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Old 08-02-2006, 04:06 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
Oh, I don't know, how bout the old clique one. Which is more logical: to believe that the infinate complexity of a single cell was created or that life was self generated from nonliving matter and then began to evolve by random chance? I find the notion of nonliving matter self generating into living matter to be 1000x more illogical than believing in a Creator God.

Leaving worn down arguments out of it, here's something to ruin the logic/reason junkies out there - your logic is based on an organ in your body that only functions at about 8% capacity. Yet we are to believe that reason is the "only" avenue to understanding. If that's true then we are missing out on a crap load of life.

By the way, when is the last time you put tires on your car that were only 8% functional? Or flew in an airplane that was only 8% functional? 8% is good if it's your interest on your savings account but not if it's your capacity for understanding.
I presume you are referring to the belief in some quarters that we only use a small percentage of our brain? This is an urban myth, and one which is assiduously cultivated by Creationists,-from the comments I have gleaned from real neurologists, and my own knowledge as a Doctor, we use all of it. In any case your assertion is vague and incomplete because you do not describe what functions our brains perform, nor demonstrate which 8 % of it we use, and for precisely what, and which 92% of it is functionless,-and how, as a despiser of logic and science you know this as a fact.
I cannot understand why you object to us using logic, when you are attempting to use logic itself in order to discredit it. Please explain.
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Old 08-02-2006, 08:44 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
"Keenly rational individual?" No, I simply said that you are at a disadvantage when attempting to understand a spiritual book with nothing more than human/physical understanding,
What does this mean? Can you define it? What other kinds of understanding are there, other than human, that we can define?
which any scientist would admit is limited beyond measure.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. What a silly assertion which is obviously untrue.
The problem here is that you've already decided that the God and Christ thingy is myth
Poisoning the well. Nice.
and therefore you discount any thought of spiritual discernment.
Please define spiritual discernment.
You believe that your rational is the only source of understanding and that spiritual understanding is illogical.
Well, if 'spiritual understanding' is logical then you should be able define it exactly. If it is not, then it must be illogical. A third option is, of course, that there is no such thing and that your reasoning is merely pompous nonsense. Guess which one I think it is...
Under those self imposed limitations you are indeed "keenly rational."
It's called examining the evidence and drawing supportable conclusions. As opposed to ad hoc, strained apologetic excuses and calling it 'spiritual discernment.'
But understand that scripture is written in such a way as to involve your whole being for real understanding.
Define whole being and partial being. Use only elements that are supported by evidence.
"Those who have ears to hear let him hear."
So, would these be spiritual ears? Aren't ears part of a physical being? Or do we have another set, a purely spiritual set?

You come across as highly arrogant, especially for someone who has posted nothing of substance in this thread.

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Old 08-02-2006, 08:49 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
It's is not a matter of "believe and then understand" it's a matter of realizing that if the claims of the NT are true then you are dealing with a God that is far above your human understanding. At that point, when you start looking to His word for direction (which is what the Bible is for) you need spiritual understand as I have already shown.
I see. So god is far above human understanding yet humans can follow his directions which is only possible when one understands them. Do you even stop to consider what you are posting?

For someone who is far above human understanding he sure does have a whole lot of basic human thoughts and responses, like jealousy, anger, regret, vindictiveness, and many others...

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Old 08-02-2006, 09:24 AM   #44
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Wow!!! I've been on IIDB for a few months and it never ceases to amaze me how many post can shoot back at a dissenter. To attempt to respond to dozens of replys which only perpetuate a hundred more would mean unemployment and divorce due to the time required to do so. How bout this, I'll start a thread discussing the philosophical implications of man ruled by logic alone in another forum and see how that goes. It seems that those who have responded so far are using the modern, mathmatical application of "logic" where I am speaking in terms of understanding life. Two very distinct trails.
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Old 08-02-2006, 09:33 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
It seems that those who have responded so far are using the modern, mathmatical application of "logic" where I am speaking in terms of understanding life. Two very distinct trails.
So are we.... but we use logic to do so. ;-)
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Old 08-02-2006, 10:21 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
Wow!!! I've been on IIDB for a few months and it never ceases to amaze me how many post can shoot back at a dissenter.
The response tends to be relative to the amount of nonsense in the original post and you packed yours full.

