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Old 04-26-2012, 04:32 AM   #51
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Just out of interest, who are the scholars Doherty quotes who do agree with his overall thesis?
Doherty never claims any scholar agrees with his "overall thesis" if you want the answer to that, it is you to do the research. Even Carrier may not agree with Doherty's "overall thesis" (we wont know until he publishes his book) - though he favours and leans towards Doherty's theory. Even Bob Price favours Doherty's thesis. Thomas L. Thompson would agree with Doherty but I am not sure he has read Doherty's book.
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Old 04-26-2012, 05:46 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by thief of fire View Post
Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post

3. Regarding the Doherty Slander, Ehrman claims that Doherty "...fails to point out that not a single one of these scholars agrees with his overarching thesis”
Again, here Erhman has no defense. He made a false charge and when called out on it, he claims Carrier misses his point then begrudgingly admits, "It is true that Doherty acknowledges that scholars disagree with him on this, that, or the other thing."
Enough said. The charge stands.
Just out of interest, who are the scholars Doherty quotes who do agree with his overall thesis?
I think you might be missing the point.
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Old 04-26-2012, 05:53 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
Just out of interest, who are the scholars Doherty quotes who do agree with his overall thesis?
Doherty never claims any scholar agrees with his "overall thesis" if you want the answer to that, it is you to do the research. Even Carrier may not agree with Doherty's "overall thesis" (we wont know until he publishes his book) - though he favours and leans towards Doherty's theory. Even Bob Price favours Doherty's thesis. Thomas L. Thompson would agree with Doherty but I am not sure he has read Doherty's book.
Sorry I meant overarching thesis not "overall"

3. Regarding the Doherty Slander, Ehrman claims that Doherty "...fails to point out that not a single one of these scholars agrees with his overarching thesis”
Again, here Erhman has no defense. He made a false charge and when called out on it,
I might be missing the point, but you are saying that Ehrman claimed Doherty never points out that none of the scholars [that he quotes?] agree with his overarching thesis.
But you say this is a false charge. In what way is the charge false.
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Old 04-26-2012, 05:55 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Grog View Post
Originally Posted by thief of fire View Post

Just out of interest, who are the scholars Doherty quotes who do agree with his overall thesis?
I think you might be missing the point.
Which is?
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Old 04-26-2012, 06:11 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post

1. Ehrman charges that mythicists dont have degrees in early Christian history. Carrier and Price do. So this is a false claim.
Ehrman corrects himself to claim that Ehrman has a PhD is Ancient History.
You are saying Carrier has a degree in "early christian history"?

Just what is a degree in "early christian history"?

According to Wiki he has a BA (History), MA (Ancient history), MPhil (Ancient history), PhD (Ancient history)

No mention of this category "early christian history".

2. Regarding the Priapus bronze, Ehrman claims “there is no penis-nosed statue of Peter the cock in the Vatican or anywhere else except in books like this, which love to make things up.” Here Ehrman begrudgingly admits that he should have phrased his argument better. The charge stands.
Uh huh.

