources of antiquity can convince such a "Doubting Thomas" of a HJ.
But what you are proposing has very little logical value. You REALLY do not appear to have any evidence to support your HJ proposal so you claim no amount of any evidence will convince anyone of HJ.

Once you claim that Jesus could have existed as a Jewish man during the time of King Herod to Tiberius and was deified by Jews who had earlier caused him to be crucified, then you need to provide some historical external of the sources that claimed he was the offspring of the Holy Ghost.

You must realize by now that once you produce credible evidence for HJ then MJ will be dead forever.

But it is the other way, HJ is eternally dead because of no credible evidence.

Now, once you are claiming that Jesus was a God or his son, the Creator of heaven and earth, but lived on earth as a man, then you are actually arguing for MJ. Jesus was presented as a peculiar entity, he was fully God and fully man. A most awesome MYTH.
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:31 AM   #700
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post

Obviously there is a reasonable doubt that a HJ existed from a dogmatic materialistic perspective which disallows the miraculous events documented in the NT. Therefore, no amount of evidence from sources of antiquity can convince such a "Doubting Thomas" of a HJ.
But what you are proposing has very little logical value. You REALLY do not appear to have any evidence to support your HJ proposal so you claim no amount of any evidence will convince anyone of HJ.

Once you claim that Jesus could have existed as a Jewish man during the time of King Herod to Tiberius and was deified by Jews who had earlier caused him to be crucified, then you need to provide some historical external of the sources that claimed he was the offspring of the Holy Ghost...
It was a rather common belief in the ancient world that people were offspring of a deity. In fact, the Apostle Paul quotes a greek poet in Acts 17:28

Paul, speaking of God, quotes the fifth line of Aratus's Phaenomena (Epimenides seems to be the source of the first part of Acts 17.28, although this is less clear):
Let us begin with Zeus, whom we mortals never leave unspoken.
For every street, every market-place is full of Zeus.
Even the sea and the harbour are full of this deity.
Everywhere everyone is indebted to Zeus.
For we are indeed his offspring... (Phaenomena 1-5).
Thus, the claim that someone is the offspring of a deity does not equal being non-historical.
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