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Old 11-27-2005, 11:31 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Ask Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith is one man. We are speaking of 11 out of 12 Apostles.

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Old 11-27-2005, 11:41 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
You mean Jesus fulfilled so many Messianice prophecies and yet it was unlikely that anybody would have believed him to be the Messiah until he fulfilled a propechy which did not exist?
Christ's crucifixion and resurrection were prophecized in the Old Testament. However, I must say again, to Christ's own followers, they figured that in dying on the cross, Christ's mission had failed. Why? They did not fully understand it. This is why Jesus rebuked His own Apostles for their own lack of understanding. This is also why the purpose of His death did not become fully clear to them until He rose again.

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
What Biblical passages did the Jews take as prophesying that the Messiah would be a conquering militiray hero?
It is not something which the Scriptures actually taught of the Messiah but a misinterpretation which many Jews held to out of their hatred of being occupied.

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Why did Jesus give Peter a sword?
In Luke's Gospel, Jesus commands the Apostles to carry swords for their own self-protection. But in the moment where Christ was betrayed, He told the Apostles not to fight it because it was His mission to be taken by the authorities and executed.

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
It is utterly ludicrous that these disciples of Jesus were the biggest idiots who have ever walked the earth, and yet were hand-picked by the Creator of the Universe to spread his message of salvation.
Given that Jesus was so radically different from what the Jews of the time had expected, it is not that suprising that not even His own Apostles would fully understand Him until His mission had been fulfilled.

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
I've never heard anything so damn stupid as Christianity. I really haven't.
Only the fool considers 'stupid' that which he does not understand.

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Old 11-28-2005, 12:10 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
Joseph Smith is one man. We are speaking of 11 out of 12 Apostles.
No, we are not.

There is as much evidence that the apostles refused to give up their faith , even after being kidnapped by aliens, as their is for what you claim.
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Old 11-28-2005, 12:11 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
...and Matthew, Luke and John; an assertion that if not true, the Sanhedrin would have contested.
Matthew, Luke and John got it from mark. The Sanhedrin no longer existed by the time mark invented the empty tomb story.
This is false. The teachings of Paul, which date before the Gospels, stand or fall on the literal resurrection of Christ. What we know from Paul is that the tomb was empty and that witnesses attested to Christ's bodily resurrection, even a multitude of 500.
Paul says nothing about an empty tomb, nor does he say anything about a physical resurrection, He speaks of "appeanaces," but the fact that he does not distinguish between the nature of the appearances to Cephas et al and his own hallucinations suggests that he did not conceive the ressurection as a physical event but a spiritual one. His appearance chronology contradicts all four Gospels, by the way.
Furthermore, if Mark is the earliest Gospel, it clearly implies a physical resurrection, even if you do not accept the final chapter which includes Christ's post-resurrection appearances. Throughout this Gospel, Christ predicts to His disciples that He will die and rise again. Christ dies. Then the tomb is empty. What shall we conclude?
That Jesus had ascended to heaven. Mark does not have any physical appearances.
Again, another falsehood. The Apostles openly testified to the emptiness of the tomb before the temple court.
There is no historical evdience for this whatsoever, The Bible doesn't count. The credibility of New Testament claims is precisely what is under discussion. You can'y use the bible to prove the bible.
The "hack" would be the one who makes a half-baked claim such as this.
Nothing half-baked about it. What is your evidence that any spostle ever claimed to have seen a physically risen Jesus after the crucifixion? Remember- the Bible doesn't count as evidence.
Really? In the Gospels, what are the guards of Christ's tomb told by the Jewish leaders? Perhaps you should also check the Talmud.
The gospels represent Christian claims, not Jewish ones. It is very debatable whether the Talmud says anything about Jesus and even the bits that are alleged to be about Jesus were written hundreds of years after the alleged events.
Then I guess the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, the Epistles of James and Peter and John just do not exist and never did.
Sure they exist. They just weren't written by Matthew, Mark, James, Peter or John. This is news to you? (Mark wasn't an apostle even by tradition, by the way)