Wow! Guilty of phrasing something badly. A win for the mythicists I guess.
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Old 04-26-2012, 06:13 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
1. Ehrman charges that mythicists dont have degrees in early Christian history. Carrier and Price do.
Ehrman does not say that NO mythicists have relevant degrees and specifically acknowledges it in the case of both Carrier and Price as well as GA Wells and Thompson. He acknowledges every single one of them in his book as being credentialed.
2. Regarding the Priapus bronze, Ehrman claims “there is no penis-nosed statue of Peter the cock in the Vatican or anywhere else except in books like this, which love to make things up.” Here Ehrman begrudgingly admits that he should have phrased his argument better. The charge stands.
What charge is that? There is no factual error here. He was mildly rude to Acharya S. So what? That proves Jesus never existed?
3. Regarding the Doherty Slander, Ehrman claims that Doherty "...fails to point out that not a single one of these scholars agrees with his overarching thesis”
Again, here Erhman has no defense. He made a false charge and when called out on it, he claims Carrier misses his point then begrudgingly admits, "It is true that Doherty acknowledges that scholars disagree with him on this, that, or the other thing."
Enough said. The charge stands.
What false charge did Ehrman make? It's true that Doherty often quote scholars without acknowledging that they believe in a historical Jesus.
4. Regarding The Pliny Confusion, Ehrman commits two mistakes, one of citation and another of treating a hypothesis as a fact.
Ehrman admits fault about the wrong reference. Then he says he did not treat the hypothesis as a mere conjecture because he did not want to confuse readers. In other words, he admits he is giving readers "crap" because they are not scholars. He writes, "I did not write this book for scholars. I wrote if for lay people who are interested in a broad, interesting, and very important question... I was not arguing the case for scholars, because scholars already know ..."
This is a mischaracterization, and an irrelevant one. He simplified material for a lay audience, but he did not present anything factually false.
5. Regarding the The Pilate Error, Ehrman argues, incorrectly, that “Tacitus is precisely wrong” in saying Pilate was a “procurator” (p. 56).
Pilate was, in fact, a Prefect, not a Procurator. The title of "procurator" is anachronistic relative to Pilate. carrier tries to argue that they are the same thing, or close enough top the same thing that the titles are fungible. Ehrman cites an unnamed expert on Rome to rebut this.
6. Regarding The “No Records” Debacle, Ehrman declares that “we simply don’t have birth notices, trial records, death certificates—or other kinds of records that one has today” (p. 29). Carrier disagrees and says, "we have thousands of these kinds of records"
Here Ehrman feebly argues that he was understandably misunderstood by Carrier and that when he made the "no records" remark, he "was thinking of Palestine." Again, here the charge stands. He (Ehrman) contrasted the time of Jesus (Roman record keeping) with "today" in his argument and not Palestine from the rest of the Roman empire.
Again, The charge stands.
This is a perfect example of simply over-parsing the way words are phrased to pretend to have spotted an error. Carrier references a cache of Egyptian documents which have no relevance to Judea, which is what Ehrman was talking about.

The rest later.....
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Old 04-26-2012, 06:15 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by thief of fire View Post
Wow! Guilty of phrasing something badly. A win for the mythicists I guess.

As Ehrman has been forced to say that his book was never intended to engage with scholarship, and that Carrier was wrong to expect the book to be different from what it was, it seems we will have to wait for a work of scholarship on mythicism.

Carrier put his criticism in order of seriousness, with the most serious at the end.
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Old 04-26-2012, 06:21 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
Pilate was, in fact, a Prefect, not a Procurator. The title of "procurator" is anachronistic relative to Pilate. carrier tries to argue that they are the same thing, or close enough top the same thing that the titles are fungible. Ehrman cites an unnamed expert on Rome to rebut this.
Let's have a look at this rebuttal that the titles are fungible, and this rebuttal of Carrier's claim that they are close enough.

For those of you who do not like to see Carrier's nose rubbed in it, look away now.

This is not going to be pretty for Carrier fans.

‘Not really’ has to be the answer to your question, because prefect and procurator are simply two possible titles for the same job.


That really puts a spoke in Carrier's claim that the two titles are close enough that either could be used.

That had to sting, when Ehman read that. Still, he was honest enough to publish it, which does him great credit. He didn't try to spin it away by saying that his unnamed expert actually meant the titles were totally different.

So +10 to Ehrman for integrity there.
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Old 04-26-2012, 06:23 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr View Post
Originally Posted by thief of fire View Post
Wow! Guilty of phrasing something badly. A win for the mythicists I guess.