How bout this, I'll start a thread discussing the philosophical implications of man ruled by logic alone in another forum and see how that goes.
I think such a thread would best belong in the Philosophy forum.

It seems that those who have responded so far are using the modern, mathmatical application of "logic" where I am speaking in terms of understanding life. Two very distinct trails.
Yes, the former is a specific trail while the latter is a vague gesture toward the countryside. :thumbs:
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Old 08-02-2006, 10:26 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
Wow!!! I've been on IIDB for a few months and it never ceases to amaze me how many post can shoot back at a dissenter. To attempt to respond to dozens of replys which only perpetuate a hundred more would mean unemployment and divorce due to the time required to do so. How bout this, I'll start a thread discussing the philosophical implications of man ruled by logic alone in another forum and see how that goes. It seems that those who have responded so far are using the modern, mathmatical application of "logic" where I am speaking in terms of understanding life. Two very distinct trails.
OK I'll look forward to it. Do you not see that every time you try to use logic to discredit logic, you are hoisting yourself upon your own petard,-so to speak. The best thing you can do is to resort to meaningless illogical irrational psychobabble and speak in tongues to try and persuade us that this is in some way superior to critical and logical thinking.
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Old 08-02-2006, 03:51 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Julian
I see. So god is far above human understanding yet humans can follow his directions which is only possible when one understands them. Do you even stop to consider what you are posting?

For someone who is far above human understanding he sure does have a whole lot of basic human thoughts and responses, like jealousy, anger, regret, vindictiveness, and many others...

Julian, do you have children? Can you direct them without them achieving your level of understanding? I don't understand how simple things like this escape the logic masters of IIDB.

For all the replies asking me for a definition of "spiritual discernment" how bout this: dicerning truth through the spirit. Ha. Yes, yes I know, save yourself some carpal tunnel and don't bother telling what a blind, ignorant, illogical fool I am. I understand that a spiritual concept, for the atheist debator, is not even considered a concept. So, I'm dumb and you're dumb, whatever.

This whole discussion began over how to interpret Biblical prophesy. I suggested that a person using only their natural reasoning is at a disadvantage when trying to understand words from a book that declares itself to be a spiritual work.

My only contention is this: if the words in this book are spiritual then it would follow that humans have a capacity to understand through both their physical brains (logical processes) and through an area that is not sported in academia - the spirit. You can argue that the book is not spiritual and that the spiritual does not exist, that's fine, but understand that this is the gulf between believers and non-believers - a philosophical one, not a purely logical one. Logical arguments cannot disprove or prove the existance of a spiritual reality; if this is false please educate me. Attacking a believer's logical facilty is no more logical than for a believer to attack the unbeliever's lack of spiritual discernment.

In light of this, I believe that my first contention is still intact: to understand a spiritual book one must approach it with both the mind and the spirit.
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:23 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
In light of this, I believe that my first contention is still intact: to understand a spiritual book one must approach it with both the mind and the spirit.
Your contention may be intact, but that doesn't mean you have defended it. I see nothing in your post to imply that the word "spirit" refers to any real entity, aside from your question-begging assumption that it does.
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Old 08-03-2006, 07:40 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Nuwanda
My only contention is this: if the words in this book are spiritual then it would follow that humans have a capacity to understand through both their physical brains (logical processes) and through an area that is not sported in academia - the spirit. You can argue that the book is not spiritual and that the spiritual does not exist, that's fine, but understand that this is the gulf between believers and non-believers - a philosophical one, not a purely logical one. Logical arguments cannot disprove or prove the existance of a spiritual reality; if this is false please educate me. Attacking a believer's logical facilty is no more logical than for a believer to attack the unbeliever's lack of spiritual discernment.
Logical arguments can disprove some spiritualities, but perhaps not to the believers. You seem to through spirituality into the mix because it trumps logic - as long as you're spiritual, reality doesn't have to play by the rules.

Unfortunately, without playing by the rules, there isn't anything that can be accurately defined as true. Christians disagree about biblical prophecy in a huge number of ways, even following all your guidelines. When is Jesus coming? Who/what is the anti-christ? Will there be a rapture? These aren't even things an atheist needs to debate about because Christians have been fighting about these things for centuries.

You can't talk about right or wrong without logic, even with spirituality, the ability to reason should NEVER be compromised, otherwise people wind up drinking the "special" kool-aid.
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