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Old 04-23-2012, 07:02 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by Solo View Post
Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
I can't think of anything more counter-productive for the mythicist cause in recent times than Carrier's review. For reasons known only to himself, Carrier has focussed too much on side issues. I think any good will from Ehrman has evaporated. Good for theatre, good for historicists like myself who think that mythicists are agenda-driven fringe thinkers, good for forums who treat arguments as blood-sports. But not good for any serious debate.
Ehrman never had any goodwill to the mythicist case to begin with.
Not to the case, no, but to some of the mythicists. Ehrman writes on his Facebook page:
As many readers know, Richard Carrier has written a hard-hitting, one might even say vicious, response to Did Jesus Exist. I said nothing nasty about Carrier in my book – just the contrary, I indicated that he was a smart fellow with whom I disagree on fundamental issues, including some for which he really does not seem to know what he is talking about. But I never attacked him personally. He on the other hand, appears to be showing his true colors.
I was expecting those kinds of attacks from some of the usual suspects, but not from Carrier. Once attacks start on the person rather than the argument, debate will either disintegrate into abuse or it will result in people being ignored. The paranoid will thrive on this; but not those interested in debate.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:30 AM   #172
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I posted a comment on Bart Ehrman's blog asking why anybody would research and find out the statue existed, just as depicted in Acharya's book and then insinuate that she had drawn it herself.

The post has not made it through moderation....

There are several reasons why this should be.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:43 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post

I was expecting those kinds of attacks from some of the usual suspects, but not from Carrier. Once attacks start on the person rather than the argument, debate will either disintegrate into abuse or it will result in people being ignored. The paranoid will thrive on this; but not those interested in debate.
Oh please. The level of sanctimony here stinks. Ehrman's flow of sewage, including likening mythicism to Holocaust denial, was bound to result in this kind of response.

It looks like he's playing a game, hoping to draw people into debates so he can pose as the injured party.

I really can't stand watching this....

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Old 04-23-2012, 07:44 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr View Post
I posted a comment on Bart Ehrman's blog asking why anybody would research and find out the statue existed, just as depicted in Acharya's book and then insinuate that she had drawn it herself.

The post has not made it through moderation....

There are several reasons why this should be.

Maybe Ehrman wrongly imagines you are some kind of internet kook?
Once he realises who you are I'm sure he will post it, and deal with your inquiry. Maybe just ask him to google you and then surely he will respond.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:49 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by thief of fire View Post
Originally Posted by Steven Carr View Post
I posted a comment on Bart Ehrman's blog asking why anybody would research and find out the statue existed, just as depicted in Acharya's book and then insinuate that she had drawn it herself.

The post has not made it through moderation....

There are several reasons why this should be.

Maybe Ehrman wrongly imagines you are some kind of internet kook?
Once he realises who you are I'm sure he will post it, and deal with your inquiry. Maybe just ask him to google you and then surely he will respond.
' It does not take much research to dig out this juicy bit of museum lore. Acharya S herself gives the references in her footnotes. And yes, they are both right. The statue does appear to exist. '

Indeed. Ehrman points out how little research was needed to find out that the statue existed. That Carrier must have thought he was so clever finding out that the statue really did exist, but Ehrman scoffs at how little research was needed by Carrier (to find out Bart had not done very much).

Ehrman has explained that only a tiny bit of research is needed to find out the statue existed.

But ,as only a little research (according to Bart) is needed to find out that the statue existed, what for the love of God was Bart thinking of when he insinuated Acharya drew it herself?
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:25 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Good for theatre, good for historicists like myself who think that mythicists are agenda-driven fringe thinkers, good for forums who treat arguments as blood-sports. But not good for any serious debate.
Well, I think that historicists are the agenda-driven camp (most have made their agendas very clear) and any "historicist" who thinks that the Resurrection happened is a fringe thinker.
Well, that depends on what we mean by "fringe thinker". Let's take for exampe the former chair of the historical Jesus section at the SBL: N.T. Wright.

Here's a guy who not only tries to make a historical case for a dead guy returning to life, but he's even unwilling to treat the mass resurrection in the gospel of Matthew as a blatant legend. Beause it's so strange that it might just have happened!