As Ehrman has been forced to say that his book was never intended to engage with scholarship,
Who ever expected Bart Ehrman to write the book for scholars? Only a fool would have expected that. Bart wites books to sell to the masses (there may be one exception to that).

and that Carrier was wrong to expect the book to be different from what it was,
Yes, Carrier was foolish to expect otherwise.

it seems we will have to wait for a work of scholarship on mythicism.
We wont be seeing it. First we need something from mythicists aimed at serious scholars, or something peer reviewed.
Scholars dont tend to take fringe theories that dont appear in scholarly circles that seriously. Why would they? There are endless amounts of such theories. Why would a scholar bother to write something for scholars on mythicism when it isnt really on their radar?
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Old 04-26-2012, 06:37 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
Originally Posted by Ted Hoffman View Post
1. Ehrman charges that mythicists dont have degrees in early Christian history. Carrier and Price do.
Ehrman does not say that NO mythicists have relevant degrees and specifically acknowledges it in the case of both Carrier and Price as well as GA Wells and Thompson. He acknowledges every single one of them in his book as being credentialed.
Well which is it then? When he says that mythicists don't have degrees and then he says they do, that sounds like talking out of both sides of his mouth.

What charge is that? There is no factual error here. He was mildly rude to Acharya S. So what? That proves Jesus never existed?
Ehrman admits error here, or at least not clarity.

What false charge did Ehrman make? It's true that Doherty often quote scholars without acknowledging that they believe in a historical Jesus.
Can you provide an example of when Doherty does this when he shouldn't? In other words, if I quote Lee on Demonic Powers in Paul, my point being that Lee's article supports my interpretation of 1 cor 2:7-8, is it necessary for me to state that he doesn't agree with my overarching thesis? Do scholars NORMALLY do this? Can you provide examples of that? No, in this case, it would be my responsibility to distinguish that Lee also presents the argument that Jesus was killed by Roman proxies and that disagrees with my point. But whether or not Lee agrees that Jesus was a myth is not relevant to the point of how to read this passage. Steven Jay Gould could cite other evolutionists without everywhere qualifying that they don't necessarily agree with his overarching thesis of punctuated equilibrium. It is only when quoting an author in such a way that would cause a question as to whether you might be claiming them to be supporting your thesis that you need that qualification. So please cite where Doherty does that (I haven't read Doherty so I don't know). I have only seen assertions that he does that.

This is a mischaracterization, and an irrelevant one. He simplified material for a lay audience, but he did not present anything factually false.
Pilate was, in fact, a Prefect, not a Procurator. The title of "procurator" is anachronistic relative to Pilate. carrier tries to argue that they are the same thing, or close enough top the same thing that the titles are fungible. Ehrman cites an unnamed expert on Rome to rebut this.
Did you read Ehrman's reply? His unnamed expert states that procurator and prefect are essentially "different titles with the same name." That was Carrier's point. Ehrman's unnamed expert AGREED with Carrier, but Ehrman presents it the other way around! Read that part a little more carefully:

"My question: The New Testament indicates that Pontius Pilate was a procurator; the inscription discovered in Caesarea Maritima indicate that he was a prefect. Is it possible that he could have been both things at once?

His answer was quick and to the point. I quote: ‘Not really’ has to be the answer to your question, because prefect and procurator are simply two possible titles for the same job."

Notice that "not really" was to Ehrman's phrasing that makes it sound like two different jobs. That wasn't Carrier's argument. Carrier's argument was exactly what Ehrman's expert said, "different titles for the same job."

Due to this fail, Ehrman reaches for a different source, the PIR. But Carrier cites "recent scholarship" and the PIR is not recent.

6. Regarding The “No Records” Debacle, Ehrman declares that “we simply don’t have birth notices, trial records, death certificates—or other kinds of records that one has today” (p. 29). Carrier disagrees and says, "we have thousands of these kinds of records"
Here Ehrman feebly argues that he was understandably misunderstood by Carrier and that when he made the "no records" remark, he "was thinking of Palestine." Again, here the charge stands. He (Ehrman) contrasted the time of Jesus (Roman record keeping) with "today" in his argument and not Palestine from the rest of the Roman empire.
Again, The charge stands.
This is a perfect example of simply over-parsing the way words are phrased to pretend to have spotted an error. Carrier references a cache of Egyptian documents which have no relevance to Judea, which is what Ehrman was talking about.

The rest later.....
Ehrman acknowledges that Carrier is correct on this point. Ehrman left the impression with his amateur audience that those records were not kept. Carrier corrected that impression.
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