Nothing in the New Testament was written by an apostle. Sorry to disappoint you but we don't a single word of extant eyewitness testimony for Jesus.
Kind of like how there is no evidence that we landed on the moon?
Are you talking to me? I have no idea what you're alluding to with this moon reference but the evidence for the moon landing is entirely unlike the evidence for Jesus' followers thinking he was the Messiah. For example, evidence for the moon landing actually EXISTS. There is no proof at all that anyone thought Jesus was the Messiah. In fact, they couldn't have thought that because he fulfilled none of the requirements. The Jewish Messiah is not defined by birthright but by deeds. No one is the Messiah until he fulfills the requirements.
In the debate, Crossan conceded that most New Testament scholars would accept these facts - Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and Son of God, that He was crucified, that His tomb was later found empty, and that His disciples believed that He had risen from the dead. Instead of providing a refutations to these facts, however, Crossan merely provided his own unsubstantiated assumptions. Ho hum.
I seriously doubt that Cossan concedes all of this. I know for a fact that he does not believe the empty tomb was historical, nor does he believe that Jesus claimed to be God (The phrase "son of God" in Hebrew/Aramaic idiom did not mean a literal descendant of God anyway but was simply a designation for people favored or chosen by particular for kings). It's also not true that most NT scholars accept all those things, but even if they did, none of them amount to an acceptance of miraculous events.
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Old 11-28-2005, 12:12 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
Christ's crucifixion and resurrection were prophecized in the Old Testament.
The scriptures written by Jews who could not understand what they were writing?

Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker

It is not something which the Scriptures actually taught of the Messiah but a misinterpretation which many Jews held to out of their hatred of being occupied.
Which Biblical passages did they 'misinterpret'?
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Old 11-28-2005, 12:15 AM   #26
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Christ's crucifixion and resurrection were prophecized in the Old Testament.
Chapter and verse, please?
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Old 11-28-2005, 12:28 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
Matthew, Luke and John got it from mark. The Sanhedrin no longer existed by the time mark invented the empty tomb story.
Matthew and John were Apostles of Christ and Luke, a historian. Even if they relied upon Mark, that does not negate that Matthew and John were witnesses. As a journalist, I may witness a particular event but that doesn't mean that I won't check those who caught it on videotape before I write the story.

I could address the rest of your points but falsehoods aren't really points at all. I wonder if you've actually read the New Testament instead of relying upon second-hand, hostile sources.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
I seriously doubt that Cossan concedes all of this.
What Crossan conceded is that the majority of New Testament scholars would disagree with him on these facts.

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Old 11-28-2005, 12:37 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
Chapter and verse, please?


Please do not cut and paste large segments of copyrighted material from other websites. Post only small snippets or quotes and link to the rest. Thank you

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Old 11-28-2005, 12:41 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
No, we are not.

There is as much evidence that the apostles refused to give up their faith , even after being kidnapped by aliens, as their is for what you claim.
Just like there is as much evidence that we never landed on the moon?

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Old 11-28-2005, 04:17 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
What I am saying is that if you read this in context, you'd understand that Saint Paul is not negating Christ's resurrection of the flesh but explaining how His flesh took on an entirely new quality. Did Adam not have a fleshly body because he was a "living soul"?
and this is why Paul contrasts the Adam who had a body with the Jesus who became a spirit - ie had a body of spirit.

But there is little point in discussing what the Bible really says with someone who claims Hosea 6 is about the Messiah, and that the disciples were baffled by 'He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.'

'He must be killed' is obvious to anybody , even to hand-picked disciples of Jesus who had spent 3 years listening to him teach, and who had even been sent out to preach and teach themselves.

Contrast the poster's claim that 'he must be killed' was utterly baffling to the disciples, with the same person's claim that this is about the Messiah :- Hosea 6:1 "Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.'

The LORD has torn *us* to pieces.There is no mention of a Messiah, and not even a claim that these people actually died.

Christians rape the scriptures.
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