Is he agenda driven? Clearly. A "fringe thinker"? Maybe not among "biblical scholars", but wouldn't most "mainstream biblical scholars" be "fringe thinkers" among historians?
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:42 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by Solo
Ehrman never had any goodwill to the mythicist case to begin with.
Not to the case, no, but to some of the mythicists. Ehrman writes on his Facebook page:
As many readers know, Richard Carrier has written a hard-hitting, one might even say vicious, response to Did Jesus Exist. I said nothing nasty about Carrier in my book – just the contrary, I indicated that he was a smart fellow with whom I disagree on fundamental issues, including some for which he really does not seem to know what he is talking about. But I never attacked him personally. He on the other hand, appears to be showing his true colors.
I was expecting those kinds of attacks from some of the usual suspects, but not from Carrier. Once attacks start on the person rather than the argument, debate will either disintegrate into abuse or it will result in people being ignored. The paranoid will thrive on this; but not those interested in debate.
You have missed my point, Don. The book by Ehrman is by design an assault on the integrity of some people who are diligent and conscientous investigators who just happen to think that Jesus of the gospels was not a historical person at all. Ehrman has every right to disagree with Price, or Carrier, or Doherty for that matter, and he is certainly welcome to study the matter and to state his case for historical Jesus. Or he may say, look, I am unfamiliar with this theory, and its major proponents, and it lies outside of my serious academic interests. I am taking the view of the academic majority, of people who have studied this diligently and came to the conclusion that Jesus existed. I can't be expert on everything. Sue me !

That is how a self-respecting scholar would handle the accusation that he denies Jesus existed historically. But he did not do either. Instead, he made - from the start - bombastic claims impugning personal integrity or intellectual capacity of anyone who holds this theory. I don't care if he later makes small allowances for Price and Carrier in that he does not accuse them of outright fraud. The issue is prefigured in accusing them by implication of being dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorists who ignore factual data and engage in irrational assaults on historical truth.
Page 5 of DJE:
Anyone who chooses to believe something contrary to the evidence that an overwhelming majority of people find overwhelmingly convincing - whether it involves the fact of the Holocaust [sic], the landing of the moon, the assassinations of presidents, or even a presidential place of birth - will not be convinced. Simply will not be convinced.
What did Carrier do to deserve this kind of vicious crap from Ehrman ? Any ideas ?

Now whether Carrier is smart in fighting back this outrage, is another story. I am kinda with you that he won't make his case by beating on Ehrman for little piddly errors in his putting Acharya S' dickhead fascinations where they belong.

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Old 04-23-2012, 10:33 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by hjalti View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post

Well, I think that historicists are the agenda-driven camp (most have made their agendas very clear) and any "historicist" who thinks that the Resurrection happened is a fringe thinker.
Well, that depends on what we mean by "fringe thinker". Let's take for exampe the former chair of the historical Jesus section at the SBL: N.T. Wright.

Here's a guy who not only tries to make a historical case for a dead guy returning to life, but he's even unwilling to treat the mass resurrection in the gospel of Matthew as a blatant legend. Beause it's so strange that it might just have happened!

but wouldn't most "mainstream biblical scholars" be "fringe thinkers" among historians?
Ah, yes. A discipline in which arguments that a dead guy came alive again and then floated up into the sky are accepted scoffs (well, if disciplines could scoff, you get my point) at the hypothesis that these ideas all evolved out of logos-belief and suffering servant motifs. Just intuitively it should cause one to question arguments from this particular discipline.
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Old 04-23-2012, 12:07 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by Solo View Post

Ehrman never had any goodwill to the mythicist case to begin with.
Not to the case, no, but to some of the mythicists. Ehrman writes on his Facebook page:
As many readers know, Richard Carrier has written a hard-hitting, one might even say vicious, response to Did Jesus Exist. I said nothing nasty about Carrier in my book – just the contrary, I indicated that he was a smart fellow with whom I disagree on fundamental issues, including some for which he really does not seem to know what he is talking about. But I never attacked him personally. He on the other hand, appears to be showing his true colors.
I was expecting those kinds of attacks from some of the usual suspects, but not from Carrier. Once attacks start on the person rather than the argument, debate will either disintegrate into abuse or it will result in people being ignored. The paranoid will thrive on this; but not those interested in debate.
Exactly what in Carrier's review was a personal attack, rather than an attack on the quality of the scholarship of this particular book - which Carrier felt was not of the same quality as other books?
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Old 04-23-2012, 01:17 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by GakuseiDon
Not to the case, no, but to some of the mythicists. Ehrman writes on his Facebook page:

As many readers know, Richard Carrier has written a hard-hitting, one might even say vicious, response to Did Jesus Exist. I said nothing nasty about Carrier in my book – just the contrary, I indicated that he was a smart fellow with whom I disagree on fundamental issues, including some for which he really does not seem to know what he is talking about. But I never attacked him personally. He on the other hand, appears to be showing his true colors.

I was expecting those kinds of attacks from some of the usual suspects, but not from Carrier. Once attacks start on the person rather than the argument, debate will either disintegrate into abuse or it will result in people being ignored. The paranoid will thrive on this; but not those interested in debate.
Is Ehrman now accusing Carrier of an ad hominem attack? I don't think Carrier said anything that did not address directly ehrman's argument. It was hard-hitting, yes, but deservedly so. Ehrman's book was rank. Carrier said many good things about Ehrman's previous work.
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